
By AntheiaW

4.3K 271 55

In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 28

68 4 0
By AntheiaW

*Christian let go of my arm as Jr approach us, Jr hugs me and Christian doesn't say a word.. he just looks at us.

-Jr: Mommy I told my friends that-

*Jr stops talking and turns to look at Christian. He tilt his head to the side and kept looking at Christian.

-Jr: I am sorry, I forget to say hi.

*He says as they both look intently at each other. I see Christian eyes get wide as he apparently is thinking about something and Jr face turns into one of surprise and smiles.

-Jr: Mommy he is the man on the photo.

*He says looking at me then back at Christian.

-Jr: He is my daddy, my daddy came.

*He say as he start clapping happily, I got nervous, I didn't know what to do or say.

-Jr: You really am here, are you staying daddy? you gonna stay?

*Jr asks looking at Christian with a wide smile, Christian looks at me then turns again to look at Jr then realization hits him.. you could see he was furious, but as furious as he got.. he also had a hint of surprise and happiness, it was all written on his face.

-Christian: Is he my son?

*He asked me surprised with a bitter voice, I just look at Jr and he was looking confused between me and Christian. Then I turn my face and gaze at Christian.

*What can I do or say? I was about to pee on myself because of this shitty situation, to say I was scared and nervous is an understatement.

-Me: I.. I.. Uhmm.

*I say looking nervous at him, then I look at Jr and take a deep breath and try to gain courage.

-Me: He is not.

*I manage to say. Christian looks at me with killer eyes.

-Christian: Don't you dare lie to me, didn't you say that you had a miscarriage?

*I look at him with wide eyes and his expression changes to a menacingly one.

-Christian: Surprised that I know aren't you? Cristina told me everything.

*I didn't say anything, I was about to get a panic attack. Jr was still looking at the both of us confused and worried. I fake a smile at him to reassure him that nothing bad is going on.

I look at Christian who was obviously waiting for an answer, you could almost see fire in his eyes. I try to ignore him, I stoop down to Jr. I hug him and then kiss him.

*From the corner of my eye I could see Christian looking at us.. he was studying my every move.

*I need to talk to Christian but without Jr being present.

-Me: Papi porfabor ve y parate por alla con tu tio un momento mi amor. (Please go stand over there with your uncle for a bit my love)

-Jr: But.

-Me: I will be with you right in a minute.

*I say smiling at him. He makes a sad face as he look up at Christian.

-Jr: But mommy, I want to talk to my da-

*I didn't let him finish that sentence, I smile some more and say.

-Me: Please baby go stand with uncle Pat, I will talk to you later ok? I need to talk to this man about grown ups things.. I promise I will tell you anything you wanna know later, deal?

-Christian: Let him stay.

*Christian say mad, I glare at him and then I turn and smile at Jr.. Jr doesn't seem convinced at first, but after I made puppy eyes at him.. he finally nods.

-Jr: Deal.

*He walks towards Pat, as he walked away he kept turning his head to look at Christian, I watch him get to Pat who is talking to Cristina by the way.

*I then turn and face Christian who is looking mad as hell. I take a deep breath and speak.

-Me: First of all.. never ever again dare to get in between my son and I when I'm talking to him.. especially not to contradict me and in front of him, you were out of place.

Secondly.. I didn't lie.. I did have a miscarriage.

*God forgive me.. Christian makes a fmmmhh sound while shaking his head and still looking mad.

-Christian: You think I'm stupid don't you?

*I roll my eyes. Let's hope you are right now to believe me and leave.

-Me: Look, I don't have time for this.. HE IS NOT YOURS.
After I lost the baby, I met someone else and he is the father of my son.

*I try to say as calmly as possible, but you could see and feel my nervousness. Please believe me.
He looks at me skeptical then his face hardens again and he was looking beyond mad. He gets closer to my face and say.

-Christian: I don't believe you, anyone with eyes can see that he looks exactly like me.

-Me: This is stupid, you know how many gorgeous men with blue eyes and white skin are around here?

-Christian: Ok, where is his father? I wanna meet him.

*He say calmly for my surprise. I make an are you crazy look at him and he smiles.

-Christian: He doesn't exist doesn't he? Because he's fake just like you, that child is mine.

-Me: You have no rights to come into my life right now and do as you please, and besides.. you can't meet him because he is death.

