The Devil's Daughter

By Werepanther

88.1K 4.3K 737

Angelica Shanley is beautiful. She is so beautiful that she can't stare at her own reflection for too long be... More

Author's Note
It's a Blaz piece
Ask the Characters
BOOK 2: The Kingdom of Nightmares
Hi. 01/05/2019


1.2K 81 27
By Werepanther

🎼 I did the best I could what can I say? It’s just so hard to dance when heaps of judgmental eyes are glaring at you because they think you’re a slut. Me a slut please if I were actually a slut and people knew I slept with Blaz I probably would have become more famous than Kim Kardashion. I’m exaggerating of course but you get my point. What I’m saying is I feel really uncomfortable with knowing I’m being watched and critisised for everything I do. I hate to say this but for once I do care for what people think. Blaz’s head popped from around the corner of the wall I was hiding behind and I looked away from him down at my crossed arms.

“We were barely on that dance floor for a minute.”

“First of all it’s just carpet not a dance floor and I don’t dance to Miley Cyrus without my wrecking ball. Second I came to this party because Erica was going to teach me about...” I glared around then searched the other end of the corridor seeing a few people before I stared at Blaz. “You know. And third...” I trailed off.

“And third?” He pushed. I don’t want him of all people to know I feel insecure. No freaking way is that happening and I don’t care how nice he’s being to me tonight or that he saved me from that demon.

“Nothing. I’m the social outcast I prefer to keep it that way.”

“Oh please I could tell how excited you were to come don’t lie to me rich girl I can see right through you.”

“Not through my clothes I hope.”

“Don’t change the subject we’ll get to that later.” He replied sarcastically. Don’t smile! Too late... “What’s the real problem? Is it the shoes?” I snickered. “Is it the fact Nicole is here and is telling everyone you’re a boyfriend stealer?” I hesitated. “I’m telling people otherwise.”

I looked at him shocked. “You are?”

“You told me to.” He said as if that was just a normal thing to say. No it’s not normal not coming from him!

“I did but since when do you do as I say?”

“Ever since I saw your legs. Come on you’re here live it out make memories.”

“Is that an order Sensei?” He didn’t answer he just took me by the hand and pulled me back down the hallway to the crowd of dancers. Are they growing? Wait no... I’m shrinking why am I...? I gazed down at my feet and saw my heels shrinking and changing into black high tops. “Blaz my shoes!” I panicked.

“You can’t dance in heels.”

“Blaz!” I growled. He yoinked me into him as soon as Taylor Swift ‘shake it off’ blared through the speakers.

“Stop awkwardly dancing.” He whispered noticing I’m just swaying side to side. I’m not a bad dancer. I snickered. Yeah you keep telling yourself that. “Oh heaven really.” Blaz scowled because still I’m not dancing. Then I started growing and my heels came back killing my feet. Erica spun me around to dance with while holding my hands.

“Go with the flow.” She said. “Ignore the others they’re not important.” When she started shaking her head around crazily as Taylor sang I laughed then shook my head around. We waved our arms around and started dancing stupidly while singing to the words. Dancing with her helps because she’s not trying to seem cool and that’s what Blaz was doing. He always has to seem too cool for his bad boy reputation. “Angie lookout.” She warned and Blaz spun me around so I sang.

‘The players gonna play play play play play

And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate

I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake


After that he rolled his eyes and we both danced stupidly together shaking our heads and jumping around. He let his inner weirdo come out not bothering to be cool anymore.

“Bangie4EVER!” I froze and turned around looking for someone who had called that out. Coincidently Erica is rushing off... I shrugged and went back to dancing like a maniac. We spent a lot of the night dancing together and Aaric with the other Dark angels guys would pull me away to dance with me and they circled me to block Blaz out.Which for some reason annoyed Blaz a lot, a lot a lot... As in he shot them all a glare and lit up one of their jackets on fire. Aaric kept dancing with me and I let him so we could both annoy the hell out of him. Eventually Aaric caught interest in the flirtstious eyes of some girl in my choir and I was back in Blaz’s arms.

“Nice moves.” Both Blaz and I turned our heads to Ranger.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Blaz muttered glaring up at the ceiling. I smiled at Ranger checking him out. He’s got the lip piercing on, slimming black V-neck... I gazed at Blaz’s white shirt. OK I guess it would be stupid to think Light angels only wore white and Dark wear black but can you seriously blame me for thinking that maybe they swapped T-shirts before they came? That’d be funnily weird.

