The Symbol Of Hope: My Hero A...

By TheSpectre21

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A world where super powers called "quirks" has become the norm and heroes and villains constantly face off da... More

Chapter 1: First Day Excitement, Potential Debut
Chapter 2: A Desperate Battle, The Symbol's of Peace & Hope Meet
Chapter 3: Clash Between Heroes & Villains, Welcome To Class 1-A
Chapter 4: Old Faces Meet, U.A. Sports Festival
Chapter 5: Dates & Training, Welcome To The U.A. Sports Festival
Chapter 6: Dramatic Finish, Onto The Next Event
Chapter 7: Cavalry Battle Explosion, Shoot For The Ten Million Points!
Chapter 8: Stunning Conclusion, The Real Challenge Begins
Chapter 9: Pride Of The Prince, Epic Conclusion Of The Sports Festival
Chapter 10: Hero Names & Internships, The Worry Of A Friend
Chapter 11: Temporary Heroes, Villainous Sneak Attack
Chapter 12: Villains On The Move Again, True Horror In The Form Of A Killer
Chapter 13: Aftermath Of The Hero Killer, Internship Tag Along
Chapter 14: Back To Classes, The Dreadful Final Exams
Chapter 15: A Scary Encounter, A New Hero Is Born
Chapter 16: Welcome Your New Classmate, Practical Exams
Chapter 17: Shopping Adventure, More Confessions & Fun
Chapter 18: Pool Party, Reflections Of The Past
Chapter 19: Summer Training Begins, A Promise From A Friend
Chapter 20: Ascend To The Next Level, A Better Understanding
Chapter 21: Deadly Ambush, Kota's Hero
Chapter 22: Defend Yourselves From The Villains, A Shocking Turn
Chapter 23: Rescue Operations, Free The Symbol of Hope
Chapter 24: All Might's Final Battle, Here Comes A Mighty Warrior!
Chapter 25: Send em' Running, Number One In The Making
Chapter 26: Moving Into Dorms Pt.1, Brotherly Bond
Chapter 27: Moving Into Dorms Pt.2, The Consequence That Follows The Battle
Chapter 28: Ultimate Move Training, Midoriya's Big Break
Chapter 29: The Test Begins, The First Step To Becoming Pros
Chapter 30: Class 1-A's Struggle, An Angry Super Saiyan
Chapter 31: The First Test Is Over, The Legendary Warrior
Chapter 32: A Love Crime, Flash Before Your Eyes
Chapter 33: A Legend's Destructive Power, Dramatic End To The Provisional Test
Chapter 34: A Hero's Melancholy, Where Has Your Pride As A Warrior Gone?!
Chapter 35: A Level Beyond The Ascended, Acknowledgement Of A Warrior
Chapter 36: Brother-Sister Bonding, Villains of Love
Bio (Update)
Chapter 37: A New Look For A Change, When Confidence Begins To Take Over
Chapter 38: The Unrivaled Third Year, The Hero And The Villain
Chapter 39: Respect For The Upper Class men, U.A's New Top Three
Story Update, Not A Chapter
Chapter 40: A Look Back At The Past, The I-Island Incident Part 1
Chapter 41: I-Expo Invasion, The I-Island Incident Part 2
Chapter 42: To Go Even Further Beyond, The I-Island Incident Part 3
Thank You Everyone
Chapter 43: Hero Work Studies Begin, The Scared Girl & An Angry Prince
Chapter 44: Lingering Pain, Seeking Even More Power
Chapter 45: Life As A Sidekick, Not So Great Introductions
Chapter 46: A Sudden Call Back, Shocking Discoveries Are Made
Chapter 47: The Fated Day Arrives, Commence The Rescue Operation!
Chapter 48: The Enemy's Trap, A Dangerous Foe Awaits
Chapter 49: Everything's Gone To Hell,The Decisive Battles of Our Heroes
Chapter 50: Togata Mirio's Efforts & Sacrifice, The Battle Rages On
Chapter 51: The Tables Have Turned, A Dire Situation
Chapter 52: Ryu's Full Power, The Rescue Operation Is Over
Bio (Update 2/Evil You)
Chapter 54: U.A's Cultural Festival Is Here! A Chance For Her Happiness
Chapter 55: Excitement For The Upcoming Festival, Eri Arrives To U.A!
Chapter 56: The Invasion Plan Of U.A, The Cultural Festival Has Arrived!
Chapter 57: A Gentle Downfall, The Cultural Festival's Explosive Beginning
Chapter 58: Back Together Again, Welcome Home Super Saiyan
Chapter 59: Riku Back Into The Fray, Elite Warrior's True Desire
Chapter 60: Elite Warrior & Endeavor's Final Push, An Unforgivable Act
Chapter 61: The Ultimate Clash of Titans, Warriors With Overwhelming Power
Not A Chapter, Check This Out!
Chapter 61.5 (Special): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Part II): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Part III): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Finale): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 62: Back On The Grind

