Horns // Billie Eilish

By bisexauI

1M 22.9K 82.9K

Alexis Ackerman lives a troubled life, surrounded by gang violence and instability. Billie Eilish lives an in... More

Five and a Half
Twenty One
Twenty Two


51.8K 1K 4.1K
By bisexauI


It's Saturday and I'm alone in my room, listening to one of my chill playlists while drawing random shit in one of my song notebooks.

I was supposed to hang out with Alexis tonight, but I haven't heard from her all day and it's already past nine at night, so I guess that's not happening.

We didn't talk that much this week, but on Thursday she randomly called me and we ended up talking for a couple hours about anything and everything. Before we hung up she told me she was taking me out to something with her friends from out of school today so I shouldn't make any plans, and I agreed. She didn't give me any details, promising to text me more details soon.

As you know, she didn't.

I'm a little annoyed, because I turned down plans with some friends who texted me earlier because I thought I'd be going out tonight.

It's not the end of the world though, I don't mind staying in my room and getting some writing done.

If I really wanted to I could text my friends and go out at the last minute, so I guess deep down this is actually where I want to be.

I'm totally lost in my own world while I doodle and jot things down in my writing notebook, so lost that I almost totally miss the ding of my phone.

When it dings got a second time I look over at it and pick it up, finding 2 message from Alexis on the lock screen.

Lexi: Yo I'm here

Lexi: You ready?

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. She's here? Like, at my house?

Billie: fuck you mean here?

Lexi: outside hurry up

I huff in irritation and slip on a random pair of shoes before walking out of my room and out the house, finding her car double parked out front.

She rolls down the window when she sees me and honks twice.

"Hurry up!" she shouts playfully and I roll my eyes again.

When I reach her car I don't get in, instead leaning through the window. Just like she did the day we met.

God, why did my stomach flutter a little when I thought about that?

"Dude, I didn't even know you were coming," I say, getting out of my own head.

"My bad, had a busy day," she replies and reaches over to open the passenger door. "Get in."

"I'm not dressed for a party."

"You look good! Just get in, no one's gonna give a shit what you're wearing anyway."

I hesitate for a second before sighing in defeat and opening her car door all the way, slumping myself into the seat.

I hate that I always seem to cave for her. But then again, do I really I hate it?

She grins and waits for me to pull my seatbelt across my body before driving off, speeding down the street as she presses a button to make her music start blaring again.

I frown as I look out the windshield, annoyed at Alexis for just showing up without any sort of warning and annoyed at myself for going with her anyway.

"Perk up, Princess," she says and takes one hand off the wheel to nudge my arm before resting it on my thigh.

I glance down at her hand and don't say anything, taking a second to admire the ink that decorates her fingers.

"I'm sorry for not texting you, okay? I got super caught up today. But hey, here we are anyway! We're gonna have fun."

I look over at her and take a good look for the first time, internally groaning because of course she has to look hot as hell when I'm trying to be mad.

Her dark, wavy hair is gathered together over one shoulder, giving me a good view of the large tattoo on the top of her right shoulder. It also highlights the rings and studs that line the side of her ear, which I hadn't noticed before.

"Say something," she says with a laugh and looks over at me, raising her eyebrows when she catches me staring.

"Sorry, zoned out," I mumble and look away from her, trying not to let my embarrassment show. "What has you so busy today anyway?"

"Work," she answers and I chuckle.

"You can't send a text between deals?"

"Hey now, I do more than just scam rich kids into spending too much on tabs," she says defensively and I laugh. "I tutor downtown."

I raise an eyebrow in surprise. I know she got into her school for being smart, but she still doesn't strike me as the type to go out of her way to tutor in her free time. I mean, when we talk she usually complains about school.

"What do you tutor?"

"Physics, calculus, and chemistry...which we have a lot of by the way," she says with a cheesy smile and I roll my eyes, even though my lips twitch into a faint smile of their own. That was dumb.

"That was the lamest thing you've ever said."

"You liked it though."

"I really didn't."

We talk for the rest of the ride, except when jams come on that require both of us to sing or rap our absolute hearts out.

Her hand stays on my thigh for most of the time too, which is how I like it. Her hands are so warm and whenever she takes it off to make a turn or something, I miss the warmth. Lame, I know.

Eventually we pull into a dirt parking lot that has a few other cars parked in it, but it doesn't look like much.

"Are you gonna murder me?" I ask and she nods.

"Absolutely," she replies and turns the engine off before turning around to grab her backpack out of the back seat. "Gonna go full Ed Gein on you."

I snort and get out of the car while she does the same, locking it up before walking around to me.

"You ever been here?" she asks as we start walking towards a little trail and I shake my head. "In for a treat then, one of the best swimming holes around."

