Instantaneous (ManxBoy) Mpreg...

By Daniis23

146K 6K 1.5K

Continuation to Intoxicated Book 1. Please read Intoxicated before reading this. After celebrating their Marr... More

Please Be Advised.
Smiles For Miles
Honeymoon Phase
Good Morn- Go To Hell!
Home Again!
A Step Forward
Arlo Rosengord
Danny The Cutiepie
Mix And Match
Danny Da Boss
We're Having A... Celebration?
Literal Cock Sucking Bitch
The Big Day
New Home!
She's Here!
Butterfly Hadrian

Psychiatric Evaluation

5.8K 278 55
By Daniis23

It was the 27th of March when Wolfie received a call from the Judge saying that he would be having his Psychiatric Evaluation tomorrow with Dr Richard F. Patrick.

To say that Wolfie was relieved was an understatement. Dr Patrick was his original choice because the man was as impartial as they came.

Bribing him was a waste of time and by the end of it, you would be the one in deep trouble.

Hell, even Wolfie couldn't persuade the man go easy on him during the evaluation. The man was well respected and wouldn't allow anything or anyone to tranish his reputation.

So the court would be getting an authentic evaluation from him. There was a chance that it could go wrong but there was honestly nothing he could do about it.

There was no revision involved. So no cheating... Nothing.

He just hoped that everything went well and that the particulars of the case continued  in his favour.

So that was one thing out of the way.

Him and Victor were making a lot of leeway regarding collecting more information on his parents and he had enough to defend himself in court but he was the type to go for overkill so he had Victor investigating some more on his end while he got everything filed and copied.

Nothing like being prepared.

So despite how abrupt this examination was scheduled, he had nothing to worry about because as mentioned before, Dr Patrick was a fair guy and Wolfie couldn't have gotten a more impartial Psychiatrist.

He sighed and relaxed against the couch. Danny was fast asleep while draped over him. He had just finished his hours online and he was pretty exhausted since they were now being tested.

They had had to cutback on the photoshoots so that Danny could get enough rest and study for his exams. The Omega had less and less energy these days and Wolfie refused to allow him to do anything other than study and rest.

He would simply hire a chef like he had been doing before Danny came along and luckily, the Omega actually allowed it.

It was kinda hard to argue about it when you were dead on your feet and wanted nothing more than to sleep the day away.

Placing a kiss on Danny's curly hair, he couldn't help but imagine having a daughter with Danny's skin, his eyes, his hair, his everything. He knew that it didn't work like that but one could imagine.

Their child would be biracial, having a blend of his and Danny's skin tone. She could have either his blue eyes or Danny brown eyes. The Omega's curly hair or his straight hair.

The possibilities were freaking endless and he couldn't wait to meet her.

A little him and Danny.

Hopefully the Omega wouldn't stop at one. It wasn't his body to demand Danny to get pregnant again and if the Omega didn't want another pup then he wouldn't force him.

Sure, it would be a blessing to have more pups but there was always adoption if the Omega wasn't willing.

Hmm... Regardless. That was a conversation for later on. I mean, they haven't even had the first one yet and here he was thinking about expanding.

Sheesh. He was becoming so fucking soft.

Back before he met Danny, he would've never tolerated any sort of attitude from an Omega. He would've never allowed an Omega to swear around him and he would've been deciding what he wanted an Omega to do, not having them choose themselves.


There was no way on this Earth that Danny was that submissive. The only way he would get Danny to do what he wanted was to bribe him or do it during sex.

Yeah... But no one could blame him since it wasn't unusual in their world.

"Hmmm," Danny released a sigh and turned his head into Wolfie's chest. "Ba-by."

"Shhh... Sleep," He soothed, combing a hand through the Omega's hair.

Danny sighed and burrowed closer to him but stayed asleep.

When he woke up, they would probably begin ordering stuff for their pu- oh fuck! The house! They still hadn't checked out the Real Estate website yet to find a suitable house for their pup and not to mention, Danny had eluded to them having more than one child. Shit! How could he have forgotten that?

But then again... His case was coming up so he could be excused for being scatterbrained.

Not minding that, they still needed to shop for another house before they began buying stuff for their pup.

He would prefer a house somewhere else like in Essex or even York, Bradford or something.

He was honestly getting a wee bit worried about all the stabbings going on and even though they were Werewolves, they weren't exactly impervi- oh wait! He got it.

He could get a property in Henley-on-Thames so that they could be closer to Danny's parents. If the Omega really meant what he said about them expanding their family, they would need help and another benefit was the amazing food.

The only downside was that his job was in London along with his bestfriend.


There goes that plan to move to Henley-on-Thames.

Maybe he could get a house close to Jackson or in the same city.

Lord only knows what he was thinking getting a house in Croydon. Oh wait... Now he fucking remembered! He wanted to live under-the-fucking-radar and it was a total waste.

It just meant that he had to go all out in terms of security.