Chapter 53: A Hero's Last Wish, Ryu's Growth As A Hero

3K 64 21
By TheSpectre21

The Same Day, At The Hospital

After the intense battle with Chisaki, Ryu was being checked up on by multiple doctors as they had him lied down on a hospital bed and they were spatting notes and theories with each other as they were shocked about the perfect condition Ryu's body was in.

"What do you think happened to keep his body intact?" One doctor asked.

"How many attacks did he sustain during the battle? Were any of them serious?" Another doctor asked.

"How was Eri's quirk affecting him at such an elevated rate of use while his quirk was in overdrive?" Another asked as Ryu was growing annoyed.

"Was the overuse and exertion of his quirk the cause for the girl's high fever?" Another doctor asked before Ryu had enough.

He suddenly sat up from his bed and tore off the electrodes and other wires that were connected and monitoring his body. He turned to sit on the side of his body as the top part of his hospital shirt fell off and he walked out in just his hospital pants. As he opened the door, he was greeted with the sight of Aizawa.

"Ryu, I was just coming to see you." Aizawa said as Ryu just gave him the usual glare.

"What do you want?" Ryu asked.

"I just checked on everyone here, I thought you'd want to know how your friends are?" Aizawa said as Ryu scoffed.

"Tch, they're not my friends. We're just in the same class, that's all." He said as he crossed his arms before lowering his head. "...Are those weaklings at least stable?" He asked lowly.

"Follow me." Aizawa said as he lead him to where the allies who were seriously hurt were and opened the door to reveal their bandaged states.

"Kirishima has immense bruising and lacerations all over his body, but it's not life-threatening." Aizawa said.

"I'm a mummy!" Kirishima said while wrapped in bandages.

"Amajiki has a large fissure-like wound on his face, but apparently it'll heal up without a trace, given time." Aizawa said as Amajiki groaned in bed.

"Fatgum suffered numerous bone fractures, but he seemed to be doing fine." Aizawa explained as a deflated Fatgum sat in bed with a bored face.

"I'm hungry." He stated as Ryu and Aizawa left them.

"LockRock was very fortunate. The blade he was stabbed with missed all of his internal organs, so none of his injuries were serious." Aizawa said as they walked down the hall.

"So they were all lucky. Good for them." Ryu said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyways, where's the girl?" Ryu demanded to know.

"Eri, on the other hand, still hasn't woken up, and her fever won't go down. We have her quarantined for now." Aizawa said as Ryu stopped and clenched his fists tightly. "This was a decision made based on the information you obtained about her. She can't control her quirk that turns back a person's time. Should anything happen to trigger her quirk again, we have no way of stopping it aside from me. You experienced her power ceaselessly destroying your own body, right? Not many people would be able to do that...And even if there were, she might just increase her power output..." Aizawa explained to Ryu.

"Her power skyrocketed after each blow I traded with that bastard...Had it gone any longer, we both probably wouldn't be here..." Ryu said lowly.

"Because we don't know how strong it is, and to keep our minds at ease, I think this is the most rational option at the moment. We're doing this for her sake, too." Aizawa said as Ryu suddenly left. "Ryu, wait!" Aizawa yelled as he watched Ryu go.

Ryu walked the halls before he took notice of the security guards that were stood in front of a room and on top of the door the room was labeled 'quarantined'. He marched towards the door and caught the attention of the guards as they turned towards him.

"You can't be here, sir. This area is--GAHHH!" The first guard spat up before falling on the floor as Ryu had punched him in the gut.

"H-Hey--! AHH!!" The other guard groaned in pain as he was kneed in the stomach as well before tossed at the guard on the floor.

Ryu turned towards the door and looked through the window to see Eri laying on the bed with her eyes closed. He slid open the door and shut it before searing it shut by radiating energy in his hand. He walked to the bed and stood at her side as he stared down at her.

