Taming Life: Revelation (Book...

Por inhaleyou

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Read to find out. Book 4 of Taming Life series M谩s

Chapter 2: After Us
Chapter 3: A Million Pieces
Chapter 4: I Hope
Chapter 5: Unbeknownst
Chapter 6: Operation Bloods
Chapter 7: Operation 12
Chapter 8: I'm the Boss
Chapter 9: Divorced My Husband
Chapter 10: Happy King Day
Chapter 11: Just Best Friends
Chapter 12: More Than Best Friends
Chapter 13: New Life
Chapter 14: Us Time
Chapter 15: Vacation
Chapter 16: Last One
Chapter 17: Final Try
Chapter 18: Forever and a Day
I'm Listening
Chapter 19: Back Together
Chapter 20: Dear God
Chapter 21: Fidelity
Chapter 22: Father and Son
Chapter 23: My Other Half
Chapter 24: Beginning of Time (Epilogue)
Chapter 25: It Started With a Word (Epilogue)

Chapter 1: Snakes

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Por inhaleyou

Nasir (cont'd)

"What the note said?" my dad ask.

"It said 'i can't do better. I missed you. You should have never followed them and abandoned me. See me. I need help'."

"That sound retarded."

"Dad can you please be serious? I'm honestly not in the mood for jokes."

"I'm not joking Nasir. Who is it? For real." he looked at me and i knew he really didn't remember.


"What?" he frowned.

"Kenon dad."

"Wow... He really came back." my dad chuckled nervously and looked away from me.

"Is there something we could do? I'm sure he means no harm."

"He mean no harm? The fucking dude almost killed your wife! Fuck is you talking about?"

"I was just saying."

"Did he state where he was?"

"No but there's a number on it. Dad i don't want you to do this alone."

"I should do it. I just can't believe he's back." he mumbled and adjusted King in his arms.

"Well can we forget about this right now? It's alot to take in and my wife isn't in a stable condition." i told him and he nodded.

Leaving him out there, he wished me a happy birthday before i went back in the room where mom was talking to Lea.

"Nas what's her condition?" she ask me.

"She have a broken arm and foot, fractured rib and her breasts were ruptured."

She gasp. "Did they fix it?"

"She did surgery." i said, seeing Mercedes trying to say something. "What is it baby?" i walked over to her and held her hand. She began to draw her nails through my palms to tell me what she wanted to say.

"What is she doing?" my mom ask after taking Alaiya from me.

"She's trying to tell me something... She said she's scared." i looked at Lea, seeing tears running down her eyes.

"I'm gonna get a doctor. They're moving too sloppy for my liking." she said and left the room. Now it was only me and my wife.

"Baby I'm gonna be here forever okay? I'm never leaving you, no matter what. And I'm gonna make sure you get a good treatment. I love you okay gummy bear?" i said and she nodded. "Can you tell me what you're thinking?"

I waited on her and while she was trying to tell me what was running through her mind, i knew she felt frustrated because she paused couple times. When she was done, i got to understand that she saw who did this to her. She was saying that it was my dad who did it. I tried convincing her that it wasn't him but she got upset at me.

"How's she doing?" my dad ask and i saw tears running down Lea's face.

"I don't know yet but she isn't in the best condition right now."

"Well I'll see what Ja-"

"Keyeion Menefee, you are under the arrest for the injury of Mercedes Menefee as well as causing a car collision." four white cops walked in.

"What? I just got here. Fuck is you talm bout?" my dad looked at them as if they were crazy. "Don't touch my fucking child." he stood.

"Sir, we have to take you in. If you resist arr-"

"I don't give a fuck. I just got to L.A. so I'm not going with you. You got the wrong muthafucka. Fuck outta here."

"Take him away." one of them said.

"Mercedes is right there. I just came to L.A. from Atlanta. I ain't going nowhere with y'all."

"Ma'am, is he the person involved in the car accident?" the police ask. Mercedes look at me then at them before shaking her head.

They looked at my dad one last time before apologizing and walking out the room.

