High School Story: University...

By proteus912

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 1

633 5 0
By proteus912

Chapter 1

January 5th

Isabella Roberts-Doyle looked out the window of her brother's car with a smile on her face as she brushed her black hair out of her face. Isabella was a horse lover and today she was glad that she would be able to spend time with some horses.

Today was an exciting day and Isabella couldn't wait until she got to her destination. Driving along this road brought back so many memories for Isabella, but she was glad that she was with her brother, Ian Wilson.

When Isabella was in year ten, she used to live in this area with her real parents and her farm animals. She had to move away, though, because her parents died and she was fostered by Tony and Elizabeth Doyle. Although it had been just over five years since her parents died, Isabella found that she still missed them, but she was getting better and her brother was helping her with that.

Isabella adored her foster brother, Ian Wilson, and she was over the moon when he told her that he considered her his real sister. Now she would love to spend as much time with him as she could, but that was a little hard now. Mr Wilson's wife, Amy Wilson, was due to give birth to her baby some time this month and Mr Wilson was frantic. He didn't like to leave his wife's side now and Isabella spent ages trying to persuade him to come out with her today. She was happy when she finally got him out of the house and she was also glad that she had a little help from Amy. Amy assured her husband that she would have been fine and an hour or two alone would not harm her or the baby.

Isabella then looked over to the back seat where her German shepherd cross was seated. Isabella had insisted that he come with her and Mr Wilson so he could visit his home town once again. He had grown up in this town since he was a puppy and Isabella could tell that he was excited to come back. He was sitting contentedly in the back, looking out the window.

"Would you calm down?" said Isabella as she was looking at Mr Wilson's finger that was impatiently tapping on the steering wheel, "we haven't been gone that long and Amy will be fine."

Mr Wilson glanced at his little sister, "hmm," he replied noncommittally.

"Why aren't you excited? Isn't looking at your potential son or daughter's pony exciting?"

Last year at Tasha Miller's family Christmas party, Isabella had announced to Mr Wilson that she was going to buy a pony. She was so excited to teach the baby how to ride and studying her degree at The University of RayBourne confirmed that she wanted to be a riding instructor. It was something that she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

"You know I don't like horses, Isabella," said Mr Wilson.

"But, this is going to be your child's first pony. Could you please be a little more enthusiastic?" replied Isabella.

"I will try, but I can't say that I will ever like horses."

"Well, you have to."

"And what about Bobby?" asked Mr Wilson, "why are you bringing him when we are going to look at horses?"

"Ponies," Isabella corrected Mr Wilson, "and Bobby is good with horses and ponies."

It then wasn't long before Isabella, Bobby and Mr Wilson arrived at Isabella's neighbour's house, where she was going to buy the pony. Mr Wilson parked the car and stepped out. Isabella then opened the back door, grabbed Bobby's lead and let him jump out. Isabella gave her dog a pat and then she unhooked his lead from his collar.

Mr Wilson raised an eyebrow and looked at his little sister, "should you be doing that?" he asked.

"Like I said before, Bobby is good with horses and he knows this farm. He has been here many times and I trust him," replied Isabella, smiling as she watched Bobby race around, smelling all the smells and greeting all the Shetland ponies that were in the paddock, "see?"

Mr Wilson looked at the dog as he smelt a little chestnut pony's muzzle and nodded.

Isabella looked at Mr Wilson, "I think we have found our pony."

With that, Isabella walked over to her old neighbor, Leah, and gave the woman a hug. Isabella hadn't seen this lady in such a long time and it was good to see her and be on her farm. Then Leah, Isabella, Mr Wilson and Bobby entered the ponies' paddock.

"Well," said Leah, "take your pick. Every one of these ponies has the potential to be a wonderful first pony."

Isabella looked at the ponies and she smiled again when Bobby continued to smell the little chestnut gelding's muzzle. It was clear that this was the pony she wanted and Isabella walked over to him. Isabella crouched down and let the pony sniff the back of her hand. Isabella could feel the pony's warm breath on the back of her hand before she felt his tongue. This pony was definitely the one.

Leah looked at Isabella and the pony, "is he the one?" she asked.

"I think he is," replied Isabella before she looked at Mr Wilson. He smiled, "we will take him."


It wasn't long before Isabella and Mr Wilson, Isabella, Bobby and now the Shetland pony were back on the road. Isabella was ecstatic, and she was happy that she chose this little pony. This pony was perfect and his little white sock on his back leg, and the star on his forehead, made him extremely cute.

"So, do you have a name for him?" asked Mr Wilson.

Isabella looked at Mr Wilson, "I think you should help me choose seeing as he is your first child's pony."

"I am going to let you choose the pony's name and I will choose the baby's name, okay?"

Isabella nodded. That was fair, she decided, and now she looked out the window as she thought of a name. it wasn't long before a name popped into Isabella's head and she beamed with enthusiasm.