Play Song At Top For Rest of Chapter, If It Stops Early Or You're A Slow Reader Just Restart

"...I'm sorry I couldn't be there sooner..." He said lowly as he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "Had I saved you before...had I been against Y/N's word and taken you from that wouldn't be'd be..." Ryu's voice cracked a bit as a single tear streamed off his face.

"...wh-...why..." He heard a weak voice as his eyes darted towards Eri's face and saw she had woken up a bit. "...why are you...crying...?" She asked weakly as Ryu crouched down so he was eye level with her.

"I'm not crying...I just had some dust in my eyes..." He said as he rubbed his eyes before placing one gently on her cheek. "Are you okay?" He asked.

What stunned him was when she let out a smile and had tears in her eyes as her small hand went up to hold Ryu's.

"you...came....t-to..." She spoke weakly as Ryu began to tremble from the emotions he was feeling towards her. "" She said with a weak and teary faced smile as Ryu hung his head to hide his face.

"...Yeah...I came for you...I'll always come to save you...No matter what..." He said as he reached his other hand up to place it on top of her hand.

"...Where...I" She asked him as he shot his head up to her.

"............" Ryu stared at her for a moment closing his eyes and wiping the tears that escaped him. "You can come with me. I'll keep you safe. I swear my life on it." Ryu said as he was fully determined to give his life for her and made her smile before she teared up.

She began to weep and sob as Ryu came closer to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead as she cried more.

"I promise to keep you safe. I'll make sure no one ever hurts you again...That you can grow up...And live a happy life..." Ryu said as she sobbed louder.

"...yeah..." She sobbed before Ryu gave her one more kiss before leaning back.

"...Get some rest. You deserve it, after saving me back there." He said with a smile which surprised Eri before she sniffled and wiped her tears.

"yeah." She nodded before he gave her one last kiss and pulled the blankets onto her as she fell back asleep, but with a more peaceful smile.

Ryu stood back up and let out a heavy sigh as he stared out the window and saw the bright blue sky in front of him.

"Quite the little girl, if I say." He heard as someone stepped next to him and stared out the window as he saw in the reflection it was Whis. "If he's still out there, it'd be in your best interest for you to return with us to continue your training....If you are to keep your promise to her." He said as Ryu turned to leave.

"I'll return on one condition..." He said as he stood in the door way and Whis turned towards him. "She comes with me. No questions asked." He offered his deal as Whis stared at the girl before nodding.

"There is no problem with that. She may come." Whis said as Ryu walked out of the room and Whis continued to look at the girl before he turned to leave as well. "Ryu-san, you look like you have a cold-heart, but in actuality..." He took one last look before tapping his staff on the ground and a warm light wrapped around Eri. "Your heart is quite warm." He thought before leaving as the light around her dissipated and the red hue on her face suddenly lightened up and on the machines monitoring her, the high temperature she had suddenly began to lower slowly.

Ryu walked the halls before running back into Aizawa who was walking along with Midoriya who got out of check-up. Aizawa stared at him before shaking his head a bit waving him over.

"Come on, Ryu." He said as Ryu didn't speak and just followed.

They entered the elevator together and as they traveled to a different floor, Aizawa spoke up as the doors opened and they approached a different room.

"This is good timing. That guy's just arrived." Aizawa said as Ryu and Midoriya were surprised as when the doors opened, they saw All Might standing in front of them.

"All Might!" Midoriya said in shock.

"Recovery Girl? What's going on?" Ryu asked before taking notice of Bubble Girl and Centipeder.

"But why are you here?!" Midoriya asked in surprise of his mentor showing up.

"I asked him to come. Because..." She trailed off before tears began to well in her eyes and she tried to wipe them as Centipeder handed her a handkerchief. "Sir was always thinking about All Might..." She sobbed.

"Awata..." Centipeder placed his hand on her back to comfort her as she wept and a doctor stepped forward.

"Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do...honestly, it's a miracle he's still alive right now." The doctor explained.

"At this point, my powers won't help either..." Recovery Girl said sadly as Midoriya was in utter shock.

"I'm sorry to say this, but we don't think he'll last to see tomorrow..." The doctor said as he and Recovery Girl moved for them to see Sir Nighteye in bed, hooked up to multiple life-support machines that were all connected into his abdomen as his life signs were weak.

