
By AntheiaW

4.3K 271 55

In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 30

56 4 0
By AntheiaW

-Me: You can't expect me to stay here with OUR son if you are sleeping with this trash bimbo. I will take Jr and leave here.

*I said our son just to rub it in Darla's face. She glares at me and Christian looks serious.

-Darla: Aren't you gonna do or say anything about what those little monsters and their bitches mom's did to me? Look at what they did to me.

*She say making a dramatic scene.

-Christian: You will start by showing some respect, because those little monsters as you call them are my family and your superiors, and one of them is my son.

*Christian says a little mad. Darla's face turns into one of a scowled child. Jajajajajajaja take that bitch.

-Christian: Besides, this is nonsense.. you don't need to be so dramatic about this, you'll heal in no time, in less than 2 days.

-Me: That's a real shame.

*As I say that, Darla walks towards me.. I guess she wanted to hit me or something, but she stop in her tracks when Christian said.

-Christian: DON'T YOU DARE.

*He looks at her menacingly, she backs away a little frightened and stand still.

-Christian: Now as I was saying.. Darla you are fine, so stop making a big deal out of this. And you...

*Christian say the last 2 words looking at me. I look at him with attitude.

-Christian: You will do no such thing, Christian Jr isn't going anywhere, he's staying here. This is his rightful place to be. And for your information, I'm not sleeping with her.. and even if I was, you have no right to be mad or to complain.

-Darla: But what about the other day?

-Christian: What about it?

-Darla: We were having fun and enjoying ourselves, I know you did like our intimate session.

*Darla says acting all slutty in front of Christian. I already knew that she was trying to get back with him, but I didn't know nor did I imagine that they actually did something. I'm not gonna lie, it pains me to know that.

-Me: Disgusting.

*I say looking at both of them fake gagging.

-Me: So you are sleeping with her, grose.. you know what? I don't care.. why would I? What I do care about is our son, I don't care if this bitch is fucking you or if you are together, I don't even care if she insults me.. BUT, she will not torment, bother, disrespect or touch our son in any way.

She she have no right to do that, not even if she is with you. Her being your girlfriend doesn't give her that right.. not today, not tomorrow, NOT EVER. So I suggest you control her or I will kill her if I so much see her looking at Jr the wrong way. You hear me?

*I say the last part looking at her with so much hatred as I start walking in her direction. She just stands there with her arms crossed and looking at her nails not bothered at all.

-Darla: We aren't even sure if that child is Christian's son.

*She smirks.

-Me: Bitch, I will take your eyes out.

*I say lunching at her, but at that moment Christian grabs me by my arm and proceed to stand in between us.

-Christian: Stop it.

*He say looking at us both. I take my arm out of his hand and glare at him.

-Christian: Darla we will not go threw this again, let's be very clear about something here. Christian Jr is my son, anyone with eyes can see that. So I don't wanna hear any insinuations that he's not or anything about that matter anymore. Am I making myself clear?

*He says with authority, Darla nods and looks down. I low key laugh at her.

-Christian: Now I'm gonna put some things straight.. you Darla, you will respect my son and Natasha too.

*That took me by surprise, because when he said that I looked at him surprised, Darla looks up at him as surprised as I was then she looks my way throwing daggers with her eyes.

-Darla: I understand about respecting your son, but why should I do the same with her? You are not with her anyway.. so why should I?

*She says looking at me as if I were nothing, as if I am less than her. Really bitch? Unbelievable.

-Christian: Because she is the mother of my son Darla, and because I say so. It's an order.

*He says serious. Then I start thinking.. because I'm the mother your son, just because of that? Nothing else? I'm nothing to you anymore.. good to know.

-Christian: And.. me and you are not happening again. We are not together.

*He says the last part looking at me.. as if to reassure me. Then he turns his face back to Darla.

-Christian: What happened the other day was a mistake, I'm sorry.

-Darla: I don't see why we can't be together.. or at least have some fun together. You can't denie that you enjoyed our intercourse the other night. Are you gonna denie it?

I know for sure that you did like it. Your moanings and the way your body reacted to me to my touch, showed me that you were enjoying it very much.

*She says smiling while looking triumphant at me. I try so hard to not let my emotions get the best of me, so I play hard and tried to look indifferent at her words.

-Me: I think I'm gonna puke, talk about your sex life when I'm not here.

*I say looking at them with disgust.