“I’m going to the bathroom please try not to kill each other.” I said.

“It’s going to be difficult after hearing what he did to you this morning.” Ranger said in a low voice slow turning his head to head Blaz who held a cocky smirk on his face. Typical male ego.

“He did it to break up with Nicole. End of story if you two make this into an excuse to beat each other up I will pluck out your feathers one by one.” I turned away but then realised I don’t know where the bathroom is.

“Do you know where it is?” Blaz asked entertainingly.

“Sure.” I slid through the crowd who all seemed to smile at me or glare at me disgusted. Meh I don’t care anymore. Now where is this bathroom?  Where’s Mr Cat when you need him. I found Erica politely turning down a guy who leaned over her keeping her trapped at the wall. “Erica! Hey I need you for a sec.”

“Thank you Lucifer.” She sighed rushing over to me. She replaced God with Lucifer... Does this mean he and God is real?

“You’re welcome, warning Ranger is here and is with Blaz.”

“You left them alone.” Erica said worriedly.

“I threatened them so you have at least half a minute before they finish laughing at me. So uh where’s the bathroom to this place?”

“How the heaven should I know?” She shrugged.

“You’re so helpful like omagosh.” I mocked. “Go check on the numbnuts while I find one.” I stepped around her and the guy who was hitting on her before winked at me flirtatiously. “Not in a million years.” I stated still walking. I found door and knocked on it. I’m no fool I know what people do at parties like these. Although I doubt this party is that bad if they’re playing all the pop songs rather than nightclub music.

“Be out in a minute!” Someone yelled from inside. Why does that voice sound familiar? I heard moaning from behind the door, feminine moaning and I snickered stepping back. Wow this is awkward... I was about to walk away and find another bathroom because my bladder can’t wait any longer then finally the door opened. Nicole stepped outside her lipstick smudged and her dark hair a little frizzy on the side from someone pulling onto it probably. She certainly moved on fast from Blaz, I wonder how he’d feel about that. Then a new male face appeared and I gasped staring into his pretty blue eyes.

“Angelica?” He questioned surprised to see me. I feel sick in my stomach.

“Henry.” I can’t believe this. Henry and Nicole? How can he betray me like this? If someone told me I wouldn’t have believed them but they are standing before me with swollen lips coming out from the same bathroom. I don’t claim right over him I get that we’re just friends but I thought... And with Nicole? I can’t bear to stare at them anymore. I ran off back up the corridor to the crowd with him calling out after me. I think my heart just broke, which means I do love Henry in that way. I always did... I rushed past Aaric who gave me a look of concern and avoided the rest of the angels to get to the door.

Henry blocked my way panting and staring at me angrily. “You came with Blaz.” He hissed but I can’t pay attention when Nicole is not standing too far behind grinning at me. I shook my head and turned around to get away from everyone. Escape to get some air but the more I moved I found myself deeper into the crowd and no exit in sight.

Suddenly I was hauled back roughly by someone and I turned around to stare angrily at Henry. “I came with Erica...” I stated before he could say anything. “You came with Nicole.”

His grip tightened and I noticed a black and white figure standing near us. “I came here on my own.” It’s like I’m talking to a different person this isn’t the friend I know and love. He’s altered, he wears the same face but his spirit is different. Probably tainted by the mole. He’s not the Henry I adore I’m glad to know that now... no I’m not I’m miserable. How long has he been going to these without me? How long have he and Nicole been...? Ewe I can’t even say it my mind.

“I didn’t mean that kind of arrival.” I tore my arm away from him and ran around stepping around Nicole as she still smiled cruely at me. The front door seemed to swin open on its own and I didn’t question it I ran through into the night air. My throat is closing up and struggling to stay focused and calm. My hands are tingling and shaking.

“Hey!” Blaz called out following me as I kept running. This time when I thought about running in runners the shoes automatically changed themselves into runners. “Rich girl!” He shouted out but his voice is just a background noise to me. My heart thumping is the only clamour I can hear and my rapid breathing.


