Instantaneous (ManxBoy) Mpreg...

By Daniis23

146K 6K 1.5K

Continuation to Intoxicated Book 1. Please read Intoxicated before reading this. After celebrating their Marr... More

Please Be Advised.
Smiles For Miles
Honeymoon Phase
Good Morn- Go To Hell!
Home Again!
A Step Forward
Danny The Cutiepie
Mix And Match
Danny Da Boss
We're Having A... Celebration?
Literal Cock Sucking Bitch
Psychiatric Evaluation
The Big Day
New Home!
She's Here!
Butterfly Hadrian

Arlo Rosengord

6.3K 271 106
By Daniis23

France Rosengord
Pietro Cartwright-Rosengord

Growing up, Arlo's had a pretty average life as a Celebrity's child.

He was the last child of France Rosengord and Pietro Cartwright-Rosengord.

His father was an A-list Actor while his Mum, Pietro was a famous Omega Director.

He was their ninth and last child and the fourth Beta out of Alphas and Omegas. It wasn't exactly a big deal and he grew up happy and wanting for nothing... Well, not fully happy but just happy enough.

The only drawback was because of how in-demand his parents were, it was left to his older brothers and sister to care for him and his younger siblings.

His older brother, Kylo was 28 years of age to Arlo's 21.

His other brother, Mika was 27.

His older sister, Gian was 26.

Then there was Louren who was 25.

Paddy who was 24.

Mattie who was 23.

And last but not least, his sister, Emi and her twin brother Evi who were both 22 years old.

So yeah, he had a big family and he loved them all.

He was lucky enough not to have any sibling rivalry so he got along great with them... Most of the time, that is.

The downside was that they were too damn overprotective. Even Emi and Eli who were just 1 fucking year older than him!

And unfortunately for him, when he got pregnant with the twins, his family was upset with him because of his age, especially his Mum.

His father on the other hand wasn't upset at all... He was fucking livid and Arlo would've been given a whipping if it weren't for his Mum.

This was the reason why he could never bring Jackson over. His family would probably poison the Alpha and Arlo needed his pups to grow up under their father's guidance.

And still to this day, they were still angry at him but seemed to simmer down after meeting the twins.

But still, his father never held them as he was still angry at Arlo for getting pregnant.

It really was a good thing that he hadn't mentioned his previous miscarriages or he would've gotten it.

His Mum on the other hand loved the twins and would take them from Arlo whenever he came for a visit.

He didn't mind. Just meant he had time to relax... Ha. His siblings made sure that didn't happen as they continuously grilled him about Jackson until they pretty much knew everything about the Alpha.

They knew that Jackson was a big Celebrity and his sister Gian and his brother Mattie had a crush on him which thankfully wasn't long-lasting as Gian was already married while Mattie was in a relationship with that guy, David Giuntoli.

Yeah... That was an unexpected pairing but hey, stranger things have happened.

You know what was unfair? Mattie already had a pup with David and they weren't married or mated so why wasn't anyone as mad at him as they were at Arlo? Mattie was only two years older than him and that wasn't even a huge difference.

They were racist! Wait... no, facist? Hmmm, probably. He didn't know and he didn't care.

If they couldn't accept his Alpha then Arlo didn't need them. They were all a bunch of hypocrites and as much as he loved them, he wouldn't let them rule his life because he could survive on his own.

He may not be working at Garroway Law Solicitors anymore, instead focusing on being a full time mother as per Jackson's request, but he could damn well take care of himself.

He had invested his money in a lot of businesses so he could manage by himself without Jackson's help, but the Alpha had granted him access to his accounts without a thought so he didn't have to worry.

Who was he to reject that offer?

But despite all of that, his Mum had practically demanded for him to come over since he hadn't visited in three weeks.

So here he was, strapping the pups into their rover. He made sure to pack enough stuff so that they didn't chew on his parents' furniture. Their teeth were still sharp so you can imagine his pain when feeding them.

"So, how long will you be gone for?"

