Captain Swan Fly Away

By isaballerina89

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Modern Setting of Captian Swan. Modern time. Emma Swan and Killian Jones meet in flight school. Emma grew up... More

Fly Away
New Job
Her Name
Preparing For Baby Swan-Jones
Past Returns
Unexpected Procedure
Extended Family
Baby Shower
Maternity Photoshoot
Finally A Family
Getting to Know Each Other
Family Is There When You Need Them
Family Together
Allison & Emma's Birthday
Unexpected Passenger
Family Time
Holiday Season
Swan-Jones Christmas
Life Changing News
Family Time
Rough Day At Work
Hope's First Flight
One Step Closer
The Truth
Unexpected Last Day
Unexpected News
Crew Meet Up
Wedding Anniversary
Beginning Adoption Process
Family of Four
First Day Family of 4
Adjusting Time
Family Road Trip
End of Getaway
Beach Day
Family All Together
Family Time
Disney World
Special News
Sister Time
Swan's Birthday
Gender Swan-Jones
Out of Blue Visitor
Special News
Valentine's Day
After Surgery
Adoption Day
Killian Jr
Ian Is Home
Maternity Relief
Bonding Time
Ch.78 Disneyland

Family Support

113 1 0
By isaballerina89

Killian had a rough flight back to New York City from Florida since it is winter the strong winds on the way back was rough turbulence for most of the flight back home. He is so relieved to be back home and to be with his two loves which he missed all day long. Killian enters the house hearing Hope wailing. He finds his Emma comforting Hope in the living room. Killian missed his little love all day, he knew Emma needed a break. Emma sees her husband. "Hi, Killian. Hope Daddy is home, sweetie."

"Hello, love." They kissed. Hope is giving you a rough time?"

"Yes, Hope has been crying all day today."

"Hope probably wants her Daddy." Killian takes his daughter from his wife. "Love, go upstairs and relax. I got our little love."

"Thank you. Are you sure? You look like you need to rest yourself."

"Love, my job as this little lass's daddy and your husband to you is always first then work."

"Thank you." They kiss. "Hope, I love you, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and goes upstairs to take a bubble bath with a bath bomb from Lush.

"Hope, you are Daddy little love. I missed you all day. I had a rough day at work and you are having a rough day. I came home to you and seeing is making my day brighter even though you are sad; that is my job being your daddy to be there for you when you need me." Killian singed Hope a few songs. He takes Hope upstairs to her room and rocked her in her rocking chair. "You know, little love, when I was sad I always went to my grandparents. You can always come to Daddy and your Mommy when you are afraid, sad or even happy. We will always hug you, kiss you, be there for you when you need us." Hope stopped crying and looked up at her Daddy with her matching blue eyes. Killian smiled. "Yes, little love. You can always come to Daddy and Mommy and we will always be there for you little love." He kisses Hope on the head and she grabbed her Daddy's hair. "Little love, are holding my hair?" Hope babbled. "Hope, let go of Daddy's hair." He got Hope hand out of his hair. Hope looked she was about to cry. Killian gets her small Pluto. "Hope, look who I have." He shows her Pluto and Hope got happy and grabbed her favorite toy. Killian sniffs his daughter. "You need a change." Hope held her Pluto doll as her Daddy changed her diaper. "You are all clean little love." Killian holds his daughter. "Did you miss Daddy all day little love? Is that why you gave Mommy a hard time?" Hope babbled. "Mommy knows you missed daddy all day. She loves you so much even though you were crying all day." He kisses his daughter on her head. "I missed you so much too, Hope. When I was flying my plane all I could think of being with you and your Mommy. When I am off from work little love, how about you and I have a daddy-daughter day. Would you like that?" Hope smiled. "Aye, I would love that." He takes Hope to his room and continued to talk.

Emma was enjoying her long bath bomb bath soaking all the relaxing time she has. Hope did give her a rough day, she loves her little girl even when she was upset. She did not hear Hope crying anymore, she knew Killian is making her happy which is good because Hope missed her Daddy all day. She loves when she and Killian can bounce off each other when one of them needed a break from Hope when she is having a rough day like today, the other one bounces back, this case it was Killian's turn. She missed her husband all day too. Once Emma was relaxed and enjoyed her long soak she dried up and changed into pajamas. She returns to her room seeing Killian sleeping in their bed fast asleep with Hope sleeping on top of him, she loves seeing her family together, her husband and their daughter having daddy-daughter time, which she loves. "Hopey is loving her daddy-daughter time." She snuggled next to them. "Hope, I love you so much baby girl. I knew you missed your Daddy today." She kisses Hope on her cheek. "Killian, I love you so much. Hope is so happy that you are home with us and I see how happy you are with her as much as she is so happy to have you her Daddy home from work." She kisses Killian on the head and fell asleep. Killian wakes up with his alarm with Hope on him, he felt Emma waking up with their little lass when Hope needed to be fed or changed throughout the night and she always put Hope back on him to sleep, his wife knew that Hope missed him and wanted one on one time with her Daddy. He kisses Hope on the head. Emma woke up, "Good morning, Killian."

"Morning, love." They kiss. "Thank you for letting Hope sleep on me throughout the night." Emma hugs her husband and their little girl. "Hope missed her Daddy all day, I knew she wanted you all day. When I Hope stopped crying last night, I knew that she missed you and you got her to stop crying. You also gave me a break."

"Love, you look like you needed a rest."

"I took a long bath bomb bubble bath which felt amazing. I knew you calmed her down, Hope missed her Daddy."

"Aye, I missed her and you all day."

"I knew you had a rough day."

"Aye, it was a bumpy landing. I was happy to be home with my two loves, who needed me."

"You came home and you went into daddy mode."

"Aye, I did love. She just wanted to be with her daddy. She got her daddy-daughter time. I have to go to work today..."

Emma hugs her husband. "Hey, do not feel bad. You got Hope to sleep on you all night. You made our little girl very happy."

"Aye, I just want to be there for her more."

"Killian, Hope loves her daddy especially when you come home and play with her. She knows you are there for her."

"I just feel I do not spend enough time with our little love."

"You spend enough time with Hope. She loves her time with you. She missed you all day and you are with her now." Emma smiled. "You are holding her all night, you did not come home and ignore her, you saw me needing a break and you just took her and got her to stop crying. Hope loves being with you, Killian."

"I just want to be there for our little lass."

"You are Killian and you are going to be there for our little girl when she is bigger. I know you have to work but when you are home with us, Hope and I are so happy to see you."

"I did miss my big love yesterday."

"I missed you too captain. When you are home I am so happy to see you. I love seeing you with our daughter."

