Adopted by One Direction(Edit...

By samm_thats_me_

209K 5.9K 2.7K

This is not the same story that starts with a girl who's been abused or been in an orphanage for her entire l... More

Chapter: 2
Sequel out
authors note


4.9K 161 49
By samm_thats_me_

Samantha's P. O.V

I was standing in the middle of a dark room with nothing but one light on the middle of the room. I looked around to see footprints painted with blood. I followed the footprints to another room that showed  nothing but darkness.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I called. Suddenly the lights turned on to reveal the person that I love and care about........dead. I ran towards her with tears falling down my eyes. I keeled besides her and placed her head on my lap.

"Nicold, wake up! Boo open your eyes!!" I said as I shook her, trying to wake her up. Her clothes were cover in blood and so were mine.

"She's dead. Admit it!" Somebody said. I turned around to see John, May, David and Cindy. But I thought they were dead!!

"What are you guys doing here" I spat at them "I thought you were all dead!"

"Oh, darling. We might be dead outside of your dreams. But we'll always be alive inside you'r mind!" Cindy said while they all smirked.

"No!! You're all dead! And why isn't she waking up!" I screamed while I kept shaking Nicold.

"She's dead!!" they all yelled

"NO SHE'S NOT!!!" I yelled back.

"Foolish brat!" May murmured

"Nicold, please wake up!" I yelled as I kept shaking her. "LOOK, ONE DIRECTION!!" but she didn't move, but that always worked!!

"They're also dead" May smirked. I stopped shaking Nicold and turned slowly towards them

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me, they're....over there" she said as she pointed to my left. She was right, there they were. Five boys laying on the floor. I ran towards them and started shaking each of them.

"Harry Bear? WAKE UP!!!" I yelled as I slapped Harry, but nothing worked, next was Liam.

"Liam!!!" I said as I shook him but nothing happened,then I tried with Zayn hoping he would at least do something.

"Zayn?.....Look I'm messing up your hair!.....WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING!!!" I yelled as I kept poking his face and messing up his hair. The other two people left were Louis and Niall.

"Niall, I have some Oreo's for you.......Ni, if you don't open you'r eyes I'll eat them!" I said "WAKE UP!!!" I was going nuts. None of them were waking up.

"Louis, you're the only one your eyes! Please daddy!" I said as I shook him.Yes I just called him daddy, thinking that it might wake him up, besides he's actually my dad. I finally gave up and broke down in tears.

"Oh, that's not all. Your brother is....over there" Cindy said pointing to my right. I stood up and looked towards my right to see Patrick, he seemed to be....breathing!! I ran towards him and keeled  next to him.

"Sam?" he asked, his voice was very weak

"Patrick, you're alive!!" I yelled as I hugged him. He groaned out of pain and I let go of him

"Sorry" I said

"It's okay" he chuckled "I love you little sis"

"I love you too big brother" I said as I grabbed his hand. He closed his eyes and went pale.

"Patrick?......why aren't you saying anything?!" I started to freak out.

"He's gone!" David said as they all laughed

"No....No......NO!!!" I whispered but at the end I ended up screaming.

"NO,NO, NO,NO!!!!!!" I kept screaming.


"NO!!" I woke up screaming and sweating. I'm surprised that I haven't woken up anybody yet. I knew I was going to have nightmares any time soon but they're usually about my past. That looked so.....real. But what if it wasn't just a dream! I stood up from my bed and ran towards the first room, which ended up being Louis's. I opened the door to see him sleeping peacefully. I walked towards him and shook him.

"Louis......are up?" I said as I shook his shoulder.

"I am now" he groaned as he turned on the light from his night stand. As soon as he sat up, I tackled him into a hug.

"Whoa!" he said as he fell back on his bed "Are you okay?" he asked

"Yeah" I said but I still didn't let go of him

"No your not. What's wrong?" he asked. I pulled away and looked up at him( yes, I'm that small).

