The Beach House (Sequel to 'T...

By CourtneyCupit

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Well Kayla and Aidan had a big year. Now they're together though and it's summer. They have two and a half mo... More

The Beach House
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter


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By CourtneyCupit

                                                         "Baby Time"

             “Aidan,” I called out.

            “Yeah,” he said without looking up from his book.

            “We need to go to the hospital,” I said as I started to freak out a little.

            “Why,” he asked when he looked up.

            “My water just broke,” I squeaked out.

            “What,” he yelled as he jumped up.

            “Get the bag,” I said.

            “Got the bag,” he said as he grabbed it from the floor.

            “Keys,” I said.

            “Got the keys,” he said as he frantically looked around.

            “Now help me up,” I said as I held a hand out. He helped me up and walked me to the car. He helped me in before climbing in himself. I was starting to feel the pain.

            “Are you ok,” he asked as he backed out.

            “It hurts,” I whimpered.

            “I’m calling my mom,” he said as he pulled his phone out. I just took deep breaths as he talked to her.

            “Is she coming,” I asked.

            “She’s calling everyone else and they’re on they’re way,” he told me as he squeezed my hand.

            “Good,” I said. Then I let out a groan of pain.

            “Oh my god! What’s wrong,” he asked.

            “It just hurts really bad,” I said.

            “We’re almost there,” he said. A few minutes later he pulled into the emergency lane and jumped out. He quickly rounded the car and helped me out. He helped me all the way into the hospital.

            “Is she in labor,” a nurse asked as she ran up to us.

            “Yes. Her water broke,” Aidan said in a completely freaked out voice.

            “Get me a wheelchair,” she called out. They finally brought her one and they helped me into it.

            “On a scale of one to ten how bad does it hurt,” she asked.

            “Nine,” I told her.

            “Is this your first child,” she asked.


            “How long have you been having pains,” she asked me as she brought me into a room.

            “Since last night,” I said honestly.

            “Why didn’t you tell me,” Aidan asked as the woman started taking my clothes off.

           “I didn’t think it was important,” I said as the woman put a paper gown on me.

            “I really hate to say this but it’s too late for any medicine,” the nurse said as she helped me onto the bed.

            “What,” I said with wide eyes.

            “It’ll be ok. You can do this,” she said. “I’m gonna check and see how far along you are.”

            “Ok,” I said. Aidan came up beside me and squeezed my hand.

            “You’re dilated to about eight.”

            “What does that mean,” Aidan asked.

            “That means that you’re gonna have a baby really soon,” she said with a smile. “I’m gonna go call the doctor.”

            “Ok,” I said as I continued to take deep breathes.

            “You’re doing great,” he told me.

            “It hurts so bad,” I said quietly.

            “I hate this,” he said as he looked worried.

            “We’re having him. Finally,” I said with a small smile.

            “I know. In just a short while our son will be in our arms,” he said grinning like a fool.

            “I love you,” I told him.

            “I couldn’t love you more,” he said back as he kissed my forehead.

            “Are we ready,” the doctor asked when she walked in.

            “It feels like it,” I said as my back arched up in pain.

            “Let’s see,” she said as she pulled on some gloves. “Yes we are.”

            “We are,” I asked with wide eyes.

            “I need you to start pushing,” she told me.

            “Ok,” I said as I pushed as hard as I could. It felt like something was being ripped from me.

            “Breathe,” she told me. I took a few deep breathes before she told me to push again. Fifteen minutes later my son slid from my body.

            “It’s a boy,” the woman said. I smiled up at Aidan and he looked down at me in wonder.

            “I can’t believe it,” he said.

            “Me either,” I said out of breath. I was exhausted.

            “We’re gonna take him to the nursery to clean him up. He should be back in about fifteen minutes. We’re gonna let your family in now,” the doctor said as she took the baby and walked out.

            “Are you ok,” Amber asked as she barged in the room. Everyone piled in behind her.

            “I’m fine,” I said as I struggled to sit up.

            “How was it,” Hunter asked.

            “Horrible. By the time we got here it was too late for any medicine,” I said as Aidan helped me up.

            “Oh baby,” Mrs. Riley said.

            “It was fine though. He was fine,” I said with a big smile.

            “I’m so proud of you,” dad said as he walked over and kissed me on the forehead.

            “Thank you Dad. When are they bringing him back,” I said as I looked out the door.

            “They have to wrap him up and clean him,” Aidan said as he sat on the bed beside me.

            “I wish they would hurry,” I said impatiently.

            “I know. I want my hands on him to,” Aidan said as he laughed.

            “I just want to see who he looks like,” Josh said with a wink.

            “Me to,” I said with a laugh.

            “Here he is,” the nurse said as she brought a little bundle in. She laid him in my arms and I instantly fell in love. He was so perfect. More than I could ever imagine. His big blue eyes were opened and he was staring at me. He looked just like Aidan.

            “He looks like you,” I said as I stared up at Aidan. Aidan had tears in his eyes as he looked down at us.

            “Yeah he does,” he said quietly.

            “Welcome to the world Xavier Michael Riley,” I said with a smile. My life was officially perfect.


It's over. The Beautiful baby boy was born and the story is over. I just really want to thank everyone who has been with this story since The Project. I love these characters and it makes me want to cry to know that i am completely done with them.

I am about to start my new one though. It's going to be called opposites attract. If you liked this story and the project then you should check it out along with The Wishlist. It would be greatly appreciated.

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