Sold as a bride to a vampire...

By freakynikki

131K 4.2K 381

Stormlyn is a teenage girl with the luxury life any teen would die to have, but her life changed after the be... More

The Mall
The big bonanza
Strange Sunday
Manic Monday
You have to be kidding
The hospital.. *dun dun dun*
History (part 1)
History (part 2)
Bitter sweet reality
Dinner for one?
Facing the world (part 1)
Drunken love talk
Unexpected events part 1
Unexpected events part 2
New beginnings..
The camping weekend (Part 1)
The camping weekend (Part 2)
The camping weekend (part 3)
The camping weekend (part 4)
The end of the camp
Facing the world again
Night of terrors
Nightmare on Elm Street
The pre engagement party shock
The engagement party part 1
The engagement party part 2
Input competition
In hospital
Unanswered questions
Traitor revealed
Another MF a/n
You're kidding, right?
Propoganda (continued)
So it begins..
Battle ready
Almost Lost

Meeting the hot new guy

9.7K 171 19
By freakynikki

Chapter 1

Great. Just great.. I thought bitterly to myself as I hit my car's steering wheel. This is just what I needed. A shit night at a shit party and then a flat tyre in the middle of fuckin nowhere at 2 a.m. Awesome.

As I angrily struggle to get my safetybelt off I nearly have a heart attack when someone knocks on my side window. I actually grabbed my steering wheel from the fright.

As I try to calm myself mentally, I turn to see a young guy's face forming through the glass. Oh wow.. He.. is.. fucking.. gorgeous!

I quickly shake the thought from my mind when I saw him gesturing something.

Oh! I slowly wind down my window a little bit so that only sound can come through.

"Hey.. are you okay? Do you need help?" His musculine voice echoed trough my car.

"I.. I.. um.. I.." I stuttered like a naughty kid who got asked a math question during class.

He just smiled at me obviously seeing the affect he is having on me.

"It's okay, I think we all had a bit too much to drink tonight." He teased me while chuckling.

"I umm.. what?" I blurted out like an idiot. Wow can I embaress myself even more?

He laughed. "The party? I take it you were also there, judging by your age and time of night, or morning, whichever haha."

I just shyly smile at him before he speaks up again.

"So.. can I offer you a ride home or..?" He started off scraching his head unsure of what he wants to say.

I pause for a moment, biting my lip while thinking his offer over quickly. What if he's a psychotic serial killer? Or rapist? Or both? I mentally slap myself when I hear him clear his throat. My head snap to him, seeing a confused face.

So I quickly made a choice.

"Why not? Worse that could happen is you kill me right?" I joke as I quickly get my stuff together and unbuckle myself finally.

I heard him chuckle as I unlock my door and he helps me out of the car.

I almost fall in my heels when I decided now would be a good time to take the stupid things off. This handsome guy (whose name is still unknown to me) kept me up and then helped me effortlessly into his car's passenger side. He quickly moved around the car and got in the driver's seat. He started the car and started to drive down the road leading back to the town.

After a few awkward moments of silence he finally spoke up.

"The name is Kaidan. And yours?" He said hesitantly.

I turned my gaze to him and gave him a soft smile.

"You may call me Stormlyn."

"Wow, that's a really beautiful name Stormlyn. So where must I drop you?" He asked as we approached the entrance of the town.

"Oh um I live over on Hazel Avenue. It's at the far end of town... Sorry.."

"Why are you sorry? It's nice getting to know a beautiful girl in a new town." He grinned at that statement he made.

Oh shit. He's the new guy whose name is on every girl's lips at school.

I started to laugh like a silly girl and blushed like no tomorrow. Can I be any more retarted? Don't answer that...

We both kept quiet after that moment, but it wasn't awkward. About 5 minutes later we stopped in front of my house and quickly said our goodbyes. I rushed into my house not bothering to look behind me as I literally ran into my house. I stood infront of the door for a few seconds when I decided to walk up to my room. When I opened my door I threw my bag on my study table and got rid of the shoes in my hand. I plomped down on my soft queensize bed and closed my eyes. I inhaled deeply when my mind suddenly wandered to Kaidan. Kaidan.. Hmm.. His name is just as gorgeous as him.