-Christian: There was no intercourse, well not in that way. We didn't go any further than oral sex. So please forget it ever happened, it was a mistake.

*So they did only oral, no sex.. whatever.. it's still grose.

-Christian: Now, I don't want any more trouble in my house, so Darla please try to not come here under any circumstances. Now I need you to leave.. you girls, only fight and I can't talk to the both of you like this. I'll talk very seriously with you tomorrow, now as I said.. leave, I have to talk to Natasha in private.

-Darla: You are taking her back aren't you? WHY? What does she have that I don't? I'm better than her, and I have never been with another men.. only you. Besides.. she cheated on you for God's sake.

*She says looking furious at me.

-Me: I did not cheat. And believe me honey, I don't want him back.. so you can keep him and have fun with him or do whatever the hell you want. I see that you like other people left overs anyway, so keep him.

-Christian: Stop this nonsense, Darla I will talk to you very serious later, we will not discuss about it now. Just know that you aren't of the hook for what you did today.

*Christian says furious.

-Christian: Leave now, I won't tell you again. I don't want a stupid cat fight right now. I don't have time for that shit.

-Me: FUCK YOU CHRISTIAN, FUCK BOTH OF YOU.. GO TO HELL. What stupid cat fight? Is it stupid that I want to defend our son?

*I smile a fake smile and shake my head in disbelief.

-Me: You are a sorry excuse of a man, of a mate and now as a father too. Now I see why you are perfect for each other, now I understand in a way why you always keep going to each other.. you both are shit, scum must be with scum.

*Darla gasps and Christian was raging with anger as he looks at me he was gonna say something, or maybe scream.. but he didn't say anything because Darla spoke first.

-Darla: How dare this anorexic bitch talk to you, to us like that?

*She says in disbelief and fake hurt.

-Me: This anorexic bitch is the mate of your Alpha whether we are together or not, whether you like it or not.. YOU STUPID WHORE, SO SHOW SOME RESPECT.

*I scream in her face, she just glares at me.

-Christian: I SAID STOP, Darla what did I tell you? We will talk later.

*Christian says raising his voice.

-Me: Don't bother, I'm leaving.

*I say getting out of the office, I hear Christian calling, telling me to get back, but I ignored him.. he screams my name loud as he growls. I kept ignoring him as I run away.

*I know that if he wants to, he could easily catch up to me.. but he let me go anyway and I was thankful for that. I didn't want to be in there with them anymore. I needed to breath, I needed some fresh air.


*I was sitting under the tree where Christian once read me poetry. How have things changed between us since that time. I was thinking as a few tears came down on my face.

*Then out of nowhere I hear ruffling behind a tree, I look and see a wolf.. as I look more intently I noticed that it's Christian in his wolf form. I recognized his wolf. He starts walking towards me slowly.

-Me: Go away. I don't wanna see you.

*I say mad, he whimpers and looks hurt, he turns around then he run off into the woods and I didn't see him anymore. After a few minutes, I hear someone speak, it was Christian's voice.

-Christian: What are you doing out here alone at this time?

-Me: Leave me alone.

*I say as I wipe away my tears and stands up. He comes from behind a tree and look at me a little worried.

-Christian: Don't you think it's time to go back to the house? Jr might be asking for you.

-Me: Jr is fine playing with the kids, besides Nati and Annette are with them.
How did you know where I was?

-Christian: I followed you, you weren't alone at all. I just kept my distance, because I know that when your hurt or mad you like to be alone.. you always do the same, you run off and hide.

*I laugh bitterly.

-Me: So now you're a stalker too. Good to know.

-Christian: Listen, I'm not here to fight with you.

*He says looking tired, but he was calm.. well that's a first. Since we saw each other again we have only been fighting.

-Christian: Look, I'm sorry about earlier.. I didn't mean that it's stupid that you defend Jr. What I meant was that it is stupid that you and Darla have this beef witch each other.

It's my fault you always keep fighting because in a way your rivalry is for me, but I'm not with her and neither with you so you don't need to keep fighting, not even if I was with one of you.

-Me: Save it, I'm done with your shit. And please don't make me laugh.. don't flatter yourself, I do not want you back. And I wasn't fighting for you either.

What I want is some respect and happiness for my son. But apparently, it's not possible.. that bitch almost hit him earlier today. Not even me that give birth to him has try to hit him, there was never the need to anyway because he's a good boy.

