Drop Dead Gorgeous (Frerard)

By iamcatastrophic

65.2K 3.6K 6.7K

Gee Way is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. After one week at his new school, he was already named one of the p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 2

3.4K 176 287
By iamcatastrophic

Gerard walked down the street, deciding to explore his new city. So far, he wasn't the most impressed. It was just like half of New Jersey, dirty and run down. But there were some parts that seemed intriguing, like the bookstore that had the cat in the window. He definitely had to show that place to Mikey.

He saw a tall metal fence and walked closer to find them enclosing a skate park. Nobody was in there as he stepped through the gate. There was graffiti on all of the ramps, dug into the ground like an poorly designed swimming pool. Some ramps were above ground and Gerard found a boy sitting on top of a half pipe.

He stood back for a moment and watched. Gerard couldn't see the face but could see the boy. The boy hung his feet over the edge, coffee beside him while he wrote in a small notebook. There was something about the way the sun was sitting on him, it was soft and peaceful and beautiful.

Gerard stepped over into the dip of the ramp. The boy looked up and Gerard found himself looking at Frank. He smiled, a cigarette between his lips as he took his headphones out.

"Hey, What are you doing out here?" Frank asked.

"Just exploring," Gerard said. "Can I join you?"

Frank nodded and Gerard climbed up to sit beside him. He put his notebook away, tucking it into his back pocket.

"What's that?" Gerard asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing," Frank dismissed, holding out his cigarette. "Want a drag?"

Gerard stared at it for a moment before taking the cigarette. He coughed when he took a drag, his eyes watering.

"First time?" Frank asked with a chuckle.

"No, it's just, uh, it's been a while," he admitted. "Parents caught me smoking and it was hell so I stopped for a while."

"Oh, well, I don't want to get you hooked on this shit again," Frank said, taking it back.

Gerard didn't say anything as he looked around.

"How come you're the only one here?" I asked.

"It's Sunday morning, nobody's here on Sunday morning," Frank stated.

"That your board?" He asked, eyeing the skateboard with a design of a skull that was all scratched up from tricks.

"Yeah, you ride?" Frank asked.

"God no, I've got two left feet," he said with a chuckle. "Trust me, I would just end up with a broken arm or something."

Frank shrugged, looking over at the trees outside the park.

"What do you think of this place?" Frank asked.

"It's alright, maybe I'm a little bit biased," Gerard admitted. "I do miss North Brunswick, that's where all my friends are and stuff."

"At least it's not too far," Frank said.

Gerard nodded, watching the way Frank played with the sleeves of his black hoodie. Frank looked up at Gerard, their faces only a few inches apart. Gerard waited for a moment to see what he would do but Frank just grabbed his board and hopped down.

"Let me show you some moves," frank offered.

"No, I'm good," Gerard denied. "Really."

Frank shrugged and dropped his board down. He skated around the park while Gerard watched.

"Hey, Frank!" Someone called. "I thought I would find you here!"

Gerard saw Jamia coming in, waving happily to Frank. He skated over and gave her a hug before pointing over to Gerard. Jamia sat next to Gerard, a cheery smile on her face as she took a sip of Frank's coffee.

"Frank is always out here in the mornings," she said.

"How long have you two known each other?" Gerard asked.

"Kindergarten," she said. "Yeah, I always shared my food with him at snack time because he didn't have any. We've been best friends ever since. He's, like, my ride or die friend. There was one time we were driving and got pulled over and he shoved my baggie of weed down his pants and told the officer he had a boner."

"Why didn't he just put it under the seat?" Gerard asked.

"I don't know, he said he panicked," Jamia laughed. "And it was so dumb, he just had a small traffic violation and now he's awkward trying to explain to an officer that he's got a boner. I swear, sometimes I think he's the dumbest. He's sweet though, shyer than he likes to let people know."

Gerard eyed frank, who was still doing tricks on his board. This only made Frank more intriguing in Gerard's eyes. He really wanted to get to know Frank more.

"Okay, so, we should totally hang out some," Jamia said. "We could go out for lunch one weekend or hang out at the mall. You know what, Frank and I both work at the Dairy Queen down the street, come in one day while I'm on my shift and I'll totally hook you up with a free blizzard."

"That sounds awesome," Gerard agreed. "Thanks, Jamia."

Frank rode up to the half pipe and held out his board.

"You're up, Mia," he said.

Jamia smiled and took the board before skating away.

"She's really nice," Gerard said.

"Oh, yeah, Jamia's the best," he agreed. "But, Uh, tell me more about you."

Frank began to play with his sleeves again as he looked down. Gerard smiled softly and reached over, holding onto Frank's hand. The move seemed to surprise the latter, making him look up in shock while Gerard acted as if nothing was different.

"Well, there isn't really all too much to tell," Gerard said. "I really like art and comics and fashion and superheroes. Got a brother and two parents. Used to have a hamster but she ran away."

Frank looked down at their intertwined fingers as he blushed before he cleared his throat.

"S-so, Uh, you, um," he stuttered and Gerard gave a soft chuckle. "Do you, maybe, wanna hang out?"