"Aye, I do love being with our little love. I was thinking I am off tomorrow, if you do not mind, I want to take Hope out to play with her?"

Emma smiled. "As long as I can feed her before you to go for daddy-daughter time."

"I have an idea where to take our little lass. Love, we do need to go on a date night."

"My sister can watch Hope for us. It will be my first time out without Hope..."

"Emma, Hope is going to be with your sister."

"I love our baby it a bad wanting to get a break?... I mean I am happy that she is with you..." Emma began to cry.

"Love, we all need a break. I know you need a few hours from Hope. You are with her all of the time."

'I just feel so bad..she is crying all day wanting you and now we..."

"Love, Hope wanted her Daddy that is all, she loves you her Mommy the most. She is not going to be mad at you when Allison watches her for a few hours. When we come back to pick her up, Hope will miss you so much and she will not want to let go of you."

"When do you want to go on a date night?"

"I am off tomorrow and I am off the weekend. We can go on a date night on Saturday."

"I can ask my sister if she is free to have Hope over at her house on Saturday. Hope and I are going over to her house on Thursday for Hope and Connor to have a cousin playdate."

"Aye, I know our little love will have a fun time playing with her cousin. You and Allison will be talking the whole time."

Emma giggled. "Allison is my sister and we are still catching up from the lost time we missed in each other's lives. We are taking advantage of being with each other."

"Love, I really am happy that you have a family member that is related to you."

"I did not expect to have a sister but now I have her in my life I am taking advantage of having a sibling. Now Allison and I have to find our mother." Hope woke up crying. Emma gets her daughter from her husband, "Hope you are with Mommy." Hope gripped her Mommy. She kisses Hope on the head and pats her back until she stopped crying and fell back to sleep.

"Emma, you are going to find your mother. She will be very proud of you how far you have come in your life and how amazing mommy you are to our little love."

"You think so?"

"I know so." They kiss.

"I love you, Killian"

"I love you, Emma." They kiss. Killian got dressed for work. Emma was giving Hope tiny kisses on her head. "Hope loves you, swan."

"I love her so much as much as she loves me. Even when she is crying most of the day, I love her and want her to make her happy."

"You are love. You have me on your side, she needs the both of us. We both are going to make her happy."

"Is this too much to ask?"

"You can ask me anything love?"

"When you are off, can we just have a family day out? You me and Hope?"

Killian hugs his wife and daughter "Emma, we need to spend more family. I always love spending time with my two loves. I miss you both so much at work."

"We miss you being with us. I figured that you want to spend time with Hope and me, we should go out and do something with Hope like the zoo or children's museum when she is older. I bring Hope to the library around here or I take her to Barnes and Noble on the subway or go grocery shopping with her or take her to the park when it is not freezing outside."

Killian gets a phone call, "Hello Mike."

"Morning, Killian. Your flight is canceled due to the snowstorm is coming our way."

"Aye, thank you for calling me." He gets off the phone.

"What did Mike say?"

"My flight is canceled due to a snowstorm coming our way."

"Your are off?"

"Aye, I am. I get to spend the day with my two loves."

Emma smile was big. "Since you are off today, what do you want to do?"

"I was thinking before the snowstorm hits us, we can get out for breakfast as a family."

"That is a great idea. I know Hope is going to be happy to see her Daddy when she wakes up."

"Aye, want to sleep a little more?"

"Since it is 4:00 in the morning, I think a few hours of sleep with you on my side sounds perfect." Killian changed out of his uniform and back into his pajamas and wrapped his arms around his two loves. They kiss. Emma fell asleep in her husband's arms. Hope woke up a few hours later. Killian gets Hope from Emma. "Hope. Daddy is staying home with you and Mommy little love." He sniffs her. "You need a change." Killian changes his daughter diaper and Hope continued to cry and he lets Hope snuggle on him. "Little love, do you want your Mommy?" Killian takes Hope back to their room. Emma woke up hearing Hope crying. "Swan, someone wants her Mommy." Killian hands over their daughter to his wife.

"Hi, Hopey. Are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope and kiss her on the head. "You needed Mommy's milk." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hope, after your nap Mommy, Daddy and you are going to go out together. Daddy has the day off. He gets to spend extra time with us."

Killian burps Hope. Hope fussed. "You want your Mommy little love?" Emma takes Hope from Killian.

"Hope, you spend all night sleeping on Dada now you want your Mommy?"Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma looked down at her daughter and smiles, "Are you giving me your first hug?" She nuzzles her daughter, "Mommy loves your hugs, baby girl because they are from you who I love so much. You are my baby." Emma had tears in her eyes. "I love my Hope hugs." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian smiles big seeing his little lass giving her first hug to his wife. "Love, Hope is hugging you?"

"Yes, she is, her first hug of many. I love you, Hope."

"Killian, Hope is hugging me."

"Emma, Hope loves you so much. Our little lass is giving her first hug and to you love, her Mommy."

"I love our baby girl so much. I have a feeling the next hug that she will give is to you."

Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves"Aye, I am looking forward to my first official hug from our little love. Now, I am loving seeing Hope hugging her Mommy. She is showing how much she loves you right now by giving you her very first hug to you."

"I am loving being Hope's first hug." She nuzzles Hope. "She chose me..."

"Of course she did, you are her Mommy who she loves so much, she knows that you take such good care of her all the time, you feed her, care for her, play with her and hold her all the time. Her first hug was for you showing how much she loves you."

"I love you so much baby girl even when you are sad, I will always love you in every mood you are in because you are my little girl, yes you are." She gave Hope multiple kisses on the head.

"Little love, are you happy hugging your Mommy?" Hope smiled.

"Is that a yes Hope?" Hope babbled.

"Aye, that is a yes from our little love."Hope fell asleep hugging her Mommy and Emma kisses her on the head. "Thank you, Hope, for giving me your very first hug ever. You give Mommy special hugs because they are from you, my daughter."

"I told you that Hope will love you so much."

"You are right. I love her so much and she loves me so much. I love being her Mommy, I will always be there for her."

"Love, Hope has you and me. She is going to always have us as her parents." Emma kisses Killian on the cheek. "You always know what to say to me."

"Aye, I always know when my true love needs me, I will always be there for you and our little love." Killian kisses Emma on the head. "You will always have Hope and I love, you are not going to be alone ever again."

"Seeing Hope hugging me now, showing how much she loves me I know that I will never be alone."

"Love, when she was first born she heard your voice and she stopped crying, I knew Hope is going to be really close to you."

Emma began to cry. "I thought about that too all the time when she was born, how she knew about me and stopped crying once she heard makes me so happy that I have our daughter who loves and I will always be there for her and someone that loves me from the start..."