Ugh... Kingston upon Thames was probably one of the safest areas to live for his growing family since he really didn't want to completely leave the London area.

Hmmmm. Danny would probably love it since it would build his friendship with Arlo.

The good thing was that it was still close to his job, probably the same distance he drove from Croydon to work. So even if he moved to Kingston Upon Thames, the distance would pretty much still be the same.

Hmmm... He would pitch the idea to Danny when he woke up but he believed that this move would be a great opportunity for them.

Jackson would be ecstatic since he could pretty much drop in whenever he wanted and poach whatever foods he liked off of poor Danny.

Yeah... Maybe moving will be great for both of them.

Their Pup was coming in two months time and she could be friends with Skylar and Declan as they grew.

The Benefits were great in his opinion and he was sure that Danny would think the same.


Wolfie groaned and plopped his head down on his office desk; he had spent the better part of 4 hours compiling everything Victor had brought him into one file, discarding the useless bits.

Said man had went out so it was only him and Danny in the house... Danny was still sleeping.

Well it was nothing worrying that he's been sleeping the day away because he needed the rest.

But even so, he planned on waking him up to get something to eat because regardless of the fact that he was tired, he was still with-child.

He had called the hired chef to come and prepare something and she was still in the kitchen because he wanted enough food to last until later.

When she was finished, he would wake Danny. So in the meantime, he was gonna try and get as much work done as possible with the case files.

Ugh... Work.

He groaned, juggling the thought of knocking himself out or saying fuck it and try to finish.

Tough choice.


28th, March

Wolfie got out of the jeep with a disgruntled look on his face; he had had to arrive at Dr Patrick's office 6:12 am on the dot or his evaluation would be cancelled and noted down as a fail.

He had gotten there at 6am exactly and finished parking the jeep.

There was no way that he was gonna lose this case because he wanted some extra minutes in bed and not to mention, who the fuck even scheduled an evaluation at this time?!

It was as if- wait a minute.

Whoa... Whoa...

Okay, Dr Patrick was fucking smart.

Maybe the man was hoping that Wolfie would be too disoriented to filter his words so that he could get an accurate reading on him. But unfortunately for him, he was used to waking up at this time and not to mention, he wasn't one to be taken off guard like that.

The real reason he was disgruntled was because it was a fucking Saturday!(Changed the date) He had to get up at 4:30 am on a Saturday to drive to this location for 6:12 am.

Fucking mental!

He released a sigh and began heading towards the building, wishing that he could choke the crap out of Dr Patrick without it affecting his case.

One would think that he would've been prepared but it was yesterday night at 5 when he received a call about the time he should arrive. It wasn't even in the letter that was sent to him by the judge after he called him.

It was like they were trying to blindside him or something. Never let it be known that Wolfie was easily sidetracked... unless it was by Danny.

Now that, that was a given.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. Danny wasn't to be trifled with, that's for sure.


"I have to say, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr Hadrian, or should I address you as Wolfie? I believe that the familiarity would put you at ease."

Wolfie narrowed his eyes at him then shrugged. "Mr Hadrian is fine."

Dr Patrick smiled and wrote something down on his notepad.

Wolfie had to restrain himself from asking what he just wrote. Hell, the man might try to say that he's portraying signs of being delusional regarding the opinions of others about him.

Well, that was what he was thinking. He was used to analysing information from every angle so yeah, that could show some form of being a delusional but it wasn't unfounded.

It was more like his self-preservation kicking in.

"Okay then. So, would you like to get anything off your chest before we begin?"

He thought about that for a second. "Not particularly."

Dr Patrick nodded and wrote something down again and Wolfie had to hide his clenched fist.

Would he note that down as refusal to open up or was it inconsequential?

Honestly, he was beginning to think that the man only wrote stuff down on his notepad to unnerve him.

"Okay then," he continued. "Let's begin."

Wolfie nodded and relaxed in the couch; he was not gonna let this man get under his skin.

Sure, he was one of the best in the business but so was Wolfie and he was used to other Solicitors trying to get under his skin.



Danny yawned and rolled over on the bed, reaching a hand out for his Alpha only for it to land on the bedding.


He opened one eye and frowned when he saw the empty space.

"Babe?!" He called out, raising his head to look around the room. He opened his other eye and sat up on the bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Wolfie?"

No answer.

He looked at the bedside table and saw a note along with the time.

6:23 AM

Oh... Oh... OH! What the fuck?!

He reached over and picked the note up.

"Went for my Psych Evaluation. Scheduled for 6:12am, not by me. I'll see you later. Please take it easy and I love you," he read, scowling before balling the note up and throwing it to the floor. "He could've atleast woken me up!"

He lied back down on the bed and grabbed his phone off of the dresser. "I can't believe that he left a bloody note. He's just lucky that this is important or I would've reamed him a new arsehole," he continued muttering under his breath while checking his notifications.

"Oh great."

He sighed and begrudgingly opened Instagram after seeing all of the notifications.

