
By AntheiaW

4K 269 55

In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 27

51 4 0
By AntheiaW

*My mind went blank at first, then I started thinking.. and the only  thing I could think about is... they found me, but how? I don't know and I don't care either, but if she found me.. that means he did too.

*That only means one thing.. different scenarios started to play in my head, but the only one that mattered to me now was.. that they are gonna take Christian Jr from me. Right now there is only one thing to do.. I HAVE TO LEAVE.

*I was turning around to leave and to get far away from her, from this place, when she grabs my hand.

-Tina: Please don't go, we have to talk.

*She says giving me a pleading look.
No words could come out of my mouth, I was in shock and at the same time I was scared. I don't want them to take Jr away from me.

*On the other hand, I did have a lot of questions.. but I didn't want to see or talk to anyone that is remotely close to Christian. Because again as I said before.. he will take my baby away from me.

*I try to release my hand from her hold, but she wasn't letting me go, she tight her hands a little bit more, but not causing me any pain. I look at her hand and then look at her directly in the eyes giving her a dislike look.

-Tina: Please Natasha sit.

*She says motioning to the chair in front of her.

-Tina: I just wanna talk to you, I swear that I came here in peace.

*She says that as she let my hand go, I look at her confused and suspicious. I look around and asks.

-Me: Is Christian here too?

*I turn to look at her, she smiles and shake her head.

-Tina: No, he isn't, he doesn't even know that I'm here. I wanted to talk to you first. Can we talk?

*Again she gives me a pleading look. I think about it for a bit not truly convinced by this behavior of hers. I don't know if I should believe her, but I sit down anyway.

*As I sit, I motion for her to start talking while looking away. I kept checking if I see Christian or not.

-Tina: First of all, I wanna begin apologizing to you for everything that I did and said to you.

*As I heard those words I slowly turn to look at her, I raise my eyebrows and look at her wide eyed. I couldn't believe my ears, this must be a trick.
Cristina notice my reaction and give me a half smile.

-Tina: Can't believe it can you? But I swear that I'm being genuine.

-Me: Is this some kind of trick, a joke or something?

*I ask in disbelief, she just smiles. I look at her strangely and with distrust apparent on my face.

-Tina: No such things, I'm being truthfully here.. completely honest. I am truly sorry, I was in a bad place at that time.
The only thing I saw and lived in was bad things since I got the accident.

With no memories of my past and being around such awful people, well you can imagine.. maybe that influenced me and made me be that way.

I know that it's no excuse and that it is hard to believe.. but I am really sorry. Please forgive me.
I was really bad to you and also.. I was such a bitch. I have caused you pain and I'm sincerely and deeply sorry for that.

*I don't say anything, I just listen to her. She was speaking with such sadness and regret, I could see misery in her eyes.. and believe it or not I think she is really sorry or maybe she's just a good actress.

-Tina: I remember everything from my past now, I started to get my memories back like a week after you left. Since then I've been trying to redeem myself.. to prove to everyone that I am no more that wicked, cruel and ambitious person.. but that I am back to my old self.

But the one person that I needed to apologize more to was you and you weren't there. Nobody knew where you were, I wanted to apologize and show my respects personally to my Alpha Female.

*She says finishing with a small smile, I don't know what to think.. maybe she's sincere maybe not. I couldn't really tell. I look at her suspiciously than I turn my head to side while I look outside.

-Me: Don't call me that, I'm not your Alpha Female.

-Tina: You are, I'm sorry to say it.
You can deny it all you want,  but you are.
You're Christian's mate, you mated with him already.. remember that you have the scent on you.

-Me: It doesn't matter, none of that matters now. We are not together anymore.

*I kept looking away while I say those words.

-Tina: I won't bother you with that anymore if you don't want to.

-Me: Oh.. thanks.

*I say sarcastic and looking at her, she notice my reaction and say.

-Tina: I understand that you don't believe me now, and that it's hard to believe someone that made your life hell, but hopefully with time I will show you how sorry I am and that I really changed.

*I look away once again without saying a word, there was an awkward silence between us for a few seconds.

-Tina: Please give me a chance.

*She say pleading.

-Me: How did you find me?

*I say looking directly at her, ignoring her plead.

-Tina: Well it wasn't easy, that's for sure.. but I contracted some private investigators and they were looking for you for a long time.. they took so long and at first they didn't found you of course.