"Love, Hope knows that you are her mommy and she loves you so much. You and I are going to be there for her. You are doing amazing with her now and I cannot wait to see your relationship with our little lass grows as she gets older."

" really can see that?"

"Yes, love. I see now it and I know our family will be full of love, care and have a very close relationship."

"Our family is going to be really close."

"Aye, that is right love."

"I love our family."

"Me too, love." They kiss. Emma fell asleep in her husband's arms, he watched his two loves sleep. "Hope, you made your Mommy very happy this morning by giving your first hug." He rubbed his finger on her cheek. "We love you so much, Hope." A few more hours of sleeping together, Hope woke up crying, which woke up both of her parents. "Hope, Mommy got you. Are you hungry?" Hope makes a lot of poop. "You need a change."

"Love, after Hope is changed and fed, we need to go grocery shopping before the snow comes."

"We can grocery shop and go to get breakfast out?"

"Aye, we can do both love. I can get Hope's diaper bag packed."

"Thank you." They kiss. Emma gets Hope's outfit ready and she changes Hope's dirty diaper. "Hopey, you have made a lot of poopy. Mommy is going to clean you up." Emma changed Hope's diaper and get her dressed for the day. "Hope you are all dressed to go out with Mommy and Daddy." Hope smiled. "We are going to go grocery shopping for the snowstorm comes and go out to get breakfast with Daddy since he is home today." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hopey. I love you so much baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope gives her Mommy a hug. "I love my Hope hugs because they are from you." Killian sees his wife having a mother-daughter moment with their little lass. "Hope, Daddy wants a hug from you." She hands over Hope to him. "Mommy has to get dressed."

"Hi, Hope. Daddy is looking forward to an extra day off from work to spend with you and Mommy." Hope smiled. "Aye, that is a what I like to see, a smile from my little love." Hope fussed in her Daddy's arms. "Hope." He holds Hope on his chest. Hope gave her Daddy a hug. Killian looks down at his little lass and smiles, "Are you giving Dada a hug?" Hope babbled. "I am loving my first Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. After Emma got dressed she found her family in Hope's room and watched Hope and Killian's moment. "Hope, I love you so much, little love."

"How is your first hug from Hope?"

Killian turned around and smiled big, "Our little love gives the best hugs."

"She certainly does." She faces her daughter. "Hope, are you hugging your Daddy?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you are. You love your Dada."

"Love, we should go shopping before it gets crowded." Killian carried the diaper bag and Emma gets Hope from her husband. Hope began to cry. "Hope, do you want Daddy to take you to your car seat? Killian."

"Little love." He takes Hope from his wife and she gets the diaper bag. "Daddy is here. We got to go buy food before the snow comes." Killian puts Hope in her car seat and drove his family to the grocery store. Emma puts Hope in her carrier. "Hope, are you going to help Mommy and Daddy shop for food?" Hope babbled.

"Love, I got a list of food items we need and salt for the snow. Do we need anything for Hope?"

"We are definitely low on diapers. We need a few packs of diapers, lotion, and baby powder."

"Aye, we can get what Hope needs." Hope began to cry.

"Hopey, do you need your paci?" Killian gives his little lass her paci.

"There you go, little love." He kisses Hope on the head and gets a cart. Hope fell asleep in her carrier. Killian puts the diaper bag in the cart. Emma and Killian walked around the store and got what they needed. "We have not shopped together in a while."

"I know love, Hope has kept us very busy."

"You got that right. I am just happy that you have this extra day off."

"Aye, the more time I get to spend with our family makes me so happy."

Hope began to cry. "Hope, are you hungry? Mommy will feed you don't cry." Killian helps Emma with the breastfeeding cover and she prepped to feed Hope. Hope latched on quickly. "Killian, you can finish the list. I can stay here with Hope."

"Are you sure love?"

"Yes, this will take a while. By judging the long line, I do not want to be here a long time."

Killian went to the next aisle over to get baby supplies for Hope. Emma nursed Hope, she peeked under and smiles seeing Hope happily eating from her. "Excuse me?" She sees a worker and at him curiously and holding her daughter tight through the cover knowing something was off with this man. "You are not allowed to breastfeed in the store?"

Emma got mad. There is a new law that says breastfeeding while in public is allowed, "There is a law to breastfeed your child in this store?"

"Yes, breastfeeding?"

"Excuse me, there is a new law that says breastfeeding is allowed in public. I am not exposing my breast. I am feeding my child covered up. There is nothing wrong with that!"


"I am covered up! You asshole. You do not say that again." Hope began to cry and puke over herself. Killian heard his wife yelling at the worker. "Look it up at the new law women in all over the country are allowed to breastfeed their baby in public. How dare you telling me what to do, and when to feed my child. You had no right to say that. I am just feeding in a cover." Killian gets the manager.

"This worker is telling my wife that she cannot breastfeed covered up in public." They rushed back to Emma who was still arguing. "Sir that is not a worker." Killian rushed to his wife and daughter.

"Love." He holds onto his wife and daughter.

"Manager? Your worker is telling me not to feed my daughter in public and new law says that I am allowed to and I am covered."

"Mam, I am so sorry. Sir, you do not work here." Emma was furious, her daughter was upset and covered in puke hiding in the cover. Emma pulled the stranger's shirt, "You just made this mom mad. There is no law that a woman cannot breastfeed a child in public and you do not even work here."

"I just wanted to see your breast." Emma was madder. Killian mad that his wife was being threatened, he knocked the stranger into the aisle knocked down can goods and put his hands on his chest and making sure he could not escape."You leave my family alone you perverted asshole."

"What else you are going to do?"

"Call the police and have you arrested, if you ever hurt my family."

Emma was consoling Hope who was wailing, "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy is alright baby. Do not cry. You are safe. You are with Mommy sweetie."

The manager got security and escorted the stranger out of the store. Killian held onto his wife and daughter. The manager returned to the Swan-Jones family, Emma shirt was fixed and the cover was being held by Killian and Hope was covered in puke gripping her Mommy.

"Love, are you and Hope alright?"

"Hope was in the cover the whole time. I knew something was not right what hat man." Killian hugs his wife.

"You did great, love."

"I have you on my side."

"I am so sorry that had happened."

Killian was furious. "You let a crazy man in here and let him threatened my wife and daughter. As you can see our daughter was terrified."

"I am so sorry that had happened."

"Is he in jail?"

"For now yes."

"There are security cameras that we can get proof from him being a pervert."

