It Started With A Dare? | Sab...

By merrybathtub

282K 3.8K 3K

Her name, Sabrina Carpenter. His name, Bradley Steven Perry. How did they happen? This all started from an en... More

It Started With A Dare
Chapter 1, The Last Day
Chapter 2, The Neighbors and Corey
Chapter 3, Making New Friends
Chapter 4, Planning
Chapter 5, The Mall
Chapter 6, The Movies?
Chapter 7, Audition Day
Chapter 8, The Plan is in Session
Chapter 9, The End
Chapter 10, We Almost Kissed?
Chapter 11, First Day of an 'Actress'
Chapter 12, Special Day?
Chapter 13, Role of What?
Chapter 14, Caitlyn's Day
Chapter 15, Something Unexpected
Chapter 16, He did What?
Chapter 17, Mom Decisions
Chapter 18, Street Shopping & Dates Part 1
Chapter 19, Street Shopping & Dates Part 2
Chapter 21, Heart Breaks & Drama
Chapter 22, Even More Drama
Chapter 23, Our Relationship
Chapter 24, Awkward Situations
Chapter 25, Break Ups
Chapter 26, The Game That Changed Everything
Chapter 27, Reyton or Seyton?
Chapter 28, Ice Skating
Chapter 29, Asked Out
Chapter 30, Goodbyes
Thank You + Sequel Info.

Chapter 20, Rowan's OTP

6.2K 93 85
By merrybathtub

Sabrina's POV.

It was difficult to sleep yesterday. I have absolutely no idea how I even slept with what I saw yesterday. How could that happen, it doesn't make any sense.

"KELSEY!" Hailey exited the bathroom.

I left the room and the first thing I saw was Hailey covered with cheese.

"Wow... What happened to you," I asked.

"Two words. Kel-sey." She said even though she knew it was just one word of course.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Andy come." I was barely even able to speak.

He appeared all of the sudden and started to laugh as well. Hailey made a face. Which made us laugh even more she makes this too easy.

"Wow you guys are such big help." Hailey said.

"Thanks!" I smiled.

"Really." Hailey said.

"I'll get towels," Andy rushed out.

"You'll be fine," sheesh.

"I'm gonna smell terrible though." She frowned.

"Hey, I told you she was gonna do something to you." I said.

"I just don't understand how a kid like her got a huge bucket filled with cheese." It's Kelsey, she should've seen it coming.

"She has her ways you know." Duh!

"Here," Andy handed her a bunch of paper towels.

We cleaned up as much as we can and throw it to the trash can. Hailey went to go take another shower. Although she was right about the smell.


I sat down and turned on the T.V.

Andy came in the living room and put his head on my shoulder making me chuckle. He's so random.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing..." He slid his head to my lap. Slick.

"Really?" I said as he nodded.

I looked forward, the table had a bowl of grapes, he hates grapes! I stretched my arms forward, which made both of us an awkward position only for a second or two, but it was the only way I'd reach the grapes.

"Are you gonna move?" I said with my hands holding the bowl.

"Nope." He smiled.

"I warned you." I grabbed a grape.

"Ugh I hate grapes." He complained. "But at least you feed them to me."

I fed him one and he made a face of disgust, he really hated grapes.

"Oh Andy." I laughed.


I texted Jack asking him about him and Ryan earlier. They're back together, and her and Bradley broke up.


"I'm going to Rowan's, real quick!" I closed the door.

I like how Rowan just lives next door, the best part is we could hang out pretty much any time.

"Hey Rowan," she opened the door.

"Hey!" She smiled.

"I swear today is the hottest day in 'merica," I said.

"Yeah it's like over 100 degrees." Hotter than Luke Korns.

I got a text message from Peyton saying that she wants us to come over, since everyone is at her house.

Peyton's house is this biggest one out of all of us. It looks small on the outside and huge on the inside. "Hey Peyton wants us to come over."

