The Bright Slytherin (Harry P...

By LightWolf46

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I got Accepted into Hogwarts, but, I didn't know, that I was gonna be stuck in Slytherin, with the person I h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 21

87 8 12
By LightWolf46

A Few Days Later - Ashley's POV

I stand ankle deep in water with Neville, looking for a particular ingredient for a potion I want to make while Neville is just studying the ingredients.

"Wow." Neville keeps saying and I take my coat off and I toss it at Harry who catches it.

"Neville, your doing it again." Harry reminds him.

"Sorry, its just so fascinating." Neville says to him and I bend over and I find the ingredient I'm looking for and I get a capsule from my pocket and put it in that.

"Ha ha! Found it!" I cheer and Harry and Neville look amused.

"Ashley, your like a kid who has won something." Harry says to me and I shrug with a smug look.

"I've finally gotten it, I've been trying to find it since last year and Professor Snape said I have to find it, I couldn't take a small bit from his storage." I say to him and Harry nods and I get out of the water and I see Hermione coming with Ron and Seamus.

I use a simple water spell to wash my feet off and a wind spell to dry them and I put my shoes back on.

Hermione trys to tell Harry something and he gets confused and she tries again and ends up saying Hagrid is looking for him.

"Ok then." I say and Hermione looks at me, confused why I'm here and adding to her already building confusion.

"Well you can tell Ron that"

"I'm not an Owl!" Hermione blows up at Harry and I nod.

"Why does everything I want to say right now, include a fucking pickup line? That's it, I blame Draco, Harry, Jonathan, Jeremy and everyone else involved!" I say exasperated as I grab my bag and hit Harry with it as he smirks and I snort and head into the courtyard.

"Ashley!" Ally yells and tackles me.

"Ah shit, that hurt." I mutter after falling onto the ground.

"Sorry, but, Draco wants your attention and he said he'd pay me 5 dollars so I can get some candy." Ally says to me and I look at her, fairly annoyed.

"Get off me and I'll give you ten." I say to her and she looks at Draco.

"I'll give you 20." Draco says to her.

"I'll let you borrow my favorite black sweater and I'll give you 25." I say to her and she nods.

"Alright deal." Ally says and rolls off me and I sit up and Draco looks at me with a smirk.

"Ashley, are you an owl? Because you seem to be flying through my thoughts." Draco says to me and I groan.

"That wasn't even clever." I say as I stand up. "Love, do you have a map?" I ask him with a smile.

"No." Draco says to me confused.

"That's a shame, because I always seem to get lost in your eyes." I say to him and he looks at me with a look that makes me smile in victory. "I win, now hand over what you took from me." I say to Draco and he grumbles but hands me my ingredient. "Thank you Love." I say to him and he nods, unamused at how I beat him.

"Ashley, your far too smooth for anyone." Ally says to me and I shrug.

"After looking into countless books, observed many couples at cafes, parks and other random places, and delved into romance books, trying to teach my brothers the proper way to flirt and not cat call, I think I'm fluent in the flirting language." I say to her and she nods.

"Ashley, I need you for something." Professor McGonagall says to me in a somewhat snippy tone.

"Sure thing Professor." I say to her and I put my ingredient in my bag and I follow Professor to a room where two Durmstrangs are sitting and looking confused and I look at her, fairly unamused.

"Ashley, as I understand it, you know Bulgarian and your a good tutor for your housemates, right?" Professor asks me and I hum in response.

"Actually, I know Bulgarian, German, Japanese, French and Korean, my private schools were very strict and I needed extra credit to pass some grades, so I picked up a few languages." I say to her and she nods surprised.

"Well then, I need you to tutor these two in our studies, they don't quite understand." Professor says to me and I scratch the back of my neck.

"I'm not so sure, there are probably plenty Ravenclaws or a few Hufflepuffs who could do it." I say to her and she looks confused. "I just have a feeling I'll he roped into something or I might be a bad influence on military boys." I say to her and she shakes her head.

"Ashley, your a Black, you'll be fine." Professor says to me with a smile and she passes me and she leaves.

"How did she, hold on a second, what?" I say confused as I turn around to see her close the door and I hear it lock.

"Hi." A Durmstrang says to me in his usual language.

I run a hand through my hair as I look at the two. "Pieces of work, alright." I say and I look at their books to see dark arts and Transfiguration. "My name is Ashley, I'll be your tutor, by request of Professor McGonagall, who are you two?" I ask them in their language.