"Swimming?" I ask and raise a brow. "I don't have anything to swim in."

"You got a bra and panties on, don't you?"

"Oh I get it, you wanna get me to strip," I say with a laugh and she looks over at me with a smirk.

"I don't have to take you to a swimming spot to get you to strip, Princess," she replies smugly and I roll my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time tonight, and it's only just beginning.

As we walk along the trail I hear distant voices and music start to draw nearer, and when the music gets more clear Alexis starts to dance along the trail like a dork. I bite back a laugh as I watch her, but she catches my grin when she turns her head to look back at me.

"What's so funny?" she asks as she continues to jam along to the music.

"You're so lame."

"I'm the one having fun right now," she shrugs off my insult and I shake my head with a smile as we continue to walk.

When we reach the pools I find a group of about 20 or so people already there. Some of them are swimming around already, while others are just standing around and chatting while sipping from the classic red solo cups.

There's one couple leaning against a tree and making out heavily, completely unaffected by the fact they're visible to nearly everyone.

"Yo," Alexis says with a smile as she walks over to a group of her friends, who all smile when they see her.

I recognize one of them, Darius I think, and he gives me a friendly smile and a nod of acknowledgement before wrapping Alexis up in a hug.

"Guys, this is Billie," she introduces me when he lets her go and they all say hi and tell me their names before going back to their conversations.

If any of them even recognize me they don't let it show. Perfect.

"Want a drink?" Alexis asks and I nod, following her over to the red cooler one of her friends must've brought.

As she rummages through what's left in the cooler, I look over to the water to see a guy emerge and make his way towards us.

He's tall and has that sleepy white boy look some girls go nuts for; pale skin, tired eyes, messy hair, and what I'm guessing is a permanent smirk. Tattoos cover both of his arms, and one of them extends from his shoulder into his muscular chest.

If I had to guess I'd say he looks about 24, but I'm not entirely sure. He's got one of those faces where if he said he was 18 you night believe him, but you'd also believe him if he said he was 30.

Not my type, but I could totally see a lot of girls gushing over him.

He makes eye contact with me and brings one index finger up to his lips, silently signaling for me not to alert Alexis of his presence.

When he reaches her he wraps his arms around her waist from behind and picks her up, which makes her yelp in surprise and kick her legs, trying to wiggle out of his strong hold.

"What the fuck, Jonah?!" she shouts and stops struggling when she realizes it's him, but I can tell that she's still uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, baby? Not excited to see me?" he asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

Baby? Who is this guy? Why do I care so much?

"Put me down you dickhead, you're soaking wet," she whines and he laughs, setting her back down on the ground while snickering to himself about getting her soaking wet in other ways.

"Who's your friend?" he asks and looks at me again, his eyes trailing me up and down shamelessly.

"Billie," she answers and glances at him. "Don't even think about it," she says when she catches him checking me out and rolls her eyes.

"Oh I'm definitely thinking about it," he says and I scrunch my nose in disgust. What a sleaze. "How about you come take a dip with me?" he suggests as his eyes meet mine, that damn smirk still on his lips.

It's not like Alexis' smirk, which is damn sexy. It asserts her confidence, which is an attractive quality even though it gets annoying sometimes. His, on the other hand, is just creepy, and makes me feel really uneasy.

I feel like a prey being hunted, and it's putting me on edge.

"Leave her alone, Jonah. Come on," Alexis cuts in before I can reply and he looks over at her, clearly amused by my discomfort and her defensiveness.

"Oh, I get it. Is she your new toy?" he asks with a chuckle and I see the way her jaw clenches in anger at his words.

"Fuck off, seriously," she snaps and he narrows his eyes, his whole demeanor shifting.

"Careful, baby. I don't want to make a bad first impression on Billie," he warns and steps closer while he glares down at her.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles and he glares for a few more seconds before smiling again. This dude is so hot and cold.

"You're forgiven," he coos then leans down to kiss her sloppily while I watch on in confusion. He practically licks her mouth while she barely responds to the kiss before he pulls back and glances at me again.

"See you around, sweet cheeks," he says and winks at me before running back over to the water and diving straight back in.

I look over at Alexis again, finding her looking down at the ground with a frown on her lips.

"Your friend is a douchebag," I tell her bluntly and she keeps looking at the ground.

"He's not my friend," she mumbles and reluctantly tears her eyes away from her feet to meet mine. "I'm sorry if he made you uncomfortable, I didn't know he was going to be here."

Her typical cocky, joking, 'I don't give a shit' demeanor is completely gone. She just looks broken, and it makes me heart clench.

"Wanna go somewhere else?" I ask and she nods instantly.

