You're My Kryptonite: A Harry...

By LouieenT

38.9K 496 210

Izabel, or Izzy for short, is a petite and clumsy girl that works for a well-known radio station and recordin... More

Izabel Taylor
Nerf War
A Date & Hidden Talents
The Date
Morning Surprises
Top One Radio Madness
Sunday Morning
Super Human
"I Need To Tell You Something"
A Day Out
Who's Greg?
Sleepover Wars
Goodnight Kisses
Too Good To Be True
One Direction Take Over Part 2
Baby Celebration Dinner
A Little Too Much To Drink
Izzy's Past
A Friend
Only You
Dare You To Move
The Perfect Plan

One Direction Take Over Part 1

1K 16 7
By LouieenT

After that horrible nightmare I couldn't help but feel a bit paranoid. I didn't want to lose Harry, especially lose Harry that way. I didn't realize how much I loved him after I had that frightening nightmare. 

Harry and the other boys were over at my suite for breakfast. Harry and I were in the kitchen whipping something up to eat. Harry was making the pancakes doing fancy tricks with flipping the pancakes while I was frying the bacon. 

"Want to give it a go?" Harry asked.

"Yeah!" I chirped excitedly. He let out a chuckle and pecked me on my lips. 

"You're too cute. I love you." He smiled. Now this was the Harry I knew and loved.

He explained to me how to flip the pancake and I was getting ready to try it myself. I took a deep breath getting a bit nervous that I might drop it. I looked at Harry who had a giant grin on his face like he was expecting something. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He laughed. I was about to flip the pancake when Harry called over everyone else. That's when it hit me. 

"Harry! You think I'm gonna mess up don't you?!" I hit it right on the nail as he started to crack up in laughter. 

"I'll show you." I breathed.

"Okay. I got this." I said to myself while everyone watched me. 

"Hurry and flip it before the it burns." Harry rushed me. I tried to flip it but the pancake wasn't leaving the frying pan. I could hear everyone laughing behind me.

"You can do it Iz!" I heard Paisley cheer me on. I tried again but it didn't work. Frustrated, I used a lot more force and the pancake went soaring. My eyes went wide as I watched the pancake in mid air. I accidentally used to much force and the pancake hit the ceiling and got stuck. Everyone fell silent as we all stared at the pancake decorating the ceiling.

"Oops." I said bashfully. After a second of silence, everyone was in hysterics. I sighed in defeat and joined in their laughing fest. I looked up at the pancake and noticed it wasn't coming down.

"What did we learn here my friends? Never let Izzy flip a pancake without a spatula." Harry informed.

"I just need practice!" I shouted. Everyone broke into laughter again. I pouted at them sending each and every one of them death glares when suddenly there was a 'plopping' noise. We looked around the room when our eyes landed on Harry. Not a second later we all were dying of laughter as the pancake had landed on Harry's head.

"Serves you right." I giggled.

After breakfast Harry went to get himself cleaned up while the rest of us were all lounging around watching Toy Story, because Liam insisted we do. It was the part when Sid was playing in his backyard getting ready to launch Buzz on a rocket. Louis and Zayn were talking and making up crazy stories about what would happen to Buzz if and when the rocket launched. I was listening in on their conversation, which was very animated, when there was a knock on the door. Without a thought, I opened the door and saw Daniel standing there. Fear blinded me and I shut the door quickly. When I realized what I did, I quickly opened the door and apologized.

"OMG! Daniel, I am so sorry!" My voice was frantic.

"What was that about." He asked confused.

"I'm a bit traumatized from a dream I had early this morning." I admitted.

"I see. I'm sorry to bother you, but do you think you and the boys could fill in for me and Beth today? Only for a few hours." Daniel asked with a hopeful look.

"I can, but I'll have to ask the boys. I can get Paisley to help me! Why what's up?" I was a bit curious to why they had to go and see the doctor.

"Yeah, you and Paise can do it, but don't let what happened last time happen again." Daniel warned.

"Beth hasn't been feeling well so we're gonna get her checked up." He mentioned.