"Nighteye!!" All Might said in pain as Nighteye weakly opened his eyes.

"All...Might..." He called to him weakly before turning his head. "You finally came to see me...When I'm on my deathbed...?" He asked weakly.

"I don't even know how to reply to that...I've done such an awful thing to you..." All Might said as tears threatened to leave his eyes.

"Nighteye! You can't go! You have to live! Hang in there!" Midoriya cried out and pleaded to him.

"You humble yourself too's not like...I blame you or anything...All I wanted...was for you to be happy...that's why...if you've decided to fight against fate...I'm fine with that..." Nighteye said to the two of them.

"I want you to fight against fate, too! Please! Let me make amends for everything I've done!" All Might begged his former sidekick and friend.

"...Making amends...I also owe a lot of people...for troubling them...up until now...I've been searching for every possible change your future...I wanted to change the future...where you are killed...searched...all this time...but nothing worked...I couldn't...change a single thing. But...Ryu...Y/N...Midoriya showed me a way. I just couldn't...clear away these doubts. "I can't change anything." "It's impossible to change." Those thoughts were always stuck in the back of my mind...Looking back...I was all about energy...A future that you strongly wish strongly, that there is no room for doubt...a strong and clear vision. Energy...from wishing. I'm sure Ryu and Midoriya's not the only one...I think everyone...believed so a single future, that it all just joined together. I think all that energy was focused into Ryu, and this was the result of him...firing it all out at once..." Nighteye spoke as All Might and Midoriya began to cry as Ryu just looked away. "The future is never certain....You changed my views on that. I am...very satisfied with that...However...I regret one thing..." He trailed off before the doors bursts open.

"Wait, Togata-senpai!! You mustn't move around just yet!!" They heard 21's voice as everyone turned towards the door and saw Mirio burst in while 21 tried to stop him, but to no avail.

"SIR! NIGHTEYE!" Mirio cried out in emotional distress.

"Senpai!" Midoriya yelled in shock as he sobbed from Nighteye's words.

"Mirio..." Nighteye stared at him as Mirio went to his bedside.

"NO! PLEASE DON'T DIE! YOU CAN'T GO! YOU JUST CAN'T!" He cried out loudly.

"Mirio..." Nighteye looked at him as he saw his pupil was in pain.

"SIR!!" Mirio cried out again.

"I've made you much hardship...if only I had been more astute..." Nighteye said as Mirio cried even more.


"Senpai!" Midoriya weeped as he saw his superior was in distress, along with All Might.

"Mirio, forgive first...I only took you because I thought you were a fitting vessel. But you held so much admiration for me, and believed in me, and before I knew it, you became my most treasured student. Mirio! You are..." Nighteye thought as he reached his hand up and gently placed it on his cheek. "...I'll be alright. You are becoming an outstanding hero...This is...The only future...That we shouldn't change." Nighteye said before his hand left Mirio and he had a weak smile on his face. "So please, keep smiling." Nighteye said as Mirio suddenly grabbed both Midoriya and All Might's shirts tightly as the three of them cried loudly. "Society needs smiles, laughs, and energy to bring about a bright future." Nighteye said before he took his last breath and the heart monitor flat lined.

Mirio cried out in pain and sorrow over losing his master, as Midoriya and All Might cried out loudly in pain over losing an amazing friend. Nighteye's day ended with a peaceful smile on his face, as they all said their final goodbye's to the future telling hero. 21 turned away as she sobbed from the sight and buried her face into Ryu's shoulder as he just stared at everyone.

"No more..." Ryu mumbled as 21 stared up at him with tears.

"What...?" She asked as he clenched his fists tightly.

"No more...!" Ryu said before approaching Nighteye's bed. "Move!" He pushed them all away before suddenly transforming. "Stupid bastard, what the hell were you thinking!?" He yelled as he surrounded his hand with his energy.

"W-Wait...Ryu-kun...!" 21 called him before he shot her a glare.

"Stay back if you know what's good for you!" He yelled before turning towards Nighteye and placing his hand on top of where his heart is. "I'm tired of this sad bullshit that's flying around this damned place!" He yelled before shocking Nighteye's body to try and jump start his heart.

"Ryu-kun..." Midoriya watched him in shock of his actions.

"He's using his life force to try and bring him back...! If he does...His life will be shortened!" He said as they were all shocked.

"Young Shiozaki, that's enough--!!" He was cut off by Ryu.