"Get y'all fucking facts straight before y'all come for a black man. Y'all look like little ugly ass minions. Fuck outta here." he sat down.

"Dad chill." i tried my best not to laugh. It became silent apart from my dad mumbling inaudible words and the machines beeping.

"No! If she can't eat, then you can't either. My daughter's in there injured, and your white fat ass sitting in your office eating fish fillets. Don't you think she wanna fucking eat too!?" i heard my mother yelling from outside.

"Fuck she screaming for? Now i know where King gets his loudness from." dad said.

"Ma'am please calm down." the doctor entered the room with my mom behind him.

"You want me to calm down? Do your job then I'll calm down."

"I'm seriously gonna ca-"

"Do it. They just left." she held Alaiya properly and rolled her neck.

The doctor shook his head and walked around to the machines.

"Amd make sure i hear good news or else you ain't leaving this room. So your little tasteless fillet is gonna get cold. How bout that? And i need to know what you're doing."

He shook his head again before looking over at Lea.

"I can't hear you." my mother said.

He mumbled inaudible words before speaking. "Mrs. Menefee has a fractured rib that will take six to seven weeks to heal as well as a broken arm and leg, that will be in a cast. The accident that she had encountered, caused both her breast implants to be ruptured so we had to take them out by conducting a surgery. Her leg and arm however, will take 6-10 weeks to heal so i advise her not to do any extra activities." he explained.

"The accident was very serious. How do we know she can even walk or speak? She can't even move her head." i fold my arms. "Her head has been like thay since i got here and that was at 5 yesterday evening. It's 7 am the next day." i said.

I saw him put on a pair of gloves before taking a pin from his set of tools.

"Let me know if you feel anything." he spoke. I went by her side and held her hand.

He began poking her from her toes up, and once he reached her calf, she squeezed my hand.

"Right there." i told him. He did the same to her next foot but she started feeling it the minute he poke her toes.

"Her left foot is just numb at the moment." he said. He removed some of the unnecessary chords from her body so he could continue. He held onto her head and attempted to move it until i stopped him.

"Yo just take yo time with her. Aite? Don't lemme have to shoot your white ass in this bitch. Don't play with me."

Without replying, he moved her head and i stopped him, seeing the pain on her face.

"Where do you feel the pain? Here?" he touched the side of her neck and she nodded. "We're gonna have to out you in a neck brace as well. Can you speak?" he removed the oxygen mask from her face.

She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Baby it's fine." i ensured her.

"I will be back with some meds for her."

"I want to know about her surgical conditions and treatments. What's up with that?" my mom said. She never once sat down.

"I'll go get her charts."

"And don't you dare eat that fish fillet." she told him before he left. "Why were the police here?"

"Huh?" dad and i said at the same time.

"Well they uh... they came to uhm.." i stuttered.

"They came to.. to check, to check on Mercedes."

"Why are you lying?" she said.l and gave dad the dirtiest look ever.

"Na for real. They did." i said.

"Whatever. I don't think it's safe for Alaiya here. I think I'm catching a cold just from standing here."

"I'll take her out." my dad stood with King and took Alaiya from mom.

I dug for my keys in my pocket and gave it to him as well as the address to my home.

"Call me if y'all need anything." he attempted to kiss mom but she turned her head so he kissed her cheek. He looked at me and i nodded before gaving him Alaiya's bag and he left.

"Baby can you say one word? Atleast to mumble something?" my mom sat on the bed and held her hand.

She looked at her and open her mouth to say something but all that came out were whispers.

"Does it hurt?"

"Alot." she whispered.

"You'll get better soon. I promise." my mom assured her just as the doctor walked in with his clipboard.

"So her surgery went well as you can see but because we haven't got any specific demands on what we should have done next, we just did the removal surgery."

"Is there something else you should have done?" my mom ask.

"We could have perform a breast lift or replace her ruptured one with a new pair but we haven't gotten any instructions." he walked over to her and removed the gown she had on. "We had to cut under here to remove it and stitch it back up so there will be a scar, and it will be a little stretched."

"Is it too late to do the breast lift?" i ask.