"We should," Rowan said.

"Want me to tell her to pick us up?" I asked.



Bradley, Caitlyn, Corey, and I were at the living room, when all of the sudden Peyton came.

"Hey! Spencer's friend is having a party tomorrow you guys should totally go!" Peyton suggested.

"Maybe. I don't really know what I'm doing tomorrow." I said.

"I'll go if all of you guys go," Bradley smiled.

"Yeah, same." Caitlyn and Corey said. Ah they're so cute.

"So then you guys are going!" Peyton squealed. "Everyone agreed to go, besides you."

"Wow, well played List," I said.

"Thanks!" She exited the room.

I'm so tired. My eyes kept on wanting to shut, but I tried to keep them open.

Bradley's POV.

Sabrina put her head on my shoulder. Just imagine how I felt. The girl that I like, is this close to me, and we're just friends.

Just friends! What's that?

I know that me and her will never date but you can't blame me for trying.

"Mind if I go to sleep for a while?" She asked.

"No, go ahead."

"Thanks." It's difficult. Everything is so crazy, Ryan and I broke up last night, and I think the party tomorrow, is gonna be a good day to make my move. I need to soon, I wonder what Jakes up to.

Corey's POV.

Things are going really well with Caitlyn, in fact they couldn't get any better from how perfect the relationship is.

Sabrina and Bradley need help, I can see that they both like each other, but are scared that the other doesn't feel the same way. It's like Caitlyn and I, before we started dating of course.

"Be right back," I said going to the kitchen and grabbed two sodas, one for me, and one for Caitlyn.


Rowan's POV.

"We should get in the indoor pool." Peyton suggested.

"You have an indoor pool?" Izzy and I said amused.

"So is that a yes, or no?" Peyton questioned.

"Well duh yes," Kyla said.

I guess we're all wearing Peyton's "emergency" swimsuits.

"Guys we're going in Peyton's pool! Wanna come?" I asked.

"Sure." Corey and Caitlyn said.

"I'm fine, besides Sabrina's sleeping," Bradley said.


Sabrina's POV.

I woke up and there was Bradley still there. So sweet as always, but we're nothing more than friends as he said.

"Hey, where's everyone else at?" I asked.

"Oh. They're all at Peyton's pool."

"How come you didn't go?"

"Because you're right here."

"We should go with them." I said.

"Why? So I could beat you at swimming again?" He said joyfully.

"I won!" I did.

"Yeah yeah." He said putting his hand on my head.

"I bet I could still beat you." I smirked.

"Is that a challenge?"

"I guess it is." I looked straight forward at his eyes.

Since we were standing up he took a step forward. We slowly moved our heads in. Then, I panicked.

We are just friends like he said in the past!

"We're just friends Bradley," stupid me!

"Oh. Yeah..."

"I'll race you there!" I ran away from him. Luckily I was able to change the subject quickly, otherwise it would've been awkward like always.

I just hope that I don't get lost in the hall again. You could already hear footsteps of someone running. Found it! I opened the door, and barely won actually, Bradley was right in back of me. Wow he really runs fast.

When I entered, Bradley nearly crashed into me. His arms somehow ended up on my waist, it was a bit uncomfortable since we just said that we were just friends!

He let go instantly.

"Sorry, I had to, I didn't want to crash into you," excuses!

"It's fine..." Then, there was that awkward moment of silence.


Everyone was inside the pool by now, except me and Corey, I was covered by a towel, Corey and I kinda had the same problem.

"Corey you should get in," I suggested.

"Nah you should." Corey said.

"You aren't wearing a swimsuit that shows much." Hah it didn't mean it that way.

"Yeah but you're not wearing some trunks that could fall off at any moment." True.

"Corey get in the pool already!" Caitlyn shouted.

"No, I'm afraid Spencer's shorts will fall off!" He yelled.

"Sabrina why won't you get it!" Bradley asked.

