Drunken Miracles

By Purplepaises1

80K 2.5K 113

Taylor Weaving was plenty of things, but desperate, she was not. Desperate for sex because she two best frien... More

Drunken Miracles
Mistake? Try Disaster.
Cars Weren't Built For Sexual Tension
Frustration. Not The Nice Kind.
Lab Partners
Having Low Self Control Doesn't Mean You're A Slut. Does It?
Best Friends. Need There Be More Said?
Movie Magic
COD, Old Woman and Curtains.
To Wag Or Not To Wag, That Was The Question.
It's Been Too Long
Simple As That
Is Molting A Side Effect For Falling In Love?
Nate fucking Presley
Wildebeast Vs Alligator
Birthday Wishes
Those Fluffy Handcuffs
Iron Man
Oblivious, Arrogant Heartbreaker.
Mexican Wrestler
She's Such A Slag, Not Even The Pimps Want Her.
Drunken Miracles
Quite Frankly, The End.

Your Shorts Are...Short.

3.2K 101 2
By Purplepaises1

"It's been three days and no one knows about you sleeping with him, T, so relax already." Kally rolled her eyes as the two stretched together on the outside running track, warming up for the track trials. Taylor rolled her eyes, stretching her arm over her head.

"Maybe he's just waiting for me to relax, then bam, he tells everyone."

"I think you're over-reading things, Taylor." Kally frowned, pulling her leg behind her to stretch her quadriceps. Taylor sent her a flat look, doing the same.


"Yes. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but he hasn't looked this way all of P.E. I think your right when you said it was just a one time thing for the both of you." Kally said, shaking her head slightly as Taylor glowered at her.

"You're a menace, you know that?"

"That's all you could call me? A menace? What are we, sixth grade?"

"That's the age of your last boyfriend-"

"Whoa, hey girls." Mitch said, putting an arm around both of them as they walked towards the sprinting track where the rest of the class was warming up. Taylor grimaced, looking at their girls school sports uniform. It wasn't so bad, if you were under a size 12.

Some tops just don't stretch. She looked down at her own shorts and shirt, silently thanking her mother's gene's for small waists.

"What are you two bickering about anyway?"

Taylor shared a look with Kally, who looked a little alarmed. "Oh, uh-just, you know, banana's."

Mitch snorted, his face scrunched up. "Banana's? I'm glad my two best girl friends are so mature."

Taylor smacked his chest. "Shut it." She felt guilty, though. For not telling him what had happened on the weekend, but Mitch was a guy. Guys seem to have three reactions when she told them stuff like that. The first was anger, where they would hunt down and try and kill the guy she'd down the deed with. Mitch fell into the category. The second, would be to gossip with mates about it. Taylor knew that he slotted into that one nicely, too. The third, was indifference. They didn't care, and she was glad. She just wished Mitch was box number three.

"Adam's coming over here, probably to come and get you so go away." Kally muttered, and Mitch held a hand against his heart, mocking a wounded expression.

"I didn't realise I was that unwelcome."

"Never interrupt girls discussing banana's, Mitch, it's just common sense." Taylor muttered, and Mitch looked at her slyly.

"Only when the girls talking about them are actually getting any. I'll see you two later." He jogged off towards Adam, who was looking at Taylor. She made eye contact, and he smiled. She stared flatly back . He frowned, but jogged off towards the field next to the sprint track with Mitch.

"If only he knew," Kally sang, and Taylor rolled her eyes.

She glanced around the field, looking at Mitch with a pang of guilt in her chest. He was her best fried, he had to tell him sooner or later. She decided later might be best, though. Her eyes caught Adam again, who was watching her curiously. She turned away, hearing giggling and laughter, and walking towards it.

Nate had the soccer ball between his feet, his shirt no where to be found, and someone was trying to get the ball off him. He kept moving the ball out of reach, so agile and quick that Taylor couldn't help but admire his skill. His face held a small smile, and it lit up his features, and her gaze dropped to lower regions. He really was built well, she thought absently, her eyes running over his chest and six pack, to his arms and his back muscles. His waist was narrower, and she realised with a jolt she was checking him out.

With a jolt, she turned away, hoping he wouldn't have noticed her watching in the small crowd that had gathered.

"Hey, Taylor."

She winced. Damn it.

Turning, she plastered on a smile, looking for whoever had called her name. It was Alexis, the one girl who had never liked her, for as long as she could remember. Maybe because she was one of Nate's long time call girls, or whatever, but to be talking to Taylor was a mystery to her.

"Yes?" Taylor asked politely, trying to escape the crowd.

"You think you're going to get in to the track team?" Alexis asked, flipping her blond hair over one shoulder, her claw like nails tapping on the bleacher she was seated on.