"I had a nightmare. Where my kidnappers also known as my ex-step-parents. Were still alive, but that's not all. Nicold, Patrick and you guys were all.......dead" I said as some tears rolled down my eyes.

"Oh, come her, baby girl" he said as he opened his arms and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"It looked so real" I whispered.

"But it wasn't. Now what do you say, if you stay the night with me. Will that make you feel a little bit better?" he asked and I just nodded. "Okay than, let's go back to sleep" he turned off the lights.

I crawled next to him as he pulled the covers over us. He kissed my forehead and hugged me as he stroke my hair, like Liam did days ago.

"Night sweetie. I love you" he whispered to me

"I love you too" I mumbled as I fell asleep.


I was woken up by hearing people whispering.

"Look, she looks so adorable" someone said

"Shhh, don't wake them up!!" another voice said 


What the heck? What was that?! I slowly opened my eyes to see four idiots looking down at me. I guess Louis still sleeping. I groaned as snuggled closer to him and tried to go back to sleep.

"I know you're awake" Zayn said

"You poke me Mr. Malik, and say good-bye to your hair!" I said and heard the others laugh.

"That goes to you too Mr. Styles" I said with my eyes still closed

"How did you know?!" he asked

"I know you all very well" I said "Now shut up. I wanna sleep!".

"Go away!" I heard Louis said as he stood up. I groaned again and pulled the covers over my head and tried to blocked the sound they were making.

"Come on, Samantha. You need to get ready for the party!" Harry yelled

"What party?!" I asked as I sat up.

"The party that we're having today!" he said



"Ugh! Fine, what time is it going to be" I asked

"In......2 hours!"

"2 HOURS?!....What time is it?!" I asked

"5:00pm. Don't worry we just woke up not too long ago. That's what we get when we stay up all night watching movies" Liam said

I wanna stay up all night
And jump around until we see the sun
I wanna stay up all night
And find a girl and tell her she's the one 

I sang but they all just gave me weird looks.......

"What?! Can I sing?" I asked innocently.

"Yes you can. We just though you didn't know any of our songs" Zayn said

"Of course I do-Whoa.....I've been hanging out too much with Nicold. That's what I get for letting her pick the music when we do homework!" I said and they all laughed. I rolled my eyes at them and walked towards my room and took a shower. After I took a shower, I changed into a grey shirt that said I'm not weird , with some jean shorts and black converses. I didn't care if I wasn't dressed like a party at all. I walked to the kitchen, took and apple and sat on the couch.

"Can I invite, Nicold, Charlie and Patrick?!" I yelled.

"Sure!!!" they all yelled. I text them and they answered me saying yes.


We ere currently deciding on what movie we should watch in my room. The boys were having their party downstairs and we were having ours up in my room.

"Le't watch a documentary of One Direction!" Nicold yelled

"Dude, they're downstairs and you want to watch a movie about them. Like really? You see them almost everyday and they're also your neighbors!!" I said. Patrick and Charlie nodded in agreement.

"Please!" she begged giving us her puppy dog eyes. NOT THE EYES!!

"FINE!!!" we all yelled as we sat on my bed and started the movie. She picked on One Direction: A year on the making. Here we go! I'm about to die or boredom because I hate documentaries. I don't care if is about my favorite band but I still hate them!

We were halfway through the movie and I was actually learning more about them, which was just a little. Until we got to a part that caught my attention. It was the part when they had their first live performance and Harry though her screwed up. Then he went and read all the hate he got. I turned the T.V off and threw the remote to the other side of the room.

"HEY!" they all yelled

"Why you do that for?!" Nicold asked

"Because.....I didn't want to see that anymore" I simply said

"'s this about what you used to do before you met them?" she asked and I nodded. You see, before I even knew Lucy was their body guard.... I made a page that was full of hate for them. No one agreed with me until the day that they had their first live performance, and I'm pretty sure he saw all my comments....I feel guilty. I thought they didn't care but now that I saw part of the things I caused, I feel awful. After I knew them, I deleted all those hate pages they had. But they still have some that are not mine.