"Thought that's what we were doing right now," Gerard said.

"Well, Yeah, But Maybe we could go for food," he said. "With friends! Like, we could...we could go with some friends. Not alone. N-not like a date. It doesn't have to be a date, we can just hang out as a group with some friends. W-we can go to the movies, see that new movie about the superheroes whose...whose names I'm forgetting at the moment and i think that would be fun—"

"Hey frank?" Gerard interrupted and Frank nodded. "I would love to hang out, with or without your friends."

Frank let out a small sigh of relief and Gerard squeezed his hand. Gerard loved the nervousness of Frank, he seemed so pure and innocent and sweet. He couldn't help but notice how unlike frank was to him in that way.

"So, does everyone skateboard around here?" Gerard asked.

"Not everyone but my friend group mostly does," he said.

"Maybe I should be learning, then," Gerard said.

"Maybe I could teach you," Frank offered, his thumb gently rubbing over the back of Gerard's hand.

Gee smirked, nodding his head. Frank blushed, looking over at Jamia.

"Hey, Mia, you wanna go to the movies with me and Gerard?" Frank asked.

She came over with a smile.

"Right now?" She asked.

"Uh, n-no, well, I mean, when are you free?" Frank asked.

"Maybe this evening?" Gerard offered and frank nodded. "Is it just gonna be the three of us?"

"Well, I can invite some other friends," Frank said. "Maybe Brendon and Pete."

Jamia glanced to where the two boys were holding hands and she smiled.

"Okay, well, I think that sounds like a plan," she said. "Or, you know, maybe just the two of you could go."

Frank pulled his hand away, his face turning an even deeper shade of red.

"No, no, we can go with friends," Frank said. "We can't just leave everyone out. Hey, mia, Gerard likes fashion. You like fashion. Why don't you talk?"

Frank busied himself by drinking his coffee.

"He's so awkward," Jamia laughed. "I think it's just because it's the first time he's had a crush on a boy."

"I-I don't have a crush!" Frank exclaimed. "I don't! Of course not! I-I mean, not that you're bad, Gerard. Not like that. You're not bad. I'm sorry."

"Frank, it's alright," Gerard said. "I think that hanging out with a whole group would be fun."

Gerard knew that Frank was nervous. He didn't want to put any pressure on him and decided that hanging out as a group with friends would take the pressure off and make it easier on him. Was Jamia right? Was Gerard the first boy frank has ever showed an interest in? Gerard had assumed that frank was set on his sexuality but maybe he was just starting to figure it out.

"Okay, That sounds like a plan," Jamia said.

Frank nodded, fidgeting with his sleeves. Some kids entered the park, skating around as they shouted and laughed.

"Ew, the middle schoolers are here," Jamia said. "We should ditch, Frank. We need to get you a cute outfit to impress Gerard later."

"N-no!" Frank exclaimed. "No, we don't. W-we will get something that I would normally wear to any normal event that I would normally attend."

Jamia and Gerard both stared at him before deciding to just ignore it.

"Well, I'll be sure to wear something cute then," Gerard said. "Maybe a cute dress."

Frank turned redder as Jamia smiled.

"You crossdress?" She asked.

Gerard shrugged. "Sometimes. I don't really think my gender should constrict my fashion choices."

"I think you would look amazing in a dress," she said. "Don't you, Frank."

"I-I mean, yeah, you'd look good in anything," he said with a deep blush.

"Thanks, Frank," Gerard said. "So, I guess I'll see you two later then?"

"Yeah, of course," Jamia said.

She gave Gerard a hug before walking away with Frank. Gerard's eyes glanced down to Frank's ass as he chuckled. He couldn't help but think about how odd Frank was but how damn intriguing too. He couldn't quite figure him out but damn was he going to try.

Gerard began wandering down the street again, trying to find something new to interest him. He found the Dairy Queen shop, the owner unlocking the doors to start opening as tired employees waited to be let in. He noticed a plaque on the wall that said 'Employee of the Month' with Jamia's picture on it. She looked cute with her little uniform and cheerful smile.

Gerard liked Jamia a lot, he thought she was really kind. She definitely made him feel included, like he's already part of their group of friends. Plus, she seemed to act as a buffer between frank and Gerard since Frank was always so nervous.

Frank didn't seem like that the first day they met but Gerard assumed that maybe he was having an off day that day. Or maybe today was his off day. Gerard couldn't really tell quite just yet. He didn't know which one he preferred, both sides of Frank were perfect.

It's been a little while since Gerard has had a real relationship, he was mostly used to hookups and one night stands. He was used to parties and kissing random boys or girls. It's probably been two years since his last real relationship.

Gerard eventually grew bored of wandering the town and headed back home. His dad smiled from where he stood over the stove making lunch.

"Hey, did you have fun?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm going out with some friends later," Gerard said.

"You have friends already?" His dad asked. "That sounds fun, you should take Mikey."

"Please don't," Mikey begged.

"Maybe some other time," Gerard said, rubbing his brother's head to mess up his hair. "Anyways, I'm gonna go shower then get ready."

He hurried up the stairs, excited to make his first impression on Frank.

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