(From this point on, just assume Ashley is speaking Bulgarian until the end of the session.)

"Asen." The one to my right says to me.

"Petar." The one to my left says to me and I nod. "May I ask your family name?" He asks me.

"Black, and Hofstetter, I, come from two pureblood houses." I say to him and he nods.

"I'll stick with which ever one you prefer." Petar says to me and I see his friend point a small scowl at him and I shrug.

"I'll call you Black." Asen says to me with a smirk.

"It doesn't matter to me." I say to them and they nod. "Now, show me where your struggling in for Deffense Against the Dark Arts?" I ask them and they show me a book with something I already know.

"You never pay attention in class and are always causing the Professor trouble, how would you know this stuff?" Petar asks me confused.

I pull my wand out of my hair and my hair falls. "I'm studying to become an Auror, a, respectable one, unlike the one teaching us who freely used the unforgivable curses." I say to him and I stand up and I start moving stuff around to create an area to duel.

I set up multiple charms while the guys watch me, in shock.

"Alright, now, let's first go over the book." I say as I grab my book out my bag and the guys nod as I stand at their table. "Now, for this particular chapter, I already know this, but explaining is a little difficult since I don't tutor all that much, I just help out my housemates." I say to them and they nod.

I help them with this chapter and they nod along, understanding what I'm helping them with.

"Now, Transfiguration." I say to them and they tense.

I head to the door and I unlock lock it with a simple spell. I call Salem and I wait a moment until he runs into the class and jumps up onto the table. I close the door and walk over to Salem and pick him up.

"A cat?" Asen asks confused and I nod.

"This is Salem, my best friend." I say and Salem meows in greeting.

"Is he an Animagus too?" Petar asks me and I smile amused.

"Not a chance." I say to him and he looks confused. "He's my baby, I got him my first year of Hogwarts. He's been by my side through thick and thin, the one thing about animals, is they aren't traitorous, they're loyal, and far smarter than humans." I say to them and Salem head butts me and I pet him and I set him on the desk. "Now, I'm gonna turn Salem into a Goblet." I say to them and I cast a spell to turn him into a black goblet.

"What? How?" Asen asks shocked as he gets up.

"I'm not letting you try this spell on my cat, instead, your getting these to try this spell on." I say to them as I hold up teacups.

I set the teacups down in front of them and I change Salem back and I watch the boys try.

Asen manages to get it the second round but Petar looks like he's purposely failing.

"Petar, I know your purposely failing." I say to him and he freezes but he does the spell and he changes the teacup into a goblet. "The whole reason I got put in the 7th year classes is because I know what I'm doing, while, still managing to goof off. I've got A's in all my classes, even Muggle Studies, I do a lot of extra credit as well. But, I also, get a lot of detention, which will be starting for me in about five minutes, so, session over, if you guys still need help, we can do more sessions during the week, though I don't think Petar will need help." I say to them and Asen nods.

"Alright then, could we meet at the library tomorrow? I need some help with another subject." Asen asks me and I nod.

"We'll meet at study hall, alright?" I ask him and he nods.

"Thank you." Asen says to me and I get my bag and my cat and I head to detention.

(Resume thinking Ashley is speaking English)

"Ashley, your a minute late." Snape says to me and I shrug.

"I was tutoring, and, probably asked out on a date." I say to him and he looks right at me.

"What?" Snape asks me.

"That's what I'm asking myself." I say to him and I sit in my seat next to my Polyjuice potion and I check on it as I mull over my session with those two Bulgarians.

I do my homework while watching my Polyjuice potion.

I see Snape watching me.

"Your writing in another language." Snape says to me and I look down.

"Shi" Snape looks at me in a warning look "iiizzall, yes, ah, shizzal." I say and I rest my head in my hands. "Ok. I know a spell to fix this." I say and I cast the spell and it turns to English. "Now, I need a spell to clear my mind." I say and Salem purrs amused.

"Stop thinking about previous events." Snape says to me and I sigh.

"If it were that easy Professor, then I would forget everything completely wrong with my life Professor." I say to him sarcastically. "Someone is better than me at something and he needed tutoring for a few classes, I, my god I can't process this." I say and I feel a train wreck in my head. "And there goes my thought process, I am so confused." I say as I hit my head on the desk.

"Well I wouldn't bother with that and finish your homework." Snape snips and I sigh.

"Uh huh." I say and sit up.