-Christian: Hmm I see, when did he die?

*He says sarcastically and obviously not believing a word of what I said.

-Me: A long time ago.

-Christian: Tell me the exact date.

-Me: That doesn't concern you.

-Christian: You're lying that's why you don't wanna tell me, I'm taking the kid to do a DNA test then.

-Me: NO.. he died a few weeks before my son was born ok. It's not a good memory for me stop tormenting me with this.

-Christian: Ooooohhh you poor thing.

*He says mocking me.

-Christian: When was your son born? And how exactly did the father "die".

-Me: I am done with this shit, I'm not answering any more questions and if you so much go near my son and touch him I'll call the cops on you.

-Christian: Jajajaja what the fuck can some cops do to me? Call them if you want, Don't forget who I am, what I am and that I have money, I can easily buy the cops.

-Me: I hate you so much, I will take your eyes out if you touch my son.

-Christian: Uuhh feisty.. I love it. Oh and don't forget that there was a time that you used to love me and my eyes used to drive you crazy, and something else used to drive you crazy too.

*He says whispering in my ear, as he gets to the last part he smile at me devilishly and look down. I make an disgust look and push him away.

-Me: You're a pig.

*He just smiles, but he was still looking mad.

-Christian: Enough of this child's play, he is my son isn't he?

-Me: I already told you, he is not yours.. now leave me alone.

*He gets even more mad and frustrated when I said that.

-Christian: Tell me the truth now.

*He raise his voice and screams in my face, he grabs me by my shoulders and shakes me a little bit. When he did that we heard Jr scream 'Let go of my mommy'.

*We both turn and look, I see Jr running towards us. And I also see Cristina holding a furious Pat, he was trying to get to us too. But he couldn't, she obviously is stronger than him.

*As Jr gets closer to us.. he goes directly towards Christian and kicks him.

-Jr: Let. her. go.

*He says in between breaths while kicking Christian.. of course those little kicks didn't do anything to Christian, he didn't even budge.

*My baby was standing up for me even tho he knows he can't win Christian, but I couldn't be more prouder of him.

*Christian looks amused at Jr and say.

-Christian: I'm sorry little one.

*As he tells him he's sorry he let's me go, Jr proceed to hug me as he looks at Christian with distrust.

-Christian: Listen here little man.

*Christian says stooping down, Jr looks up at him firmly in the eyes, he is mad. Christian put his hands up like if he was surrendering and smiles.

-Christian: Hey I think it's grate that you stand up for your mommy and defend her. You're a very brave boy.

*Jr looks at him confused. Who wouldn't be confused with this bipolar man.

-Christian: Let's make a deal will you?

*Jr looks at him skeptical now.

-Christian: I really need some answers, and I think you can help me with that. I will ask you some questions and you will answer them, in return I won't hurt your mommy again like that.. I promise.

How does that sound? Do we have a deal?

*Christian says smiling at Jr and taking his hand out. Jr thinks then he nods, take Christian's hand and shake it. I wasn't liking this, not even a bit.

-Jr: Deal.

-Christian: You know when people makes deals they have to always do it, just like when we promise something.. we have to keep our promises always, it's sacred. Also always, always speak the truth.. Do you know that?

*Jr nods and give Christian a small smile. He was winning Jr over.. bastard.

-Christian: Good then. I'm glad you know.

*I look at Pat and ask him to take Jr away, but then Christian got up and said.

-Christian: If anyone touches the boy, I will snap there neck.

*He said looking at Pat's direction, Cristina once again holds Pat as she talks to him and try to calm him down. Christian looks at me throwing daggers with his eyes.

*I then tell Jr that he isn't obligated to answer any questions, Christian's face hardens and Jr said that he had made a deal so he has to do it and also wants to do it.

*I decide to listen to what he was gonna ask, so I try to follow there conversation.

*Christian started asking about the photos. I just stay quiet and see what Jr was gonna reply. If he is about to say something that I don't like I won't let him finish.

*That will only bring more trouble between Christian and I.. but I couldn't care less.

*Jr said that I always showed him pictures of our family, and it's true I've always showed him pictures of my mom's, Nati's, Annette's, Chandrely's, the guys and the kids.

*I always tell him that he can trust those people with his life including me and Pat of course.

-Christian: Hmm I see.

*Then came a question that I didn't like so much.