"Yes it is. We could have done it at the same time so there won't be extra cuts on her skin. However, once her scar has healed, she can schedule an appointment to get it done." he explained and i nodded.


"King just go to sleep. Please?"

"Daddy no sleep." he held onto my neck and stood.

"You don't wanna sleep?"


"Aite man." i picked him up and walked down the stairs with him after checking on Alaiya one more time.

"Daddy food."

I made some mac and cheese for the both of us and when it was done, we ate. Every time he ate, he laughed. It only made me think about Jaimee's request of having another child. That was the only reason she wasn't talking to me now. And it have been a month. I honestly didn't want to get her pregnant again because i didn't want to. The twins were suppose to be our last but because she was unhappy, King became our last. I've seriously been considering our last baby but my answer still comes up as a no. I still wasn't sure if it was the fact that she love being pregnant, or she just wants a baby.

"Daddy more." King said with his mouth full.

"Shut up before you choke."

"Okay." he said and i shook my head before giving him mines, at which he thanked me. I got up and refilled his cup with more water before leaving him in the living room to eat and watch tv.

Stepping outside, i pulled the paper from my pocket and looked at the number that look like it was written by an elementary school kid. I unlocked my phone and put my number on private and calling the number that was on the paper. I really didn't want to make this call because i didn't want no problems with nobody. And if push comes to shove, I'm killing somebody for my family.

"Yo who dis?" i heard his his voice and instantly regret making the call.

"Keyeion." i spoke and looked up at the clouds.

It became silent for a while before i heard sniffling.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." i mumbled. "Yo Kenon. What's good?"

"I'm sorry man. I ain't mean to do allat. I was hurt." he sniffled.

"So you felt the need to hurt my family?"

"I was just tryna reach out to you."

"You ain't think there was another way?"

"Yes but i- I'm sorry man. I didn't mean it. I only wanted to see you. I need help."

"What could you possibly need my help with?"

"I'm a felon Keyeion. I can't be seen nowhere or else I'm gonna get locked up for the 60th time. Please?"

"Kenon i can't. You hurt my son's wife because you want to get to me? I'm sorry but you crossed the line. Plus we're from two different mobs."

"But I'm your brother." he cried.

"I don't give a fuck Ken. That's my son's wife. Do you know how much he loves her? And if i leave it up to Nas, I'm sure on God, that he's gonna kill you. My son's stressed out because of your shit. You got police wanting to lock me up because i look like you. Do you think that's fair?"

"It's not. Please help me? I promise I'll do whatever you say. I'll be your maid and your footstool. Just please. I can't live this life anymore."

"I can't help you." i spoke sternly before hanging up.

I sighed and watch all the cars passing by. I knew i could help him but i didn't want to. The bloods doesn't work like that. Family or not, if you hurt one of us, it's a cut. And knowing how ignorant Nas is, if i gave him the address, it's a done deal.

I heard the door slowly opening behind me and King stood there with water dripping from his mouth.

"Daddy finis. I finis daddy."

"You want something else to eat?" i ask and picked him up, walking inside after closing the door.


"Sleep it is." i mumbled.

I went up to one of the empty rooms and laid him down. I attempted to leave him but he called me back.


"I want you sleep."

"Nigga i ain't sleeping with you."

"Come... come." he called me.

I shook my head and laid beside him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and laid his face on mines. Laying there with him, he fell asleep couple minutes later after telling me a whole story i didn't understand.

Covering him with the sheets, i left the room and went to check on my grand daughter before going downstairs. I sat in the sofa and pulled my gun from my waistband and emptied it.

This whole situation with my brother got me fucked up all around. All this wouldn't happen if my parents haven't sent him off to join the military.

40 years ago when my brother left highschool, he didn't know what he wanted to do and he didn't know which career path to take. My parents provided so many job opportunity for him but yet, he turned to the gun. At that time, i was 15.

My dad figured that since he loves gun so much, why not get him into the military, and they did just that. When he got deployed, we thought that he would come back in the next 10 or 15 years, but he didn't. I forgot all about him totally because i thought he never wanted to see us again, especially me. Him and Anais were like bestfriends. However, he hated me because i was doing better than him at school than he was doing.

