Chapter 31

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Frank couldn't be more excited for prom than he already was. He spent the whole day getting ready, showering and even getting his hair trimmed the night before.

"Hey, man, I need a huge favor," Brendon said over the phone. "I wrote a poem for Ryan in a notebook but I lent the notebook to Jamia and it's in her locker and I need it."

"Okay, I can get it out for you, I know the combination," frank said.

"I owe you so much," Brendon said. "I'll pick you up soon."

Frank laid his suit out on the bed, making sure everything was perfect before he went downstairs to the lobby of the apartment. He got into Brendon's car when he pulled up and they went to the school. The doors were locked, obviously, but the windows in one of the first floor sciences classes were broken so the latch couldn't properly lock. They snuck into the school, making their way down the hallway of the dark, empty school.

"So, what's so important about this poem?" Frank asked.

"Ryan's just been scared about graduation and about me leaving so I wrote this poem for him that I just think will make him feel a lot better," he said.

"Any plans for after the dance?" Frank asked.

"Oh yeah," Brendon snorted. "I'm gonna take Ryan back to my house and do him all night long."

Frank laughed, shaking his head.

"Pete's hoping to get laid tonight," Brendon said. "He's really hoping Jamia will finally put out."

"Hey, she's a lady, show some respect," Frank said.

"Have you two talked about this together?" He asked.

"God no," Frank denied. "We can't talk about this sort of thing, you know that. Do you know how weird that would be?"

"It doesn't have to be weird, not if you don't make it," he said. "The two of you have been best friends since forever, it really doesn't have to be weird if you just make sure that it isn't weird, get comfortable with the topic and with each other, the past is in the past and you two only need to worry about the present now."

"Yeah, it's a little more complicated than it sounds," Frank said. "We're both just so awkward and weird. I don't want to add any other awkwardness or weirdness between us."

"How are things going with  you and Gerard?" Brendon asked.

"It's amazing," Frank said. "I really like him and I'm not that happiest that he's moving to New York but we're gonna be able to make it work, I know we will. He's gonna be a comic book artist and I'm gonna try and get into psychology. It's a lot of work but I know that it'll pay off. It makes good money and I want my future kids to have a good life and not be completely struggling over money and everything."

"That's nice but just don't get so focused on the work and the money that it earns," he said. "Make sure that you're doing something that you actually want to do for the rest of your life, something that makes you happy. You can't get stuck with a job you don't like, that'll cause so many problems. Problems with your marriage and problems with your kids. You need to choose a career that you'll actually enjoy or else you will have so many marital problems."

"Yeah, I know that," Frank said. "But I actually do really want to get into psychology, I find the topic extremely interesting and I really like the idea of being able to help people through things. I want to be able to help people. I never really went through a lot of problems but I know my mom did, she suffered with depression when I was younger and I want to be able to help other people like her."

"Your mom suffered from depression?" Brendon asked curiously.

"Yeah, it was after my dad left us and she was struggling being a single mom and trying to support me and raise me all on her own," he said. "It was really, really hard on her when he left her for another woman. And I was a child who was hardly sleeping and far too energetic at absolutely ungodly hours of the night. And maybe I was a little difficult growing up but I just didn't realize as a child how it was all affecting her and how she was feeling and what she was going through."

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