She reaches for my hand and I let her take it. I lace my fingers with her inked ones and let her lead me off towards the trail we came here on.

She doesn't bother saying goodbye to any of her friends, my guess is she wants to get away from Jonah as quickly as possible. He really sucked the joy she was experiencing just a few minutes ago right out of her, and it hurt to see.

I feel guilty for wanting to ask questions about him, because it's obvious he's one of the last things in the world that Alexis would want to talk about. I can't help it though, anyone would naturally want to know about the person who can shake the seemingly unshakable.

We walk in silence for a bit, but after a few minutes my curiosity gets to be too much.

"Who was that anyway?" I ask and she's silent for a little while. I start to think she's not going to reply, and I'm not going to push her.

"I guess you could say my boss," she replies and things immediately make more sense. "He's not the leader of the gang but he's, like, a second hand I guess. He gives me all the shit I sell and I give him all the money I get."

Gang? I guess that's not super surprising, but I had assumed she was just dealing on her own. I didn't think she was associated with an actual gang.

"Wait, all of it?" I ask and she nods silently. "If you don't get any money for dealing why do you do it?"

"I'm paying off a debt," she replies quietly, her voice a little shaky. "I don't really have a choice."

What the hell? That's awful.

"Enough about me, let's go get burritos!" she says excitedly and I can hear a shift in her tone, but it's obviously forced. She's still upset, but she doesn't want me to know that.

"Fuck yeah!" I let it slide, not wanting to make her feel any worse than she already does right now. One day I want to talk to her about this more, and maybe figure out how to help her. If I even can.

When we get back to the car I go to open the passenger door but Alexis stops me, suddenly spinning me around before pressing me against it.

I open my mouth say something but before I can she leans in and presses her lips to mine. I instantly respond, wrapping my arms around her neck while hers snake around my waist.

Kissing Alexis is weird, because I always feel conflicted. On one hand, it feels fucking amazing. I can't remember the last time I got so much out of just kissing the way I do with her. On the other hand, I feel guilty as fuck. My best friend who I've known for seven years has a huge crush on her, and she has no idea this is happening.

Her tongue slips into my mouth while her hands massage my hips, and I moan softly against her lips at the warm touch.

We make out for who knows how long, and eventually she pulls back so we can both get some air.

"Spend the night with me," she mumbles and stares into my eyes, her own grey ones darker than usual. "We don't have to do anything."

I think it over for a few seconds before nodding and she smiles, a real smile this time.

She kisses me one more time then pulls away completely, letting me get into the car while she walks around to the driver's side.

Once I put my seatbelt in she pulls out of the parking lot and drives off, putting her hand on my thigh again when we're on the main road.

I plug my phone into the sound system and put on another one of my playlists, which Alexis also seems to know every word to. It's cool how in line out music tastes are, especially considering how my last playlist and this one are totally different genres.

"You like Taco Bell? I'm feeling low effort and want a drive thru," she says and I nod excitedly.

"Hell yeah."

She squeezes me thigh then takes her hand off of it to make a turn, which makes me pout slightly.

Eventually we pull into a Taco Bell drive thru and order way too much food for just the two of us.

When she pulls back onto the main road I start digging through the bag but she slaps my hand playfully, making me whine.

"Save it for my place! I have something that'll go great with it," she says and I raise an eyebrow curiously but she offers no more information.

When we pull to a stop and park the first thing I notice is that we're in a pretty sketchy neighborhood. The street is full of potholes and the street lamps are either completely out or flickering, and clearly the city doesn't use as many resources cleaning up the trash here as they do in other neighborhoods.

"Fuck, I'm so pumped for this food," she says and snatches the huge bag from my lap before getting out of the car, which makes me laugh.

I get out and follow her towards her house, which is a tiny bungalow with a small front yard, surrounded by a chain fence. The white paint is chipping and pretty dirty, and there are rusting metal bars on the windows.

"Sorry it's not exactly the nicest," Alexis numbles, sounding a little embarrassed. She shouldn't be.

She unlocks the front door and lets me in first before following me inside and shutting it behind her.

As soon as I step inside a large husky charges at me and jumps up excitedly, her fluffy tail wagging.

"Arya, down!" Alexis says with a laugh and I shake my head, scratching her head while her paws rest on me.

"It's fine, I love dogs," I say with a smile and chuckle when Arya starts jumping up and down.

"Did you take her out?" Alexis asks and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before I realize she's talking to some guy on the couch.

If I had to guess I'd say he was at lost about 35, probably younger. He looks a bit like Alexis, maybe her brother? But she said she didn't have siblings, so that doesn't make sense.

"Dad!" she says louder which actually gets his attention, and he glances back at us.

Dad? I guess that makes sense, it just didn't really cross my mind at first because he just looks so young compared to my dad.