I check on my potion again and I continue on my homework.

Once detention is over, I've finished my homework and I'm still a mental wreck.

I grab my bag and my homework and I head to the Slytherin Common Room and I pass Draco as I bite my finger nail.

"Your gonna bite that nail off." Draco says to me and I look up.

"Oh, right." I say and he looks at me confused.

"Is something wrong with you?" Draco asks me.

"Someone is better than me in the date asking department." I say and Draco looks at me shocked.

"Impossible." Draco says to me and I sit on couch.

"I was asked by Professor McGonagall to tutor two Durmstrang students because they weren't doing too well in a few courses, one is ok now with some explanation, the other is taking a while, and I said if they needed anymore tutoring, they could just ask, and Asen, the one who needed help, asked if we could meet at the library tomorrow for help." I say and Draco freezes. "I don't understand, I have a rotten personality, I always get into trouble, I would probably kill someone to save someone else, I'm a slick talker and if I were to talk smart, then no one would understand me, I don't understand." I say and Draco looks confused.

"Ashley, your beautiful, your smart, sure you get into trouble, but you don't have a rotten personality." Draco says to me as he takes my hand.

"I, wait, are you trying to console me with sweet words?" I ask him and he nods.

"Is it working?" Draco asks me.

"A little, but I know better than to trust your words." I say to him and Draco entertwines his figures with mine and kisses my hand with a smirk.

"I know, but, your beautiful, that's why I try so hard." Draco says to me with a smirk and I roll my eyes amused.

"Oh whatever Love, we all know you you trying is just getting someone to do something for you." I say to him and Draco smirks.

"Except when it comes to you." Draco says to me and I mess his hair up and relax back into the couch.

"But still, I didn't even expect what happened, I even wrote my homework in the wrong language." I say to him and Draco nods.

"Ashley, just teach him, don't ever date someone that doesn't speak English fluently." Draco says to me and I look at him confused.

"Love, are you jealous or trying to stop me from making a mistake?" I ask him.

"Both." Draco says to me with a bluntness.

I watch him amused. "Love, I wasn't gonna date him." I say to him as I sit up and I rest my head in my arms as I lean on the side of the couch.

"Oh, good." Draco says to me and I feel a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me.

"Ok, staying up all night isn't good for my health now, I'm talking to Love for the love of god." I say and Draco nods.

"I'll sweep you off your feet and carry you to your room." Draco says to me and I get up.

"No, I don't need help." I say to him as I grab my bag and Draco follows me to my dorm room.

I see a very irritated Avery and I run a hand through my hair as I shut the door in Draco's face, but I open it and smile at him.

"Thanks." I say to him and he smirks at me and I close the door in his face.

I lay down on my bed.

"2 hours of sleep, someone wake me and I'll help Avery tonight." I say to Ally and she hums.

"I hate everything." Avery mutters and I nod.

"I second that." I say to her and I fall dead asleep.

2 hours later

"Ashley, wake up."

I grumble. "Alright, I'm up." I say to Ally and I get up and I make Avery drink her wolfbane and potion and I take her to the 5th floor where there is a room that we always use and I set up a sound proof barrier and I put up a magic lock.

"Ashley, its gonna start soon." Avery says to me and I hug her.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here." I say to her and I shift into my Animagus form and stay next to her as she has another painful transformation and I stay next to her all night as she gets somewhat agitated, but is mostly calm and humane.

In the morning I watch her have a painful transformation back to being a human. I shift back and hug her as she sways tiredly.

"Come on, let's go back to our dorm room." I say to her and I pick her up bridle style.

I take her back to our dorm room and lay her on her bed.

"I'm so tired." Avery mutters and I nod.

"I'll just tell the teachers your not feeling well today, just rest." I say to her and she's already asleep.

"Thanks Ashley." Ally mutters and I hum.

I change into my Slytherin robes and I purposely leave the tie untied but still around my neck. I head to breakfast and I rest my head in my arms at the Slytherin table.

"You look awful." Pansy comments amused.

"I woke up in the middle of the night to Ally's loud snoring and I couldn't go back to sleep." I mutter and I down a cup, or 4, of coffee, with 10 packets of sugar, each.

"Ashley, your gonna overdose on coffee." Draco says to me and I nod.

"That's the point." I say and he nods. "I want to die, I just know I'm gonna fall asleep in class today." I mutter and Draco nods again.

"We all do." Draco says to me and then its time for classes.

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