Mr Wilson looked over at his little sister when he saw her smiling, "I am guess you have a name picked out?"

"I do," Isabella smiled.

"What is it?"


"Monty," Mr Wilson thought about the name, "I think that suits him."

"You think? I know it suits him."

"Okay, yes, it suits him."

When Mr Wilson and Isabella made it home, they were greeted by two smiling faces. Isabella got out of the car, followed by Bobby, and gave Mr and Mrs Doyle a hug. They could tell that she was excited and it was clear that there was a little pony in the float.

"The paddock is all ready," said Mr Doyle, "so we can lead the pony through?"

With that, Isabella unloaded Monty and led him to the paddock. Monty would be staying by himself in the paddock while Storm, Destiny and their one month old daughter, Kahli, would be staying in the other paddock. And as Isabella was leading the little pony, she looked at her family of horses. At the end of year twelve, Isabella announced to Nicole Walker, one of her best friends, that Destiny would be having Storm's foal and both girls were so happy.

Kahli was now only a month old and she was already keeping up with her parents and she got along well with Storm. Isabella was glad of that and Storm was proving himself to be a perfect father to the silver black foal.

Mr and Mrs Doyle, Isabella and Mr Wilson made their way with Monty to the paddock and Isabella let him in. Isabella knew that she had made the right choice with the pony and when he was in the paddock, the other horses came over to say hello to him.

Storm lowered his head and sniffed the pony, and Monty sniffed the black stallion back. Isabella was glad that they were getting along, but this wasn't a surprise because Storm would always get along with other horses. Destiny also walked over cautiously, keeping Kahli behind her and she sniffed the new pony. And after Destiny sniffed Monty, she walked back to the middle of the paddock and got back to her business of eating.

Isabella looked at Kahli.

Ever since Kahli was born last year, she was shaping up to be a strong horse like her parents. She was strong and independent like her mother and she was friendly and curious like her father. She would be the perfect horse, Isabella decided.


After another hour, Isabella was happy that her brother was still here. He was sitting on the back porch. She didn't understand why he was still here because it wasn't that long ago when he was impatiently waiting to get home. But Isabella joined him at the table and she gave him a warm smile.

"I bet I know what you want," she said.

Mr Wilson smiled at his sister, "what do I want?"

"A smoke."

"Why would I want a smoke?"

"Because you used to do it and you must be bored now. Come to think of it, you would have smoked out here, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did, but you know I gave it up so, no, I don't want one."


"I'm glad you approve."

"I thought you needed to get home," said Isabella.

"I called Amy and she said that Tasha and Adam are home to look after her," replied Mr Wilson.

"I don't think the woman who is carrying your baby needs a babysitter. She is twenty-three."

"Wait until you get married and have a baby and then you will know what it is like."

Isabella smiled but there was something serious that she needed to discuss with Mr Wilson and it had nothing to do with horses. It was something to do with Tasha Miller's university friend. Her name was Emma, and last year, Isabella had found out that Emma had a crush on Mr Wilson. Isabella had been debating whether or not she should have told him about it. She now believed that he had a right to know and she was going to tell him. Isabella had even heard that Emma loved Mr Wilson and that was not a good thing.

"I need to tell you something," said Isabella.

"This sounds ominous," replied Mr Wilson, "go on."

"You know Tasha's friend, Emma?"

Mr Wilson nodded.

"She has a crush on you."

Mr Wilson turned on his chair to face his little sister, "what?" he asked.

"She has a crush on you," said Isabella.

"Are you sure?"

"I am, and I know all about it. Tasha had tried talking to Emma about it, but I don't think it has worked. I think she is seriously in love with you."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," said Mr Wilson. Isabella lost count of how many times he said, 'no,' right now, "she can't have a crush on me. She can't be in love with me."

Now Mr Wilson sounded younger than his years.

He sounded like a paranoid thirteen-year-old going on his first date.

"I shouldn't have told you," Isabella lowered her eyes.

"No, of course you should have told me. I am going to have to have a serious talk with Tasha about this. I can't let this go on," said Mr Wilson.

That was a little odd, Isabella thought. She knew that it was okay for Mr Wilson to be a little shocked by this news, but he was completely blowing it out of proportion. Isabella was starting to wonder why he was getting so angry about this, but she wasn't going to ask because she didn't want to make him angry at her.

"So, what are you going to say?" asked Isabella.

"I don't know. I will work it out before I get home," replied Mr Wilson.

"You won't tell her that I told you, will you?"

"And why shouldn't I tell her?"

"Because she will get mad at me," said Isabella, "and I am pretty sure she wanted to handle this herself and she didn't want me to tell you."

"Then why did you tell me?" asked Mr Wilson.

"Because I thought you had a right to know. Tasha had every tried every trick in the book to make Emma get over her crush but it hasn't worked. Maybe you could talk to Emma and see what you can do."

"I think I will talk to Tasha first, but thank you for telling me, and I won't tell Tasha if that's what you really want."