He's got nice golden blonde hair and blue eyes like a spring fountain. He's well build also. Nice light tan to his skin..

Stop it Stormlyn! I scold myself. Its been 3 months since my break up with my ex and ex best friend.

I don't want to get involved with someone right now. I was shattered to the ground and still am, seeing as I have to see those bitches almost everyday when I'm at school.

I sigh as I unwillingly replay the memory of that day in my mind.


3 months ago

Me and Tessa made plans with our boyfriends to go out to a teen club, which rocked as we went out to shop for new outfits, my treat, as my parents are very rich so I spoil myself alot and my friends. Why you ask? Well I am an only child and my parents are almost never around, so its the next best thing.

After 2 hours of shopping, we had everything we wanted and was happy with our choices.

We went back to my house, and had 3 hours left before our guys would pick us up.

So we both used seperate bathrooms to shower or bathe and freshen up in. My parents bought a mansion with 5 bedrooms and en suite bathrooms, so it was a plus.

After about an hour we both were finished and Tessa joined me back in my room for the fun part: getting dressed and doing make up! Eek!

Oh my god we sound so girly.. well I enjoy dressing up once in a while but its not really my thing. And so we began to dress etc.

Tessa had brown long hair which I curled for her at the bottom. I also did her make up, which was easy since she had a flawless tan skin. I used an earthy copper brown color to bring out her big brown eyes and added black mascara to make her eyes pop a bit.

To finish it off I added a nice light brown lipgloss to her petite little lips. After I was done I kissed my fingers like an italian chef and we burst out laughing.

Now it was my turn. Now, I have sunblonde hair and greyish blue eyes. Sometimes a hint of green would be visible depending on my mood. I had long hair just reaching below my bra strap, so I decided to straighten them and put a french braid on the side.

Tessa added a bit of foundation to add a soft look, my skin wasn't that bad. She then applied a nice shimmering black with grey shade eyeshadow, you know that two tone thing.

Also she used black mascara to make my eyes look even bigger and glossier if that is even possible.

We squealed in excitement as we checked ourselves out. I had a nice aqua blue cocktail dress on with low heels and Tessa a nice black mini type dress which she rocked like nobody's business.

With about 10 minutes to spare we went downstares to wait for our guys.

We talked about random things until the doorbell rings.

We met them by the door and went to the club in two seperate cars.

Few minutes later we stopped infront of the club.

We went inside and enjoyed ourselves to no extend. About 11 p.m I went outside for fresh air and stood there for about 15 minutes when I decided to head back inside. I saw Grant sitting with other people (this is Tessa's boyfriend) when I noticed two people missing.. I stood there wondering for a few seconds when I decided to go look for them.

I walked around a few tables when I got to the backdoor I saw it was open a bit. I walked over to it and pushed it open. That's when I heard it. Them.

Tessa was giggling and Danny (my boyfriend at the time) was kissing her all over.

I just stood there frozen and shocked.

When they saw me, to say they got a fright was an understatement. They couldn't untangle fast enough. They both tried to come to me and explain, but I just ran away with tears blurring my vision. I heard them calling my name but I just ran. I ran and I ran.. Once I was at a safe away distance I stopped. I took off my heels, and started to cry. I started to walk home, it wasn't that far from the club anyway. I heard a car approaching and I had a gut feeling it was Danny. Fuck.

He stopped and got out of the car, and as I was trying to ignore him and walk away, he grabbed me. As I twisted around my hand came up and I gave him the slap of his life.

I ripped myself from him and stomped off home not looking back at him trying to explain behind me. I eventually got home and cried myself to sleep. I didn't speak to him or Tessa after that night. And that's the story basically in a nutshell...


End of flashback

I let out a deep sigh, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


Hi guys! I hope u enjoyed the first chapter. But now, I need help. I need a cover and a good title please!! Next chapter is coming soon so please vote and comment and follow!!!

Thank u guys!!

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