The Bad Boy Has Secrets

By ItsMoreThanWords

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*Some people bring out the worst in you, Some people bring out the best in you* I watched as his lips moved... More

Chapter One- Your Body Says Different.
Character Profiles
Chapter 3-Ditching With The Bad Boy.
Chapter 4- True Colours, Fights and Suspension.
Chapter 5- The Unexpected.
Chapter 6- He's My Bad Boy.
Chapter 7- I'll Make You A Deal.
Chapter 8- Four Days.
Chapter 9- Everything's Going To Be Fine.
Chapter 10- Where Are You?
Chapter 11-You Have No Idea.
Chapter 12- I Need You.
Chapter 13- More Than Ever.
Chapter 14-Lets Fight.
Chapter 15-This Needs To End Now.
Chapter 16-Its Not Your Fault.
Chapter 17-Mistakes.
Author's Note-
Chapter 18-Dont Get Mad Get Even.
Chapter 19- Choices and Consequences.
Chapter 20- Is This The Happy Ending?
Chapter 21- Graduation Day.

Chapter Two- Its Not A Threat Its A Promise.

829 22 0
By ItsMoreThanWords

The Bad Boy Has Secrets-

Chapter Two- It's Not A Threat, It's A Promise.

"Don't take too long packing, then meet me and Liv at mine alright?" Cleo said hugging me.

"Yes, I won't be long okay" I said hugging her back. Since Liv's mum didn't like me at all I couldn't exactly drive up to Liv's house and have Liv jump into my car. So we decided it would be easier for Cleo to go with Liv to hers, while I drove to mine and got my stuff. "I'll see you soon" I said winked and hopped into my car before taking off out of the school parking lot.

I soon pulled up into the driveway of my house and got out my car. I lived in a big house, in a nice neighbourhood where everybody kept to themselves but at the same time was friendly to everyone.

I opened my front door to be greeted by the smell of cookies. I walked up the stairs and into my room grabbing my over night bag, I packed underwear, clothes, hairbrush and hair bands, toothbrush and toothpaste, body wash and my iPod and headphones. I headed back down stairs once I had everything I needed and walked into the kitchen to come face to face with my mum. "Hey sweetie, you going to Cleo's for the night?" My mum asked looking up at me smiling.

"Yeah" I smiled.

"Is everything okay? Your not hiding anything from us or anything are you?" She asked looking at me serious this time.

"No mum of course not" I laughed. "Liv's parents kept her up all night again, plus Cleo wants me to stay over too. So if it's cool with you and dad then yeah" I said looking up at her for permission.

"Yes as long as you stay safe and have fun" she smiled walking over to hug me. "Love you sweetie" she said

"You too mum" I said hugging her back.

We were hugging when my dad walked into the room. "Your leaving us?" My dad said playing faking being hurt.

"Yeah, it's just for the night dad" I smiled hugging him.

"You'll be back tomorrow?" He asked

I nodded my head smiling. "Make sure you call if your going to be late or anything" my dad said in a slightly serious tone

I nodded, let go of my dad and picked up my overnight bag. "I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled grabbing some cookies for Cleo, Liv and Cleo's little brother Mason.

"Make sure you eat!" I heard my mum shout as I opened the front door. "Yes mum!" I shouted back before closing the door, chucking my overnight bag in the back of the car and heading to Cleo's.


"Hey" I said to Cleo and Liv as I put my bag on Cleo's bed.

"Hey we gotta go pick up Mase" Cleo said "You can stay here if you wa-" I cut her off speaking.

"Nah, nothing wrong with Mase, let's go" I said as we made our way downstairs and eventually out the house. "My car or yours?" I asked Cleo.

"Yours" she said getting into the front of my car.

"Okay then" I said getting into the driver seat as Liv sat in the back. I started the car and put on the radio. Cleo and Liv were singing along to the music while I reached into my pocket, grabbed a cigarette and lit it up taking a long drag. I turned to Cleo who was scowling at me, alongside Liv who looked utterly disgusted. I blew the smoke out the window. "Come on you know why I smoke, and I said I'll stop soon" I said taking another drag.

We pulled into the car park that led up to the woods, Cleo's little brother was into all this survival stuff so he liked the woods. "How far we gotta walk?" I asked looking at her.

"It's just up there you lazy cow" She said laughing.

I let the cigarette was hung between my lips as the smoke blew out my nostrils. We'd walked up all the long steps and were at the top on the path, I wasn't really paying attention just looking around.

This place would make a pretty running place.

'Not that you run' My mind told me. Which was true, I didn't run but I did different activities. I must've got carried away in my thoughts, because I was knocked on the floor, again.