Isabella smiled and then she wrapped her arms around Mr Wilson. If Tasha found out what Isabella had just done, she feared that Tasha wouldn't want to be her friend anymore. Isabella couldn't lose a friend. But now Isabella was worried about Mr Wilson. It was clear that he was now angry and Isabella didn't mean to make him angry. She didn't want him to be angry and she certainly didn't want him to be angry at her. But at least he now knew the truth and he would be able to deal with it in his own way.



Ian practically slammed the front door shut as soon as he made it home. He felt so angry and he could not believe that Tasha had kept this a secret from him. He could not let this little crush continue, especially because he had a wife who would be delivering his first child very soon.

"Whoa, Ian," said Amy when she saw her husband come in. She hated it when he would come home in a mood and she really didn't need to put up with it right now. She had more important things on her mind, "I know you don't like horses but, really?"

"My mood has nothing to do with horses," replied Ian, "where is Tasha?"

"She is in her room with Adam. What's wrong? I have never seen you this angry before."

"Isabella told me that Tasha's friend has a crush on me."

Amy started snorting with laughter. A little crush was nothing to get angry about and Amy didn't understand why Ian was getting so angry about it. It was pointless being so angry when he should have known that crushes were harmless. When she was going through high school she had heard of a few boys who had crushes on her and she never got angry about it. This just proved that a crush was nothing to get angry over.

"So," said Amy.

"So, I can't let this go one. Tasha has kept this a secret from me for such a long time and I am not going to stand by and let it go on," replied Ian.

"But it is not Tasha's fault. I don't want you to tell at her. It will crush her."

"Crush her?"

Ian didn't mean to use such a harsh tone in his voice right now, but he was so angry.

And these were the best words that his wife could think of?

Was she trying to make him angrier?

Amy lowered her eyes, "sorry, poor choice of words. If you yell at her, you will hurt her. I don't want her hurt."

Amy was very protective of her little sister and she didn't like to see Tasha get hurt. She also didn't feel like hearing Ian yell at Tasha right now because she hated hearing people fight.

"Sorry, honey, but Tasha had no right to keep this from me. I knew something was going on and I am going to get to the bottom of it. You can block your ears if you like."

Amy stood up from the couch, "Ian, I'm telling you; don't yell at her," she said, her voice firm.

Ian didn't listen. Instead, he stormed over to Tasha's room and entered. He was so angry right now and he didn't know what to do with his anger. He also didn't know why he was so angry because a part of him knew it was a harmless crush. Maybe it was because Tasha had kept it secret for so long and it hurt him. He thought that it was not fair of Tasha to keep an important secret like this from him. He needed her to know that.


Tasha looked nervously at her boyfriend, Adam little, as soon as Mr Wilson entered her room. She had never seen Mr Wilson so angry before and she knew that she didn't like it.

"Why didn't you tell me, Tasha?" asked Mr Wilson.

"Tell you what? Why are you so angry?" replied Tasha, sliding to the top of her bed automatically. Adam sat by her side.

"I know your friend has a crush on me."

Tasha lowered her eyes.

She knew exactly why Mr Wilson was so angry now, even though it didn't make sense, and maybe it wasn't such a good idea keeping it secret from him. Maybe he did have a right to know and now she was regretting not telling him.

"Do you have anything to say?" asked Mr Wilson.

"I am sorry," replied Tasha.

"Sorry? Sorry won't fix this."

"I don't know what else to say. Why are you so angry about this? It is just a crush. Emma will get over it. I know it."

"How long have you kept this secret from me?"

Tasha lowered her eyes again.

"Tasha," said Mr Wilson, "how long have you kept this from me?"

"A while. I haven't been counting the days."

Adam looked at Mr Wilson. It was time for him to stand up for his girlfriend, "it wasn't Tasha's fault. Tasha has been trying to talk Emma out of this crush."

Mr Wilson looked at Adam, "you knew as well? Am I the only person who did not know about this?

Now Mr Wilson was really mad.

And it was also Adam's turn to lower his eyes.

"I am sorry, Ian," said Tasha, "I didn't mean to keep this a secret from you, but Emma begged me to. I am sorry."

"No, Tasha, you have to talk to Emma. You have to tell her that she can't have a crush on me."

Tasha nodded, "I will. I promise I will fix this."

With that, Mr Wilson exited Tasha's room and went to his own, Tasha assumed.

Tasha was shocked.

Mr Wilson had never spoken to her like that before. She had seen him angry, but not this angry. The only time he had told her off was last year when she threw a pen at his friend, David, who was looking out for her at university. Tasha knew that she had said she would get Emma over this crush, but she didn't know how she was going to do it. She promised herself, though, that she would, because she didn't want Mr Wilson to be angry with her. She was on the verge of tears now and she was soon crying in Adam's arms.

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This story has been rewritten. This is the terrible original version. Look for the new one under my works.