The Billionaires Son

Par kikiceleste_

24.5M 555K 103K

I smiled again, this time I noticed Nick looking across the table in my direction. His gaze was intense, ther... Plus

The Billionaire's Son
Chp 1:
Chp 2:
Chp 3:
Chp 4:
Chp 5:
Chp 6:
Chp 7:
Chp 8:
Chp 9:
Chp 10:
Chp 11:
Chapter Playlist:
Chp 12:
Chp 13:
Chp 14:
Chp 15:
Chp 16:
Chp 17:
Chp 19:
Chp 20:
Part 2 - Chapter Playlist
Chp 21:
Chp 22:
Chp 23:
Chp 24:
Chp 25:
Chp 26:
Chp 27:
Chp 28:
Chp 29:
Chp 30:
Chp 31:
Chp 32:
Chp 33:
Chp 34:
Chp 35:

Chp 18:

423K 14.1K 3.4K
Par kikiceleste_


We all took our seats, Nick next to me on my right.

Kirsten next to me on my left, my mom next to Kirsten.

Aunt Jen, my dad and Drew across from us.

"So Nick, tell me a little bit more about yourself?" said my dad as he took a swig of his glass of water and looked intently at him.

Nick fidgeted in his seat and cleared his throat

"Okay, well I'm twenty-seven years old, I have a younger brother named Elias who is twenty-two.

And I'm the son of the man who owns-excuse me used to own the company Tessa works for."

Drew's eyes grew wide "Wait, so you're Robert Piercy's son? Nicolai Piercy? Dude, woah! I love your vodka line, it's the best." Drew said excitement in his voice.

Nick gave him a half smile, it looked fake. "Thank you"

"Nick, if you don't mind my asking, I couldn't help but see that your parents are getting a divorce.

If that is the case, who is taking over the company?" asked my way too curious mother.

My eyes darted to hers "Mom!" I said in slightly hushed tone. She shrugged "No, it's fine. I will be." he said sitting up tall in his chair.

My mouth opened in shock. "Wait, you've decided?" I said looking at him, he nodded and kept his eyes on my family.

He was acting weird. I couldn't tell why.

"Wow, that's a lot of responsibility for someone as young as yourself."

"Yes, but sometimes you've got to be willing to do whatever it takes to help out the ones you love."

My mom's face softened "I couldn't agree more, well to Nick for starting a new chapter in his career." she said raising her glass of red wine.

As did everyone else at the table. "Thank you"

I slouched back into my seat and sighed, if only I could tell what he was thinking. He was being so weird, distant, short.


We oohed and awed as our chef cooked in front of us.

Chopping pieces of shrimp and steak up.

Placing onions on top of each other and pouring oil into the middle of it, as steam arose, looking like a volcano.

Our food was placed onto our plates and we began to eat, the food was delicious.

I was surprised at how well I was feeling now.

I looked next to me as Nick ate his food, slowly, gracefully.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, whispering in his ear.

He sat up a bit "Yes, of course" he said wiping his lips with a napkin, he did it so gracefully then took a sip of water.

How was it that he could make the most normal, everyday things look so elegant and graceful?

"Tess, do you remember when we were dating how we used to always go on walks to the coffee shop.

Down the street, from our neighborhood and we always ordered the same thing but switched them and drank the others." Drew said looking at me, a deep grin on his face.

I laughed "Yes, and you always got frustrated cause I always ordered those Apricot scones and I'd never share with you.

I still don't understand why you wouldn't just buy yourself one?" I said with a laugh.

"Yes, I miss those days. I had the best times with you. We need to do that again sometime?" he said still smiling at me.

Nick set down his glass, forcefully and cleared his throat

My eyes darted to his face, he looked agitated but calm.

"Tess, your mother told me that you helped put on a banquet?" asked my father, I nodded

"Yes, um it was actually for Nick's famil-mother."

"How'd it go?" he asked

Nick kept his head down and his jaw clenched "It went well."

"Tessa was Nick's date. They looked lovely together."

Dammit Kirsten.

Everyone looked at Nick and I, I felt my face flush.

"Oh, I hadn't realized the two of you were-together." Drew said breaking the awkward tension.

Nick's snake like eyes immediately darted to Drew's face.

A dangerous look in his eyes. "Would anyone like more wine?" asked the waiter breaking the tension.

My hand shot up "Please."

Anything to help me get through the rest of this evening.


Dinner finally passed, my dad spent the rest of the evening talking sports with Drew, while my mother and Jen spoke about some shops they wanted to visit while in town for the next few days.

Kirsten's eyes stayed glued to her phone screen, no surprise and Nick and I didn't speak much.

"So dad, where are the two of you staying?" I asked as we all climbed back into my car.

"The Courtyard."

"Oh, I heard that one is nice."

"I would have to agree. So how are all of you girls fitting into your apartment?" I chuckled

"Well, I had two extra bedrooms, Kirsten moved in and took one and the last I keep open as a guest room, Jen and mom took that one."

"Ah, I see"

"So Nick, where do you live?"

"Uh in Astor Place, in Manhattan."

"Manhattan, huh? Wow, it's pretty expensive over there, isn't it?"


"It is, yes."

"But Charles, remember he is a billionaire's son, so you've probably got tons of money, right?" Drew said chiming in. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Drew, Dad. Please!"

"What? I'm curious."

"It's fine. Actually, I get my own money from my own businesses, not through my father."

"So, what do you do than? Other than sell vodka?"

"Um, well I own my own clubs, I have six of them all over."


I sigh as we pull back into my parking garage and get out.

As we all meet up an begin to walk towards the elevator.

"Tess" I turn to face Nick "Yeah?"

He pulls me to the side "I should get going, I have a meeting in the morning." he says stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking down at his shoes. I frown.

"Is this because of what they were saying becau-"

"Tessa, no. I just-I need to get going, but I had a nice night." he said as he leaned into me and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

I felt my body quiver as he did that, he always sent chills down my body.

His eyes fixated on everyone who was trying to act nonchalant even though they were staring over at us.

"I'll call you later.." he said rubbing his thumb on my hand and taking a step back than walking away towards his car that he parked in the garage when he brought me back earlier.

I stood there, confused, lost.

What just happened? He's mad, obviously Tessa.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around, my subconscious was begining to annoy me.

"What was that about?" asked Kirsten as we walked inside, I shrugged my shoudlers.

I had no idea.


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