"Cherry bomb" As voice said above me. I stood up and saw Jace Hunter, again.

"I thought I told you too watch who your talking too" I said glaring at him. His blue eyes looked like the ocean, a really nice blue. It felt like they pulled you in, but of course I wasn't going to let him know that.

"That boys is why she's called cherry bomb, she explodes as soon as you light her up" Jace laughed. His pearly white teeth shown and his head leaned back slightly. His laugh alone could have sent me six feet under, it was pure sexy all on it's own even without his looks. We'll for someone who's known as the mysterious bad boy, I wouldn't say he's very bad.

"My name is Charlie, got that? Charlie, not cherry bomb, Charlie" I said in a slow motion like he was a little child. I looked at him and then at Cleo and Liv to see them staring wide eyed at me. I turned back to Jace to look at the four guys behind him, they looked slightly older than Jace but still you could tell by looking at them that they were still young. They were laughing, clearly at me thanks to Jace.

Annoyance and anger set in and I asked the question that had been on my mind since this morning when I in countered Jace. If you want to know how to piss of the bad boy, then follow my lead. "Your not much of a bad boy really are you Jace? I mean in reality I haven't seen you do anything remotely bad. You seem like any normal kid at our school, so why do people fear you and why does everyone call you the bad boy of our school?" I asked curiously.

Everyone stopped laughing and Jace looked at me, the smile was no longer on his face instead it was replaced with a pissed off look. His eyes narrowed and for once he actually looked scary. "You don't know anything, so shut up" he growled.

"Bite me" I said growling at him. I grabbed Cleo and Liv's arms and walked away to go get Mason so we could go back to hers.

Jace's P.O.V>

"Mmm" Ben said laughing. I watched as Charlie's curly brown hair moved slightly as she walked. The way her clothes clung to her perfectly, not to mention her leather jacket.

"You should keep her close mate, because a girl like her won't be available for long" My best friend Jesse said.

I nodded my head. "I know, she's a keeper" I said. From the first moment I saw her I knew she was a keeper. I knew the first time I saw her that I wanted to make her mine, and after speaking to her today I knew I really wanted to make her mine. "But I can't bring her into my world, it would be selfish and it's too dangerous for her" I said shaking my head. All four of them were looking at me with sympathetic faces. "Hey I choose the way I live my life, nobody's forcing me. So less with the sympathetic faces and let's go handle our business" I said proud. I did choose the way I lived my life, now at least. I didn't start it because I wanted too, but I certainly am in it and do it now because I wish too.

"Not much of a kid are you?" Nick said.

"Never really was" I said pulling a gun out from my jeans. "Jesse your going to help me take out the people, Malakai I want you up in the trees ready to take out any shooters we can't see, and Nick you got your knives ready?" I asked looking at him.

"Haven't I always" he said pulling out two of his knives.

"Let's go then" I said. We walked deeper into the woods, where nobody went because we'll even I admit it was a pretty creepy place, but I've seen worse.

"You ready kid?" Nick asked.

"Always prepare for the worst, it's us or them" I said, those were the words I first learned from Nick. I remember the day like it was yesterday.


"Jace Hunter?" A big guy with brown hair asked me as I walked into the building.

"Yeah that's me" I said shaking his now extended hand.

"You know why your here?" He asked me

"Yes I know why"

Just as he was about to speak three more guys joined him. "Who's this?" One guy asked

"Jace, Jace Hunter" I said nodding my head.

"Jesse, Jesse Anderson" He said, okay so he's Jesse.

"What about the others?" I asked.

"Jace Hunter, meet Malakai Kirk, Ben Jones and you've met Nick Miller" Jesse said pointing to them all.

"He's a kid" Malakai said.

"I'm not a kid" I said quickly.

"You in high school?"

"Yeah when I go" I said confused

"Then your a kid" Malakai said.

"Listen up kid, always prepare for the worst, it's us or them. Remember that rule and your'll be okay" Nick said patting me on the back.

*End Of Flashback*

I couldn't help but smile to myself, despite the fact that they are all older than me, these guys are like brothers too me.

"Malakai you good?" I asked him as he climbed the tree.

He gave me the thumbs up meaning he was set up and looking for secret shooters. There were 7 guys that I could see, including our target who was in the middle bossing everyone around.

"Which one do you want kid?" Nick asked me.

"I want Prescott" I said looking at him. "I'll take the the big guy next to him" I said.

"Alright, I'll get the two guys the other side of him, Ben you can have the big guy on the end. Malakai will take out the other two" Nick said.

