Not human || Vhope


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Where Hoseok is an incomplete robot, he was once full human but he was a victim of "robotozation" or turning... More

Robotization and Wings (Intro/1)
Communication (2)
Glowing (4)
Others (5)
Exploration (6)
The Lab (7)
Faded blue & glowing purple (8)
A way out (9)
Stars (10)
(I was) Golden (11)
Different here (12)
Forever rain (13)
White Room (14)
Copy cat (15)
Trust (16)
Incoming (End/17)
Road trips (18 Epilouge)

Escape (3)

1K 74 23

Hoseok POV
It was 3am, and our plan was to be enunciated. I got off my bed quietly and began the hacking process on the locked door.


Opened, but yet it's like I never left. I walked out the door. The only security we'd have to worry about is at the entrance, which was why we had to be silent.


I was first to obtain the 134340 in the near by lab. I hacked the hand scanner and walked into the empty lab, using my night vision the guide my way to the purple liquid. There were so many things in here it was scary. I hurried up though and I eventually found the purple liquid, it was almost glowing, I slipped it into my pocket. I looked around a bit more, I was curious of what I could find in this lab.

I walked over to the computer, which most likely stored our records. This was a simple hack and I was in. I looked at all the files, there were numerous files. Photos from wings experiment? I decided to check it out, even if I had witnessed it.

Wings experiment success, the photo was called. Were they seriously taking pictures?

I decided to do more research on him and why he was chosen.

Taehyung, Kim

I clicked on the folder, I read all of the basic information that I had already known. There was something that struck me though, something unusual.

Taehyung, Kim is half spaceitizin. His mother comes from the former planet Pluto. Reasons are unknown why she left there to breed on planet earth.

Despite that, Taehyung, Kim's genetics are perfect for the drug 134340, as he has the perfect combination of human and spaceitizin genes. We still put him under genetic modification with this drug, to make sure this experiment went perfect and his genes aligned more perfect that ever! Once we finished that process, we put the wings drugs with a dash of 134340 and injected it into him. It was a success.

I looked over the information again and again. I could not believe my eyes.

Would you like to know more about a spaceitizin?



A spaceitizin is similar to the human race, they live like us. They are not the same when it comes to blood, their blood is a purple. There has not been enough research done to know why they bleed purple.

They are typically friendly, and do not want to harm the human race. There are few people roaming around who have half of this blood on earth. Anyone with a parent from dwarf planet Pluto, has pure purple blood, despite if they have one human parent or not.

I stood there. I was shocked, the whole reason they did this too him is because of his half spaceitizin blood? Which was purple. I doubt he even knew he was, or that this was even a thing. I didn't have time to stand there and think, I had already been in here long enough.

Now It was time for hard part, getting everyone out. Taehyung was first, I walked back to our section of rooms and headed towards his. I could see him in there waiting.


"you can come out, it's alright" I whispered and I saw him walk out. "Hold my hand so I don't lose you alright" I saw him nod in the dark.

We needed towards the Braden area which we had planned on meeting yesterday. Everyone was there, and we were ready to figure our our plan.

"If we leave out the front, the security is high, if we leave our the back the security is low" Namjoon whispered to all of us "So I say we take the back"

"Yeah I'd rather not die" Jin said, amd with that we took a long, quiet walk too the back. There was indeed security, but we could fend them off if
they noticed us. Two of them, seven of us.

We walked towards the near by exit. A security officer was sleeping, so that only left one who was focused on his computer. Namjoon pointed to me and signiling for me to hack the doors from here. I did so and they unlocked, the red turning green with a small Click.

Namjoon signaled a kinda hurry thing, I dashed towards the door with Taehyung. I pushed the bar slowly, the security guard Jolted up and I rushed out of the door quicker than the flash.

"Get back here!" The guard yelled, Yoongi grabbed him by the coll and threw him against the reception desk, he wouldn't be remembering Us in the morning.

I saw my friends rush out too, if we were escaping, all of us were. We hoped  that the sleeping guard would wake up. Taehyung picked me up and quickly spread his wings, so we could fly and follow our friends.

Namjoon somehow successfully jumped a fence, and so did all the others. I wasn't surprised by Yoongi though. We were flying for miles above the city of LA, the city lights were glowing.

We eventually were out of the city and too a more residential area, an Old residential area. The houses from the 2010's. They were abandoned.

"They're down there, by that house." I said,pouting at the modern house, and Taehyung flew down. He put me down once we got to the ground.

"Why are so many houses like this abandoned?"  Taehyung asked us

"These modern houses from the 2010's no longer appealed to many once more technology based houses came around,  most of these houses still have some furniture." Namjoon explained to us

"Yeah no one lives in this part anymore, and this is what we're going to have to make do for now, until we find a way out of LA"

"Yeah, so how do we get in. We can't hack into the door"

"Simple!" Yoongi whispered yelled, and pulled out a pin.