Taylor frowned. "I hope so. Why?"

"Because I'll just give you a heads up. I'm going to make it and your not because you've really let yourself go since your break up last year and your ass won't be able to haul itself over that finish line in front of anyone."

Taylor clenched her fists. Leave it to the blond bimbo to actually be seriously good at track running.

"Are you ten or just stupid?" Taylor asked, taking a deep breath. "Really? Trying to play mind games, Alexis. Are you scared I might beat you?"

Alexis's dark grew dark. "No."

"Oh, I think you are. So you just stick to what you're good at, hm?" Taylor realised she had moved closer, and was face to face with the girl now.

"And what would that be?" Alexis snapped, her brown eyes angry. Taylor took a leave out of Nate's book and smirked.

"Keeping your legs open instead of trying to play with me."

As she walked away, Taylor felt victorious, wondering why she hadn't tried to be a bitch before now. She loved the feeling of knowing it would take Alexis at least six seconds to understand her comment, and and that she wouldn't have a comeback. Taylor turned her head slightly to see Alexis thunderous expression, before her eyes met a pair of steely blue that made her breath catch in her throat.

Nate stared at her, a knowing little smirk on his face. When he realised she was staring back, his eyes seemed to smoulder, and she turned away, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks.

"Where'd you go?" Kally asked when she reached the group that was about to start the race. Taylor shrugged, not bothering to reply. She watched the first set of runners take off, and started to smile. She loved track running. Ever since middle school, when she had first started, Taylor had always done it. She had made the high school team freshman year, and had won state champs the year before.

When her turn came, Taylor smiled when she bent into starting position. This was it, her time to shine.

As soon as the gunshot sounded, Taylor pushed off, pumping her arms and flying towards the first corner. She flew around the bend, keeping her mind focused and blocking out the cheers of her classmates. She breezed around the second corner, hitting the final straight. She sprinted over the finish line, then put her hands on her knees, trying to get her breath back. Mr. Marven, the P.E. and track coach smiled at her, patting her on the back.

"Welcome back, Weaving." He grinned, moving to see the others finish the race. Taylor smiled. She beat them by almost half the straight.

"You really are a freak when it comes to running, T." Kally laughed, slapping her bum. Taylor yelped, laughing at her.

"I have always wanted to join the circus."

"You're an idiot." Kally rolled her eyes, and watched as the class started to head back inside. "See you at Mitch's tonight?"

Taylor watched Kally run off, shaking her head slightly. She looked around the emptying track and field, trying to find her sweatshirt. It had to be here somewhere-

A hand touched her bum again, and she squealed, spinning around to see Nate with his hands in his pockets smirking at her.

"What the hell, Presley?" She hissed, trying to calm her heart beat. Nate shrugged, his bar shoulders rolling forward.


"You touched my ass."

"I've touched more then your ass."

Taylor hated her cheeks when they blushed this time, and she turned her head away, avoiding his eye contact.

"You need to leave me alone, Nate. I'm not going to play your little game like all the other girl do."

"Who said anything about a game?"

Taylor gave him a flat stare. "Has your relationship status on facebook ever said 'in a relationship'?"

His smirk just grew wider.

"I'm not going to be a cal girl every time you feel-"

Nate laughed, his head tilting back, still watching her out of his eyes. She frowned, her lips pursing. "What?"

"You think I'm here because I want a relationship?" Nate shook his head, stepping closer to her. "Taylor, I don't do girlfriends. You, of all people should know that."

Taylor stared at his face, only seeing the cool smirk. His eyes betrayed nothing.

"You really can run fast though, I now know you do everything at pace." Taylor ignored his innuendo, walking towards the changing rooms. She could hear him laughing, so she rolled her eyes not bothering to look back at him.

"Oh, and Weaving?"

"What?" She spun, glaring at him. Nate bit his bottom lip, a move that made her feel warm all of a sudden.

"You don't have a big ass."

So he had heard her bitch war with Alexis. "And how would you know."

Nate started walking towards her, and she stood her ground. 

"For starters, I've seen it first hand. And those shorts, are really short." His head came within inches from hers, and Taylor felt her eyes flick to his lips before looking back up to his eyes. They were laughing.

"Stop checking me out." She hissed, turning to stomp away. He chuckled, watching her.

"Only when you stop doing the same to me."

Taylor felt the blush rise up her cheeks, and she was glad her back was to him.

"Keep dreaming, Presley." She called, opening the changing room doors and collapsing onto a bench beside Kally. She sent her a curious look.

"What happened?"

"It's not important." Taylor groaned.

Kally had a little knowing smile on her face. "Whatever you say, T."


  I hope this is okay! Thank you to whoever 's reading, and please leave a comment and tell me what you think :)

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