Some People Hope (Frank Iero...

By haleyukulele

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In this prequel to Carry On This Way (A Gerard Way Fanfiction) , fourteen year old Ally Shores is in her firs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 ~ Epilogue

Chapter 8

449 19 10
By haleyukulele


"Wait!" Mrs. Ellen (our history teacher)  said, stopping the class before they got up and ran. "Don't forget that the day after tomorrow, we're having a school dance. Now you may go." 

Everyone dashed out the door. 

My eyes widened as I recalled that there was going to be a dance. I had totally forgotten! Frank got up, and as he walked by me, he furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Are you coming?" He asked, swinging his bag over his shoulder. 

"Uh, yeah." I replied, snapping out of it. 

We walked side-by-side to our lockers. He looked over at me with a smirk. I glanced over at him as he rested his arms above his head on the locker, stuffed a hand on his pocket, and crossed one ankle over the other. 

"What?" I asked, shutting my locker. 

"You forgot about the dance, didn't you?" He smirked. 

"Shut up... Yes." I admitted, dropping my head. 

"Don't worry, so did I." He added, standing up right. 

"So, are you going to ask anyone?" I asked as we made our way to the cafeteria. 

"I have no clue honestly." He opened the door and let me in saying.   

We sat at our table, and pulled out our lunches. We looked at each other's lunches, and back to our own, before agreeably nodding and switching. 

"How many puppies can I fit in my backpack do you think?" He asked, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. 

"I don't know, depends on the size." I replied. 

He rubbed his chin as his gaze lifted to the ceiling. 

"Puppy adoption day's coming up, isn't?" I smirked. 

He took a deep breath before firmly answering with, "yes." 

"I'm sure you'll get a puppy at sometime Frankie."  

I gave a light laugh, as did he. 

"Uh, hi. Is this seat taken?" 

I looked up to see a boy. He was a good five inches taller than me, his dark silky hair matched his eyes. He gave a slight smile while asking. 

"Uh, nope." I replied. "No one sitting there." 

"Thanks." He said, pulling out a chair two seats down from me. Understandable, he didn't want to be too close to me, that'd be kind of weird. "I'm Lucas." 

I recalled seeing him in class yesterday. The kid who liked drawing too? 

"I'm Ally, and this is Frank." I introduced us with. 

The table fell silent as we continued to eat. That is, until I opened my mouth. 

"So, what kind of music do you like?" I asked. 

"Um, things like Nirvana mostly." He replied. "Metallica, Queen, you know, that kind of thing." 

I bit my lip, trying to hold back a big grin. "That's cool. And I think yesterday, in class, you said you liked drawing?" 

"Yeah, I'm not very good at it though." He chuckled. I have to admit, it was a cute, but not high-pitched chuckle. "I try." 

"I love drawing." I explained. "It's just so fun. You can do anything with it, y'know? it's like pouring your imagination out onto a page, it's a way of expressing yourself."  

"Yeah, I guess it is." He said with a smile. 

"I'm going to toss my garbage in the bin, I'll be back" Frank said, getting up. 

"So, Ally, what about you?" Lucas asked. "What do you like?" 

"Well, music like Green Day." I replied. "I love chocolate milk too." 

He gave a laugh. "Yeah? I prefer something more mature, like apple juice." 

"Wow, do they card you when you go to the snack bar?" I playfully mocked. 

"Very funny." He said, running his hands through his hair. 

"Hey Ally, since we're done eating, wanna leave this loud room that our fellow classmates and us eat lunch in?" He asked. 

"You know you could have said cafeteria or lunch room." I pointed out. "And yes, let's go. I'll see you later Lucas." 

"Yeah, definitely." He replied. "I look forward to it." 


Frank and I sat on the bench outside our lockers, I got out my art book, and he watched me draw., and randomly in the middle of it, I recalled that the day after tomorrow was my birthday. I didn't really react though, it wasn't a super big one.

 My drawing was of a little steam, pouring out over the rocks as the moon rose in the sky, giving off light to the rest of the scene, a small tree hung over the gleaming water. 

I went over it with a shading tool, touching up the edges and making everything blended well, that was especially important around the moon. It was surrounded my the rings of light that lit the night sky, so I wanted that to look perfect. 

"It's beautiful Ally." Frank said. 