"Good, he was dressed as a worker and all he wanted to see my breast. I was feeding our daughter covered up that is all." She held onto her little girl tighter.

He wrapped his arms around his wife. "Love, you did nothing wrong. That pervert was the one who did wrong." Hope cried more. "Hope, you alright little love." He kisses Hope on the head.

"Hope, Mommy is okay sweetie. You are safe with Mommy and Daddy sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and calms down their little girl.

"He is not allowed in any of our stores again. Every store will have a picture of him, if he goes to these stores he will get arrested."

"That is good. I got to change my daughter and calm her down. Killian, you can buy the groceries."

"You can use the bathrooms, for the employees. Sir, the groceries are on me."

"Aye, are you sure?"

"Yes, your family was assaulted by a pervert it is the least that I can do."

"Thank you."


"Thank you, James. I want to make sure my wife and daughter are safe then we can finish shopping." "Of course."The manager showed the Swan-Jones family the bathroom. Emma was holding Hope in her arms tight. Once the family alone, Killian just hugged his wife as she cried.

"You and Hope are with me love, you are both alright." Hope was gripping her Mommy. "Hope, you are safe with Mommy and Daddy little love." He kisses Hope on the head. "Emma..."

"I knew something was not right about him. I held Hope tight through the cover. I thought he was going to hurt Hope...all he wanted to do is to see my breast." He rubbed his wife's back as she cried. "You went on your mama bear mode and you fought for yourself. I heard your yelling and got the manager because I saw something was not right with that man."

"Your gut instinct was right love."

"He was telling me that I was not allowed to feed Hope and... when you came with the manager, he told me he just wanted to see my breast..."

"Love, that got me mad and I had to protect you and Hope." Hope made poop.

"Hope, you need a new outfit and a new diaper. Mommy will change you." Killian laid Hope's changing pad on the floor as Emma changed Hope out of her dirty onesie and diaper. "Hope, you are alright sweetie. Mommy knew that man was crazy, I got mad at him because he was telling me what to do and he wrong. I thought he was going to hurt you. Your Dada protected you and me because that stranger wanted to see my breast which is a bad sign, Hope." Emma let Hope snuggle on her and Hope hugs her Mommy. "Love, I think Hope is thanking you for being brave."

"You might be right, Hope are you showing Mommy how much you love me?" Hope smile. Emma got Hope changed into a new diaper, Killian passed the clean diaper, powder, and onesie. "You are all clean Hope." Emma put Hope's winter coat on her and holds her. "Killian, do we have everything?"

"Yes, love. I got everything on our list including for Hope."

"Can we go home after we pay?"

Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves, knowing his wife doesn't want him to leave his side. "I am not leaving your side, Emma."

"Good, Hope and I need you."

"Hope knows that her Mommy needs her extra love." They look down at Hope was hugging her Mommy.

"You are doing such a good job, Hope. Being there for your Mommy, little love."

"Baby, Mommy got you. Your hugs are making me feel so much better." She hugs her daughter and kisses her on the head. Killian pushed the cast to the register and waited on the long line while Emma held Hope. James came by, "You do not have to wait in line." He takes the cart. "You do not have to pay." He bagged all of the grocery items.

"Thank you, James."

"You are welcome..."

"Killian and Emma." Emma was focusing on Hope.

"I am very sorry that happened to you, Emma."

She looked up at the manager. "Thank you for calling the cops."

"You are welcome, Emma. He is not going to be around here ever again." Hope babbled.

"Sweetie, we are going to go home now baby girl." Killian pushed the cart to the car.

"Thank you, James."

"You are welcome, Killian. If you need anything let me know." Killian walked with his wife and daughter to the car, knowing Emma was not okay and needed him. Emma sat with Hope in the back while Killian loaded the car. Hope began to cry. "Hope, look what I have." She takes out Pluto doll, the small one. Hope grabbed the doll and smiled. "You just needed your favorite toy." She kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy needed to fight that crazy man and Daddy protected Mommy and I was protecting you. We are your parents that is our job to protect our family." Hope reached her arms out. Emma smiled and for her daughter out of her car seat. "Hope. When we get home we get to cuddle all day. Would you like that?" Hope babbled. Killian closed the trunk. "Hope, we are going bye- bye." She kisses Hope on the head and buckles her daughter in her car seat. "We are going home." Hope grabbed her Mommy's hand. "Killian."

"Yes, love?"

"I am going to stay back here with Hope."

"Aye, I can see our little love wants her Mommy."

Emma smiles. "That is right. Our little girl wants her Mommy." Killian drove this family home and it began to snow. Emma held Hope who began to cry. "I know you're hungry baby."

"Love, I got the groceries."

"Kilian, can I at least carry Hope's supplies?"

"Sure love." Emma held Hope and the diaper and supplies for their daughter. "I got everything else and Hope's diaper bag." He knew his wife was not herself and he is going to be there for her. He carried the groceries inside the house. After he unloads the groceries, he put salt on the stairs and shovel ready by the door. He finds his wife snuggling with Hope on their bed. Killian went to the kitchen and made his wife a grilled cheese. He brings it up and hears Emma's conversation with Hope. 'Hope, Mommy got mad at that man because he was trying to tell me what to do. Men used to think they have power over women, but us women are strong independent women that can defend themselves. Mommy was alone and had to fight for her self for a very long time." Hope fussed. "Hope, Mommy is okay sweetie, she has Daddy on her side to protect me and you sweetie to remind me that I am not alone." She hugs her little girl. " I fought for myself to that crazy man. I thought he was going to hurt you and he was up to something. When that man wanted to see Mommy's breast that was wrong because that is my privacy and he wanted to hurt me that is when Daddy came in and fought for me because your daddy will always fight for you and me, he is a good man only good men fight for their loved ones." Hope gripped her Mommy. "You will always have Mommy and Daddy protecting you sweetie. That is our job as your parents." Emma hugs her daughter. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope fell asleep in her Mommy's arms. Killian enters the room, "One grilled cheese for my love."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome, love." Emma ate her grilled cheese while Hope was sleeping on her. When Emma finished eating. "Emma." She instantly leans on him and he hugs his wife and daughter. He kisses her on the forehead. "You are with me love. Our little lass is with you too."

"I have both of you with me. I got scared when that crazy man told me that he wanted to see my breast, then you defended me. Thank you for being you today."

"Love, I got mad when he wanted to assault you. He was trying to assault my wife and I am always going to protect my family when they were threatened. I wanted to punch him in the face. I chose not too then I would be in trouble.I threatened him. No one threatens my family and gets away with it. How is our little love?"