He turned to look at Jackson as he came up behind. "Not sure. It's my family and they haven't seen me in three weeks, so I can imagine how long they'd keep me there. Hell, they might even make it late so that I'll sleep over."

Jackson looked disgruntled at that and he came to stand next to Arlo to peer into the rover. "Are you sure you have everything you need?" He indicated to the sleeping pups when the Beta looked at him in confusion.

Arlo nodded then still pulled their bag from the rover to double check. "And what are you going to do for the rest of the day?" he asked, looking briefly at the Alpha before returning to his task.

"Don't have a clue. I've mostly been helping Wolfie but there's really nothing more I can do so I guess I'll just go into work today and handle whatever cases come my way," he answered, shrugging when Arlo raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

The Beta snorted then zipped the bag back up and placed it back in the vehicle. "For a split second, I thought that you'd ask to come with me."

Jackson huffed. "I don't tend to go where I'm not wanted."

"I know, but still. You're the father to my pups and I want to introduce you to my family."

He released a soft sigh and pulled the Beta close, placing his hands on Arlo's hips before sitting down on the exposed seat of the rover. "Your family doesn't like me, Arlo. I can't exactly fault them for that and I've made my peace with it," he began, quirking his lips at the put out expression on the Beta's face. "Now, I don't mind this arrangement but that can change if they hurt any of my pups. They don't want me around them and that's fine by me, but taking it out on my pups would change that in a heartbeat." He remained stern as he finished speaking, waiting for Arlo's reaction.

He groaned but nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I figured. But you don't have to worry, they absolutely adore the twins."


Arlo smiled and wrapped his arms around Jackson's neck, leaning closer to the Alpha so that all his weight rested on him. "Hmmm, I really don't have to leave now," he practically purred, looking at Jackson with half-lidded eyes. "I love feeling you inside of me."

Jackson smirked and wrapped his arms around his back and hips. "Is that so?" At Arlo's nod, he continued. "I love being inside of you too but I'm not gonna leave the pups out here while we go on and have fun. And unbuckling them would just wake them up and we don't want that, do we?"

As he finished speaking, the Beta huffed in annoyance and pulled back. "Jacksonnn," he whined petutantly, pouting as he looked into his boyfriend's eyes. "We can always do it in the rover," he murmured suggestively, batting his eyelashes at the other wolf.

Jackson snorted and pushed him back. "Not even in this life time. So getting packing and go. When you get back, I'll be open for suggestions, so in the meantime, take care of yourself and our pups." He leaned down and plaster a chaste kiss on his lips which Arlo immediately turned heated. "Hmph!"

The Beta didn't let up and in a matter of seconds, Jackson took control of the kiss and pulled the other closer to him once more.

They remained kissing for at least a minute before breaking apart. No words were spoken as they gazed into each other's eyes with affection. "You know that I love you, right?"

Arlo nodded and bumped their foreheads together. "And I love you too, Mr. Whittaker."

Jackson smiled then moved back, gaining a look of surprise from the Beta. "I've been thinking..." He started hesitantly, locking eyes with Arlo.

"About what?"

"Well..." He sighed and in a matter of seconds, his eyes steeled over, shocking the Beta with its ferocity. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." At Arlo's hurt expression, he hastily continued. "I want us to be Mates. We've been through so much together and I know that it wasn't easy getting to where we are now, but I honestly cannot imagine myself being with anyone but you. I've already given you the necklace so now, I want us to bond."

Arlo's eyes widened momentarily and a smile blossomed on his face. "Yes! I've been waiting so long for you to suggest that! I mean, I already have the necklace and you did say you wanted to be Mates but never to finally bond. Shit, when do you plan on doing it because I'm ready anytime?" He could barely contain his excitement.

Jackson looked back into the vehicle to make sure that Arlo's outburst hadn't woken the pups and groaned when he saw a pair of eyes blinking up at him. It seemed like Skylar was more sensitive than Declan because she was awake while he was still sleeping. "We can do it when we're both free and Skylar is awake."