"Yeah, she's just hyper for some reason," he replies before looking back at the TV.

"Silly girl," Alexis coos and leans down to kiss Arya's head before taking my hand and leading me towards what I'm guessing is her room.

When we're inside I look around, a small smile on my lips. It's different form the rest of the house, cleaner.

It's small, but she utilized the space well. Her full bed is pushed into one corner and much of the space is taken up by two desks. One is covered in all sorts of recording equipment, like Fin's room, and the other one is covered in papers and textbooks. There's a cork board above it with all sorts of academic awards tacked to it, and it's cute that she's flaunting them.

The walls are covered in posters, ranging from bands like Green Day, to movies like The Shining, to athletes like Alex Morgan. There's a large bookshelf against one wall that is overflowing with books, with even more stacked on top of it because the shelves themselves are out of room.

I smile as I look at some of the items and remember things she's told me about them. Like how the Green Day poster on the wall by her bed is the first poster she ever hung up herself.

"Your room is cute," I say and flop down on her bed, watching her as she walks over to her computer to put on some music.

Once it starts streaming through the speakers she walks over and sits down beside me on the bed, bag of Taco Bell in hand.

"How old is your dad?" I ask curiously.

"33," she answers and reaches into the drawer on her bedside time to grab a pre roll. "Wanna split? Makes Taco Bell taste even better," she says and I nod eagerly.

"So he had you when he was..."

"15," she responds with a chuckle and passes me the joint along with a lighter. "Dude didn't know how to wrap it up apparently."

I snort in amusement then light the joint, taking a deep drag before passing it. I watch her take a drag as I exhale, my eyes drifting down to her lips. Those damn lips.

"Well that's a good thing, you're pretty cool," I respond and she smiles as she exhales through her nose.

We finish off the joint together before finally cracking into the bag of food. I like Taco Bell anyway, but damn it tastes even better when you're stoned.

We dig into it like animals, eating way too much than our bodies are built for. Before I know it the bag is just full of wrappers, and I'm so full I think I could burst.

She balls up the bag then tosses it carelessly at the trashcan by her desk, probably too lazy to bother taking it out right now. I know the feeling.

We both lay back on the bed, side by side and looking up at the ceiling in silence for a bit.

"This is strong shit," I mumble and see her nod out of the corner of my eye.

I turn my head to look at her and she does the same. We stare at each other in silence for a beat before I lean in to press my lips to hers. She kisses me back, bringing one hand up to cup my cheek sweetly while our lips slowly work together.

It's not long at all before things start to get more heated, and she rolls on top of me without disconnecting our lips. Our tongues work together as she hovers over me with one hand, her other hand still on my cheek while her thumb strokes my skin gently.

My hands trail down her body to tug at the hem of her shirt, and she pulls back for a second to pull it up over her head.

I only get to see her body for a second before she leans down and connects our lips again eagerly, her hand that was on my cheek moving down to slip under my shirt and stroke the skin on my side.

My hands roam over her newly exposed skin, which is warm and soft like her hands, while her lips move down to my neck and place teasing kisses along it.

"Lexi," I whine when I feel her teeth graze against my pulse point. "Not another mark."

She chuckles and pulls back to sit up, both of her hands moving to the hem of my shirt.

She looks at me for confirmation and I nod slightly before she pulls it up over my head, leaving me in my lacy back bra.

"Fuck," she mumbles as she stares me up and down, and I do the same to her. My eyes find another tattoo I hadn't seen before on her side, just under her bra line.

I reach out to trace it absentmindedly, and she smiles ever so slightly at the touch.

"We shouldn't go too far," she mumbles as she stares down at me and I meet her eyes again.

"Why not?"

"Because you're high as hell," she responds and I sit up with a chuckle, our faces level now.

"And? I know what I want when I'm high, I'm totally in control. It's when I'm drunk that it's a problem," I say and look down at her lips again.

That's true, by the way. When I'm high I don't do dumb shit that I wouldn't do sober the way I do when I'm drunk, I just feel even better while doing it.

"What do you want then?" she asks quietly and I meet her eyes again, finding them to be sparkling with lust and excitement.

"You," I say simply and connect our lips again, craving them as if it's been days since I last felt them against mine.

She kisses me back and lays me down again, her tongue making its way back into my mouth while her hands roam my body even more freely.

"You sure?" she mumbles while we kiss hungrily and I nod, sliding my hands up her back to unclasp her bra.

"100 percent," I respond honestly and that's all it takes for her to give in to what's happening completely.



Don't worry there will be a .5 chapter that picks up where this one left off

who's POV do you want for smut?


I didn't edit this sorry if there are mistakes

4000 words bitches suck my peen

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