"Why do you have that" Jin asked

"You never know when it could come in handy" Yoongi said, as he messed around with the door lock. Eventually, the door was unlocked and we had a place to stay. Everyone walked in, and we locked the door behind us, closing he curtains and such.

"Smells like 2010's" Jungkook said

"How'd you know what that smells like, that was 40 or so years ago" Yoongi said

"It just smells old" Jungkook said, everyone found their way to a seat.

"Alright so I guess we should check for the amount of bedrooms?" I said

"Yeah lets do that" Namjoon said in agreement. "Lets go upstairs then, Hoseok"

"Alright" I said, and found my way upstairs. It was a quick run Around the large upstairs.

"Alright so there's 4 bedrooms" I said and Namjoon nodded. We told everyone once we got downstairs.

"Alright, I'll be roommates with Jin" Namjoon said

"I'll be roommates with Taehyung" I said.

"I'll roommate with Yoongi" Jimin said

"Room alone in this empty house? Sounds like my kinda horror movie" Jungkook said, and laughed. Then we all found our rooms.

"The bad thing about this is that we have to where the same clothes" Taehyung said, laughing and facing the window.

"Yeah that's true" I said, purple was glowing from around his wings. He wasn't bleeding though, it was more like his wings were adapting more to his body. I saw some of his veins glow, the veins made a star shape. I didn't know if I should be freaked out, be like woah that's cool or disgusted. Then after a few minutes the glowing was gone.

Would you like to know more about the star glow?



The star glow is signaling that there are other spaceitizins around.

That was crazy, well that's all I could really think of it. I still couldn't quite process this information.

"Taehyung I need to ask you something" I said and he turned aroun to face me.


"Do you know what a spaceitizin is?"

"No? Why?"

I explained to him what I found out in the lab, his face was shocked and surprised.

"Why would she never tell me?" Taehyung said, I could tell he was on the verge of crying.

"Maybe it was to try and protect you" I said walking over to hug him, he returned it.

"I wish it worked better, because these sick people found out anyway and now look at where I am!" He said, crying. His tears were glowing, they were drilling clear though.

"Shh were alright now, we're away from them and they can't hurt you anymore"

"Yeah you're right" He said, we released from the hug, he plopped down on the bed and sighed. He laid down, and I did too although I was not tired.

"It explains a lot" he said

"Like what?"

"Like how my eyes are a bright blue unlike everyone else's, when typically they'd be brown "

"I never really looked closely to notice"

"Well they started out as brown for most of my life, but now they blue" he explained and turned to look at me. I could see his eyes, they were a glowing blue.

"Woah." I was amazed. Do you know about your purple blood?"

"Purple blood?"

"Yes, your blood is purple and that's why the 134340 is purple"

"Oh" he said "We can talk about this later I want to sleep and process this"

"Alright, good night"


Learn more about eye color changing?



Spaceitizins eye colors change over the years if they are half blood. They start out with the color of the human parents eyes, then when they reach 18 they slowly develop to a bright blue.

If Taehyung doesn't know much about his true genetics, then what could his other abilities and shit be.

Learn more in depth about a spaceitizin?



Spaceitizins often grown close with people easily, they are extremely social and people friendly. A person who shows signs of  caring will quickly attract them, in a friendly or loving way. They have amazing agility, and quick reflexes. They aren't often seen crying. They are typically joyful unless under stress, but once that stress is resolved they slowly return back to their joyful selves. If they are attracted to a person, it can come quite obvious, unlike humans their cheeks will flow purple, and their heart may even glow purple.

A phrase often used on their planet is "I purple you" instead of I love you. It means that I will trust and love you for a long time. If anyone were to go after a person that they cared about, they would be the first to fight them back, as they don't want to see a loved one fall. Despite the fact that they are extremely caring, they have incredible fighting and survival skills, they are born survivors.

This was beyond interesting. I had to keep this a secret from the others, I don't think Taehyung was quite ready to tell anyone. It would be a secret between us. I would make sure of that.

Taehyung POV
I laid there, my eyes closed, but I was deep in thought. I could not believe this , but it was all true. It was all true that's explain everything in my life being different from others. Why my mom always wore makeup around me, maybe she was hiding something to do with how we got when we were in love. Did my dad even know? I figured he didn't or if he did it was a secret between them.

I had to live with this though and I guess I was somewhat alright with it. Actually I was extremely conflicted, but I couldn't be mad at my mom for hiding it for me. What she feared would happen, happened and now I'm here. I decided to sleep on that.

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