Yeah i turned to gun after i graduated but i wasn't into it like he was, and i had a girl that was holding be down. He however, was mean, selfish and inconsiderate. He cared about nothing but himself and always wanted the best for himself. Why should i help him?

This was one reason why i showed Nas the ropes since he was 10. I kept telling Jay that we were gonna shoot some hopes but in reality, i was showing him the beach house where all my guns were kept. It looked like a regular house but there's a safe underneath it. Growing up, it was alot of us in the bloods, Neyvar, Trent, Omar, Lee, Nas and more guys. We were mostly in New York, L.A., DR and Atlanta.

All those trouble i been in, from men shooting after me and Jay, to me having security to watch my family, was all the crips. Bloods never fuck with the crips. That's why i been so lowkey because i knew I'm gonna have a family. I chose Nas over Jacion because Jacion was too feminine for my liking, and soft. Nas however don't give a fuck about nobody but his family. He ride for his family just like i ride for mines. And with Kenon showing up out the blue, i know he was gonna be a big problem. He was with the crips before he got deployed and once you're a crip, you're forever with them.

Now all of sudden Kenon want to float to the surface and hurt my family because he wanted to see me. He wanted me to help him. I wasn't gonna take that chance with him. I don't care how much he changed, i know my brother enough to know that he don't care about me.

If none of the bloods see me walking with him or talking to him, best believe they pulling they guns out at him because I'm the top man. And it's sad to say, but Anais was also on my team. She was more like an assassin.

In this world, people who aren't who they say they are. They will tell you they love you, but deep down, they want to hurt you, they're just waiting on the the perfect time. That's why i don't fuck with alota people or cross path with them. People are snakes, and with that, i always stay strapped up, even to get some milk from the fridge or to go through the bathroom.

Looking at my watch then my gun, it was minutes after 1 in the afternoon. I heard a car door close and quickly loaded it while walking to the door. Aiming at the door, i smelt that familiar chanel perfume and quickly hid it in my waist.

Jaimee looked at me like i was crazy before closing the door.

"I came to get some stuff for Nas and Lea." she mumbled, putting her purse on the table.

"Jay we need to talk." i followed her up the stairs to Nas room.

"Sure. The doctor said she had to be at the hospital for a month since she had a panic atrack earlier, then if everything seems to be okay after that, she'll be released and on bedrest for another month until she's properly healed."

"I wasn't talki-"

"So we'll be leaving with Alaiya on our next flight because Nas isn't gonna have time for her and he can't manage Lea's needs and the baby's needs. I booked a flight for her already and we leaves in two hours... if you didn't know." she said while packing some clothes and hygiene product for Lea and Nas.

"I wasn't talking about that but it's great to know. What's your problem? You haven't spoke to me in a month."

"I'm talking to you now." she looked at me then looked around the room before walking to the closet.

"Stop fuckin' with me yo. What's your problem?" i ask and she stopped what she was doing to look at me.

"You wanna know my problem is? My problem is that you won't have a baby with me."

"I done told you we don't need no more kids."

"God said we should multiply a-"

"God said that but it's like you wanna give birth to a hundred thousand kids. You are 53 fucking years old."

"Do i look 53 to you?"

"You have 9 kids already Jay. How much more do you want?" i questioned.

"Just 1 more. That's all i ask for. Just 1 last one and I'll take a tie off this time."

"I'm not having no more kids with you."

"With me? Then who you wanna have kids for? Am i not good enough? Am i not a good mother to my children?"

"You're a great mother to our kids but i still don't see your reason why you want another child. We can always adopt."

"I want my own. I have the opportunity to make babies. I don't need to adopt." she stared at me.

I sighed and stood to my feet. "I guess you're on your own because i ain't giving you no more kids."

"Then i guess we can't do this no more."

"Do what?" i looked at her. I know she isn't thinking about having a child with another nigga cause there ain't nobody that's finer than me.

"Us. We're done."

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