Taming Life: Revelation (Book...

By inhaleyou

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Read to find out. Book 4 of Taming Life series More

Chapter 1: Snakes
Chapter 2: After Us
Chapter 3: A Million Pieces
Chapter 4: I Hope
Chapter 5: Unbeknownst
Chapter 6: Operation Bloods
Chapter 7: Operation 12
Chapter 9: Divorced My Husband
Chapter 10: Happy King Day
Chapter 11: Just Best Friends
Chapter 12: More Than Best Friends
Chapter 13: New Life
Chapter 14: Us Time
Chapter 15: Vacation
Chapter 16: Last One
Chapter 17: Final Try
Chapter 18: Forever and a Day
I'm Listening
Chapter 19: Back Together
Chapter 20: Dear God
Chapter 21: Fidelity
Chapter 22: Father and Son
Chapter 23: My Other Half
Chapter 24: Beginning of Time (Epilogue)
Chapter 25: It Started With a Word (Epilogue)

Chapter 8: I'm the Boss

703 37 62
By inhaleyou

Dedicated to: d3sir3yquinn

Jaimee (cont'd)

Just as i was about to start eating, a man that looked exactly like Keyeion walked through a door. The only difference between him and my husband was that he was darker.

Minding my business per usual, i continued eating my food because i was starving and i couldn't let all this good food go to waste. As Keyeion stood, i saw Reign and her brothers and sisters decending the stairs, joining us at the table with their kids after greeting me.

"Mommy more." King told me.

I fed him more bruschetta while looking over at my kids conversing amongst each other. I notice how upset Reagan looked and made a mental note to speak to her after breakfast.

"Where's Natalia?" i ask.

"In her room." Reign answered.

"Why haven't she came down for breakfast? Is she okay?"

"I wouldn't say no but I'm not saying yes."

Shaking my head, i was about to get up when Keyeion came back at the table with the man i assume was his brother.

"Good morning everyone." Keyeion stuffed his hands in his pocket, allowing me to see his dick print through the sweatpants he wore.

I sighed and frowned just as he looked at me and removed his hands.


"Aite so we all know why we're here. People are trying to hurt us for whatever reason. I'm happy that all of you are here and just want you to know that this will all be over soon." he looked at Nas. "For those who don't know, this is my brother Kenon."

"Hey." he spoke.

"Dad had a brother?" Kianna smirked.

"I do. I just never spoke about him. Kenon this is my family. My wife, kids and some of my grandkids. Guys this is your uncle."

"Damn." he rubbed his head. "What are they my nieces and nephews?" he whispered his Keyeion's ear.


"And what should i call the children?"

"Ion know. Some great something i guess." he said and i shook my head.

He joined us at the table and they started flooding him with questions, except for Nasir that is. I, however, didn't say anything because i don't know him like that and i didn't plan to. I've read and heard a bunch of stories where the husband's brother kept flirting with the wife then boom, they're married and the husband end up dying or some shit.

I love my munchkin more than anything and i wasn't gonna let that happen. He haven't looked at me which was good so i was holding my own as of now.

"Y'all guess who going to school?" Keyeion said with a smile on his face.

"Me daddy! Me going school!" King yelled and his sisters laugh.

"What?" i frowned.

"Ace is going to school in August." he smiled.


"Uh oh." i heard Jacion's voice.

"Yo don't even start." he looked at me.

I kept the pout on my face while eating and listening to him talking about the first day he took King to school and what he did. With King finally starting school and Keyeion working on his night clubs very soon, i knew i was gonna be bored so i guess i have to go back to work.

"Mom you good?" Nasir laughed.

"Leave me alone."

"Mommy sad Nas." King looked up at me before standing in my lap. "Don't sad mommy." he held my face in his little hands. "It okay." he kissed my lips.

"Awwwwww." i heard and chuckled.

"Aye get off'a her." Keyeion pulled him.

"Fuck daddy!"

"King!" They yelled in shock.

Shaking my head, i listen as they scolded him and his father. All i could do at this point was tell him not to say the word continuously because King was very hard headed.

"Kenon... Is there something you gotta say?" Keyeion spoke and his brother nodded after putting his fork down.

Standing to his feet, he looked at Nasir and Mercedes.

"What's their names again?"

"Nasir and Mercedes."

"Right. Uhm. Nasir and Mercedes, i wanna apologize for all the trouble I've caused and the pain and... The ache and i want y'all to know that i didn't mean what i did. I was in desperate search of my brother and needed a way to get to him. Again. I'm sorry." he spoke.

If i were them, i wouldn't accept his apology. But I'm not so it doesn't matter. He stood there and watch as they looked at him. I know from that look Nas had, he wasn't gonna accept the apology so i was expecting a strong rejection.

Instead of answering, Nas got up with his wife and left the table with their food, leaving the rest confused.

"Damn." Kenon sat.

Getting up, i left them and made my way to Natalia's room. Knocking on the door, i didn't hear anything so i let myself in.

"Talia?" i closed the door.