The Beta looked around Jackson and snorted as his daughter began wiggling, little whimpers escaping her mouth. "Okay, maybe later today then. And as you for little lady," He cooed, pulling away from Jackson to gather the pup up in his arms after unbuckling her. "You hardly slept, so come let mummy put you back to sleep."

Smiling softly, he moved away and allowed Arlo to sit down. "Well, I'm gonna go get ready for work. I'll see you guys later." He leaned down and pressed his lips against the Beta's before pulling back. "Later."

Arlo nodded distractedly and began pulling his shirt down to expose his chest. "Okay, see you later, honey."

Jackson smiled then turned to go back to the house.

Finally mating with Arlo would help soothe his worries about anything unpleasant happening to the Beta and not to mention, their bond would alert him if something happened to him.

It really was about time this happened because they already had pups.

The next course of action is marriage but he would wait until the pups were older.

Arlo would certainly agree to that.

Most certainly.

Arlo groaned and leaned his forehead against the steering wheel as he pulled up at his family's estate.

The pups were asleep in the backseat, but if he didn't want them to be grumpy, he would have to wake them himself or his family would more than likely jostle them awake.

So already dreading going inside, he opened the door and went to the back. He knew that it was a matter of time before his family discovered him here and they would come bustling out and startle the pups which would just make everything hard for him.

He carefully opened the door and stepped inside to sit on the only unoccupied seat.

His pups were curled up in their special baskets that were designed specifically for them when they hadn't transformed to their humanoid forms yet.

He quickly pulled his shirt up took off his breast pads, letting the scent of milk cloud the rover.

Knowing Skylar, as soon Arlo picked up Declan and began feeding him, she would wake up and whimper until he gave her his attention. That was the reason why he just pulled his shirt up inside of tugging one side down like earlier.

He turned and closed the door and locked it just in case as he pulled his shirt all the way off. Carefully, he moved closer to one of the baskets and pulled Declan out, smoothing a hand down the fur on his face before positioning him at his left nipple.

He then began placed his nipple and the pup's mouth, waiting for him to scent the milk and began sucking.

After that he'll wake himself up.

Not surpring, two minutes hadn't even passed when the pup latched on, gaining a wince from Arlo who only sighed and began caressing his fur.

A few moments later, the pup's eyes opened blearily and he smiled and looked down at him. "Why hello my beautiful baby. Time to wake up."

Declan whimpered but buried his face in Arlo's chest, suckling heavily.

In no time Skylar began whimpering and he carefully picked her up and positioned her at his other nipple.

After they were fed and properly awake, he would take them in.

So hopefully, they wouldn't feed for very long.

27 minutes later

Breathing a sigh of relief, he settled the pups back into their corresponding baskets then put his shirt back on.

"Okay... Time to see how long it'll take before they agitate you both and stress me out," he muttered in annoyance.

The times when he loved being around family were over. Now he just tolerated them because they had no right to judge him when they weren't any better.

He steeled his resolve then unlocked and opened the door. He got out then picked up the baby bag crossing it over his neck and pushing his arm through before picking the baskets, one of each hand.

He placed them both on the ground then got whatever else he needed from vehicle before locking it.

To say he was surprised that none of them came running out of the house to kidnap the twins was an understatement.

But then again, it worked in his favour.

He placed the keys in his pocket then gathered up the twins, smiling as they began wriggling, blinking up at him in what he was sure was curiosity.

"Don't you worry my babies, you'll both be alright," he murmured, smiling as they began clicking their tongues at the roof of their mouths.

"Oh, please don't tell me that you're still hungry."

They just continued making the same noises.

Arlo sighed and began heading towards the mansion, dreading the confrontation already.

He honestly didn't know why they didn't have carts or something to bring people up the mansion when it wasn't allowed to park cars too close to it.

But the again, his dad was the one who decided that in order to keep everyone in shape, especially in the age of Technology as he said.

This walking was surely gonna burn him out but what choice did he have? The walking would also be good for him as he hadn't done much exercise except for sex with Jackson after he gave birth.