What is fucked up is that you didn't defend him, you didn't do anything about the matter. I guess you just didn't believe him..  you preferred to believe a slut.

-Christian: That is not true, I will handle Darla tomorrow.

-Me: Why not today?

*I say raising my voice at him.

-Christian: I was gonna do it, but you and her kept fighting and then you came here.. I followed you.. and.. UGH.

*He says frustrated.

-Christian: Look, the truth is that I wanted to enjoy you today without having to deal with anything else. Just today you arrived, don't you understand?

I missed you horribly. And now we have jr. too. All I wanted today was tranquility, peace and be with you alone. Start knowing my son, spend time with him. But I can't  because the first thing there is, is problems.

*He Sighs deeply and keeps talking.

-Christian: The first thing is my son, then I'll deal with the problems. The thing is, I don't want you to worry. Our son will always be the first thing for me. I will never believe anyone instead of him, and I will always defend him with my life.. you can be sure of that. He will be fine and will be happy, I promise you that.

*I look at him without knowing if I should believe him or not, but apparently he was speaking the truth.

-Me: Let's hope that you won't make the same mistakes you made with me to him. Besides, isn't it better that you deal with this now instead of later or another day? You should end this once and for all, so.. so much drama will be over.

-Christian: You're right it would be better to do it now, deal with this at once. But what happens is that I want to enjoy this day to the fullest ... it is the day I find you again and met my son. I want to remember only the good memories of this day and not damage it with fights and other things.

-Me: Cheap excuses for not putting your little whore in her place.

*I say pissed at him. He roll his eyes.

-Christian: Can't we speak in peace? You just wanna fight don't you? I.. I don't have time for this right now.

*He says with an annoyed expression and looking tired.

-Me: Oh sure, my bad. I forgot what your priorities are, for this you don't have time.. but for doing oral with Darla you do have time. You're grose, you make me sick.

*As I finish talking I spit to the ground with disgust in his way, his face turns mad as he walks towards me.

-Christian: You have changed, before you wouldn't fight with me this much and neither disrespect me. You were quiet, but now.. now you have a mouth on you.

-Me: Correction, I have always had it. But before there was no need to fight with you.

-Christian: True, you had it.. but never with me.

-Me: Because you used to be loving and caring, you were good to me. Well.. you pretended to be, but not anymore. I don't even recognize you anymore.

If someone changed here.. it's you, or is it that you were only pretending and now you finally show your true colors? And even if I did change, it happen for the better.. because since I had my son I needed to be strong for him.

-Christian: I used to be all that true, but not since you lied to me and cheated.

*He says with venom.

-Me: I did not.

*I close my eyes and breath, then I look at him and say.

-Me: You know what? I won't try explaining myself to you anymore, you don't matter to me. Believe whatever you wanna believe Christian. I am done with this bullshit.

*I say frustrated, he studies my face looking at me with an confused expression, he stay quiet and think then he speaks.

-Christian: Ok let's supose that you didn't cheat, but what about these 3 years that you were away? God knows what you did in all that time alone.

*He says getting more closer while looking at me with murderous eyes. I raise my eyebrows at him and give him attitude.

-Me: Pfft, I don't have to explain myself to you Christian. Go and control Darla, not me.

-Christian: So you did do something, who is he? When exactly did it happen?

*He growls at me, grabbing my upper arm. I take my arm out of his grasp and back away from him a little. He looked like a mad man.

-Me: I didn't do anything, there is no one. But I can't say the same for you.

-Christian: Don't play all innocent, let's not forget that I still don't know and I'm not sure if you cheated or not.

-Me: Things didn't happen the way you think, actually nothing happend at all.

-Christian: Then explain it to me.

*He screams with a raging voice that was followed by a dangerously growl. I look at him wide eyed and a bit frightened. I try to compose myself and try to explain to him how did everything really happen.

-Me: And whether you believe it or not.. I haven't been with anyone else since I met you.
But you... How could you do things with Darla? You disgust me Christian.

*I say hurt, he clearly noticed it.. but his face was still mad.

-Christian: Well you left and-

-Me: Excuse you? Let's correct that shall we. You throw me out

-Christian: Ok fine, I throw you out. The thing is, you weren't here and I am a man.. I have needs. You weren't here to warm up my bed, so what if I wanted to have sex with someone else, what if I wanna feel someone else's body?

