Tameless but Together (Hiccup...

By Styla_Mythic

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"You are different. You are courageous. I might be those things too, but there's one thing you're forgetting... More

A/n: Beginning Info (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/n: Thank you!!

Chapter 7

3.2K 98 15
By Styla_Mythic

"Alright! Alright, everybody! Settle down, please!" Hiccup called out. You were all at the Great Hall trying to discuss what you were going to do from there. However, everyone kept shouting and talking, not really listening to him. Hiccup turned to Fighleg's instead. "Fishlegs, have you ever seen that species of dragon before?" Fishlegs, still shocked after being hit with the dart, put his thumb up as if to say yes before passing out on the table again.

"Let me at 'em!" Spitelout shouted angrily. His feelings were shared by many of your people.

"I'll give him a piece of my mind. And by mind, I mean fist!" A man shouted before punching another Viking in the face. You were a little off-put by that. Yes, so hit someone else on your side to demonstrate, I guess... Hiccup got them back on topic a bit more realistically. 

"Did you miss the part where we almost died? Have you seen my house? This is a new kind of enemy and I underestimated him. Now, that's on me. But I will not do that again."

"We're Vikings! We don't run from a fight. At least I don't. You might." Snotlout said pointing at Eret. You ignored him.

"I agree with Hiccup. We haven't seen the last of Grimmel. He's a predator, single-minded, and patient. He won't stop until he gets what he wants." Eret explained.

"I'm with Eret." Valka agreed, making Snotlout upset which, once again, went ignored by everyone else. "We have to take this threat seriously."

"Grimmel is just a sign of the times. Our enemies are getting smarter, more determined. We're not just overcrowded. We are exposed, and vulnerable. Short of full-blown war and risking everyone we love, I don't...I don't see a way of staying here any longer." Hiccup stated. Everyone quickly started talking, worried about this, but Arrow threw his ax on the table to get everyone's attention again.

"Hey! Hear him out!" He sat back down and nodded at Hiccup. You were just sitting there silently through all of this, unsure of what to do. There was a lot riding on this and so much to consider, but it felt as if most of it might not have mattered. If things were changing, then the decision of what was best was crucial.

"If we want to live in peace with our dragons, we need a better plan." Hiccup began.

"So, what are you saying, Chief?" Gobber asked. 

"I'm saying we have to disappear off the map. Take the dragons to a place where no one will find them." 

"And where might that be?" Another Viking asked.

"He's talking about a quest for the Hidden World." You said, finally speaking up.

"The hidden what?" A woman asked.

"Out to lunch." Ruffnut laughed. Hiccup ignored her.

"My father was obsessed with it when I was a boy. He made notes and maps in search of the ancestral home of all dragons...tucked away somewhere beyond the edge of the world. It may be the solution we need. We're dragon people. It's where we belong." Not many people looked very believing of his word. "Look, I know this is our home. My father left me to protect it. But Berk is more than this place. We are Berk! The people! The dragons! I say Berk is wherever we go." Hiccup state strongly as some of the people started looking like they were beginning to believe him. The twins were sitting there looking bored until Tuffnut jumped up and randomly shouted,

"I'm with him, who else!?" There was silence.

"(Y/n)," Valka started. You looked over at her. "As the leader of the Protector's of Berk and second in command, what do you say about all of this?" You thought about it. You looked at Hiccup for a moment and saw him waiting expectantly for your answer. You were silent for a moment longer before you stood up, facing your people with confidence.

"Hiccup is right." He smiled, relieved. "Home is where we make it home. This place isn't safe for us anymore and we need to find somewhere we can stay without being found again. We've become too much of a target here." You proclaimed. "Besides, Hiccup has led us through all kinds of dangers before. I have no doubt he'll do the same again." Hiccup smiled at you as you looked over at him warmly. Your mind was made up and the people were on board.

"Well, then we better start packing!" Gobber said and everyone then disbanded to start gathering materials and everything else they could carry. Hiccup came over to you.

"Hey, uh, thanks for that." You smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

"I've always believed in you. Nothing will ever change that." You promised. "Now, come on. We better get to work." 

You both hurried to help everyone gather the things you needed. Hiccup went off with Toothless and you told him you'd catch up with him. You needed to check on your family first. He understood and let you go do what you needed to.

You made it to your house, finding the roof burned and the inside of the house was a wreck as well. You frowned, your heart sinking as you saw it like this. Nobody was there, but you couldn't find it in yourself to leave right away. 

You sighed, walking around one last time. You went up to your room which had remarkably received very little damage. You rummaged around and found your old sketchbook. You remember the first time Hiccup had come over to your house. He'd seemed so impressed by your art. You remembered how he used to look. You chuckled at the memory of how dorky he used to be. You then thought about how shy you used to be as well and how much you had looked up to your brothers. You let out a disbelieving laugh.

"And look at me now. I'm betrothed to the chief of Berk. I'm the leader of my own team. I'm one of the greatest warriors Berk has seen. And I'm the second greatest leading dragon rider of all time." You listed reminiscently, letting yourself divulge into the memories and the feelings they gave you. The more you thought about it, the more insane it sounded. "How in the names of the gods above did I ever get here?"

"You fought using the bravery and strength I knew you always had in you." You turned and saw Zane there. You smiled a little at the eldest brother.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be organizing our family parade?" He came over and sat down next to you.

"(Y/n), do you know why everyone here admires you and looks up to you?" 

"Because I did something crazy and it got me to be respected?"

"No, that's not what I was gonna say." You were a little taken aback by this.

"Then why do you think I'm here now?" 

"Because you've never cared what people think of you." You paused, stunned by his answer.

"What? What does that have to do with anything?"

"(Y/n), you've never been afraid to do what you think is right. You've never wanted to harm dragons. Even when the rest of us were blind, you could still keep a level head and see both sides. Hiccup might've tamed a Night Fury, but you have always known deep down that dragons were not as bad as everyone thought."

"So did Valka." You pointed out.

"Yes, but you've heard the story. She rushed to protect Hiccup. You think she would've spared the dragon if it had been after him?" You thought about it.

"No." He smiled, placing his arm around your waist and giving you a brotherly side-hug.

"And what would you have done?" You thought about it. 

"I would've just tried to stop the dragon. I wouldn't have killed it." 

"Exactly." You looked up at your older brother, taking in his kind words and praise. "You are more than you think you are. And I know you think Hiccup is everything the world needs, but that does not make you less than him." You were stunned.

"How did you-?"

"I can see it in you. You still think that you shouldn't be here. You still think you should still be that outcast. The girl you used to be." You looked away, saying nothing. "But that's part of growing up, sis. People change." He made you look at him again. "And we all grow to be better if that's what we have our hearts set on." You smiled again, sweeter this time 

"You really are the wise one of the family." 

"Well, I try, but I still have my own issues to grow out of." He chuckled. You giggled too. He gave you another hug, this time full-on embracing you. "Don't be afraid of it anymore. If the time comes soon, don't hesitate. You two will be perfectly fine and I know you'll be happy." You hugged him back.

"Thank you, Zane." He pulled away after a short moment of the two of you just enjoying being there for each other. 

"Don't tell Ash we had this talk. He'll think I'm taking his spot." He joked. You chuckled at his light humor.

"Your secret is safe with me." He began to leave, but he looked back before exiting the room.

"Are you coming?" You nodded.

"Yeah, just give me one more minute in this old place." His smile told you that he understood what you meant.

"See ya back with the others then." With that, Zane left you to relive the rest of your memories alone in the home you had known for so long.

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