Ryu was shocked when he saw Mirio before Mirio's fist collided with Ryu's face and knocked him to the ground. Ryu was stunned by his actions before Mirio glared at him.

"THANK YOU!!!" He cried out loudly as Ryu was stunned. "Thank you for trying...! But..." Mirio stared at Nighteye before looking back at Ryu. "I have to respect his keep this future the way it is...thank you, Ryu-kun...Super Ryu...for everything..." He said before Ryu turned back to normal and stood up.

Ryu scoffed before turning away from everyone before heading towards the door as 21 watched him leave.

"Back when I first met you...I thought you were just a big meanie who didn't get along too well with everyone...that you were just trying to surpass're not like that at really want to be a hero...huh, Ryu...?" She thought as she watched him leave and the doors closed as the other three continued to mourn the loss of Nighteye.

After saying their goodbye's to a dear friend who had moved onto the afterlife, it was the following morning and Ryu, Midoriya, and 21 were all walking together with their things packed as they had been released and granted permission to return to their dorms.

"Finally, we can go home." 21 said as she stretched her arms and tail around.

"Yeah, it'll be great to see everyone again. I'm sure they have a lot of questions to ask." Midoriya said.

As they were walking, they all stopped when they heard a news report come on the TV and they saw Aizawa and Recovery Girl in the waiting area, but were captivated by the news report.

"The incident in which the police escort carrying the criminal, Chisaki, was attacked, was an unprecedented failure. It has also been confirmed that an important piece of evidence was lost, and the police are currently taking heavy criticism." The news anchor reported as the three were stunned by the news report.

"They just won't stop talking about it..." Recovery Girl sighed.

"Chisaki was...By Shigaraki...?" Midoriya said in shock about finding out the fate of what happened to Chisaki, his death.

"Dammit..." Ryu gritted his teeth.

"It's not something you need to feel responsible for. Don't let it get to you. For the time being, you students will be returning to school, save Togata, who they'll be keeping an eye on for a little while longer. The others have all been healed and have made a complete recovery. They should be here soon." Aizawa informed them all.

"I think I'll make the rounds here one more time and heal some more patients." Recovery Girl said as Midoriya spoke up.

"I would also like to stay until Eri wakes up...May I?" He asked Aizawa.

"Wha--! Well if he gets to stay then I do to!" Ryu demanded before Aizawa spoke up.

"You both being here won't change the situation at hand. We need to leave her in the doctors' capable hands." Aizawa said as the two fell silent.

Suddenly, Midoriya placed his bag down on the seat before heading towards the patient rooms.

"I'm going to give my regards to senpai. Sorry, could you watch my stuff for a bit?" Midoriya asked before leaving.

"Ah...Hey, right now isn't..." He trailed off as he found it irrelevant to try and stop him from going.

"In addition to the police report, aside from the sighting of Shigaraki and his band of villains, three more individuals came up who were spotted near the incident. The first, Cell, one of the fugitives and most wanted individuals in the world." The reporter said as they showed his picture on screen.

"Next, another individual who we have no other information about other than his name, Jiren." The reporter said as they showed his picture next.

What came next in the news report however was something that confused and stunned Ryu and the others as they watched.

"This individual is unknown as he hasn't been reported in any crimes thus far, but is suspected to be working with Shigaraki and the League of Villains. We will now show you a picture of the individual." The reporter said as they showed the picture of the other criminal.

"If you somehow see or come into contact with these three, please contact your local law enforcement, or any hero that you can. That's all for this report, onto the weather for the week." The reporter said as they changed topics.

"Ryu...Is that...?" 21 trailed off as he nodded.

"Yeah...that's him..." He confirmed.

"You two..." Recovery Girl spoke up as they turned to see her leaving, but she stopped to look back slightly at them. "Please...Save my grandson..." She said before leaving to do her rounds in the hospital.

They watched her leave in silence before waiting a bit longer before having Midoriya and the rest of their classmates joined them and they began their journey back home.

That Same Night

After being dropped off in front of their dorm building, Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, Asui, 21, and Ryu all walked towards the door together and they stood in front of it for a moment before Ryu stepped forward and grabbed the handle. As he and the other four entered through the doorway, the sound of the door shutting caught the attention of a certain grape boy as Mineta turned back while he was drinking some of Ryu's juice before spitting it out in shock of seeing them again.