~ Blaz ~

“What did you do?” Ranger snapped at Henry making everyone crowd around interested in the change of atmosphere. I shook my head not caring about those two and ran after her.
“Hey!” She kept running and on her own she made her shoes turn into runners. “Rich girl!” I can’t believe what I just saw. I didn’t think it was in Henry’s goody two shoes nature to hurt someone like that. Especially to have a fling with Nicole when he’s supposed to be her friend. I don’t get that at all. Hey was she cheating on me? Or did she just do that for revenge? Never mind that’s not important. I have to catch up with her.


“Oh push off flower boy!” I shouted. I whipped my head around the woods trying to look for any sight of her. I can’t believe I lost her. Me! I’m the top trcker and fighter and I managed to lose a girl who has white hair. You’d think she wouldn’t be hard to spot.

“I’m going to find her hellboy you just get back to your party.”

“As if you could find her. Anyway what are you going to do if you do see her? She’ll think you’re a creepy stalker.”

“What about you!?”

“That’s different I am her creepy stalker who and I quote from her soft sweet lips...” I teased. He glared at me furiously unable to believe that I would know what her lips feel like. I don’t. I don’t care anyway. “Has a cute butt.” Besides I know how to cheer her up with her love of song. I don’t even really know what happened back there I’m just assuming they made out or something. I just caught her insult Henry with a sexual remark and then her running off on the brink of tears.

“Right I’m sure...”

I interrupted him. “That I have a cute butt. Wow my first compliment from rosy cheeks himself.” He clenched his fists and then big thorned vines grew up from the ground either side of him. That’s why I call him flower boy, because his power has to do with nature and its pretty flowers. He makes it too easy to mock.

“I hate you. But because Angelica wants you to live I will spare your insignificant life just for her sake. Alhtough she is better off without your dark influence.”

“Get over yourself you little pansy.” I stiffened when I heard her voice. ‘I can feel your heart beat... Say it to me... I can feel your heart beat running through me...’ I can tell where the sound is coming and it’s pretty far away. But I glared at Ranger waiting for him to dare to move. He glared at me back ignoring the singing unless of course... He can’t hear her... “I’m done here.”

“You don’t get to dismiss me.” He growled through gritted teeth.

I threw off my jacket and expanded my wings that I had fitted through the holes in the back of my top. “Just did.” I flew off into the night sky and followed the sound of her voice while trying to spot her. I found a white glow down by a stream and I flew down hiding behind a tree to see Anglica sitting there still singing. Her aura is glowing bright making her red clothes look pink and light. I can’t see her face but it doesn’t matter yet what matters is with her song she purposely led me over to her. I know it otherwise Ranger would be here. She called out for me like she used to when we were younger. Her heart warming songs... I remember those nights...

Maybe it’s the way you move,

You got me dreaming like a fool,

Like I could steal your heart away,

You’re stealing my heart away...’ I whispered along as she sang however she skipped a verse.

‘I don’t know where we’re going,

I don’t know who we are,’ She stopped and her light died out as she brought her knees up to hug them.

“What are you doing here?” She questioned.

“Doesn’t matter I’m here. And you’re upset it bothers me.” I stated as a matter of factly.

“I guess it would since you’re technically the only one allowed to hurt my feelings.”

“I don’t appreciate anyone trying to steal my job.” I replied walking over to her. But something ran out past me making me yelp. It’s that stupid cat again swishing his tail stealing the spot I was going to sit at. Right next to her.

“Hey Mr Cat.” She greeted gently stroking his head. He purred in response enjoying the feel of her hands.

I growled in annoyance. “Must he be part of our conversation?”

“Don’t be rude to him. I need someone to hug right now and I doubt you’re willing to offer that.” She clearly doesn’t know me at all. I will make any excuse to touch her. She’s too stupid to realise that.

“Try me.” I said smugly and she burst into tears. “Shit.” I muttered. I should know better, she’s a bomb when it comes to crying. One wrong word and she explodes. The cat rolled his eyes at her then glared at me. Comfort her you stupid cat! An evil shine passed over his eyes but I’m not worried. He can’t read my mind and even he suddenly could what’s he going to do? “Princess.”

“Oh God would you please stop with the nickname!?” She sobbed. I sighed and walked around the cat to kneel down in front of her.

“Princeps.” I whispered.

“That’s just princess in latin.” She mumbled in her arms.

“Those two are not worth crying for. Nicole only did that to make me jealous and to get you mad. As for Henry if any single guy is given the opportunity to sleep with a girl he’s going to take it.” She slowly lifted her head up and stared at me with horror. Uh Oh...

