Horns // Billie Eilish

By bisexauI

1M 22.9K 82.9K

Alexis Ackerman lives a troubled life, surrounded by gang violence and instability. Billie Eilish lives an in... More

Five and a Half
Twenty One
Twenty Two


120K 1.9K 10.4K
By bisexauI

Billie's POV

dude where the fuck are you?

I send yet another text to my friend as I sit in my car in front of her school, waiting for her to come out. Her last class ended 15 minutes ago, and I haven't heard from her at all even though she begged me to pick her up until I caved.

Last time I do that.

I groan in boredom and turn my music way up, leaning my seat back to get comfortable because lord knows how long I'll be waiting at this point.

I close my eyes but open them just a few seconds later when there's a knock at my window. I'm expecting to be greeted by my friend, Maia, but instead I find the unfamiliar face of a girl who looks about my age.

She's wearing the same school uniform as all the other girls who go here- blue plaid skirt, white collared shirt and high socks poking out from a pair of little white keds.

I always clown Maia because she's forced to wear it.

As much as I hate to admit it, this girl kind of pulls the uniform off. She'd probably pull anything off though, she's fucking gorgeous. I take a second to examine her features, finding intriguing grey eyes that are full of mischief, plump lips pulled into a slight smirk and flawless, radiant skin that looks ridiculously soft.

One thing that stands out is the tattoo on her forearm, which is fairly simple but large, and surprising to see on a prep school girl. I really didn't think any of the uptight weirdos at this school would even consider getting inked.

I raise an eyebrow and turn my music down then roll my window down before asking, "Can I help you?"

"Your car is sick," she replies and pokes her head inside through the window to examine the interior, clearly having no regard for boundaries. "You gotta clean your shit, dude," she adds when she sees various bags of chips and candy wrappers littering the floor.

"Do I know you?" I ask and watch her as she rests her arms on the edge of my window so she can lean against my car, drawing my attention to the smaller tattoos on her fingers.

Sure, make yourself at home why don't you.

"I'm Alexis," she replies and looks around my car for a bit longer before letting her eyes land on mine. "You're Billie Eilish."

I raise a brow. "You a fan or something?"

She shakes her head, "Nah. Preppy pricks at my school just don't shut up about you," she explains and eyes me, her eyes trailing down to my outfit. "I dig your style, I was definitely expecting some cringy bubblegum pop princess considering the kinda people I know who like you," she says with a snort and I chuckle at her bluntness.

"Don't you have to be a preppy prick to go here?" I ask and she shakes her head, making a face.

Maia's school is very elite and expensive, meaning that most of the kids who attend it are stuck up, trust fund babies who don't know how to act in the real world.

I can't stand most of the people I've met who go here, and all the others I barely tolerate. They're the born rich type who will never have to work a day in their life, but will get to roll in it anyway.

They're also fucking leaches who didn't want anything to do with me before I was famous, but now that I have a decent social media following they're battling to see who can climb up my asshole the fastest.

I met Maia when we were 11 in a dance class before she went here and our friendship bloomed almost instantly. I feel like if we met now we wouldn't be friends because both of us have changed a lot, but I love her anyway.

"I'm a scholarship kid. They want me for 'economic diversity' points or some shit," she replies and rolls her eyes while I chuckle.

"I'm guessing you don't like this place?"

"It's a good school, like, academically but the people here can choke on dicks," she says with a shrug. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Picking up my friend. Well, trying to. Bitch is nowhere to be found and radio silent."

"Who's your friend?"

"Maia Chambers," I answer and she smirks.

"Shit, really? Your friend is hot as fuck," she says and I laugh loudly again, loving how upfront she is. "She bi?"

I shake my head and chuckle, "Honestly the straightest girl I know."

Alexis just smirks more and shrugs my words off, "Whatever, I like a bit of a challenge."

I open my mouth to reply but am interrupted when my passenger door opens, catching both of us off guard. We hadn't seen Maia walking over, too distracted by our conversation.