"She is fed and taking a nap on me. Her meal before she threw up on me when I was arguing with that crazy man so she ate a little longer than usual. Hope just want to be with her Mommy."

"Aye, she knew her Mommy was in a fight and she was afraid for you, she wants to make sure you are alright."

"I am alright, a little shocked. I have you and Hope with me."

"We are with you, love."

"I have my family with me, which all that matters. Thank you for sticking up for me."

"I will always stick up for you. You are my love and nobody threatens or hurt my love." Emma fell asleep feeling loved and safe with her family around her. "I will always protect you. You are with family Emma, we love you." He kisses Emma on the head. A few hours later, Hope woke up from her nap. "Hi, Hope. Mommy is sleeping. Do you want to play with Daddy?" He takes Hope out of Emma's arms. Hope began to cry. "Hope, We can play in here. Do not cry, little love." He holds her in his arms and kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, you did a great today. Do you know why?" Hope babbled. "That is right, Hope. You were there for your Mommy when she needed her family. Mommy was along most of her life and had no one at her side until she met your Daddy. Now you are with her too little love, reminding her that she has her family on her side." Hope babbled. "That is right, little love. She has you and me." He tickles Hope and plays with her. He gets a phone call from his sister in law. "Come to Daddy, little love." He puts Hope on his lap. "Hi, Allison."

"Hi, Killian. Is everything alright with Emma? I tried calling her and texting her a few times she has not answered any of my messages. I was getting worried."

"Allison, there is a reason Emma has not been answering her phone all day."

"Killian, what happened to my sister?"

"We were at the grocery store stocking up for the snowstorm. She had to breastfeed Hope, she covered her up. A worker told her to stop feeding Hope, she and the worker got into an argument. I heard them arguing and got the manager. It turns out that the worker was not a worker, he was a crazy man and he was a pervert."

"Oh my gosh. How is she now?"

"She just wants to be with Hope and me."

"Killian, my sister needs me. I am coming over right now." Allison ended their conversation. "Hope, your auntie is coming over little love." Killian played with Hope. Allison got off the phone, Ted noticed something was wrong. "Allison, what is wrong?"

"Emma was almost assaulted in the grocery store."


"I knew something was wrong because I was trying to call her all day and text her but no reply. I am going to see my sister, she needs me."

"Allison, I can watch Connor."

"Are you sure? I might get stuck there overnight with this snowstorm."

"Allison, Connor is going to be with me."

"Are you sure? I feel like I am being a bad mother for not being there for my baby."

"Allison, your sister needs you. Connor is going to be with me and we are going to have boy time. We are going to watch Mickey Mouse and hockey games." Allison holds her son and snuggles with him. "Connor, I love you so much."


"Yes, Mama loves you so much baby boy." Connor hugs his Mom.

"See he loves you so much, Allison. Right, Connor, you love your, Mommy?" Connor babbled.

"I just feel that I do not spend enough time with him."

"Allison, you spend enough time with our son. You are home with him most of the time when you aren't working. He loves you so much. He knows when his Mommy is needed to his Mommy;' sister. Emma needs you."

"Connor, Mommy has to go Auntie Emma's house. I know you are going to have fun with Daddy." Connor handed his Mommy a toy. "You want me to play with you?"

"I can play with you." Allison played with her son and tickled him and chased him around his room, Connor was getting faster in his crawling."Where are you going?" She scoops him up and tickles him and kisses his belly. Ted was watching his wife and son playing together. Allison played with her son until he needed a nap. "Connor, did you have fun with Mama?" She kisses her son on the head. "I had so much fun with you." Connor fell asleep on his Mama. "Mama had so much fun with you, baby boy. When I get home tomorrow, we are going to snuggle all day." She gave him more kisses and one more hug. "I love you, Connor." She puts her son in his crib. She watched him sleep. "I love you, Connor. You are my baby boy." She turns on the white noise machine on and leaves the room. Ted gives her a big hug. "Connor had so much fun with you."

"I love him so much."

"Connor loves you and I love you. We both know that your sister needs you and you will help your sister because you are kind caring women."

"Emma needs me. I want to be there for my sister."

"Yes, she will be very happy to see you."

She hugs her husband. "Thank you, for supporting me."

Your welcome, I know your sister needs you, you are going to help her. I am going to spend one on one time with our son." Allison packed an overnight bag. "Ted, there is bottles of my breastmilk in the refrigerator, an extra jar of baby food in there and make sure to watch him especially around the staircase you know how much he loves to sneak upstairs."

Allison, Connor and I are going to have fun. Text me or call me on how it is going with Emma."

"I will. If Connor misses me and the snow is bad, can you facetime me?'

"Allison, he is going to miss you and I know he will be happy to facetiming his Mommy. Travel safe."

"I will drive, slow. I love you, Ted."

"I love you, Allison." They kiss. Allison gets into her car and slowly drives her car to her sister's house. By the time she arrived there, the snow was getting heavier. Emma was still sleeping, Killian was playing with Hope in the living room. Killian heard a knock on the door. "Hope, let's see who is at the door?" He opens the door."Hi, Allison come in."

"Hi, Killian. Hi, Hope. How is Emma?"

"She is still sleeping. I got Hope to play down here."

"Is she still in shock?"

"As far as I know, yes."

"Killian, be with Emma. I can watch Hope."

"Are you sure?"

"I am here to help. I also brought over an overnight bag with this snowstorm."

"You are staying overnight. Hope, do you want to play with Auntie Allison?" Hope began to cry. "You want your Mommy?"

Killian carries Hope and follows her brother in law upstairs. Killian opens the door and leads Allison and Hope into the room. Emma wakes up hearing Hope crying. "Love, Hope wants her Mommy."

"Hope..." She sees her sister. "Allison!" Emma rushes to give Allison a big hug. "Allison, what are you doing here?"

"I been trying to call you all day and you weren't answering my text messages. I got worried and knew something was wrong. I called Killian and he told me what happened this morning. I came over here to check on you."

"You are the best. You did not have to come."

"I had to see if my sister was alright."

"You really came to see if I was alright?"

"Yes, Emma. I was worried about you all morning, I had to see if my little sister was alright." Emma hugs her sister and began to cry. "You really care for me?"

"Yes, I do, Emma. I am your sister. I love you. Once Killian told me about what happened, I came here."


"Emma, I am here." She rubs her sister's back and sat with her on the bed. Killian quietly takes Hope to her room. "Little love, your Mommy is with her sister. Your Auntie Allison is our family and is on your Mommy side like you and I are." Hope makes poop. "You need a diaper change." He tickles Hope's belly. "After you get a clean diaper. Do you want a story?" Killian changes Hope diaper and holds her in his arms. Hope moved in her Daddy's arms.