Suddenly a guy wearing black dropped out of the tree, dead obviously. Prescott was using secret shooters to take people like us out. Once the guy hit the ground all of Prescott's men pulled out weapons and were ready. With one final nod from Nick, we jumped out behind the bushes and made our move.

I instantly went for the big guy that I told Nick I was going for, this guy was way bigger than me. I punched him straight in the face but his head hardly moved. He went to hit me which I gladly ducked, and returned it. We fought like this for a good few minutes before he grabbed my by my throat lifting me up. "You shouldn't mess with people bigger than you" The guy said to me pulling his fist back.

"You shouldn't be such a big motherfucker" I said with the shortage of breath I had, before I pulled my gun out again and shot him.

He fell to the floor and I instantly went for Mr Prescott. "Not too bad" he said standing there. He went to throw a punch at me, but I quickly blocked it and hit him with my other fist. He didn't give up that easy but since his coordination was all over the place, another punch to the face and a tackle to the ground and he was out. I yelled to Nick to help secure him, which Nick was able to do since Malakai shot the guy Nick was fighting.

Once the handcuffs were slapped on Mr Prescott's wrists, we were good. "Good day Mr Prescott, I'm Nick from Ocean Heights Secret Service, we've been after you for a long time and now we finally have you" Nick said standing Mr Prescott up. "C'mon let's take him to the agency"

There were pats on my back as Jesse stood next to me looking at me. "Good job mate, another completed case" Jesse said punching me lightly in the arm.

"Thanks Jesse" I smiled proudly.

Nick chucked Mr Prescott into the back of the van while me and Jesse sat either side of him, with Nick, Ben and Malakai sat in the front. We were all talking when Mr Prescott scoffed. "What's up Prescott, don't like the fact that you were beat by a kid still in high school?" Jesses laughed loudly. His laugh came to a holt though when Mr Prescott spoke up.

"No that you think this is over" he laughed looking at me. The rest of the ride we all stayed silent, I spent the ride staring out the window thinking about Charlie. Mr Prescott wasn't someone you would really want to get on the wrong side off, because he was dangerous and he didn't care which made it worse.

Once we pulled up to the agency, me and Jesse hopped out the van and Nick grabbed Mr Prescott and we all walked into the agency. Once we were inside we took Mr Prescott to the holding areas and chucked him inside his cell. "Welcome home" Nick said walking up to me. "Good job kid" he said patting me on the back and then he was gone.

"We're going to get a drink, you coming?" Jesse asked me.

"Right behind you" I said following as he walked out. I was cut short when Mr Prescott spoke up.

"A minute Mr Hunter" He spoke.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"We'll what I really want is to crush your throat until you stop breathing, watch the light go out your eyes but since I can't do that right now. Remember what I said in the van" he smirked.

"What your threat?" I asked with a smirk. "Your never getting out of here"

"Oh it's not a threat Mr Hunter, it's a promise" he smirked. "I don't need to be on the outside to crush you"

"What do you want with me?" I asked "Anybody you send to hurt me or my friends, I will kill do you understand that!?" I yelled slightly.

"You'll soon find out, but until then anything and everything you do, who you talk to I will have eliminated. I will find the person that matters to you most and I will kill them" Mr Prescott said, his voice holding seriousness.

"Someone did that a few years ago" I said, clenched my jaw and walked away. I headed to the weapons room and grabbed reloads for my gun before walking back to my car. My jaw was clenched the whole time.

'Relax Jace, he's locked up and is just trying to scare you' I told myself. Something wasn't right, I could feel it in my bones, deep down inside I just couldn't think what. I got into my car and put my head on the steering wheel.

Breath Jace, I told myself as I breathed in and out. Why was I letting some stupid guy who's locked up get to me? The truth will soon come out to us all.

There was a knock on my car window that made me jump, turning my head I noticed it was only Jesse. "Shit" I said as my heart thumped faster in my chest. I leant my head back and took a deep breath before undoing my window. "Yeah?"

"You alright man?" Jesse asked leaning against my car.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"Listen kid, I know what he said scared you but he isn't going anywhere. He would have to know your name before he could find out who you are" Jesse said.

"Yeah I know man. Like I said to him anyone he sends to hurt me or anyone else here I will kill them" I said. I thought back to what I had send to him in the cell and then realised what he had said to me.

'A minute Mr Hunter' How the hell did he know my name?

"You okay Jace?" Jesse asked

"Yeah I'm good" I lied, Jesse nodded his head and turned to walk back into the agency.

I couldn't help but wonder how Mr Prescott knew my last name.

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