-Christian: And what about my picture? I heard you say before that you have a picture of me.. what did your mommy say about my picture?

-Me: Baby you don't need to answer that.

-Jr: But..

*He says looking at me then again at Christian. Christian face was red as a tomato. You could say he was about to explode.

-Christian: I swear to God Natalia. LET HIM SPEAK.

*He says the last part furious and raising his voice to the point that he growls a bit. Jr looks at us not knowing what to do and not understanding.

-Me: No, that's enough. He is my son, I decide what he can or can't do.. not you. And do us a fabor, control yourself because you're scaring my son.

-Jr: Mommy please, I made a deal.. and I am not scared.

-Me: I am glad you aren't scared then, but baby please don't answer him, do it for me.

*I say pleading with my eyes, I know I shouldn't manipulate him.. but what else can I do. I can't run away, that will only be a waste of time.

-Christian: You are really testing my patience.. you're getting on my last nerves. Let the boy speak or I swear I'll-

-Me: You'll what? Hmmm? You'll what? You'll hit me? You'll kill me?

*I say mad as I get in his face. We got carried away in our discussion that we started fighting and forgot that Jr was present till he screams.


*He looks at me pleading.. almost crying, he wasn't liking this situation.. and can you blame him? The first time he sees his father and instead of it being a happy reunion, he sees his parents fighting and almost hitting each other.

*I felt horrible for him, so I stoop down and hug him.

-Me: I'm sorry baby.

*I say as I kiss him multiple times on his face, he started to laugh and that laugh made me feel better and complete.
Then I smile at him and tells him that everything is ok.

-Christian: I'm sorry too little one, can you answer me please?

*Christian says with a sweet voice. I stand up and tell Christian to leave him alone not screaming or raising my voice, I say it more calmly as I possibly can. Christian's sweetness disappear because he looks at me pissed.

-Jr: Mommy it's ok. I'm ok. I can answer.

-Me: Don't an-

*Suddenly Christian grabs both my wrists in one of his hand and cover my mouth with the other. I try to get out of his hold but I couldn't.
Jr look at us alarmed.

-Jr: You promise you won't hurt mommy.

*Jr says getting mad.. you could see that he is worried too. My poor little angel.

-Christian: Don't be afraid little one, don't worry.. I am not hurting her, I am just holding her so you can speak.. your mommy is fine. She's just being a little naughty you know.

Me and your mommy used to play like this a lot before you were born, when one of us is being naughty the other do this.. we are just playing our game. It's a grown ups game. Look.. see? she is fine. I'm not causing her any pain.

*Christian tells him in a playfully way. Jr looks unsure and thinks. Then Jr say that this game is weird and that he doesn't understand  it, Christian reassure him again and smile. Christian told him to please answer his question.. and so then Jr started to talk.

-Jr: Mommy said that you are my daddy.

*My heart skipped a beat, Christian looks at me in disbelief as he kept talking to junior.

-Christian: Now.. why don't you tell me your age and name little one?

-Jr: I'm 3, my name is chr-

*As he was about to say his name I bit Christian's hand and kick him between his legs. He makes a hiss sound and curse as he puts his hand where I kicked him.

*He let me go and Jr stops talking as he look at us both strangely. I'm sure he isn't understanding anything.

*I grab Jr and put him behind of me.

-Me: That's enough, no more questions.. no more. You have no rights coming here and attack MY son and I like this.

*I say emphasising the -my-, obviously Christian is pissed.

-Me: You heard me? MY SON, MINE, NOT YOURS, NOT OURS BUT MINE. I am the only parent here. Remember when I told about my pregnancy Christian darling?

*I say the last sentence mocking him. He glares at me.

-Me: Do I need to refresh your memory for you? You didn't believe me that he was yours, at first you did, but then later on you didn't anymore.

So again I say it, you have no rights, do us both a favor and leave already. LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE.

*I say with so much hatred, Jr stands by my side and again he wasn't looking happy with this.. and well you could see that Christian wanted to kill me.

-Me: Just leave.

*I see that Jr is upset and confused, I sighs and take a few breaths to try and calm down. But Christian wasn't calming down, he was infuriated.

-Me: Look.. I don't wanna do this in front of my son please, he's upset already.

*I say calmly. His eyes are filled with rage and hate.

-Christian: I swear to God Natasha, if you don't tell me everything right now.. hell will brake loose on earth. For what I have heard already he is my son. Why where you lying? Why hide him from me?