Back in the bedroom, Allison was hugging her sister. "Allison, I was..was just feeding Hope in her cover...than that man came and told me not to feed her and Hope was covered up. I knew something was wrong with him, I held Hope even though she was in the cover...something was not right with him. He told me that the law was to breastfeed and I told him that the new law is to allow to breastfeed in public. Killian heard us arguing and got the manager. Killian came to my side and I told the manager that this worker was telling me not to feed Hope. Then the manager told me that he is not a worker there, ope was wailing and puked on the cover I got scared and I told him that he messed with the wrong Mom, and he told me that he just wanted to see my breast. That is when Killian pushed him to the aisle of cans and threatened him and held him there until the cops came...I was in shock, all I could think about is Hope and...I knew something was wrong...what kind of a perverted man do that?" Allison hugs her sister.

"Emma, you protected Hope. You defend yourself and of course, you are afraid, a stranger came up to you and told you not to feed your daughter and then tells you he wants to touch your breast, he is a pervert of all things." Emma cried more into her sister. "I am here, Emma. I am not going anywhere." Allison knew her sister needed her. "Where is Killian?"

"He is with Hope."

"I want them here with us."

"I will go get them. I will be right back." Allison finds Killian and Hope in Hope's bedroom. "Killian."

"How is Emma?"

"Still upset. She wants you and Hope to be with us." Hope fussed in her Daddy's arms. "Killian, can I hold my goddaughter?"

"Hope, Auntie Allison wants to say hold you." He hands over Hope to his sister in law.

"Killian, is this how Emma usually is after an incident?"

"Aye, now this is the first one with Hope and you are with us."

"I came right away, I knew Emma needed me. I can watch Hope."

"Thank you, Allison." Killian leaves Hope's room to be with his wife

"Hi, Hope. I heard you had a very busy morning with Mommy and Daddy." Hope babbled. "Yes, I am staying over tonight to be with you, your Mommy and Daddy." She kisses Hope on the head. "I know you, Daddy and I are going to make your Mommy very happy." Hope smiled. Allison brings Hope to the reading room. "Hope, let's see what book to read? Your Mommy got you a lot of books to read." She finds a Disney book. "This is a good one. Let's read it together." She sits with Hope on the comfy chair and Hope on her lap. "Once upon a time, there was a little mermaid..."

Killian goes into his room and cuddles with his wife."Where is Hope?"

"She is with Allison, love." Emma hugs her husband and Killian gives her a bigger hug.

"I always feel safe in your arms always feeling that everything is going to alright."

"Everything is alright love. Ever since our first hug, I always feel a special connection."

"I feel it every time you hug me."

"Everything is going to be alright, love. You and Hope are safe. You are not hurt, Hope is not hurt. He did not touch you."

"I know...I got that same feeling when I was raped this time our daughter was with me..." She cried more. " I knew, he looked off and I saw him I shielded Hope with the cover and holding her at the same time. I was not letting that man near our Hope."

"Emma, you listened to your gut feeling and protected our daughter. You did what every mother would do to protect their babe from danger, which you did love. You fought for yourself. I heard you arguing and got help. "

"Where is Hope?"

"She is with Allison, she is safe with your sister."

"I..I.." Killian hugs his wife. "She is home with us safe. You protected our little lass. She is with your sister. I am with you. You have me, Allison and Hope, your family with you."

"When he told me about wanting to touch my breast, I was mad on the outside and afraid...I was afraid..."

"Love I knew you were afraid that when I stepped in. No one, I repeat no one hurts or scares my family, my wife and our daughter. Hope was afraid but she had you to protect her from that lunatic man. I protected you when he threatened you. Nobody hurts my wife." Emma hugs her husband. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much. I hate seeing you hurt and upset. I want you to be happy." Emma loves hugging her husband."You always make me happy."

"I love making you happy. You make me happy and I make you happy, that is one of the many reasons I fell in love with you. I love you so much and I hate when someone is hurting you or threatening you that is when I protect my wife and child." Allison brings up crying Hope, she sees Emma and Killian hugging. "I am sorry to interrupt, Hope needs to be fed."

"Hope, come to mommy baby girl." Allison hands over Hope to her sister. "I know you are hungry. Did you have fun with Auntie Allison?" She nurses Hope and kept giving her daughter kisses on the head. "Allison, how was Hope?"

"I took Hope down to the reading room, I read to her three Disney books, she loved "The Little Mermaid."

"That is one of my favorite Disney movies as a child."

"Emma, I was thinking that we can plan a Disney World trip in May or August."

"Allison, I think the babies will love the trip. I have a feeling you, Ted, Killian and I will enjoy the fast rides."

"There are a lot of slow rides for the babies. When do you want to go?"

"I am not sure. Killian, when do you want to go to Florida?"

"We can go to Florida when it is not too crowded. Since Hope and Connor are not in school we can take them in the fall when it is not to hot and we can celebrate both of their birthdays."

"What do you think Allison?"

"I was thinking, that we can do in May not just because of Connor's birthday but it is the day we met."

"Allison, is that the day we officially became sisters? I thought we officially became sisters the day after Hope was born?"

"Emma and Allison, you both became sisters when you first met, I was the witness. Connor's birthday is the day you both met and were sisters from day one."

"Connor knew that we were related before we knew."

"My son was aware. Hope knew that we were related to."

"Yes, she knew that we were related. Hope you knew Mommy and Auntie Allison were sisters when you were growing inside of me?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Yes, you knew."

"Emma, we became sisters the moment we met, The day after Hope was born confirmed that we are really are sisters. I think that we should have our anniversary on August 11th?"

"Allison, I think that we became sisters on the day Connor was born. Even before we found out that we were related we were there for each other and always helping each other out. I think that our sister anniversary is on the day Connor's born, on May 9th."

"Emma, really?"

"Yes!" They hugged.

"So Disney trip in May?"

"As long as we celebrate both of their birthdays in Disney World..."

"Of course! Hope will have a very early birthday present!"

"Yes, a trip to Disney World! Killian, what do you think?"

"A trip to Disney World with my wife, daughter, sister in law nephew and brother in law. Swan Hope is going to be spoiled because I know we are going to spoiling her on this trip since it is going be an early birthday present and we are going to spoil her with souvenirs."

" A week in May trip to Disney world?"

"Aye, a family trip to Disney World in May. I get to show my two loves Disney World."

"Hope and I are very excited. Wait, Allison...what about Italy? Italy is going to cost a lot of money..."

"Emma, if I get a response from our birth mother, I will let you know. If we get a response sooner we can go to Italy than we can delay our trip to Disney World in the fall around our birthday and Hope's."

