Instantaneous (ManxBoy) Mpreg...

By Daniis23

146K 6K 1.5K

Continuation to Intoxicated Book 1. Please read Intoxicated before reading this. After celebrating their Marr... More

Please Be Advised.
Smiles For Miles
Honeymoon Phase
Good Morn- Go To Hell!
Home Again!
A Step Forward
Arlo Rosengord
Danny The Cutiepie
Mix And Match
We're Having A... Celebration?
Literal Cock Sucking Bitch
Psychiatric Evaluation
The Big Day
New Home!
She's Here!
Butterfly Hadrian

Danny Da Boss

6K 287 111
By Daniis23

Danny breathed a sigh of relief and finally closed the computer for the day;he had just finished the necessary school hours and he was starvelling.

Yes, he just made up a word. That was how hungry he was.

He was home alone as Wolfie had left for work and the Alpha had made certain that he cooked the seafood soup like last time for him to take to work. He had even taken a second bowl for Jackson.

Well, it's not as if he minded.

So with a grin, he got up and headed into the kitchen to start on dinner, that way he could laze about all he wanted.

His back was aching a lot now that he was almost 4 months along. It was now March and he was kinda dreading the month of May since he would be graduating, having his birthday and giving birth.

And to top it all off, he still hadn't figured out Wolfie's birthday but that was easily fixable. He just needed to check Wikipedia and walla!

Once he arrived in the kitchen, he got to work on pulling a slew of ingredients out of the cupboards.

He was gonna make some desserts since him and Wolfie hadn't really celebrated Valentines day. They had just gotten married and that was enough red for them so they had skipped celebrating Valentines and instead spent the day soaking in their tub.

Danny could happily state that it was still the best day ever; he released a soft sigh and got to work on making the desserts.

Wolfie wanted some to take to work tomorrow and he was not about to get up earlier than he already was to do it.

It was getting more difficult staying on his feet for long periods of time since the baby was this big. He was almost four months and in human pregnancies, this would've been 7 months.

Yeah... He was big but not too big since was pretty smol.

He honestly couldn't wait to graduate and have this pup. He just hoped that his graduation came first because Lord knows that he couldn't go on stage to accept his diploma while breastfeeding because Wolfie would more than likely have an aneurysm and it would be embarrassing.

Even if he covered himself, everyone would be able to smell the scent of milk and nooooo... No freaking way.

He shook those thoughts out of his head before it actually happened.

And speaking of, his graduation was already scheduled for 09/05. His birthday was 24/05, so all that was left was his due date.

He would also be attending his friends' graduation in July and that was okay since the pup would be like two months old.

Sure, it was still a bit early but he wasn't going to miss their graduation for anything.

Though one thing he didn't miss was his monthly flow. Fuck, how did people even get through those? It really was a good thing for those microwaveable hot water bags or he would've been squirming from the pain.

But now that he was pregnant, he had a couple of months left of bliss.


He huffed and pulled a chair from around the table so the he could reach the mixer. There was no way he was gonna use that hand mixer while his feet was already aching.

Wolfie had two of eveything, so he could work on multiple stuff instead of having to wait until one of the mixtures were done.

He absentmindedly tugged at his collar before getting to work on plugging the mixer in and tossing two whole sticks of butter and cups of white sugar.

That would get him four cakes, so the other mixer would start on the cookie dough.

It really was a good thing that he ordered more groceries online because he was too lazy to go out and he would've just given up and gotten some rest.

So it was with a sigh of resignation that he started on the cookie dough.

Well on the bright side, he would have loads to eat later on.

Wolfie steepled his fingers together and listened to the ignoramus in front of him trying to explain her point.

He waited until she was finished to speak and when he did, he made certain that her smug arse son who was smirking while texting on his phone understood that he was also speaking to him.

"Ma'am, I don't think you understand the type of Solicitor I am," he started, sitting up so that he could rest his hands on his desk. "The one thing that I'm known for is honesty and fairness. I am not going to represent someone who is obviously guilty." He raised a hand to stop her rebuttal and placed it back down when her mouth snapped shut.

At this point, her son was now looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Ma'am, you want me to represent your son in a case where he tried to force himself on an Omega and is now saying that he was begging for it. The fact that his defence is that the Omega was wearing skimpy clothing while undressing and whatnot doesn't exactly scream innocence if he's trying to blame lack of clothing for his actions. And looking at him, I can see that he doesn't even care about the consequences because he's an Alpha and thinks that he can get away with this. Gone are the days when Omegas are treated as nothing more than brood mares and I would be damned if I defended someone like that. I don't care about how much money you're willing to pay, I'm not gonna sacrifice my morals because if it was my child who had been the victim, I wouldn't want someone saying that they deserved almost being raped because they chose to wear clothing to express themselves. So with that said, I ask that you please show yourselves out because I will not be accepting this case. Please have a good day."