She was laying in bed with the covers over her. I sat on the bed and gently removed the covers, seeing her looking at me. She had small bandages on parts of her face and her eyes were red.

"Whats wrong?" i gently rubbed her cheek. "What happen to you?"

"I was in a car accident." she mumbled.

I gasp at what she said and looked at her in shock.

"Are you okay? Anything broken? Can you remember anything? Ca-"

"Mom... I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

Looking at me, tears threatened to leave her eyes and i knew from then, something was really wrong with her.

"Martinique called off the engagement." she whispered and sniffled.

"What? Why?" i frowned.

"She told me she doesn't wanna be with me anymore. Mom i tried." she sniffled. "I really did. I- i have loved everyone who came into my life and in return they left me." she hugged me and cried on my chest.

"That aint make no fuckin' sense. It must be a reason why she called it off and left."

"I dont know why."

"Its fine baby."

"Mom its not. Im sitting here crying my eyes out like i always do. Nobody loves me."

I sighed andd rubbed her back, listening to her cries.

"Baby sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. And just because your relationship end means its not worth having. It might take a little time but you'll get through this. We'll get through this together. Okay?"

"Okay." she mumbled.

"I understand your disappointment more than you can ever know. Ive been there before once. All you need is some time to yourself, to get to know you better and love yourself better. The sad truth is that no matter how much love you give and how much you care, there's always gonna be heartbreaks until you find that one good person to love you the same way you love them."

"What if i die single?"

"You wont. Trust me. Martinique broke your heart, and its not okay. That doesnt mean you should sulk over her."

"What should i do then?"

"Something you love but never got to do."

"I dont know."

"How about we do our regular sad event to get you back in the right spirit?"

"Whats that?"

"Onesie, movie and ice cream and yoga. Some meditation is good for the soul."

"Sounds good. Thanks."

"What have we learned today?" i ran my fingers through her hair.

"Never cry over a bum bitch." she smiled.

"I-Okay i aint say all that cause im sure if she comes running back to you aplogizin' and shit, you'll take her back with open arms."

"I probably will but im also sure that she moved on."

"What do you think shes doing?"

"Drinking wine."

"How about we drink wine too? With your favorite seafood platter?"

"Definitly. Can we do it later?"


Attempting to get up, she held onto me.

I laid there with her and found myself falling asleep soon after.


"Don't say shit to me cause you sitting over there with that dirty ass attitude acting like i ain't even here."

"I said i was sorry. Now shut up and let me love you." she sat in my lap and hug me after kissing my cheek. "I miss you."

"I can't say the same."

"Dad." she frowned.

"I'm playing." i chuckled. "Can i go back to playing fifa?"

"No." she mumbled and i knew she was gonna fall asleep.

I sighed and leaned back in the couch with Reagan laying on me, just as Kenon joined me.



"Thanks for taking me back man. Just know that anything you ask me to do, I'll do it for you. Anything."

"Lets start by setting some boundaries. My wife, no looking, no touching, no looking, no talking, no looking. You can only talk to her if she talks to you. And i know she wouldn't. If you do talk to her, I'm breaking your fucking neck. Aite?"

"Got it. A-"

As he was about to say something, the alarm went off. This alarm was different from the others. It was like a jail house alarm.

"Sweety get up." i woke up Reagan. Once she got up, i quickly made my way to the operation room, seeing all my workers gathered around the huge screen.

"What's going on?" i ask.

"We got a warning message."

"From who?"

"The crips leader."

"Who is it?"

Typing on the computer, a photo of what looks to be the leader appeared on the screen with the name Monty Grumman. Seeing him, i knew he was the guy that fucked my wife.

"Him?" i frowned.

"Yes sir."

"What was the message?"

"He have your grandkids in his possession and will only give them back if he get something in return."

"And what the fuck is that?" i spoke. I was pissed because of all the things, he took the kids.

"Your wife."

"Is this a fucking show?"

"No sir."

"Did he leave any other message?"

"Yes sir. He gave us a time period and circumstances if the request isn't completed."

"What is it?"

"We have until 10 am today to get her to the Atlanta Marriott Marquis and once he got her, he will hand over the kids at the Sharaton Atlanta Hotel."

"Fuck!" i yelled and the whole room fell in silence.

It was a decision that was easy to make but hard to process. I stood there and came up with a plan that was time sensitive and the extra effort had to be there in order for it to be executed just as planned.

"Sir we're on time."

"I'm a fucking boss so I'm on time too. He gotta wait."

"Do we have instructions or a plan?" they ask.

"Yes. Find my wife and bring her to me. I need two teams and some equipment. I need three vehicles, a van for stakeout. Bring out two of the girls for distraction. I want Kiesha and Shavene. Load the van with guns and technical equipment as well. Let's get rid of this so called leader."

"Yes sir."

By now everyone was moving accordingly and getting what i requested. If he want my wife, he's getting both me and her. We're a package.

Leaving the room, i made my way in the elevator and to the main floor.

When i got off, all the men were there waiting for me with everything i requested.

"Wheres my wife?"

"She's sleeping sir."

"I gave you specific instructions. Get my wife. Now." i glared at Pablo before he walked off.