“He slept with her?!” Isn’t that what she’s crying over? Oh right they probably just made out whoops. “I can’t believe this.” She shot up to her feet and started pacing around.

“Why does it even matter to you anyway? Is it because he kissed Nicole your enemy or...” I hesitated and clenched my hands into fists. “He kissed Nicole instead of you?” I pray it’s the first answer. Even she can do so much better and I’m only saying this because it’s true. She’s an angel now a lot of the humans aren’t really in love with her they only think they are because they’re awed by her beauty. It’s no real love just an illusion I guess you could say. Without her powerful aura and beauty Henry has no influence to be the Henry she thinks he is. He’s probably an ass but the good kind like me. The worst kind like Ranger.

“I don’t know. Why would I even tell you anyway? I can’t trust you with my feelings considering you’re insensitve and you’ll just make fun of me.” I frowned at that.

“I don’t kick someone when they’re down.”

“That is bullshit.” She’s right so I won’t argue.

“Princeps. You’re the Devil’s Daughter and the Angel’s girl you have better things to worry about.”

“Doesn’t mean it still doesn’t hurt.” She said softly. Her skin is glowing under this moonlight and she looks innocent yet strong. Her new power must be finally running through her I can feel it rediating off her but it’s gentle. “I don’t expect you to understand since you’re the one that breaks the hearts not suffer from a broken one yourself. But I thought... I don’t know.” She covered her face with her hands and I grabbed them in mine rubbing circles with my thumb to warm them.

“Princeps you’re right I’ve never had my heart broken. But you shouldn’t be upset because your heart isn’t and probably never will be claimed by him. If he wants you he would have brought you to that party.” But I brought you and what does that say? Hint hint. What am I saying? There’s no way she’s getting to me. “You can’t cry over something that isn’t real.” She stared at me with admiration in her glassy eyes which surprises me but I kept strong. I did not flinch.

“I think I’m willing to try you.” She whispered. I creased my brow my stomach going funny and my breathing hitched. She suddenly hugged me resting her head on my shoulder. The hug! That’s what she meant... What I’m not used to the mushy stuff alright? I creased my brow.

Who am I talking to?

I hesistated before I circled my arms around her and breathed her coconut scented shampoo in. My body relaxed at her touch and then I got excited when her hold on me tightened but only for a second did it last. I lightly played with the ends of her hair and felt her tears soak into my top. “Don’t cry.”

“If I do then this hug will end and you will go back to your cocky self.” She whispered.

“I told you not to go all lovey dovey on me.” I said smiling.

She smiled on my shoulder. “I’ve fallen right for your trap. Curse you and your reverse psychology.” She whispered. I reminded myself I only have to be kind to her because it’s what Will would want. That’s the only reason. Although this girl is softening me up which isn’t good for the rep I’ve built up.

“Let’s go before Ranger finds us.” I said not letting go of her.

She didn’t move either. “He’s out here to.” It wasn’t a question and I noticed she searched the skies for him before looking directly into my eyes. “Where ever you are he is. Can you blame me for thinking you two were lovers?”

“Yes.” We both pulled away and I caught her eyeing at my wings. This made me smirk. “Wanna a better look?” I asked in a low whisper.

“Stop making this sexual.” She scolded wiping her tear stained cheeks. I turned to the side and she admired them. “You cut holes in your shirt?”


“How do they fit under your jacket?”

“Angels can shrink their wings a little to hide them better.”


“Wanna a lift?”

“Are you serious?”

“If it distracts you and makes you scream...”

“I won’t scream.” She assured dead serious but a smile played on her pretty lips. I see Will in her eyes. The way he looks when he’s feeling mischievous... I remember that same evil glint in his eye meant that he was going to take me out to do something reckless. I smiled at the thought but forced into a sneaky grin which made her back away in fear. “Blaz?” I started sensing Ranger coming near so I grabbed her hand pulling her into me and flew up.

~ 🎶~

Mr Cat

Yeah you know just forget about the cat...

Awww poor Mr Cat... Anyway thanks so much for reading if you enjoyed this chapter don't hesitate to vote Comment and fan! 

Also who's for team Bangie? Or maybe Mr Cat is her soulmate...

Mr Cat: *Meows in satisfaction*

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