He just hoped that the pups didn't start fussing.


13 minutes later

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

As soon as he saw his dad, he was gonna give him a piece of his mind.

You can't expect to have previously pregnant or pregnant Omegas and Betas to walk all the way there with their pup/s.

He placed one of the baskets on the welcome mat and rang the doorbell three times before picking it back up. Already wanting to throw himself down a flight of stairs as he heard loud squealing and running feet.

He hated this already.

In a matter of seconds, the door was flung open and he came face-to-face with Emi and Gian who pulled both baskets from him before rushing back into the house, and all without saying goodbye.

"Be careful with my babies!" He yelled, rolling his eyes as he walked into the house and shut the door behind him.

They always did this so he didn't even waste his time by trying to stop them.

Instead he took off the baby bag and headed to the living room where he had no doubt that everyone was gathered.

It took five minutes to reach and just as he had predicted, everyone was there cooing over Skylar and Declan who kept looking at all the faces with wide eyes.

It really was a good thing that the pups were used to them or Declan would be yowling up a storm while Skylar would be whimpering and fidgeting in her basket.

"Not even a hello?" he muttered as he stepped into the room, placing his stuff on the floor before dropping down in one of the couches.

Closing his eyes, he relaxed against the soft couch and released a soft sigh.

"Well, someone looks tired," a soft voice commented. "What have you been up to sweetheart?"

Arlo opened his eyes and looked into those of his Mum who had a smile on his face. "Hey, Mummy."

Pietro's smile transformed into a grin and he spread his arms open for Arlo who huffed but managed to push himself up and into his arms.

"How are you doing?" he asked, pulling back to place a kiss on his forehead. "I see that you've not been mated yet."

Arlo groaned and say back down on the couch. "I'll mate pretty soon, so don't worry about it."

"Ooo, sounds promising."

He turned his head to see Mattie grinning at him while tickling his daughter amidst her

Her name was Davi Giuntoli.

Yeah, David wanted her to have his name which was none of Arlo's business. To make it even more infuriating, Mattie was pregnant again but no one argued with him over it like they did Arlo.

He sighed and looked at where Gian, Emi, Evi, Louren and his Mum were playing with his pups.

"And who is the lucky Alpha? Do tell," Paddy interjected, folding his arms as he looked at Arlo in curiosity.

Said Beta sighed and say, resigning himself to another lecture session. "Obiviously the father of my pups."

They all glanced at each other and Arlo snorted.

"Look, I don't give a damn how any of you feel about that because last time I checked, I'm not the only one who have pups without having being mated and I'm an adult who can make my own decisions. You don't see me in your business telling you who to fuck and whatnot."

"Arlo!" His mum's scandalised voice rang out.

He steeled his resolve and looked at his Mum. "Mum, no. I'm sick and tired of everyone's lectures and if I have to hear it one more time, believe me when I say that you won't be seeing me visit here again."

Pietro's eyes widened comically. "Are you saying that you keep me from seeing my grandpups?" he sounded hurt and Arlo felt a bit of regret but he knew that this needed to be said.

"As much as I hate the thought of that happening, I have no choice if you guys keep insulting my Alpha to my face. Jackson and I have gone through a lot but we've put aside our differences and talked things out. We love each other and that's enough for me because I know that I'm the only one in his life... I can 100% guarantee that so I don't get why you guys hate him so much," he intoned, looking back at his puos were were wriggling in their auntie and uncle's hands.

"But he's not your Alpha," this time, it was Kylo who spoke up.

Arlo snorted. "And David isn't Mattie's Alpha but I don't see you reminding him about that. Jackson and I already decided on bonding not that it's any of your business and I've already gotten a proposal from him ages ago, all that's left is the mark and we're getting to that."

He got up off the couch and approached his siblings who had his pups. "Look, I didn't come here to answer 20 questions so I'll take my pups and be off." He stretched his hands out for Declan and Skylar but Gian and Louren refused to give them up.