"THEY'RE BAAAAAAAACK!!!!! TH-THEY CAME BAAAAAACK!!!!!!!' Mineta screamed at the top of his lungs before Ryu grabbed him by the throat and began to choke him.

"So just because I'm gone for a while gives you the right to drink my juice, huh grape boy!?!?!" Ryu shook him around as Mineta was being flailed in his hold.

Soon, everyone in their class came rushing over in worry as they had been worried ever since they saw the news of what happened.

"Are you guys all right!?" Mina asked in worry.

"We saw it all on the news!!" Momo chimed in.

"Everyone was worried about you guys." Shoji spoke up.

"You've all been through a lot!!" Kaminari said to them.

"In any case, have some chocolate cake!" Sato said as he held up his recently baked cake.

"You trouble makers." Iida adjusted his glasses to conceal his worry.

"You guys always come back after getting mixed up with some crazy business! Quit scarin' us, damn it!" Kaminari demanded of them.

"We're glad your all okay." Shoji said in relief.

"Okay...? Are they okay? Mm..." Jiro hummed in worry of their mental states.

"OCHAKO-CHAN~~!!! TSUYU-CHAN~~!!!" Toru wept in worry for her friends as the invisible girl hugged them both closely as Iida came between them all.

"Everyone! I know you were all worried, but!! Let's calm down!!" Iida tried to gain control of the situation as he spoke up. "All of you saw the news didn't you? So you know what they went through. As classmates, we should be sensitive to their feelings and let them rest. It's not just their bodies...Their spirits must be hurting too..." Iida said to them as they all calmed down in realization of the five of them and their situation.

"Iida, Iida." Midoriya waved at him as he turned around.

"Hm?" Iida asked before being surprised by the facial expression on Midoriya face.

"Thank you, but..." Midoriya trailed off as he remembered Nighteye's last wishes.

"So please, keep smiling." Nighteye's voice rang in his mind.

"I'm not going to mope around. I'm going to keep smiling!" He remembered what Mirio told him when he went to say goodbye at the hospital as Mirio was intent on keeping Nighteye's promise to keep smiling.

What stunned everyone was when Midoriya gave them a relieving, gentle smile.

"I'm all right." He said reassuringly as Iida stared at him before speaking up.

"Well then..." Iida trailed off before yelling. "I WAS SOOOOOOOO WORRIED!!! NONE OF YOU HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA HOW I--!" Iida was cut off by Sero.

"You're the most intense one of all!" Sero spurt out about Iida.

"I'll make some lavender herbal tea! It'll put your hearts at ease!" Momo said as she rushed to the kitchen and Tsuyu took notice of the quietness coming from Uraraka.

" everything all right...?" She asked her as she remembered talking with Aizawa.

"Back then...I can't help but think there's something more I could have done...I...I was the one carrying him." She thought as she looked at her hands and remembered carrying Nighteye out of the hole.

"You did everything you could have done. The responsibility lies with us. I'm not going to tell you to quickly move on, but...take this time to think about what you want to do moving forward." She remembered Aizawa telling her this after the mission was completed.

"I...Want to save people." She said as Tsuyu and Kirishima stared at her.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around Kirishima as Sero yelled in his ear.

"Why didn't ya say anythin' to us, man!? We were totally caught off guard! We couldn't believe it!" He yelled at Kirishima.

"Kirishima..." A voice called as he turned to see it was Mina who looked at him with worry. "Are you okay?" She asked him as he grew a relieved look.

"...I've got a long way to go." He said as she smiled at him before bring up a bunny she got from Koda.

"I borrowed it from Koda-kun." She said as she caught the attention of Uraraka and Tsuyu completely.

"I see." Toru said as she looked at the bunny as well.

"Ah! What a cutie." Uraraka and Tsuyu both said while admiring the animal.

Wanting to avoid all the catching up and other ridiculousness, Ryu grabbed his things and went towards the elevator as 21 stared at him.

"Why not stay?" She asked as he stopped. "Just for a while." She said to him.

"...Whatever." He said as he put his bag down and leaned against the wall as she smiled at him before going to adore the bunny with Uraraka and the other girls.

Meanwhile, Ryu noticed Bakugo sitting down on the couch alone and ignoring the chatter as Kaminari came over to him.

"Hey!! Kacchan!! What're ya sulkin about over there. Aren't ya here cuz you were worried too?! Right?! Be honest!" Kaminari said playfully to him before Bakugo suddenly got up in annoyance and flipped him onto the couch as he walked away.