 "Don't tell me that you were the one who started those hate pages that he saw" Patrick said

"I feel bad for what I did" I defended myself

"Does any of them know?" He asked

"No" I said

"You have to tell them" Charlie said

"I know, I will but not now" I said

"It's late. I better go home" Patrick said and Nicold nodded. Patrick hugged me and left. While Nicold kissed Charlie on the cheek, then hugged me and left.

"Aren't you leaving too?" I asked Charlie

"Nah, I'll give you some company" he said. I smiled at him as he sat next to me.

"I still remember when I met you. You were this shy little 8th grade boy who got bullied. Now look at you, you're more confident!" I said to him

"I see the way Nicold looks at you. She really likes you"

"Yeah, but I don't think it will last long. Let's say that I don't have any experiences with dating" he said

"You never had a girlfriend before Nicold? Not even like a second grade valentine?


"Have you ever kissed a girl?"

"No, what about you?"

"Have I ever kissed a girl?" I raised and eyebrow.

"No, no. Your first kiss"

"I was 11. His name was Robert and we were good friends"

"Was he your first boyfriend?"

"He was my....used to be my best friend. He was about to move, so the day we were saying goo-bye, he kissed me and left. After that I haven't seen or heard of him. The last time he sai d her never wanted to see me again and that we were never friends" I said and he just looked a little shocked "You see Charlie. I used to be friends with people that treated me like shit. But now I feel like, I have a chance to be the real me and have better people in my life."

"It's true, you can do it" he said

"You really think so?"

"My aunt, have almost the same problem than you. Only that instead of friends, she used to go out with people who treated her badly. But she turned her life around"

"She must have been great"

"She was my favorite person in the world, until now"

I sighed and just started at him.

"Charlie, I know that you know, that you like Nicold and she likes you. But I want to forget that for a minute, Okay?" I said


"I just want to make sure that the first person who kisses you, loves you. Now I'm not saying that Nicold doesn't love you, but I can't really tell you if she does because I really don't know, Okay?" I said and he just nodded. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me as I moved closer to him. We look into each others eyes as we started to lean closer to each other. Finally our lips met. His lips were soft an gentle, I kissed him and he kissed back until I pulled away.

"I love you Charlie, remember that okay?"

"I love you too" he said as I hugged him.


We hear a loud crash from downstairs. I sighed as I pulled away form the hug.

"I think you better go. They all might be drunk" I said, he nodded and we walked out of my room towards the front door. The living room was a mess, drinks were everywhere, food everywhere and my boys were drunk, how great (note the sarcasm).

"You were right, they're drunk" he said as I chuckled

"I hope they don't start throwing up. Now I just need to call their girlfriends for help. They couldn't make it but they told me to call them in case they got drunk."

"Good luck than" he said as he waved then stopped and turned around "Thanks"

"For what?" I asked

"For being a good friend" he said as he left. I smiled and closed the door as I smiled. Why am I smiling?! Who cares, now the only thing that I have to worry about is......the boys. I took out my phone.

"Hello?" three female voices said through the line

"Dani, El, Perrie. I need your help!" I said

"They're drunk?"  they asked

"Yes" I said

"Be there soon" and with that we hang up

I walked towards them and couldn't help but laugh. They were passed out on the floor while they drooled. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I opened the door to be met by my girls.

"Where are they?" Dani asked

"Over there" I pointed to the living room. They all carried the boys to their rooms(well more like dragged them by the feet) and came back to my room. I was already in my pyjamas.

"They're really heavy!" Eleanor complained

"I can't imagine" I said making them laugh.

"Well, we better go. Be a good girl!!!" they shouted from the stairs

"CAN'T PROMISE YOU THAT!!" I shouted back as they closed the front door.

I jumped on my bed and fell asleep.... Hope tomorrow they won't bother me

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