"Hey, sorry. My teacher made me stay back and took my phone so I couldn't text you," she says, out of breath. She pulls her seatbelt across her body then looks at me, raising an eyebrow when she notices Alexis for the first time.

"Oh, hey," Maia says a little shyly and I furrow my brows because she's never shy. "What's up?"

"You going to Klein's party tonight?" Alexis asks and leans through the window again, staring my friend down with that seemingly chronic smirk still playing on her lips.

"No, me and Bil are having a girls night," she answers, looking confused. "Why? You're not going, are you? You hate those guys."

"I have some...business to take care of. I'm gonna dip after it's done but I would stick around a bit longer if you were there," she says and winks before pulling back from the window and looking at me before Maia can respond. "Maybe I'll see you around, popstar," she says and let's her eyes linger on mine while I stare up at her, flustered for some reason.

"Uh, yeah, that'd be chill," I reply dumbly and she chuckles before turning on her heels and walking away.

"The fuck does she mean by business?" I ask and look over at Maia who's watching Alexis walk away intently.

"She's a dealer," she replies nonchalantly and I raise my eyebrows. "She sells to, like, almost everyone in my grade I think. God damn, that girls makes me feel some type of way."

I raise my eyebrows even higher at that, "What typa way?"

"Like I want her tongue in my mouth," she answers and I almost choke on my spit, making her laugh.

"What the fuck? Since when are you into girls?" I ask and she shrugs, looking down at her freshly manicured nails.

"I'm not, I'm just a little into the concept of experimenting and she happens to be hot as hell."

She really is.

"Maybe we should go to that party then. You can get with her there," I suggest, but my intentions behind wanting to go are actually much different than I'm letting on.

I don't know why, but I really want to see her again. I found myself feeling drawn to her from the second I laid my eyes on her, and I what to explore that feeling.

"You sure? You're gonna hate literally everyone there."

I shrug, "If I get drunk enough it'll be fine," I say and turn the engine on before reversing and pulling out of the school parking lot.

"Alright, bet. You gotta help me pick something super hot to wear," she says before plugging her phone in and blasting our driving playlist.

A few hours later we find ourselves at the party, and I almost instantly regret coming. I got a drink with Maia then found myself instantly surrounded by a group of clout whores, doing the most to get me on their instagram and snapchat stories without actually trying to have a normal conversation with me.

I lean against the counter and sip my drink, staring straight ahead with my classic resting bitch face on while some douchebag talks to me, his words going in one ear and out the other.

I tried to listen at first, but it became clear very quickly that he's not the kind of person who deserves the time of day.

"Anyway, wanna find a room upstairs?" he asks and I sip my drink, internally laughing at the fact that this dude is so egotistical he thinks I'd want to go upstairs and fuck him even though I've barely said a single word during this 'conversation'.

"I'd rather shit in my hands and clap, but thanks for the offer, bro," I say and push off the counter while he scoffs.

"You don't need to be a bitch about it," he mumbles and I just laugh while walking into the other room, stopping in my tracks slightly when I see her.


She's not in her uniform anymore, instead wearing some red and black track pants with a tight, white cami that shows off the tattoo on her shoulder that I hadn't gotten to see before.

She has a beat up, black backpack slung over her other shoulder and I watch her while she talks to two guys intently about something. She gives them a hard stare and I can see them slump in defeat before digging into their pockets and pulling out some cash.

She takes it with a smirk then passes them a bag of little white pills before walking off, shaking her head to herself.

I decide to stop staring like an idiot and walk after her, downing some of my drink as I walk in an attempt to get rid of some of the nerves I'm feeling.

Why the fuck does this girl make me nervous?

She looks up before I reach her and smirks when she sees me, "Hey popstar," she says when I stop walking in front of her. "Thought you and Maia weren't coming."

"I think you changed her mind," I reply and she raises a well groomed eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Maybe I should find her then."