-Me: Ok.. look.. I will tell you everything, but not now.. not like this, especially not in front of my son.

*I say pleading, I started to think on what to say to him to prevent him from taking Jr away from me.. maybe I could tell him that because Jr's dad was never around I used his pic to tell him he's the father even tho he isn't?

*Just so Jr could be happy, and also because I wasn't planning on going back, that's why it was the best excuse for me.. because Jr was always asking about his dad and I didn't know what to tell him.

*But there is also a problem with that lie, what about when Jr gets bigger and is about to change, he'll needs to go to Christian for help and training, what will I say?

*I can't just go and say.. 'hi how are you, long time no see.. you know after all, he is actually your son, I lied back then because I had my reasons'.

*No I can't, I have to think about something else.. and quick. Just then Christian shakes his head and grabs me.

-Christian: You will tell me everything I wanna know right now.

*He says growling in my face and showing his teeth, his hold on me gets tighter and I wince in pain. Christian looks like a mad man. He looks at me with so much hatred and distaste.

*It's like as if he was reading my mind, maybe he knows that I'm planning on lying again.

*Jr looks terrified at me then he start punching and kicking on Christian's legs.

-Jr: Stop, let mommy go, I will say anything, let mommy go.. you promised.

*Right about now Jr started to cry, Christian start to calm down and let's me go. He looks at Jr with sorry and regret in his eyes. And again he say he's sorry. Jr step away from him and tells him that he's a bad person.

*That hurt Christian's feelings, because I could see it on his face.. he start turning sad and walk towards his car and sit there thinking like a scowled child.
Even after everything that happend I don't want Jr to hate his father.

*So I hug Jr and whisper in his ear, all this I say it in spanish so christian wouldn't understand.. I tell him that everything is ok and to don't hate Christian because he is not a bad person.

*Jr of course said that if he was hurting me that means he is bad. I told him that normally it is like that, but that Christian may have hurt me a little, but he didn't mean to do it.. and that he shouldn't hate him, because Christian is his father.

*I also told him to remember what I have always told him, that he can always trust the people on the pictures. And Christian is one of them, because after all.. Christian would never hurt Jr, especially not now that he knows that Jr is his.

*On top of that I have thought him to be good and forgive people of course everything has his limits, he can't go forgiving someone who tries to kill him. I won't. But this.. this is another situation.

*I tell Jr to go to him and tell him he forgives him.

*Jr was about to walk towards him.. when christian came, before Jr can say something.. Christian apologize to Jr again, and he said that he will make it up to him. Jr just said ok and turns around to hug me.

*Christian then asks Jr his name again, and this time I tell him myself. Christian just nods and thinks for a bit.
He may look calmed and sweet towards Jr.. but every time he turns to look at me, he looks pissed.

*After a few seconds of silence...

-Christian: Ok then, I'm leaving.

*As I heard those words, relief comes washing down on my body.

*I grab Jr's hand and start walking away from Christian and towards Pat, who was still with Cristina.. but looking at us every minute.

*Every time he turns his attention away from Cristina and looks at us, I see Cristina looking at me with what you could say is jealousy. And something came to my mind.. Maybe their- 
Noooo.. it can't be, or can it? I get out of my thoughts when...

*Suddenly, Christian grabs my hand, and he takes Jr's hand out of mine and grabbing it in his instead.

-Christian: Where do you think you're going?

*He asks annoyed, you could see he is frustrated and also mad. I look at him weird.. not understanding what was his problem now.

-Me: You said that you're leaving, so I guess we are done here.

*He chuckles bitterly.

-Christian: Oh well I'm sorry then, there has been a misunderstanding.. let me rephrase that for you. WE ARE LEAVING.. ME, MY SON AND YOU.

You both are coming with me.. and don't make me drag you because I will.

*He says the last sentence in a whisper.

-Jr: Mommy you didn't say we are leaving with someone else.

-Christian: Sooo.. you were planning to escape again, weren't you?

*He says glaring at me and with distaste. Christian turns to Jr and his expression softens. Bipolar much.

-Christian: There has been a change of plans little one, you're coming with daddy.

*Christian tells him smiling, and it is a true genuine smile.. one of those smiles that he used to give me before everything went to hell. That beautiful smile that I have a long time without seeing.