He crossed his arms and looked at her with a blank expression on his face as her face turned red in embarrassment and she began spluttering.

Her son was glaring at him as if he was gonna be intimidated by this skinny punk with a ratstache.

"How dare you speak to m-" Wolfie turned her out and unfolded his arms to press his intercom to signal for security.

He had better things to do than to entertain these self entitled people. There was not enough money in the world to get him to defend a would-be rapist.

The fact that he wasn't in prison pretty much infuriated him and as soon as they were gone, he was gonna look for the Omega and pass their case onto Jackson who was more adept at dealing with it.

He had cases all booked up until May which he had kept clear since Danny was going to give birth then. He didn't want to be at work and miss the birth of his first child, fuck that.

"-f you think that you can speak to us that way because you're some big shot Celebrity Solicitor then you have another thing coming! My son is innocent! Why is he to blame when that slutty Omega was practically throwing himself at him?!"

Wolfie raised an eyebrow in disbelief. You would think that as a female Omega, she would stick up for her own kind but these days, people were stupid.

Whether they be your child or not, you shouldn't condone their actions when they are obviously wrong. It was parents like her that raised their kids to believe that no matter what they did, they shouldn't be blamed for it, instead the blame laid on something other than themself.

In this case, they were blaming the Omega's state of dress for her son almost raping the poor boy.

What was absurd was that this happened during a rehearsal for their school play and the Omega had been changing out of his costume when this douchebag attacked him.

His mother literally told Wolfie that her son caught the Omega changing and that he was more than likely flirting with her son when it happened.


He couldn't believe that people like this existed. Not to mention, she was giving blond people a bad name because Wolfie was honestly not this stupid.

He hated people playing the victim when they most definetly aren't, so he took great pleasure in watching as the security guards entered his office after knocking and began escorting them both out.

The mother put up a struggle and began accusing the guard of inappropriately touching her and he made sure to pull his phone out and capture the entire thing on video in case she tried to sue the man.

He honestly hated people like this who tried to abuse the law for their own gain and to ruin people's lives.

The son flipped him off as he walked out and he couldn't help but snort.

Ignorance at its finest.

After they were gone, he made a note to jot down their names so that he could look for any cases pending against the boy.

He would make certain that that Omega had his justice because he knew how they loved victim blaming these days.

And now that that was over with, he turned to his own case concerning his parents and snorted when he read that their court date was pushed back because River quit and left.

Now, who would've thought that that stubborn Beta would give up a chance to antagonize Wolfie?

And now, they were scrambling to find another Solicitor and that would give him even more time to put his case together.

So far, he was getting a lot of help from Danny's uncle Victor and he honestly felt like buying the Omega the most expensive thing he could find because that man was like a godsend.

Wolfie didn't know how he was getting his information but he was just happy that the man lived up to his reputation and he thanked everything that Danny introduced them.

All that was left now was for his mental evaluation and the judge had already sent a letter stating that he was scheduled to have this done this month on the 19th.

He just hoped that the Psychiatrist was unbiased or he was screwed... Well, not completely but it would be a pain in the arse if it turned out that his parents had bought the person off, but it would just be more evidence obtained against them and would not stand up in court whatsoever.

He already had a perfectly good explanation for his frenzy in the Hospital so that letter about damages done could burn in the bin for all he cared.

Imagine paying £1.3 mil for emotional trauma.

Hell, they should pay him that sum for the emotional trauma he went through meeting that desperate woman in the waiting room.

They must be high if they thought they were getting a dime out of him.

He had already gotten a copy of the tapes and had worked up a defence so that was put to the side.

The next thing that he received was a subpoena for his bank records on the day he received his Inheritance from his Grandparents.

He was obviously going to challenge it because it was stated in their will that it was left to him and his parents had no right to know the details since they weren't listed.

To be completely honest, he really didn't know what they were thinking with suing him, but one thing is for certain, Wolfie would sooner keel over than to let them get their claws on that money.

His Mum was a shopaholic and she loved to throw extravagant parties and show off her wealth while his father loved buying luxury items. Whether it be cars, yachts, planes etc.

The man stated that he would never again travel with lowly peasants if he could help it.

All he could do was shake his head and wonder how he was ever born to them.

He was nothing like them and he hopefully never will be.


2 hours later

Danny grinned and put the chocolate cake with the chocolate spread in the fridge to harden along with the Cheesecake.

He had made two chocolate cakes, a Cheesecake, Red Velvet and a Vanilla cake (for Wolfie).

He had also made Peanut butter, Chocolate chip, milk chocolate and oatmeal cookies. He had been in two minds about doing some gingersnaps but after being suddenly hit with cravings for them, he made two batches for himself. He just hoped that Wolfie left them for him and ate everything else.