At first it was Christian who contracted them, after a year or so he stopped using there services. But when he did that, I kept using them.. in secret of course.

I guess that we can say that it was just luck or destiny that they found you, because one of them came here for whatever reason and he saw you. He recognized you ride away for what he told me. They had 3 years looking for you.

-Me: So you wanted to find me to apologize? Is that all?

-Tina: Not only for that, but also for Christian. At first Christian was looking for you, he was so desperate and hurt. But after a year of nothing he give up. He thinks that you don't love him.

He's a mess without you, if it wasn't for the pack he would have lost his shit a long time ago. He's been so hurt since you left him.


*I say getting mad, I grit my teeth in anger.
Cristina nods and said she's sorry that I'm right, then she kept explaining.

*She said that Christian is "devastated" SUPPOSEDLY. That he went looking for me a week after he threw me out. That he lost hope in finding me and that he is bitter.
That he misses me, and still think about me.. I found that hard to believe after everything that has happend.

*She also asked me to go back with her, but of course I refused. She said that Darla was trying to get back with Christian.
And even tho I am not thinking of going back, that made me jealous and mad. To the point that I whisper something.

-Me: That slut.

*I say in between teeth and low enough so she won't listen. But I guess Cristina heard me anyway.. because she giggle a little bit.

-Tina: Don't worry, he only have eyes for you.. even tho he does some stupid things from time to time. Please let that stay between us. But be sure that he loves you.

-Me: Pffft, I couldn't care less.

*I say looking in another direction, from the corner of my eye I could see her smiling.

-Tina: So, where is your baby? I guess he or she is big now.. what gender is it? A girl or a boy? Christian will be happy to meet and know the kid.

*With that I got pale, I got a little nervous.. I didn't know what to say or do. I stayed quiet and try to think about something really quick. Then something came to my mind and I said it, I can only hope that she will believe me because she will tell Christian for sure.

*I hope and pray to God to forgive me for what I'm about to say, and ask him to keep my son away from any harm. But I'm not planning on letting them know about my son, at least not yet.

-Me: Christian didn't believe it was his, besides.. it doesn't matter anymore, I.. I lost the baby.

*I turn to look at her, she looks sad at me but also a little skeptical.. then she asks.

-Tina: If you don't mind me asking, how did it happen?

-Me: I was under a lot of stress and that caused me to have an miscarriage, look I don't wanna talk about it.

*Cristina doesn't look convinced but she give me a pity look and said that she's sorry to hear that. I told her that it's ok because it happend a long time ago.

*She kept trying to convince me to go back but I kept refusing.. after a bit she give up.

-Me: I'm gonna ask you for a favor, and if you are truly and genuinely sorry you'll do it. And maybe just maybe I'll give you a chance and forgive you.

-Tina: Anything.

*She says getting a little hopefully and happy.

-Me: Please don't tell anyone that you found me, especially not Christian.

*I say almost begging, her expression changes to a disappointment one.

-Tina: I don't know, I can't lie to Christian.. he's my Alpha and besides again I'm telling you, you should think about going back and fix things between you two. Maybe even have kids? The pack needs an heir.

-Me: I don't want to go back, besides someone else can give him kids. Everyone I know there is close to Christian or are in contact with him and I don't want to see him again.

-Tina: You sure about that?

*She says with a half smile.

-Me: Yes I am sure.

-Tina: Forgive me for being so skeptical, but it's like if your hiding something.

*My heart started to beat faster.

-Me: I am not, I just wanna be away from everyone.. away from all that drama.
So you won't do it? Can't I trust you with this?

You came here saying a lot of things.. and now I give you chance and ask you for something but you can't do it, you are even doubting me. I guess you weren't being sincere at all.

*I say with a serious tone and looking away. Thank God I turned this around.
She thinks for a bit then she speaks.

-Tina: Ok fine.

*I look at her surprised. She give me an apologetic look and then she looks down to the table.

-Me: You won't tell anyone that you find me and know where I am?

-Tina: No.

-Me: Thank you.

*I say giving her a small smile.

-Tina: I will leave now, but please think about what I told you.

*She say standing up, she says goodbye and then she leave.
I sit there for a while thinking.. I don't think she is gonna keep quiet. What I know for sure is that I have to leave, I'm not taking any chances.