"Thanks." I replied. 

"Hey." Lucas smiled, coming over to us. "What's up?" 

"I was just drawing." I replied, returning the smile. 

"Awesome!" He said. "Can I see it?" 

"Sure." I handed it to him saying. 

He examined it, the corners of his lips turning up as it eyes lit up. "Wow Ally, this is amazing!" He said, handing it back to me. 

"Aw, thanks." I shyly said, shutting the book. 

"Do you have anymore?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

"Yeah, do you want to see?" I answered with. 


"I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." Frank said, disappearing down the hallway. 

I opened up my book, showing him all the different drawings I had. The moods were different in each one. Some were darker, like jet blackness surrounding a single lonely rose that lay on the sand. And others were brighter, like a misty waterfall as the sun rose. Not all were with pencil, they were paintings and colored ones. 

"You're really good." He said as I put the book away. 

"Can I see a drawing of yours?" I asked, standing up on my tiptoes. 

"Why not." He replied, getting out a book from his bag. "There's only two in there." 

I opened it, seeing a picture of detailed angel's wings. They looked real, like the feathers were so soft and light. It looked like it could just fly away. 

I turned the page, and there was one of a little girl, but only part of her face, in pencil. It was shaded well, and her eyes sparkled as she gazed at the light source. A winter hat was covering her hair. You also could tell that she was smiling. 

"Don't sell yourself short Lucas." I said, handing him the book. "Those are freaking awesome." 

"Thanks, you're the first person I've showed them to." He admitted. 

"What an honor." I gasped. 

"Sure." He sarcastically laughed. "Hey, so I was kinda wondering.... There's that dance coming up, and I don't have a date, so I was wondering is you could maybe go with me or something, I mean, like, if you don't already have a date, because I get it if you do and all." He nervously stammered, scratching the back of his head. 

"Sure!" I excepted. "I don't have a date, well now, I guess I do. But yeah, sounds good." 

"Awesome!" He cheered. "So, I'll see you then." He waved as he walked away with a smile. 

When he was out of sight I jumped up in the air and quietly shrieked. I just got asked to the dance by an incredibly gorgeous guy! Sure it sounds a bit clique, but still. 

I heard Frankie rounding the corner. I ran over to him, he parted his lips to say something, but I was freaking out to much to let him speak. 

"Oh my God!" I yelled. "Lucas just asked me to go to the dance with him!" 

He curled his lips as his expression dropped. He quickly smiled and gave a laugh. 

"Ally, that's great!" He said, bringing me in for a hug. "I guess since you're going, I'll have to find a date?" 

"Oh, Frank, if you didn't want to go, I could always stay home too." I suggested. 

"No no no, it's fine. You have a date, then go." He insisted. "Don't worry about me. I'll figure something out." 

"You're the best!" I said, hugging him tighter. 


"Let's get to class." I said, breaking the hug and walking away, jumping once more with joy. 

"I'll be there in a minutes." He replied. 

I didn't see him until class was right about to start. He walked in a slightly smiled at me. 


The sun got in my eye, and woke me up. I looked at the calender and jumped out of bed. Although I had all day to get ready, the dance was still tonight. And on top of that, school was done after today! 

I threw on some skinny jeans and a red tee and converse. I walked over to my window and pulled the curtains back, waving at Frank. 

I had to get to school, otherwise I would have been going through my stuff to find a dress or something for the dance. Out the door I went, and saw Frank already down a ways. 

"Frankie!" I called out. 

He turned around a smile. He stopped and waited for me to reach him, so we could walk together. 

"So, find something to wear?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his grey hoodie's pockets. 

"Not yet." I replied. "How you found a date?" 

"Nah. I probably won't." He said. "I'll go, and just eat." 

"Aw, now I feel bad about excepting Lucas' offer." I admitted. 

"Don't worry about me Ally. I'll be alright." He reassured me. 

"Hey Iero!" A voice called out as we walked up the steps, leading to the front door of the school. "Still don't have a date to the dance?" 

Frank didn't reply, I could tell he was trying to ignore them. 

"I'll bet he doesn't." Mason laughed, putting his arm around Zinnia. "I don't expect him to either."

I reassuringly grabbed Frank's hand. I was trying to help him stay calm and just ignore them. And it worked, we entered the school without even responding to them.  