"I see. And don't worry. We won't crash the system again." I sighed.

"Whoa! You guys crashed the system before?" Niall came out of no where.

"Niall!" I screeched in surprise.

"Yeah they did." Daniel glared at me.

"What did they do?" Niall was now more curious than before.

"They just got too popular on air and they were getting a lot of responses to their questions through email and calls that we couldn't play any music and the computers crashed because there was an information overload." Daniel explained.

"Whoa! Really? That's amazing!" Niall was astounded. 

"What time do you need us there?" I asked Daniel before Niall could ask more questions.

"By two o'clock." And with that he waved and left.

"So what happened exactly?" Niall asked.

"Paise and I were just goofing off being random asking all these questions about random things, movies, music, celebrities that we surprisingly gained a big crowd. People were calling and sending emails to the station, our twitters, our Top One Radio Facebook, and twitter, that our system crashed. We were down for a good hour. We were telling our readers on our twitter what was happening and we were actually trending on twitter. If I remember correctly, 'TopOneShutdown', 'IzAndPaiseBrokeTop1Radio' and a few other trends were trending. It seems impossible right? But we stream live online as well, so people can hear our show from anywhere." I explained to Niall. His face was stunned.

"Wow." Was all he said. 

"Right?" I laughed.

I checked the time and it was almost one o'clock. Paisley was sitting next to, a freshly cleaned, Harry and they seemed to be getting rather close. My insecurities and my paranoia from my nightmare was getting the better of me. I was never much of the jealous type and that remained true, but something was making me uncomfortable that they were too close to each other.  Being the person I am, I shook it off knowing that I was just being paranoid because of the stupid nightmare I had.

Paisley's POV

I glanced up from my laptop to see Izzy and Niall in the kitchen talking. I smiled to see my best friend and the adorable blonde Irish boy I've taken a real liking to. Izzy's facial expressions were extremely animated while Niall just stared and would burst into laughter. It made me curious to know what they were talking about.

"What about this one?" I was interrupted by Harry.

"OMG! That's a cute one! She would totally love that." I whispered to him.

Harry was planning on getting Izzy a one month anniversary gift. He explained that he might be moving too fast, but he assured me that everyday he was falling deeper in love with my best friend, which I thought was good enough reason to get her a gift. One month. I squealed inwardly at how cute they were together. 

"Here's something to take into consideration. Izzy has a thing for skeleton keys." I told Harry. He looked at me seriously and nodded before turning his attention back to the computer screen and scrolling around for the perfect gift.

"This one!" Harry shouted gaining everyone's attention. They were all looking at us curiously.

"What's up?" Louis asked.

"Nothing." Harry closed my laptop and walked towards Izzy, grabbing her in his arms and kissing her passionately. Izzy broke away blushing like a tomato.

"Harry, everyone is watching." She blushed.

"Let them watch." Harry smiled cheekily. I laughed at how cute they were together. 

"Oh!" Izzy jumped startling Harry a bit and looked at me.

"Paisley!" She yelled my name.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Daniel asked if you and me could take over the station while him and Beth go to the hospital. Beth isn't feeling well." She explained.

"Yeah! Definitely!" I answered in excitement.

"But we've been warned to not get too carried away again." She giggled. I joined in as the flashbacks came back to me.

"So boys, ready to do a 'One Direction Takeover?!" Izzy cheered. Everyone in the rooms jumped off their seats and cheered along side Iz. 

"I guess a warning isn't legit enough to stop us from getting too carried away." I laughed.

"I hope everyone is ready for this!" Izzy smiled.

The rest of the group was interested in knowing what happened when Izzy and I took over Top One Radio, so for the next few minutes we explained everything that happened. They were all laughing at the stories and incidence that happened. 

"We did one segment about you guys too! And I meant all of you guys, including you girls." I announced. I looked over at Izzy who looked at me fiercely. That's when I remembered, Iz made a real embarrassing comment about Harry. It was before they got together, but it was a time when Izzy was merely a fan girl.

"Yeah? Tell us all about it!" Eleanor seemed overly excited.