I needed and still need some care and attention, are you gonna make a big deal out of it? You weren't here for me, you want nothing to do with me either. Then I am in all my rights to look for someone else who would gladly please me.

God knows how many men you haven't slept with. Because I don't believe for a second that you didn't do anything threw all those 3 years.

*He says infuriated, I gasp at his words, his words hurt me. My eyes started to fill with tears, I was about to cry.. as he sees that he looks at me with sorry and regret.

-Me: How dare you? Who are you even?

*I say mad and hurting, a few drops of tears escape my eyes and go down my face on my cheeks.

-Christian: Shit, I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to say those things, I'm so sorry, just imagining you with someone else makes me go crazy and that makes me start doing and saying stupid things.

All these years I didn't do anything, not even have I look at another women. It was recently that something happend, the day I did that with Darla was the first and only time. It really didn't mean anything to me, please don't cry.

*He says with guilt and sorry while grabbing my face as he wipe away my tears, I closed my eyes and enjoy the touch for a briefly moment. Then I take a few deep breaths and I take away his hands from my face.

-Me: Is that supose to make me feel better? Don't explain yourself to me, there is no need.. you said that you brought me here only for Jr. You said that I deserve respect only because I'm the mother of your son.

I'm nothing to you, I know that now.. you said it yourself, I have no rights here, no rights to say or do anything. So get away from me.

*I say serious as I finish wiping off my tears. He looks at me with regret.

-Christian: Natasha please, that is not-

-Me: I am not finish talking, I didn't do the things that you accuse me of, but you can believe whatever you want, I really do not care anymore.

*I Laugh bitterly.

-Me: You are fucked up you know that? It's ok for you to do your nasty things with other women, but I can't with other men. Just so know, I'm nothing like you.. thank goodness. You're trash Christian.

Again I say, if you believe it or not it's your problem.. I didn't do anything. Maybe I should have and maybe I still can.. but whatever, I'm leaving because I am so tired of having to explain myself to you every fucking time.

*His face hardens at my words but I could care less right now, I finish talking and started to walk away. Christian grabs me and push me against the tree as he gets closer to my face and starts kissing me on the lips.

*I fight and try to push him away as I move my head to the sides to stop him from kissing me, but I couldn't.. he grabs my face and he kept kissing me.

-Christian: You Are Mine.

*He says in between kisses, I couldn't do anything anymore, because even tho I try fighting it at first I end up kissing him back. My will power left me hanging.

*I was enjoying the kiss because I have missed him so much and I am still in love with him.. I never stopped loving him. Even after all this time, after everything that has happend between us.

*He starts to caress my face gently and I put my hands in his hair and behind his neck, then his hands starts to go down and as he gently touches my body, he move his body against mine and my legs started to feel weak. He still had so much affect on me. He started to try to take my clothes off.

*And In that moment I came back to Earth, I have to stop this.. because this wasn't right.. even tho it felt right. We can't just go kissing and having sex just like that as if nothing had happend. To much hateful stuff has happend between us, to many offensive words, hurtful words.

*If we keep going and we end up having sex, it won't fix anything.. but oh my God, I wanted to do it so bad. But I knew that I shouldn't.. so I try to push him away, but he is stronger than me so I couldn't push him.

*I kept trying and as I try to push him I started to say no in between the kisses. I kept trying with all my strength and told him to stop. I finally pushed him hard and it was enough for him to stop kissing me. We both breath heavily.

-Me: This isn't right.

*I say not looking at him.

-Christian: Why isn't it right? Because I am not one of your lovers? You don't want me touching you but you let some other men touch you. Do the humans fuck you better than me?

*He says sounding mad, I look up at him and I slap him as hard as I can. He looks at me furious.

-Me: It's always the same old shit with you. Everytime the same.

*I say pushing him away from me as I slap him again. He grabs me harshly and kiss me again. And again I pushed him back and slap him, as I slap him again he kiss me again.

*I push him one more time and try to slap him, but he grabs my hand.. I try using the other one but he grabs that on too.. he tries kissing me but I kept moving my head, he grabs both my hands in one of his hands while he was laughing, this was so amusing to him.. I just glare at him and tell him to let me go.. with the other hand he grab my face and kiss me yet again.

*This time I bit his lips hard and kick him in between his legs right on the nuts with my knee. He groans in pain and backs away as he puts his hands on his crotch. And again I slapped him, this time harder than before.


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