His eyebrows rose and he couldn't help snorting when he saw him and Wolfie tagged in the maternity photos they had taken not too long ago. He would've thought they would've waited to release them but no such luck.


He had to admit that they came out beautifully. The photographer hadn't wanted to show them, preferring for them to wait until they officially released them. Wanting them to see them the same time as everyone.

He quirked his mouth and liked the post, immediately going into the comment section.


💷 21.Shillings *Whistles* Wolfie sure works quick. Gotta hand it to him.
10h      23 Likes     Reply

_______ View Replies (8)

😜 Aminè.Caroline I ain't tryna start anything but that Omega is fine as hell.
8h       5 Likes     Reply

________ View Replies (15)

😑 Sasuke.Is.The.Goat Am I the only one perving?... Okay, I'll just leave.
12h       1 Like      Reply

_________ View Replies (27)

😘 Isabella-Leeann Beautiful!! 😍😍😍
11h       120 Likes      Reply

👌😉 Asap.Rocky's.Bitch I can't believe they've kept her pregnancy a secret for so long. Gotta give them props because I didn't even notice from the wedding pictures. 👍
2h        57 Likes       Reply

_________ View Replies (34)

😎 Sir-Savage-The-Twentyfirst If you zoom in, you can see the pup's paw... and speaking of, I wonder the gender.
6h          81 Likes       Reply

_________ View Replies (16)

And so it went. He continued reading for a while longer before entering his own comment, thanking the magazine for the beautiful pictures.

He didn't even bother to check the other notifications. It was mainly people following him and tagging him in posts. Commenting under his pictures and fan pages.

He would sort it out later so people didn't think that he was ungrateful. And to be honest, he was kinda blown away that people would create fanpages of him.

I mean, what was he famous for other than getting Mated to a Famous Alpha? He honestly didn't want people thinking that he was using Wolfie as a stepping stone to propel himself into the life of the rich and famous.

Not to mention, he would have to start involving himself in stuff to make certain that no one called him a gold-digger or attention seeker. He didn't want anyone judging him or Wolfie.

He could take some guidance from Ayesha Curry or something. Involve himself in stuff that would benefit or teach others.

But he was only 17 going on 18. He had a lot to give it some thought because he was gonna give birth and graduate soon. Managing his sudden fame wasn't that important to him in the long run because all he wants is to be a house wife and maybe work from home.

Everyone had their preferences. Some would rather stay at home and take care of the house and kids, it didn't mean that they were adhering to the will of their Dominant partner, it just meant that that's what they were comfortable doing while other preferred to work just as hard as their Dominant partner and also be the bread-winner.

It was all a matter of preference and his preference was to stay at home and manage the Household while Wolfie left for work. He wanted to cook and clean, taking care of their child and future children.

It didn't mean that he was bowing down to Wolfie, it just meant that that was what he was comfortable doing. If that made it seem like he had to adhere to his husband then so be it. Wolfie wasn't forcing him to do anything.

As much as the Alpha was an arsehole when they just met, they've managed to compromise.

This was the path he had always wanted to take in his life when he began starting a family and no one was gonna make him embarrassed by it.

He was going to be a new Mother and he wanted to spend as much time with his pup as needed.

Others tended to forget that as a Mother, they had to breastfeed their pups until the age of four to fully complete the parenthood bond.

Not to mention, their pup would be in their Wolf form up until they turn 1 years old of which they would have enough strength to attain a humanoid form.

Some took longer than a year so one could never be sure. But regardless, he wanted to be there 24/7 for his baby and no one was gonna shame him for that.

Breaking out of his thoughts, he decided on just getting up and starting the day early because his thoughts were now in a turmoil.

He really should've followed his rule of not picking up his phone until he got ready because something or the other would get him into a heated debate with himself.

But still, he would just blame Wolfie because it was his fault in the first place.

So with a sigh of aggravation, he got up and placed him phone down on the bed.

He didn't much mind because Noone had any business to be calling him this early.

It was a Saturday and weekends were for relaxing.

Yeah, he was relaxing except for his online classes and his stubbornness to do certain things but who could blame him?

He was about ready to pop.

April was coming and in no time it'd be May.

He groaned and trudged into the bathroom, undressing himself along the way.

So much to stress about now since they had to buy a new house along with purchasing the pup's wardrobe and the likes.

They hadn't purchase anything yet and Danny sorta refused to think of his pup coming early which would make them severely unprepared.

It was pretty Naive but he refused to buy anything until they have a new home so that the pup had her own space.

She may not be aware of anything but they planned on having a big family and he just wanted to prepare early.

So as he pulled his underwear off and tossed it to the floor, he began envisioning what their new house would look like. All the stuff that they would decorate their pup's and future pups rooms like.

He imagined all the cute clothing that they would purchase for their darling little girl and... He stopped and his eyes widened.

"We haven't even thought of a fucking name yet!"

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