My Blind Mate

By katymw81

549K 21.6K 1.6K

This story is about the werewolves who are destined to be mates; Angel is an omega who not only is blind but... More

Character introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Part 2
Part 2 Ch1
Part 2 Ch 2
Part 2 Ch 3
Part 2 Ch 4
Part 2 Ch 5
Part 2 Ch 6
Part 2 Ch 7
Part 2 Ch 8
Part 2 Ch 9
Part 2 Ch 10
Part 2 Ch 11
Part 2 Ch12
Part 2 Ch 13
Part 2 Ch 14
Part 2 Ch 15
Part 2 Ch 16
Part 2 Ch 17
Part 2 Chapter 18
Part 2 Chapter 19
Part 2 Ch 20

Chapter 10

14.3K 556 67
By katymw81

Jett's POV

As we were waiting for Sage and Angel both Ben and I were talking about everything that has happened the last 24 hours. We have had several talks with Sage about our future plans also what happened to them when he was picking up Angel. He also briefly mentioned speaking to his friend Nick from the council about what happened and also starting new pack.

Suddenly I saw Sage's car coming with his mate. I am so happy for him. He finally gets his true love, his soul mate. He looked so happy in the car.

In our small group, I am the only one who hasn't reach 18 yet. Ben is 18 years old but has not met his mate yet. I will be 18 in six weeks' time, which I cannot wait for. I don't care if my mate is male or female as long as we love each other and that they accept me. I just want to be happy with whoever the moon goddesses pair me with.

I look ahead and could see Sage opening the door for his mate. Both Ben and I walked over to them. As Angel got out of the car I could not believe how gorgeous he was. All I could think was how lucky were to have him as our Luna/Alpha

I could see him carrying Lex's carrier whilst Sage was like guiding him to meet us. That confused me, why would he guide him. Then it dawned on me that maybe he was blind or something wrong with his eyes.

When they came near to us, Sage introduced us," Guys, I would like to introduce you to my mate, Angel."

I was the first to talk," Hi Angel, I am Jett and I am Sage's beta. Nice to meet you."

Then Ben said,"Hello Angel, I am Ben, Sage's delta. Nice to meet you too.

Angel replied to us," Hello to both of you, I am Angel and thank you for standing by Sage as it means a lot to me."

He spoke very soft and calm, he was looking straight to my eyes it was like he was looking right into my soul. I think Ben felt the same thing.

Then, Angel bless him said "I know you probably confused why Sage is guiding me around it is because I am blind. I don't want to be treated any different because I am I just want to be treated equally and be part of a pack that cares for their pack members. I am looking forward to us working together and building a new pack together."

I looked at both Sage and Ben before turning back to Angel and saying," I don't care if you are blind Angel, not only are you Sage's mate who we both class as our brother, but you are also our future Luna."

Ben then actually spoke up and said "we accept you, Angel even if you are blind. What counts is that we work together and respect each other."

Sage looked up and said," thank you guys, I knew you would accept us, I am very proud to say that you two are my beta and delta and also my brothers."

I gave them the keys and they made their way to their room like two love birds.

Ben and I were watching them going when I feel that someone was staring at me.

I turned my head and found Ben looking at me. He was looking intensively at me. Did I have something in my face?

I turned to him and asked," Hey, have I something in my face? You have been staring at me."

He replied," No, you don't have anything on your face. You are perfect."

Ben has been very weird lately, when he had his 18 birthday he started to get very close to me, strangely I don't mind him being near to me. I smile at him and said," let's go to our room tomorrow is going to be a long day."

He nod and followed me to our room which was connected to Sage's and Angel's room.

When we entered the room we immediately went to bed as I have already said tomorrow will be a long day. We said good night to each other and went to sleep in our beds.

Ben's POV

I was staring at Jett whilst he was sleeping as he looked so sexy as he sleep's.

It is so hard to keep my wolf Zander from jumping Jett and his wolf Cole. It is becoming more difficult to control him.

I just hope I can keep him down until Jett's birthday so I can no longer deny the fact that Jett Laws is my mate. Only 6 more weeks then we can finally have our mate.

I really love him and want to spend my life with him. I want to be near him, hug him, touch him, and love him because he is mine and no one else.

I love you, Jett Laws.

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