That's the last thing I want.

"Or, you can hangout with me and show me what's in your backpack," I say confidently and she steps closer, her eyes hardening as she gets right in my face.

"You better mind your business. Don't even think about touching my bag," she says firmly and I gulp nervously.

Damn, this girl can be intimidating when she wants to be. Is it weird that I find that super hot?

I open my mouth to apologize but I don't get a chance to before she starts laughing, tipping her head back while I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm totally fucking with you," she says and I huff, blowing a strand of blue hair up in the air that was dangling down over my forehead. "You shoulda seen your face, dude, fuck!" she laughs again and I roll my eyes, but even though I'm trying my best to act annoyed I can't help the small smile that's tugging at my lips.

"I wasn't even worried," I mumble and she gives me a look.

"Whatever you say, popstar. Let's go somewhere more quiet," she suggests and grabs my hand, pulling me off down a massive hallway.

I forgot to mention, this house is absolutely insane. I've been to some pretty crazy houses since blowing up, but this is a whole new level.

Eventually we find ourselves in front of a glass door that leads to the backyard, which Alexis pushes open with her free hand, continuing to lead me outside.

"Woah," I mumble and look around the huge backyard with wide eyes, in awe of the size and quality landscaping.

"You live in a place like this?" Alexis asks and glances back at me as she leads us towards a large sun bed by the pool.

"Fuck no. I live in my childhood home in highland park," I answer with a laugh and she plops down on the sun bed, dropping my hand as she does.

"I assumed you live in the hills or something," she says and I sit down beside her, trying not to let it show that I'm feeling a little nervous.

I so rarely get nervous around people like this anymore, and I feel fucking stupid. Something about this girl is just driving me crazy. On top of the fact she's gorgeous, she's also confident and cocky and flirty and damn, it's making me lose my mind.

She seems like trouble, and I'm digging it.

"So do you actually wanna check out my stash or did you just wanna get me alone?" she asks teasingly and I turn my head to look at her, finding her already staring at me intently.

Her eyes are still carrying that same glint of mischief in them that I saw earlier, and I'm getting the sense that it's just constantly there.

"Don't flatter yourself, I just want your drugs," I say and she snorts.

"Whatever you gotta tell yourself," she teases then unzips her backpack all the way, letting me having a look inside.

There are various containers of nugs, as well as bags of pills, pre-rolls, tabs and whatever the fuck else. She also has various accessories like a mini bong and a glass pipe, along with a whole lot of cash she probably got tonight before I ran into her.

What catches my eye isn't the drugs and absurd amount of cash though, it's little black notebook with songs written across the cover in messy but cute handwriting.

"You write music?" I ask and look at her again, making her laugh softly.

"That's what caught your eye?" she asks and rolls her eyes playfully. "I'm trying to sell you shit here, dude. Give me money or get lost."

I laugh at that and stand up. "Alright, bye then," I say and turn to leave but she grabs my wrist, pulling me back down beside her.

I laugh and look over at her, meeting her light grey eyes. "You want me to stay that bad?" I ask teasingly and look down at her hand that's still wrapped around my wrist.

"I guess I don't hate your company," she says coolly and I keep looking at her hand, examining the tattoos on her fingers.

"How old are you?" I ask and look at her again.

"Eighteen," she answers and keeps her eyes on mine. "I got those when I was sixteen though," she adds, guessing correctly that I was asking because of her tattoos.


"My friend did them with a stick and poke," she's replies and lifts her hand so she can examine them herself. "And then the bigger ones I got with a fake ID last year. I couldn't wait until my 18th."

I chuckle at that and lift up her arm so I can look at the rose tattoo that covers the top side of her wrist and part of her forearm.

"You got any?" she asks and watches me as I trace the outline of the tattoo with my fingertips.

I shake my head. "No. I turned 18 a month ago and been thinking about it every fucking day, but I haven't gone through with any."