"If we do not go to Disney World on our Connor's birthday and our anniversary as sisters, I want to do something special."

"Emma, we will." They hug. Hope began to fuss.

"Hope, are you full?" Killian passes a burp towel to his wife and burps their daughter. Hope makes a big burp. "Hope, that was a loud burp. You were very hungry." Killian, Emma, and Allison laughed. Hope fell asleep hugging her Mommy.

"Emma is Hope hugging you?"

"Yes, she is. Hope gave me her first hug very early this morning. She gave her daddy a hug. I love my Hope hugs. I promised her that she and I will snuggle a lot today."

"Love, what do you want me to cook for dinner?"

"I can eat anything. How about you Allison?"

"I will eat whatever you cook."

"Aye, I will cook after I shovel the snow."


"Love, I am only going to be outside."

"Thank you for being you. If I was alone with Hope, I would have not known what to do."

"I am always going to protect my family. Our little love and your sister are right here. I will be right inside."

"We are cuddling later."

"Aye, I cannot wait." They kiss. Killian goes to get his winter coat on and shovel the stairs and sidewalk.

"Emma, I am here." She sits next to her sister and niece. She hugs her sister.

"Thank you for coming over. I really needed my sister today."

"You are there for me and I am there for you. I am always going to be there for you since we met and forever because you are my sister and family. If I have not met you, I would be unhappy with my adopted parents and not knowing the truth about my real family."

"I was alone until I met Killian. While Hope was growing inside of me, I knew I was not alone and she leads me to you. Now I have my loved ones all together when I really needed them. When Hope was being born, I knew I was not going to be alone ever again. You proved it to me from being there for me and delivered Hope. We celebrated our very first Christmas together as sisters and as a family. are here for me when I am scared..."

"Emma, you are with Hope, me and Killian. You are not alone. You have us with you. You were very brave today protecting Hope from that crazy man. I was calling all day to you and I knew something was wrong when you did not pick up. I had a gut feeling something had happened and I called Killian and I just thought of coming here and being at your side. I hate seeing my sister terrified. I knew you needed me." Emma leaned her head on her sister's shoulder.

"I needed my sister."

"I am here Emma." Allison hugs her sister while Hope was hugging her Mommy.

"Since you are here, I was thinking of doing something with you?"

"What do you have in mind little sis?"

"You love calling me that?"

"Yes, I love calling you that. What is your idea?"

"Before that whole crazy incident. Since it is a snow day, I bought baking supplies. I was wondering if you want to bake cookies?'

"Baking cookies with my sister and niece?" Allison pretended to think about it. "I am not a baking person."

"I am a baking person. I can teach you."


Emma giggled. "Allison."

"Of course, I will bake with you and Hope." Killian got the snow shoveled and headed back inside to check on his loves. He heard laughing from the kitchen, which is a good sign. He sees Emma teaching Allison how to bake. Hope was sleeping in a soft carrier on her Mommy. "Love what you are two up to?" He kisses Emma on the head.

"Emma is teaching me to bake."

"You never bakes before?"

"I am not the best at it. Emma is finally teaching me and Hope is joining us out little baker."

"Aye, I know Hope will help when she is awake."

"Killian, Hope does not want to be anywhere but on me. I promised Hope a lot of snuggle time."

"Aye you did, and Hope is keeping that promise."

"Yes, she is. I was thinking after the snowstorm stops tomorrow you can teach Hope how to build her first snow man.:

"Love, I would have to play with Hope in the snow."

"Great, I cannot wait to see Hope in her snow gear it is going to be so cute." Hope began to cry. She takes Hope out of the carrier. "Hope, you are with Mommy baby girl, do you want to help Mommy and Auntie Allison bake cookies?" She sniffs her daughter. "You need a diaper change."

"Love, I can change her. We will be right back."

"Allison, one of my secrets of baking, always uses a bag of extra chocolate chips and add it in the batter."


"Yes, really. I love chocolate."

"Me too!"

Once the cookies were baking in the oven, "We cannot have chocolate chip cookies without...

"Cinnamon hot cocoa." The sister said together and laughed. Emma began heating up hot chocolate. They heard Hope crying. Killian brings down their little lass. "Swan, someone wants her Mommy."

"Hopey, come to mommy baby girl." She takes Hope from Killian. "We just finished baking our cookies. You can join our girl talk." Hope babbled.

"Emma, I can make the hot chocolate?"

"Are you sure?"

"We love the same drink. I am pretty sure that I am not going to make a mistake."

"I trust you." Emma sat down with Hope and played with her. SHe lifts Hope up and down. "Hope, you are going up...and down.....up...and down..." Hope was laughing by playing with her Mommy which made Allison and Killian smiling knowing Hope is making Emma happy and forget what happened to them. Hope fussed. "Hope, do you want to play in the living room?" Hope smiled. "Let's play."

"Love, we will let you know when the cookies are done."

"Thank you. Hope wants to play with her Mommy." Emma brings Hope to the living room and puts Hope in her bouncy chair. She taught Hope to use the toys around the chair. Hope learned fast. "That is a good girl." Hope bounced in the chair. "Hope, you are jumping up and down. You are bouncing." Hope smiled. "Hope, look at the balls in there." She pointed at them. "They are red, yellow and blue. Blue like your eyes." Hope smile and continued to play. "You know that when you were growing inside of me tummy, I wanted you to have your Daddy's eyes?" Hope babbled. "Yes, I wanted you to have your Daddy's blue eyes. You got your daddy's ocean blue eyes, same as your Dada. They are one of my favorite parts about him and you shared the same gene, blue eyes." Killian and Allison were watching Emma and Hope play and talk together.

"Killian, she is amazing with Hope."

"Aye, she is. Even when she was afraid, she was in her mama bear mode when they were around danger all Emma thought about was Hope."

"Hope makes her feel brave and forget what happened."

"Aye, you are a big help today with both of my two loves."

"Emma is my sister and I knew she needed me."

Hope babbled. "Hope, you want Daddy and Auntie Allison to join us playing?" She turns around. "Hope and I can hear you both talking about us and she wants you to join us." They both giggled. "Allison you heard Emma and Hope they want us to play with them."

"I heard my sister loud and clear." They joined Emma and Hope and played together. Allison played with Hope in her bouncy chair with Emma. When Hope wanted to be out of the bouncy chair. "Little love, you want to play with Dada?" Killian takes Hope out of the chair and lifts her up. "Hope, buckle up and prepare to take flight. 1...2...3..." Killian lifted Hope up and went around the room with Hope flying like an airplane. Hope was smiling. "Hope, prepare to land..." Killian lands Hope on her Mommy's lap. Emma and Allison were taking video of Killian playing with Hope.