"I'm going to bed!" Bakugo said in annoyance as Kaminari was stunned.

"What!? This early!? Are you a grandpa!?" He asked in shock before Todoroki looked down at his phone as well to see the time.

"You're not going to say a word?" Ojiro asked him.

"I don't have all the time in the world like you idiots!" Bakugo yelled while leaving.

"Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, Asui, 21, Ryu, I'm sorry but I've got to get going too." He said to them apologetically.

"What!? This early?! Are you a grandpa!?" Kaminari asked again in shock.

"I'm not surprised about Bakugo-kun, but...Todoroki-kun too? What's up with them...?" Tsuyu asked while cuddling the bunny.

"Those two have provisional license training tomorrow. Still early though..." Jiro said to them as they watched them leave.

"Huh? I just noticed this, but...where's Y/N-kun?" Ojiro brought up the question as the six who had just returned were all stunned by the question.

Suddenly, Tsuyu gave back the bunny and she and Ochako grabbed their things and went towards the girls rooms. Midoriya and Kirishima also grabbed their stuff as they left as well and Ryu followed suit, leaving them all stunned and leaving behind 21 to explain.

"Onii-chan...Onii-chan..." 21 had trouble speaking as she was tearing up and everyone began to grow shocked and worried expressions before they all fell silent from what she said next. "Onii-chan......lost to the villains.......and he was taken...." She said as she dropped to her knees and began to sob as everyone was in shock.

"" Shoji said lowly.

"Y/N-kun..." Jiro trailed off.

"...lost...?" Ojiro said in shock.

" villains...?" Iida's voice was shaky when he spoke.

There was a crash behind them all as they turned to see Momo standing near the kitchen as the tray of tea she had made was smashed on the floor in front of her and tears streamed down her eyes.

"No...Th-That's not possible...! Y/N-kun can't...he wouldn't...!" She began to break down before she turned tail and ran towards your room.

"Yaoyorozu! Wait!" Iida tried to call for her but the elevator door shut before they could reach her.

As she made it to the floor your room was on, she used the spare key you had given her to get in and locked the door behind her. She slid down the door and began to cry her eyes out as the moon shined into your room.

"No...No, no, no! NO!!!!!" She cried out loudly before she got up and slammed her fist on the desk you had in your room. "Y/N-KUN CAN'T LOSE!!! HE CAN'T!! HE'S THE STRONGEST HERO THERE IS!!! HE'S MY HERO!!! MY HERO!!!!" She screamed and cried as she looked to see you had a picture of you and Momo framed from back when you were on I-Island in your fancy clothes. "Y/N...kun....!!!" Her lip quivered as she took the picture and held it close to her heart.

She crawled into your bed and began to remember the moments the two of you shared together.

Flashback, First Date With Momo

"Momo-san." You said as she looked at you with a blush. "Do you really really like me?" You asked as she turned even redder.

"U-Umm....y-yes..." She said lowly and cutely as you chuckled. "H-Hey! It's not funn-mphm!" You cut her off with a quick kiss as she was now speechless and red in the face.

Flashback, Sports Festival

"Y/N!!" She yelled as she saw you crawling out of the crater. "Y/N! Don't move! Help's coming!" She said with tears in her eyes as you laid on her lap.

"Ehehe, hey beautiful..." You said with a cheesy smile as she wiped her tears and smiled at you.

"Now you choose to be cheesy, of all times?" She said as she sniffled and laughed with you as recovery robots and other medical aids carried you and Ryu away to Recovery Girl.

Flashback, I-Island

Momo and 21 knelt over you as they dabbed your face with a cold towel.

"H-Hey..." You spoke.

"Y/N-kun!" Momo cried as she hugged you. "I'm so glad you're okay..." She cried.

Flashbacks Over

"Y/N-kun...Please...come back...come back to me...!" She cried into your pillow as she continued to hold onto the picture in her hands before she cried herself to sleep.

After completing the long intense battle, our heroes were now faces with the emotional hardship that followed the battle. The loss of Nighteye, the illness that Eri has, and the loss of a dear friend. Through the work studies, our young heroes-in-training have grown a broader view of what its like to be a pro, and the dangers that they will face in the potential, but bendable, unset future. Stay tuned for the next chapter of "The Symbol of Hope."

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