"Yes sir." he mumbled.

I explained the plan to the teams and at the same time, i was getting their feedbacks and ideas, as well as how to go about the situation. They knew who the target was and who was affiliated with him so it should be no problem once they are spotted. We only had one shot and i don't plan on doing this again.

"Keyeion what's going on?" i heard Jays voice.

Taking her hand, i drew her to the side to have a conversation with her as well as to explain what's going to happen in a little under an hour.

"Aite so we found out who's causing all this havoc."


"Some Monty grum shit."

"Monty Grumman?" she fold her arms.

"Yeah him. His request is to exchange you for our grandkids."

"He have them?" she frowned.


"But what if he hurts me?"

"I'm not saying he isn't gonna hurt you. But careful."

"I don't wanna go."

"There isn't another way babe. Just follow my lead. My team and I are gonna make sure you're okay."

She didn't reply. All she was doing was looking at me with tears running down her face. And i know she was scared.

"Look." i sighed. "With all this going on, i know you must be tired of people shooting at us and bothering us. Lets face it, we don't have a normal life. What I'm doing now, is taming life. I'm the main problem babe, and in order to do this we both gotta put our heads together. I promise nothing will happen to you and you know i never break my promises. So what are you going to do?"

"Trust you."

"Good. And i trust that you will do whatever it takes to get rid of him."

"Are we going to kill him?"


"Okay." she mumbled.

"Whats wrong?"

"I'm scared."

"I know. It'll be over as soon as possible. You ready to do this?"

"Yes." she took a deep breath.

"Kiss for good luck?" i ask and she nodded. Kissing her lips, i looked at her before pulling her back to team.

While giving them another simple walkthrough on what is going to be taking place and the timeframes of which they will occur, Jaimee got the earrings that will allow her to hear my instructions and contacts that will allow us to see what she's doing.

"We're ready sir."

"Are the girls there?"

"Yes sir. The target has been sighted."

"Let's roll out."


Driving in the hot weather, the scene was serene. Individuals going about their day and minding their business, and everything was normal; except for the fact that there would be a major operation taking place downtown Atlanta.

Parting ways, Jaimee was now pulling up at the hotel Monty was going to be at. Waiting for instructions, she sat in the car in the parking lot and tap her nails on the steering wheel.

Meanwhile, Keyeion's men was setting up to begin the process of taking down the leader of the crips and ending this all.

Some were on the roof top, in hotel lobbies and the cars were parked up a block down from the hotel. Keyeion had this covered. Keyeion however, was in the van with Nas setting up everything. He wanted everything to go as planned.

"Babe, these things are itchy." Jaimee said.

"You'll be okay. Turn your head a little, i wanna see something." he spoke through the headset and she did as told. "Does the contacts hurt or itch?"


"As soon as your eye starts itching, take em out. Aite?"


"Stop being nervous. You'll be good. I got you. Just act natural. Improvise whenever. The main goal is to take him back to the house so we can get rid of him. Aite baby?"

"Yes daddy." she said and he chuckled.

"You play too much." he shook his head. "Be serious for daddy aite?"

"Yes sir. Can i go now?"

"Yeah. Don't touch your ear too much and don't talk to me too much. You're gonna look too sus aite?"


Leaving the car, Jaimee locked up and made her way in the hotel. She had already get in contact with Monty about the hotel details. She was sporting some addidas track suit and sneakers and her hair was in a messy bun.

Making her way to the room, she opened the door and slowly entered.

"Hello?... Monty?" she closed the door.

"He's on the elevator now Jay. Look around quickly."

"But what if he catch me? What if someone else is here too?"

"I'll alert you. Look around."


Quickly, Jaimee began to search the room. All she could find was his clothes and some food.

"Jay check the drawers."

Opening one of the drawers, there was a file with a huge red stamp that had confidential on it. Opening it, she began to skim through the few papers, realising that Keyeion was the main target and not her. Monty only wanted to get to Jaimee just to seduce her into telling him where her husband was.

"Put it back and sit on the bed, quick." Keyeion told her.

Sitting down, Jaimee pretend as if she was doing something on the phone, when in reality, she was just switching from app to app every second.

"Hey." he said and she looked up at him.

"Hi." she smiled and locked the phone, standing to her feet.

"Damn i missed you." he embraced her in a hug.

"I miss you too." she said, hearing a groan coming from her husband. "Where's your wife?"

"Working. I left her in L.A."

"You should have taken her with you."

"I didn't want to." he kissed her neck slowly.

"Kiss him back if he kiss you." she heard.

As he reached her lips, he paused.

"What?" Jaimee spoke. At this moment, she was nervous. He just stopped abruptly. She was wondering if he figured out something or he knew that something didn't add up. Either way, she was shitting bricks.

Happy Birthday d3sir3yquinn. 💚💚💚💚💚Hope you had a fantastic day bestest.

What y'all think about this chapter?

Monty being the leader of  Crips?

What  y'all think will happen in the next chapter?

Kenon apologizing to Nasir and Mercedes?


When y'all want another update?

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