So, after being done with that, he cleaned up and started on an early dinner since he hadn't made much of the seafood soup this morning.

And speaking of, what type of person takes soup to their work for lunch?

Danny really enchanted that Alpha, cha.

Anyway, he was gonna to do something simple for dinner so fried bakes it was. Since they went over well with Wolfie, he was gonna make some more and instead of codfish, he was gonna use blackfish.

Hmm, maybe Wolfie would like it. If he didn't, he would just do some codfish for him.

So with that in mind, he grabbed a bowl and the measuring cups to begin.

He started by measuring 4 cups of flour and two teaspoons of baking powder along with 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

He was gonna do a lot so that Wolfie could take to work tomorrow for lunch because he would normally just start with 2 cups of flour and 1 teaspoon of baking powder. Wolfie had like two break periods as far as he knew so he hadn't made the desserts in vain.

He then added two tablespoons of solid butter and 5 tablespoons of brown sugar before he began mixing everything together with water. After that, he coated his hand in oil and began kneading the dough so flour wasn't stuck to the bowl before covering it with a towel so that it could set for 15-20 minutes.

In the meantime, he was gonna start on the blackfish and codfish because it made more sense that way. It was no use waiting to see if Wolfie liked the blackfish to do the codfish.

This way, even if the Alpha didn't like it, Danny would have more to himself while Wolfie ate the codfish.

Win-win situation.

He got two pots out of the cupboard and filled them with water so that he could start bowling them.

He had to open a window since that damn blackfish would light his whole house up with its scent. Kinda like someone who forgoes deodorant smells when they walk into a room.

The blackfish didn't have such a bad smell to him but people were different.

He heated the pans and began adding both to the respective pots.

This was gonna take a while.

Two hours later

Danny breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the kitchen table after he finished washing the dishes; he was so gonna take a nap after this to cool his heated skin down.

He wasn't about to catch a stroke taking a shower so soon after being around heat.

He would probably take a bath instead of a shower and when Wolfie came home, the Alpha could share himself whatever portions he wanted since Danny had done a lot of bakes.

Right now, he was tired and in need of a good nap.

He brought all of this on himself but he didn't regret it because there was no way that he was going to allow some stranger into their home to cook for his husband.

Wolfie loved his cooking and that was all that mattered to him.

Not to mention, he was doing it as much as he could for the Alpha because as soon as their pup was born, he was gonna be to busy and tired to even think about cooking. He really doubted that the pup would give him time to do that and if they slept long, he would pretty much take that break to sleep.

Poor Wolfie.

"Oh well." He pushed off of the table and grabbed his phone.

Time to hit some Zzzz.


Wolfie's face belayed how disgruntled he looked as some of the Alpha's eyes stayed glued to his bowl of soup.

If they thought that he was going to share then they were sadly mistaken.

He had made sure to give Jackson his and had heated his in the microwave and went to town. For fucks sake! Danny was like a freaking angel.

He was gonna demand this kinda soup from the Omega regularly because this was out of th- "Shit, man. This tastes so fucking good," Jackson interrupted, practically shoving eveything in his mouth.

"How uncouth."

Jackson rolled his eyes at him. "Look who's talking." He looked pointedly at where Wolfie was stuffing the seafood and dumplings? in his mouth. "Damn. Danny really knows how to cook. I might have to start asking for lunch everyday now since Arlo can't cook to save both of our lives even if we were on out death beds."

Wolfie snorted as he bit into a shellfish. "Sucks to be you then," he replied lowly, attention focused on the bowl in front of him.

Jackson huffed. "I said that so you could sympathise with me, bitch."

"You forget who you're talking to," he muttered. "But other than that, Danny cooks a lot so it's no any trouble to bring an extra bowl."

As he finished speaking, Jackson grinned broadly. "You're the man."

"I know. No need to remind me," he replied, smirking when Jackson flipped him off. "Glad to see you recognize greatness."

"Greatness my arse."

Wolfie could only laugh and refocused on earing before one of the Alphas had the bright idea of trying to steal his food. "Lucky for you, I should be bringing some cake and cookies tomorrow. I mentioned to Danny that it's been a while since he baked any and knowing him, he would have it ready for when I get home."

Jackson raised an eyebrow. "Well in that case, make sure to bring me Cheesecake because I know Danny would make one," he replied, biting into the juicy corn in the soup. "Hmmm."

"Try not to have an orgasm, okay?"

Jackson ignored him to focus on finishing his lunch.

He only rolled his eyes and went back to eating. "Wonder what Danny is making for dinner?" he murmured to himself.

Even if he didn't know, he knew for certain that it was gonna be delicious.

He really should give thanks to the Agency for matching him with the Omega.

'I'm so fucking lucky.'

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