"Because of what I'm wearing," duh!

"You'll be fine, just get in," he said.


"Looks like neither Corey or Sabrina will get in the pool," Caitlyn paused. "Corey get in the damn pool!"

"No!" Corey said.

Caitlyn got out of the pool, she got Corey's hand and literally dragged Corey into the pool. Haha I might as well take a nap here, besides I still have a towel to cover myself.

Just when I was about to start sleeping, I felt like if I was being carried. Hell no!

I opened my eyes and was only able to see a back. I was above someone's shoulder I guess.

"Who the hell is carrying me?" I asked.

"Who else." Bradley!

"Why exactly would you carry me?" I said.

"So I could do this." He said letting me go at the side of the pool while holding me by the hand.

He was partially in the water I think he was standing in like he 4 feet section.

"You're getting in."


"Then I'll have to do this," he pulled my hand, making me jump in without a decision.

My hands ended up around his neck and my head on his chest. I can't believe he dragged me into the pool.

"Aww, isn't that cute!" Rowan said. We both let go, way to go Rowan, you ruined the moment.

"Actually I was just leaving..." I said going up on of the stairs. I felt a tug on my waist and got pulled backward again by Bradley. "Really?"

"Are you guys dating?" Rowan said smiling.

"Noooo!" Not yet, but I hope soon.

"We're just friends," Bradley said


Jake and Taylor look like they're hitting it off. I don't really like Jake anymore. Mainly because I've been spending more time with Bradley now.


Bradley and I were sitting by the side of the pool. I just can't believe I blew him off like that earlier.

"I'll be back I need to go do something," I said, leaving off.

I wanted Jake and I to break up, what's the point of the relationship now.

"Hey Jake can I speak with you in private..."

"Yeah sure." He was still hanging out with Taylor.

Bradley's POV.

"Hey Bradley." Someone said from behind me. I turned backward and saw it was just Corey.

"Oh hi," I said.

"When are you ever gonna ask out Sabrina," BRUH.

"What do you mean, she has a boyfriend." Sadly. "She's dating Jake."

"She's about to break up with him, and you could tell that she likes you."

"You think so?" He just nodded. "Okay I'll try. Thanks man."

"Oh she's coming, I'm out, just don't embarrass yourself." Corey left.

Sabrina and Rowan came just after Corey had run out.

Sabrina's POV.

"Hey let's push Bradley into the pool!" I suggested.

"Yeah!" Rowan said, I just wanted to see his reaction. We were both in back of him.

"1... 2... 3!" We both whispered as we pushed him down.

He swam up in a few seconds. Rowan and I just burst into laughter.

"Oh really?" Bradley said pulling me inside the pool again.

"Really." I smiled. Seconds later he pulled my foot and I suddenly was in his arms once more. "Really?!"

"Yea." And now it was just Rowan who was laughing at us.

"Aww you guys are hugging each other! OTP! OT-" Rowan wasn't able to finish her sentence because Cameron grabbed her and jumped in the pool together.

"Thanks Cam!"


"Well today was a pretty good day don't you think?" Bradley was walking me home.

Somehow our hands joined together, and we continued walking like that. It wasn't uncomfortable at all.

"Yeah, I got to spend more time with you."

"And I got to spend more time with you," I got nothing. We were by the door now.

"See you at the party tomorrow?" He asked.


"Okay, I'll see you there." He quickly kissed my check, and I couldn't help but blush and kissed his and rushed inside.


Before I say anything else I'd like to say that I am so so so sorry for the hold up on the chapter, I really need to get my priorities straight with everything, I have this huge test on Wednesday through Friday and I have drawings I want to do, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've been super busy lately and I apologize for not updating.

BUT I have some good news, well a few of my readers ship PEYBRINA too, so I was thinking why not and Peyton to the story. So if you want Peyton Meyer in the story comment below.

Bye guys! By the way the more comments I get that faster I update! ~Shey

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