"Hope, were you flying with Dada?" Hope babbled and began to cry. "Hope, are you tired?" Hope hugged her Mommy. "You can sleep on Mommy."

"Emma, she really has hugging you a lot today."

"I know her first hug this morning. She is enjoying me hugs."

"Hope knows that you needed hugs today."

"Yes, Hope knows when something is wrong with her Mommy." She nuzzles Hope.

"Allison, thank you for coming. I..."

"Emma, you are my sister. I knew something was wrong and I knew that you needed me. That is my job as your big sister to help you."

"It is my job as your little sister to help you whenever you need me."

"That is our job as sisters." Allison hugs Emma and Hope.

They had dinner, the adults talked while Emma was snuggling with Hope. "Hope, it is your bedtime sweetie."

"Love, I can get her ready for bed." He takes Hope from his wife. Hope began to cry. "Swan? She wants you."

Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Hope, do you want Auntie Allison to join us for your bedtime routine?"

"Hope, I can join you and your Mommy." Killian cleaned up the kitchen room. The two sisters bring Hope upstairs. Emma gets Hope changed to of her onesie. "Allison, can you get me a pair of pajamas for Hope?"

"Sure." Allison looks at all of the pink and girl clothes. She chose pink pajamas for her niece while Emma lotioned Hope up. "Allison, what are you thinking about?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are holding Hope's pajamas and looking in Hope's closet."

Allison hands her sister the pajamas. "I was thinking when Ted and I decide to have another baby, I want to have a daughter. I mean all of the pink and girly clothes. I wanted to spoil a little girl."

"I know that when you have another child that you will be an amazing mom as you are now with Connor. This time, I am in the birthing room with you."

Allison laughed. "Yes, since we met after Connor was born and I was your birthing coach for Hope." Hope fussed. Emma got Hope dressed.

"Hope, you are ready for bedtime."

"Emma, I think Hope wants her godmother." She takes Hope from her sister. "Hope, you are my second child because I am your godmother. You are my second child even if I have another baby you will always be my first little girl." Hope babbled and moved around excitedly in her Auntie's arms.

"Allison, I think Hope is happy that she is your second child."

"Of course, Hope is my second child she knows that I delivered her and her auntie since we met." She kisses Hope on the head. "Yes, I love you so much, Hope." Allison let Hope snuggle on her and Hope gives her a hug. "Hope, are you giving me a hug?" Hope babbled which made Allison and Emma smile. "I love your hugs, Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.

"I chose the right person to be Hope's godmother. Hope knows that you will always be there for her."

"Yes, I will be and I will always be there for you my little sister."

Emma smiles. "I will always be there for you because you are my big sister and my best friend."

Hope babbled. "Hopey."

"Someone wants her Mommy." Emma takes Hope from her sister.

"Hopey. You are Mommy's baby girl." Hope smile and reached her hand out to her Auntie Allison which Allison let her hold her finger. "Hope, I love you so much, sweetie."

"We both love you so much, Hope." Allison gets a facetime call from Ted.

"Emma, I got to answer this it is Ted."

"Hope, Auntie Allison has to answer a phone call. Say night to Auntie Allison." Hope babbled. "Night, Hope. I love you. I am sleeping nearby." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Allison went into the guest room to answer the facetime call. Emma rocked Hope to sleep who was hugging her. "Hope, I love you so much baby girl. I love your hugs baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head as she rocked her daughter to sleep. Killian sees his two loves together in Hope's bedroom. "Emma, how is our little love?"

"Hopey is sleeping on me while hugging me. I love her hugging me. I do not want to let her go."

"She looks so happy to be sleeping on her Mommy."

"Yes, she is very happy on her Mommy sleeping and hugging me at the same time. I love my Hope hugs."

"Love, do you want to have a family cuddle in our room?"

Emma smiles. "We are missing, you." Killian takes his two loves to their room. Killian cuddled his wife, who was enjoying her special time with their daughter.

Allison smiles seeing her two boys on her iPhone. "Connor, look who is on the phone, Mama."

"Hi, Connor."


"Hi, baby boy. Are you having a fun time with Dada?" Connor babbled.

"Connor, do you want to tell Mommy how much you crawled around the house with me chasing you and how much Mickey Mouse we watched on the television and we watched the snow falling."

"Wow, Connor you are having so much fun with Dada."

"Allison, he is having fun with me. He just wanted to say hi to mama before bedtime."


"Connor, I am with your Auntie Emma and Hope. Your auntie needed your Mommy today. I will be home tomorrow." Connor smiled. "Mama talked to your auntie Emma a lot today. She needed me. When I get home tomorrow we are going to cuddle and chase you around."

"Connor say good night to Mama." Connor babbled.

"Connor, good night baby boy. Mama loves you so much." Allison blew kisses to Connor. Connor babbled loudly which made his parents smile. Ted rocked Connor to sleep and he fell asleep pretty quick. "Connor kept you busy all day?"

"Yes, he had me watching him play, crawl all over the place. I fed him baby food and your breastmilk. How is Emma?"

"She was in shock most of the day."

"It was that bad?"

"Yes, Emma got back to her normal self a few hours ago. Most of the day she was crying and did not want to be alone. I am glad that I am here with her, she really needed me."

"You are there for her, and it sounds like she needed you."

"Yes, she needed me. I miss my two boys."

"We both miss you too. We will see you tomorrow?'

"Yes, I need to my two boys."

"Night, Allison."

"NIght, Ted. I love you."

"I love you too, Allison."

"Can you give Connor a kiss from me?"

"I will. Good night." They ended their conversation. Allison checks on her sister who was with Killian and Hope in their room. Emma looks happy again which is a good sign. She went to the guest room to not disturb her sister's family one on one time.

Emma felt safe in her husband's arms and her daughter hugging while sleeping on her. "Killian, I cannot stop looking at our baby girl. She is changing every day and getting so big. She is 5 months old already and began giving us hugs."

"Aye, she is getting so big and she loves her Mommy who is taking such good care of her."

"Hope loves the both of us."

"Aye, she loves us both."

"I am so happy that you are home especially today."

"Me too love, I am with my family. When my family needs me, I am going to be there for you and Hope." They kiss. Emma fell asleep in her husband's arms feeling so much love and care to be with her true love and their baby girl who doesn't want to let go of her Mommy and loving to give her Mommy hugs. Even though bad times, she has her family with her, she is not alone anymore. She has her family on her side. She will always be there for them as they are there for her.  

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