Zodiac High (ON HOLD)

By notsoinnocentchild_

138K 2.5K 3.9K

Meet the Zodiacs, Aries,Taurus ,Gemini ,Cancer ,Leo ,Virgo ,Libra ,Scorpio , Sagittarius , Capricorn, Aquari... More

Chapter one: The New Girl
Chapter Two: Drama already?!
Chapter three: We're moving in?
Chapter Four: Sexist Coach
Chapter Five: Limo and pole dancing?!
Chapter six: The aftermath
The rooms
Chapter seven: Naughty lil Fish
Book Covers🌻
Chapter Eight: Movie Night
Chapter Nine: Fuck buddies.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Q&A Answers


21.9K 185 496
By notsoinnocentchild_

Introducing characters:

Aries: Fire sign
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hair: light brown hair
Eyes: brown eyes
Friends: leo , Sagittarius ,Taurus , Pisces , Scorpio, Libra
Enemies: Gemini
Crush/love interest: Gemini(for now) and ??
Role in the group: Jock, horny kid, is really caring and friendly, will fight if someone disrespects his friends,and the popular guy.

•Taurus: Earth sign
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hair: Red hair
Eyes: blue eyes
Friends: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, Capricorn,Aquarius.
Enemies: none
Crush/love interest: ??
Role in the group: A fellow girlie , Foodie, and the mama bear.

Gemini: Air sign
Gender: Female..
Age: 17
Hair: Brown wavy hair.
Eyes: Green eyes
Friends: pisces,Aqua,Cancer,Sagittarius,Scorpio
Enemies: Pisces(oof) , Aries
Crush/love interest: Aries(not for long) and??
Role in the group: Popular mean girl, is hiding something, trendy hoe.

Cancer: Water sign
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: Shoulder length blonde hair
Eyes: Light blue eyes
Friends: Aqua, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo.
Enemies: Pisces
Crush/love interest: Scorpio
Role in the group: Trendy bish, lowkey the life of the party.

Leo: Fire sign
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hair: blonde hair
Eyes: Blue eyes
Friends: Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio.
Enemies: Virgo
Crush/love interest:??
Role in the group: Popular guy but doesn't act like it, jock ,their smol bean , must be protected at all costs.

Virgo : Earth sign
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: Long straight brown hair.
Eyes: Hazel eyes
Friends: Libra,Leo,Cancer,Aqua, Sag,Taurus,Capri,,Scorpio.
Enemies: Leo
Crush/love interest: ??
Role in the group: Responsible one, leader at heart, food tester(so nobody gets poisoned😊), Plays volleyball.

Libra: Air sign
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: shoulder length black hair
Eyes: Dark brown eyes
Friends: Aries,Taurus,Leo,Virgo,Scorpio,Aqua
Enemies: None
Crush/love interest: ??
Role in the group: The shy and introverted one, potter head, also hiding something, peacemaker, overthinks alot.

•Scorpio: Water sign
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hair: Black hair
Eyes: Dark blue eyes
Friends: Libra,Leo,Pisces,Gemini,Sagittarius,Capricorn,Virgo.
Enemies: none (shocker)
Crush/love interest: ??
Role in the group: horny kid2.0, aggressive, potter head, will crush you if you hurt his lil sis(not really his sister).

Sagittarius: Fire sign
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Hair: Brown hair (dyes it every month) currently is pink
Eyes: emerald green eyes
Friends: Aries, Leo,Virgo,Scorpio,Aqua
Enemies: Gemini
Crush/love interest: Aqua
Role in the group: hosts the best parties ,highkey crazy, a walking porn star , goofs around and sticks up for his friends, hates bullies.

Capricorn: Earth sign
Gender: male
Age: 17
Hair: Dark blue hair
Eyes: gray eyes
Friends: Taurus, Virgo, Aqua, Scorpio.
Enemies: none
Crush/love interest: Cancer and Virgo
Role in the group: lone wolf, barely speaks up, over analyzes everything, really smart, and sarcastic to some.

Aquarius: Air sign
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: light blue hair
Eyes: one blue eye and one light green eye
Friends: Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius,Capri,Virgo,Gemini
Crush/love interest: ??
Role in the group: pretty random, charismatic, the chef, draws random paintings of everyone and everything.

Pisces: Water sign
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair: blonde hair that's always in a braid
Eyes: green eyes
Friends: Scorpio,Gemini, Virgo,Aries
Enemies: Gemini ,Aqua,Cancer
Crush/love interest: Scorpio
Role in the group: used to be Geminis sidekick, Misunderstood, not as innocent as she seems.

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