"What's wrong?" Frank asked me, I was looking around instead of eating my lunch. "What are you looking for?" 

"Lucas." I replied. "I haven't seen him at all today. Oh well, I'll see him at the dance anyway." The corner of my lips turned up. 

"You're really happy that he asked you, aren't you?" He asked, taking a bit of his food. 

"Yeah, it's cool that someone noticed me for once." I explained. "When someone does that, it makes me feel like I matter, y'know? So some guy seems to like me enough to ask me to the dance, over whatever other girls, that's just really cool to me." 

He just stared at me. I parted my lips, going to ask why he was doing that, but was interrupted by a paper ball hitting the back of my head. I turned around, a few people were giggling, others were pretending they didn't see who threw it. 

I turned back, continuing to eat. I took only one bite before another was thrown. Then more came, one after another. Kids started laughing after I turned around to see about the third time. I just couldn't even ignore it. 

They were laughing at me. Thinking it was funny that I couldn't see who it was, and didn't know why they were doing it. Frank got up and took my hand, pulling me out of the cafeteria. As we quickly walked to the door, Dick... I mean Mason and his fellow douche bags made kissy faces mocked in that sort of way. 

"Look!" Mason laughed. "Frankie is saving his little girlfriend." 

The doors swung shut behind us as we finally got out of there and into the quiet hallway. Frank quickly wrapped his arms around me. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "I'm sorry they laughed at you Ally." 

"I feel like an idiot." I muttered. 

"Don't, because you're not." He assured me. "Don't ever think that, okay? It's not true." 

He took my hands and kissed me on the forehead. 


 I rummaged through my closet and narrowed it down to a few choices. But that wasn't easy. 

Th black lace-y knee length spaghetti strapped 

The red silky knee length strapless 

Or the longer-in-the-back blue long sleeve? 

I wanted to wear my black wedges, so I decided to toss the blue one. It just wouldn't work... I think.. Man I'm not very good at this sort of thing. I never do this. 

"Red." I said to myself, tossing the black one. 

I put it on, as well as the shoes. And no, I didn't find a matching purse. Purses aren't my thing. I turned around, looking over the dress, making sure it looked alright on me. 

"Now, hair." I said, going into my bathroom and grabbing a brush. I ran it through my light brown hair until the knots were out and I could easily run my fingers through it. I wanted to put it up though. 

I put it up in a bun... Braid..Thingy. Whatever the hell it's called. It actually looked alright. I surprised myself, I was actually able to get myself ready, no help from my mom. 

"Now, I am going to put some makeup on. If I can make myself." I said under my breath as I opened a drawer with a few things like eye shadow and mascara also lip stick, lip gloss and blush. 

I put the mascara on, and when I looked at myself, my eyes widened a bit. They were dark. I but some blush on, and finally, lip stick. I carefully put the light red stuff on, making sure it wasn't where I didn't want it; All over my freaking face. 

"Ally!" My mom called from downstairs. "Let's go!" 

"Coming!" I replied, taking last look, making sure I looked good. 

I walked down the stairs and her eyes widened when she saw me. "You look beautiful. Now come on, get in the car." 

I smiled as we walked out the door. I hopped into her car, and she drove off, down the dark street. I rested my elbow on the windowsill, and my hand on that. I was thinking about what it'd be like when I got there. 

Lucas would take my hand, and we would dance. I'd be close to him. A small smile appeared on my face as I imagined it. A cute boy, asked me, Ally Shores, to the dance. It was so exciting! 

We finally pulled up to the school. I thanked my mom, before jumping out and shutting the door, waving as she drove away. I walked up the stairs, and entered the school. As I made my way to the gym, my shoes made a sound that I had always like, a clicking sound against the tile floors. 

I pushed the doors open, after taking a deep breath. There were lights and balloons, and people dancing everywhere. I smiled at the sight of it all. 

I wondered around, looking here and there for Lucas. I did want to find Frank at some point too though. The DJ played four songs in the time I looked around. 

I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned around, looking in every direction. I just couldn't find him, anywhere. 


So, vote and let me know what you think please! 

Thanks for reading! I love writing it!  

And sorry for any confusion, I went back after putting it up and changed little things. ^.^ 

Thanks for reading! 

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