"You'd look really hot with some ink," she says and I smile, looking up at her again. When I do, I realize how close our faces have become, her breath not far from hitting my lips.

I can't help it when I glance at her lips, and they instantly pull into her signature smirk when she notices.

"Eyes are up here, princess," she whispers and I blush as I look into them.

"Don't call me that."

"I think you liked it," she mumbles, her eyes darkening slightly as we keep staring each other down with our faces so close together.

It's her turn to look at my lips, and the way she does sends a shiver down my spine. She stares down at them with hooded eyes, and I let myself stare at hers again. They look really soft and full, and I can't stop thinking about how they'd feel against mine.

Right as she starts to lean closer we hear a door open on the other side of the yard, making me internally groan.

"Billie?" a familiar voice calls out and I reluctantly turn my head to see Maia looking around, obviously trying to find me.

Of course she shows up right when things seemed like they were going somewhere.

I can't believe I wanted them to go somewhere. I've never felt the urge to kiss a girl the way I just did, nor have I ever gotten that close.

I've always identified as straight, but I've also always thought that sexuality is a spectrum, and someday I might meet s girl I'm attracted to, and if that happens I shouldn't just ignore it because of her gender, you know?

"Over here!" I call back and her head snaps in our direction. I see her smile and she jogs over while Alexis groans and leans back on the sun bed.

"What are y'all doing?" she asks when she gets closer and plops down in my lap.

"I was checking out her stash," I answer and wrap my arms around her waist, feeling Alexis staring at the side of my head as I do.

I turn my head and sure enough, she's staring right at me, a hint of teasing smirk on her lips. The lips I wanted to kiss less than a minute ago.

"Oh, sweet. Can I get a pre-roll?" Maia asks and Alexis gives her a lazy nod as she reaches for her bag again, taking out a ziplock full of them. "How much?"

"Don't worry about it," Alexis replies and takes one out, passing it to Maia while keeping her intense eyes on hers.

I want her to look at me like that again, what the fuck.

"I'll pay you back some other way then," my friend says suggestively and I scrunch my nose in disgust as they eye fuck each other as if I'm not right here.

"I'll hold you to that," Alexis chuckles and holds up a lighter while Maia holds the joint between her lips.

Once it's lit she takes a deep drag before passing it to me while she holds it in for a few seconds.

I take a smaller hit then pass it to Alexis, wrapping my arms around Maia again. "How long do you want to stay?" I ask and look at Maia who looks down at me from my lap.

"I don't know, why? You sick of them already?" she asks and I nod, making her roll her eyes playfully.

"I told you this would happen. We don't have to stay much longer." She glances at Alexis then leans in to whisper in my ear. "Just let me get with her first."

My stomach twists with jealousy and I internally scold myself for the feeling. I'm not allowed to be jealous and I don't want to be jealous. Jealousy is so ugly and I don't have time for it.

But, damn, something about Alexis just gets under my skin. I want to pick her brain and make her look at me the way she's staring down Maia.

The three of us smoke together for a while, getting through a couple of joints. Eventually Maia moves out of my lap and into Alexis', which makes me clench my jaw slightly.

"You wanna go upstairs?" Maia asks Alexis and the girl chuckles, looking into my friends eye with those intriguing eyes that I want to stare into mine again.

"And do what?" she asks teasingly, making Maia roll her eyes playfully. "I don't wanna leave poor Billie out here all alone."

It takes everything in me to get out the words that I say next, "I don't mind, y'all go have fun."

I do mind. Fuck, I wanna go upstairs with her.

Maia smiles and stands up, offering her hand to Alexis who looks at me for a few seconds before standing up too, ignoring Maia's hand.

"See you around, princess," she says as she slings her backpack over her shoulder before walking back towards the house with Maia, leaving me to stew in my own jealousy and confusion.


and so it begins

idk how invested i'll get into this story, we shall see

thought i'd fuck around and try billie's POV first idk. also i was too lazy to make a cover but i'll do that soon O K A Y

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