*So I got home and told Pat what have just happend, and that I am leaving ride away. He was disagreeing with me, he said that maybe I should listen to Cristina. He also said that maybe it's destiny and that maybe it was time to go back.
We kept discussing about the matter for a bit.

-Me: I am not going back Pat, as soon as I get back Christian will take Jr from me. I am not letting that happen.

-Pat: Don't you miss everyone? You know we can all help you.

-Me: Of course I do, I miss them a lot but no one would be able to prevent Christian from taken my son from me.

-Pat: Sunshine listen to me.

*He says grabbing my face in between his hands.

-Pat: I don't know much about law but I think that a mother have more rights than a father, he can't just take Jr away.. not just like that, he would have to fight you in court or something.. besides you don't know what is exactly going to happen.

-Me: He has money Pat, and you know that saying.. con dinero baila el perro. He can easily pay his way in court to get full custody. And if he does, Christian won't let me see Jr again.

-Pat: Not everyone has a price you know, there are some good and honest people out there.

*He let go of my face and hugs me.

- Me: I'm sorry but I am not risking it, you know how corrupt those people are? They would sell there own mother for money.
I don't wanna discuss this anymore, I'm not changing my mind.

*I say getting out of the hug Pat looks frustrated, I walk towards Jr's room to start packing his things. He was currently at the neighbors house playing with the kids.
Pat comes to the room and leans against the door while he watch me pack.

-Pat: Ok, fine.. but at least stay for tonight, tomorrow you'll leave.

-Me: Hell no, to give them a chance to get here? Ni que fuera yo pendeja. Cristina probably told Christian already where I am.

-Pat: I don't understand you, didn't you told her that you lost the baby? Why would Christian come?

And most importantly.. Are you afraid that you might forgive him and run into his arms when you see him?

*He says with a mischievous smile. I look at him and make a mocking face to him.

-Me: You are not funny, and no, I won't.. you know why?

*He raise an eyebrow as he listen to me.

-Me: Because he won't find me.

-Pat: But what if he did? You would forgive him, I know you would.. you can't deny it.. It's who you are sunshine.

*I was about to protest, when he raise a finger.

-Pat: Upup pupup, let me finish.
Maybe you won't forgive him right away, but eventually, with time.. you will.

And don't you dare say no.. we both know it's true, I know you better than you know yourself Natasha.

*I roll my eyes at him.

-Me: Stop saying nonsense and help me pack.

*He smiles and start to help me.

-Me: And getting back to why he would come.. I don't think Cristina believed me when I said that I lost my baby.

My heart was beating fast when I told her, and I got nervous even tho that I tried to hide it and keep my cool.
They are wolves Pat they sence these kind of things.

-Pat: Hmm I see.
Now, how are you gonna tell Jr that you are leaving?

*I sighs and sit on the bed as I think about what I'm gonna tell him.

-Me: I don't know.

-Pat: Well think about it, he's gonna be sad to leave his friends, especially because he is leaving his awesome uncle.

*I glare at him. He just smiles and keep packing.

-Me: Don't you think that I know that? But he is still to young.. he will make new friends.

*I say a little sad, I know he's gonna be sad.. I don't like to see him sad it brakes my heart.

-Pat: True, but he won't find another uncle like me.

*He says playfully, I just smile.

-Me: You're so full of yourself.

-Pat: You know I'm right.

*We both smile, I give him a kiss on the cheek.

-Me: YES, you are.. there's no one like you.

-Pat: Get your ass up and keep packing sunshine, I'm not your maid.

*He says in a playfully way, I stand up and keep doing what I was doing. Then an idea popped in my head.

-Me: Hey my moonlight.

-Pat: Uh oh, you only call me moonlight when you are sad or when you want something. And you aren't sad right now.. soooo, what do you want?

-Me: Maybe you can tell Jr that we are leaving?

*He start shaking his head and say no multiple times.

-Me: Oh please come oooonnn. I can't bare to see his sad face it will brake my heart.

-Pat: Noooooo,  I'm not gonna be the one to make him sad. Your decision, you do it. Deal with it.

I'm planning to keep being the awesome uncle, not the one to give him bad news and broke his heart.

-Me: Oh please come on, do it for me.

-Pat: I'm sorry sunshine, but I can't.. and I won't either.


*I told Jr that we are leaving, but he got so sad because I told him that there wasn't time to say goodbye to his friends. It broke my heart.