"Sorry guys, Izzy does not want to relive that moment." I apologized.

"Don't worry, I found a shirt clip of it on the laptop right here. It's only an audio though." Louis shouted.

Izzy instantly shot up and started to charge towards Louis when Harry wrapped his arms around her waist. Izzy struggled to get out of his grasps but to no avail. She sighed in distraught and sat down on Harry's lap.

"Just let it be babe." Harry told her as her face went red in embarrassment. She buried her face into the crook of Harry's neck as the audio began to play.


**The Audio**

Izzy: OH MY GOSH! So… I assume that everyone here has heard of One Direction! If you have, or if you're in love with them like we are, hit up Top One's Twitter! And while you are at it, tell us your favorite 1D boy! GO, GO, GO! Harry is just so hot, he's so perfect! His curly hair is so… OMG!

Paisley: IZ! HAHA! I got a question on my personal twitter. It says, "Which odd part of Harry's body do you love?"

Izzy: OMG! His… uh… his hands. Yup, gotta be his hands.

Paisley: His hands? What? Why?

Izzy: Because they look so huge! Imagine those hands holding yours, and other stuff.

Paisley: Ooohh! "Other stuff." Kinky!

Both: Laughing.

Izzy: What about you, Mr. Horan lover?

Paisley: Harry huh? I'd say his sexy long torso! haha. But I still prefer my future husband Niall.

Izzy: Oh here's one. "If you could chose "One Thing" you love the most of each boy, what are they?" Paise, you're up babe.

Paisley: Harry - voice, Niall - everything, Louis - bum, Liam - innocence, and Zayn - hair. Iz?

Izzy: Harry - Everything, especially his curlies, Louis - sense of humor, Zayn - eyes, Liam - flawless voice, and Niall - awkward dancing.

Paisley: OH IZ! This is perfect for you! @1DMarieMe asks, "What would you do if One Direction walked into your studio right now?" 

Izzy: I'd rape AALLLLL of them. HAHAHAHA

Paisley: I'm with Iz on that one. *Hears a high-five*

Izzy: Oh yeah! DANI AND ELEANOR!!! They are so freaking gorgeous! Doesn't everyone agree? I'm so jelly! "Oh how I wish that was me!"

Paisley: "Na, na, na, na, na"

Both: *Laughs*

Omar: Girls, you're getting to carried away there.

Freddy: Yeah, cool it. Stop with the questions for a while, our system is starting to slow down. We need to play some tunes, this is a radio station after all.

Izzy: Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen.

Paisley: Yeah! Plus, do you guys want to listen to some tunes or chit-chat with Izzy and me? Tweet in you answers! Either to me, Iz, or Top One Radio!

Izzy: Whoa! This is crazy! hahaha! 

Paisley: Sorry Omar, Freddy, the cool people have spoken.

Freddy: Kids...

** End of Audio**

"And that's when everything shut down." I announced.

"'kids'. That was Freddy's voice right?" Zayn laughed.

"So you like my hands huh?" Harry teased Izzy.

"Shut up." We all laughed at Izzy who was blushing.

"If I remember correctly, she would rape all of us. Now that's hot." Louis blurted, causing all of us to burst into giggles. Izzy just buried her face into Harry's chest.

"Then again, you can't rape the willing." Niall laughed.

"What are you guys talking about!" I gawked at their vulgar sense of humor, however I couldn't constrain myself from laughing.

"Don't worry babe. You don't have to rape me since I'm already all yours." Harry teased her, lifting her head up by her chin and placing a kiss on her lips.

"OMG! Shut up all of you." She cried in embarrassment, which only caused us to laugh harder.

"Izzy, you are too cute." Eleanor giggled.

"We can't forget Paisley. I mean, Mrs. Horan." Dani smirked.

"Oh god!" I laughed my embarrassment off. I glanced over at Niall who sent me a wink. 

"C'mon guys. We need to get changed and go over to the station." Izzy ordered.

-----OH YEAH! That's embarrassing alright! LOL! I thought it was funny, did you? Comment, Fan, Vote, ALL THREE!!!! xx

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