Lost Souls

By LovingHim_

329 0 0

Venus and Fawn lived two completely different lives. But both were trying to find their way, facing struggles... More

Lost Souls
Chaper 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaper 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chaper 11 ( from this chaper on still working on editing
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chaper 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chaper 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chaper 24
Chapter 25
Chaper 26
Chaper 27
Chaper 28
Chaper 29
Chaper 30
Chapter 31
Chaper 32
Chaper 33
Chapter 34
Chaper 35
Chaper 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chaper 43
Chaper 44
Chapter 45
Chatper 47
Chapter 48
chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chaper 53
Chapter 54

Chaper 46

4 0 0
By LovingHim_

Fawn's P.O.V
" Venus we need you to come back now so we can ask some questions" Ian's dad said walking towards us, we both helped the shattered girl off the ground and sent her off to relive her worst nightmare. We probably sent her in a room with her worst nightmare in all honesty, her mother was still screaming uncontrollably, Venus seemed like she tuned her out. She most likely heard those horrific screams all the time. Now, Ian and I sat in complete silence not knowing what to say or what to do, the only thing to hear was the screams and our heavy breathing.
" I'm sorry I had to drag you into this" Ian spoke softly not looking me in the eyes, my heart broke even more as he spoke. How could I not be here? Venus was always saving me, I had to save her for a change. " really don't say sorry, I want to be here, I have to be here, she can't go through this alone" I said swallowing hard. I turned my head and gave him a fragile smile, still, he couldn't give me one in return. " Fawn, I know this probably isn't my place and this isn't the time to bring it up but, a lot of people have been talking about you and there's a lot going around school-" I cut him off before he could say anymore, of course he was going to ask me why I was such a mess. I took a deep breathe gathering my thoughts, looking down at my feet I began to form the words " Listen, I'm not here to hash out the past events these last couple months with you. We barely talk Ian, the only reason we are even sitting on the same bench is for Venus. It's funny how people only ask how you are when something tragic happens, and the. rumors you've heard are true. Yes, I did try to take my own life,  I'm sure that's what you wanted to know huh?" I spat throwing my hands up rolling my eyes not wanting to put my heart and soul out on a sleeve for Ian Frost. " I'm, I am um, I am sorry I brought it up and I didn't mean to bring up any hurt I just wasn't sure if it was true, I didn't want people lying about that" he gave me a very sympathetic smile and took a deep breathe slowly looking away. I didn't want to be rude to Ian in any way because we were all each other had right now in this situation, though with my track record trust doesn't come easy. I do not trust Ian at all, he has done nothing to earn that privilege.
" okay so let me ask you a question, why are you here? You're the most popular guy in school and you should be at a party tonight but you're here",
" Fawn, I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and I wish I wasn't popular, it's all about how much money you have and you have to keep this certain reputation, it's so much work. When I met Venus, it was easy ya know? She was easy to talk to and she was a mystery, I wanted something different and under all this bluff and muscle I do truly care. I am here because I do truly care, even if you don't wanna believe it" he looked into my eyes, I knew deep down that it was the truth, I just didn't wanna let my guard down enough to buy what he was saying.
" that's not a bad answer, I guess it means something that you're here and you're talking to me so, it's a miracle " I tried to laugh looking at him, he smiled a small half smile, the pain was written all over his face. What hurt him? That's something I wish I knew but if I don't want him to pry then I can't either.
" so your friend Lance, I heard he's been getting into some hard drugs" he was trying to make conversation, " yeah I heard, I honestly don't know much about the situation other than he's not being himself. Seems all my friends are falling apart." I sighed, he put his hand on my shoulder and nodded trying to comfort me I guess. " there is one thing I do know, drugs and addiction is unforgiving and one day his clock of grace is going to run out. Usually. that's when an addict decides to change, the brink of death puts things. into reality and though that's harsh there is a hope he will get it right." I just nodded trying to push the thought of lance out of my already spinning mind. Who would of thought Ian frost and I would be sitting down talking about the crappy things of our lives. It's funny how those things all work together, tiny pieces slowly mold to each other to create a story that only the person apart of it can tell. Two completely different people opening up somewhat to each other, it all works in the craziest ways and sometimes we don't wait around to see the result.
" if you're trying to be with Venus one day I just hope you take care of her okay? Be there for her and go slow with her. Also, maybe, just maybe, don't be such a complete ass in front of your friends too. Be proud to have her, she's not like anyone else" I made sure to get that point across because he wasn't just going to get in easy, he was gonna have to fight tooth and nail to get to my best friend. He laughed a bit and nodded, again with his stupid half smile he said " I will always protect her, I will do my absolute best, I promise you that."
   The room began to grow silent again, no words just complete and utter silence. I'm not sure if we just became content with all we said tonight or we just didn't feel like talking to each other anymore but, one thing that I did know is that silence is so much louder than words ever will be. Ian and I were screaming without saying a single word, inside we both held such a hurt, and, it may never be talked about.

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