*He went crying to Pat and begged him to tell me to let him at least say goodbye.. but it was night time already and I'm sure the kids were already sleeping, and I told him that.

*But between Pat and Jr they tag team on me, they begged and pleaded to at least stay this night.. and let him go say his goodbyes in the morning.

*And even tho I knew that it was a bad idea, I agreed with them. He got happy and kissed me saying that I'm the best and that he loves me, but I could see that he was still sad about leaving.

*After that I went to his room and put him to sleep.. then I left his room. As soon as I leave his room I see Pat leaning with his back against the wall in the corridor, with his arms crossed and smiling.

-Pat: Told you so.

*He says mocking me. I roll my eyes at him and walks away. But he comes hot on my heels.

-Me: Shut up.

-Pat: Hey come on, I couldn't be the bad guy here, I have a reputation to maintain.

*I glare at him.

-Pat: Look, I'll take him early in the morning and you can take that chance to go to the diner and tell them that you are leaving. You owe those people at least that. You can't go without saying anything, they have been nothing but good to you.

-Me: Ok fine.

*I sigh.

-Me: I don't know why I let a 3 year old convinced me so easily.

*Pat laughs and says that Jr knows his way around us to get his way and what he wants.

*He's not a kid that makes tantrums or is disrespectful in any way, but in some situations like tonight.. he knows how to win us over.

*He's a bit manipulative, just like Nati. And that he has it without even being in touch with her, can you imagine how he would be when he meets Nati and spend time with her? OH.. he's gonna become an expert in it.


*I was currently sitting outside of the diner waiting for Pat to bring Jr so we could leave already.. he took him to the daycare to say his goodbyes.

*While I was waiting, a black Suv with tinted glass and Windows parked in front of me. I started to get a weird vibe and a bad feeling. So I stand up and start to walk slowly, I was ready to run for anything that may happen.

*As I do so, the door opens and out of the Suv came Christian. My heart wanted to stop beating right then and there. I wanted the ground to open and swallow me, I look around frantically and start running to leave. I wanted to fleed the place.

*But Christian rushes to me and obviously he catch up to me in the matter of seconds to where I was. He stands in front of me, I was scared I started to sweat a lot. But I won't lie, I was also a little happy to see him.

*After all this time, he still looked so good and handsome and gorgeous and Sooo delicious. He has a little bit of beard now but he still looked good. My heart was melting.

*Then something In my mind told me to snap out of it and be strong. I needed to leave or at least call Pat to tell him to not bring Jr here, but how? I didn't know how I was gonna get out of this.

*I tried to walk passed him but he grabs one of my arms. He looks at me serious and says.

-Christian: And where do you think you're going?

-Me: Let go of me or I will start screaming to make a scene.

-Christian: Oh please do it.

*He raise his eyebrows and say it with a devilishly smile.

-Christian: I don't care at all.. but just so you know..
whoever comes to your rescue and wants to try and help you will get badly hurt.

*He says the last part getting closer to my ear and whispering, I glare at him.

-Me: You're bluffing.

-Christian: Really? Do you wanna test me? Ok.. Then do it, please scream your longs out.

*I try to get out of his grasp but I fail miserably, he grabs me tightly the more I move. I throw daggers his way with my eyes.

-Me: Stop it, you are hurting me.

*I say whining and whinsing a little while I keep trying to get loose from his hold on my arm.

-Christian: Maybe if you stop struggling it won't hurt so much.

*He says serious, I look at him in disbelief.

-Me: What the fuck is wrong with you? Let me go.. I will scream I swear. If you don't let me go I'll scream, I know that you won't dare to hurt a human.

*His grip on me become even more tight, and it hurt like a bitch.

-Me: Let. me. go.

*I say in between breaths and in pain, I'm sure the pain was apparent on my face.. because he looks a bit apologetic and loose his grip a little, but of course he didn't let my arm go.
Then his expression hardens again.

*He opens his mouth to speak, but when he was about to say something.. a kids voice screaming mommy distracted him.
He turns to look at that direction.
I didn't have to look to know who it was, it obviously was Jr's voice. I started to get even more nervous than I already was.

*I turn my head and see Jr running toward us. Christian got distracted of it because he saw that the little one was still screaming mommy happily while heading in our direction.
The one thing that I didn't want to happen is happening.


*I really wanted to die right now.

(I had a few gifs that were good for this chapter last parts, but they don't want to upload. It's a real shame.)

3961 words.

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