*I turn to Christian and tells him as low as possible so Jr won't hear us.

-Me: You have no right to do this, you denied him before he was even born, you called us both names, you insulted us and threw us out.

Back then you didn't believe that he was yours. And now you come here as if nothing happend and start to decide on us on our lives, I don't think so Christian. We are not leaving with you.

-Christian: The same rights that you have, I have them too. And now I know and am sure that he is mine I can see that, I'm not blind.. he is my vivid image. And for your information I went looking for you after you left.

-Me: Excuse you? You threw me, us out.

-Christian: Ok, ok.. whatever. That's in the past now and now the only thing that matters to me is Christian Jr here.

*He winks at Jr and gets closer to my ear, I could feel tingles in my body but I wasn't going to give in.
I compose myself and try to shake the feeling away. Christian then says.

-Christian: Look I'm tired and frustrated with this whole situation.. I wanna leave already.. so you either come or I am taking him without you.

He's my son, he has to live with me, with his pack, his kind.. his people. It's his birth right to become the Alpha after me.

-Me: You don't own him, he isn't yours. You can't take him without my permission. I won't let you.

-Christian: Oh please Natasha, what can you possibly do against me?

*He says laughing mockingly while he takes Jr to the car, I of course go after them. He puts Jr in and close the door.

-Christian: Be glad that I am willing to take you to, because I could easily leave you behind.
And if you wanna fight for him in court, I will. Just know that you can and will loose against me.

You practically kidnapped my son and lied to me about his existence. How could you say that he died?

*He says looking at me in horror and as If I was a crazy person. I just stay quiet.

-Christian: You're out of your mind Natasha. God knows.. maybe you're even capable of hurting him, because him looking exactly like me might trigger your hate.

*I was the one looking at him in horror and disbelief now.

-Me: How dare you Christian? I would never do such thing to my own child.. he might look like you, but I give birth to him. He is my blood too. And my only reason to live.

You were the one that said that you would kill me and him. Remember?
When I was pregnant and you threw me out, so don't come here playing saint. No te queda. (It doesn't suit you)

*He once again gets angry. He is gonna look old very quick if he keeps this up. Then I remember, he's a wolf.. the bastard age slower.

-Me: Besides, I said those things because you said that you would take him away from me.. and that I could never see him.

-Christian: Ok.. enough of this nonsense, again I'm telling you, that's In the past now. And just so you know.. I would never hurt a son of mine.

*He says walking around the car to go to the drivers door.

-Me: Neither would I, not in a million years.

*He stops walking and turns to look at me.

-Christian: And just to be clear, I am bringing you along just because he has already lived with you, he's used to you.. and for what I can see, he loves you very much.

I'm not gonna be the bad guy who separates him from his mother, that will only make him hate me.. and I have no intention for that to happen. If I don't take you with us, he will miss you.

So just to be perfectly clear, you are coming along with us just for him. Not because I want you, so don't go thinking or imagine fantasies that I'm taking you along with us because of something else.

*His words hurt me, but I refuse.. and I won't let him see that It affects me. So I just cross my arms and shrug my shoulders.

-Me: Don't flatter yourself, I'm not interested in you anymore either.

-Christian: Ok. Glad that we are on the same page here.
So getting back to what I was saying, I'm willing to take you with us for Jr.

BUT... if you keep refusing, I will not think it twice to leave you behind.. because it doesn't matter if you agree or not, my son is going with me.

He's my flesh and blood, my heir.. he has to live on the pack grounds where he belongs. It's his pack, he is a werewolf and he Is the future Alpha.

*He says in all seriousness, I glare at him as he kept talking.

-Christian: It's your choice now, are you coming or not? Again I tell you, my son is leaving with me.. so make up your mind quick, because I don't have the whole day.

*Of course I told him that I'm going too, no way in hell am I leaving my son. He tells me to get in the car, he then calls for Cristina and says that we are leaving.

*She asked him if she could stay, saying that she wanna stay for a few more days.. for personal reasons.

*Christian say ok and gets in the car, I could see that Pat wasn't happy with the situation. As we were about to leave, Jr asks if he could say goodbye to his uncle.

*He thought that Pat was coming too, but now that we were about to leave.. Jr realized that Pat isn't coming with us. Christian was all smiling and everything with Jr, but You could see that Christian didn't like the idea very much.. but he agrees anyway.


4772 words.

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