Gian frowned and held Skylar closer to her chest. "But you just got here and I haven't seen them in weeks. Please don't leave," she begged, looking at him pleadingly as she smoothed a hand down the pup's fur.

Arlo sighed and looked at Louren who just turned away while holding Declan to his chest.

"You know, that's the thing about you Arlo. You can't take criticism even when it's in your best interest," Mika spoke up.

Arlo turned to look at him and he crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at him. "This coming from the guy who can't even own up to his responsibilities?" he snorted and turned around to go back to the couch he had been sitting in. "Thanks but no thanks. I'll listen to you when you get your priorities straight so until then, mind your own business."


He ignored his Mum's outburst this time as he sat down in the chair. "What exactly do you people want me from me? You're all ganging up on me as if you're any better."

"Sweetheart, we're just worried about you," his mum explained softly.

"Well don't," he answered softly. "I can take care of myself and my pups."

"And what if Jackson isn't the one for you? What is he's only staying with you because of the pups?" Kylo intoned, raising an eyebrow at him.

Arlo couldn't help the snort which escaped. "Please. If that was the idea then believe me when I say that Jackson would've said just that. He's brutally honest and not to mention, I'll always find out if he's going being my back because he's a Celebrity so please get off of my case and leave me alone. I don't have to explain anything to any of you and believe me when I say that I can take care of myself so I don't need anything from you. Just get the hell out of my business."

He was getting sick and tired of this and he was just seconds away from blowing a fuse.

His Mum looked about to speak when Arlo cut him off. "Mum, don't. Just let me live my own life just as you're letting them live theirs." He gestured with his chin at his siblings then pulled his phone from his pocket. "I don't need any of you in my life if you keep this up. I already made a friend who would support me without expecting anything in return. Not to mention, I'm creating my own family and if you keep this up, I have no qualms about cutting any of you out of my li-" his head snapped to the side from the force of the slap from his Mum.

Arlo looked up at him to see tears streaming down his face. "Don't you dare say something like that, Arlo Ilyia Rosengord! You are my youngest child so of course I'll would worry about you! Don't you dare even say that you'll cut me out of your life because you're not too old for me to put you over my knee! Do you think that having children and a mate makes you an adult?! You think that being an adult means that you don't need to listen to other people's advice? You think that being an adult gives you the right to disregard other people's worry? Arlo, believe me when I say that understand that you're old enough to make your own decisions but how could you expect us not to worry when your daughter is mute?! I'm a doctor and I've seen cases like this when a Wolf of a different gender is given contraceptives not meant for their genders. I'm not stupid and I know that you won't willingly take something like th-"

Arlo immediately cut him off. "But I did!" His words obviously shocked everyone as they gaped at him. "Jackson and I agreed to used the contraceptives without understanding the dangers and sure, Skylar is mute because of that but she's still as healthy as can be! I regret having this happen but it has and I'm moving past it. We both made a mistake but we've already moved passed it and are working on making our pup comfortable. No one is going to treat her any differently because of this and this doesn't make her an invalid, so please don't speak about things that you know nothing about. Jackson and I are stronger than we've ever been and if you want to blame anyone for anything, don't place it on Jackson's shoulder alone because last time I checked, I was also involved. Skylar is healthy and that's all I can ever ask for. I am begging you. I am imploring you to leave this alone because I've already handled it and you could've done a better job of bring it it up instead of lecturing me everytime you see me. I would've happily told you if you asked and now that you've mentioned it and I gave you and answer, please let it be and spend time with your grandkids otherwise I'll leave and I can't tell you when you'll see them again."

They still looked shocked and his outburst but he was done giving a damn. He came here to spend time with his family and if that wasn't happening, he would just leave because he could be bonding with his Alpha right now instead of going through this.

His Mum sighed and walked closer, sitting down on the side of the couch. "Okay," he murmured in resignation. "Okay, sweetheart. Just please understand that we're all worried about you and we love you. You can't expect us to not jump to conclusions." He wrapped his arms around Arlo and pulled him close to his chest, nuzzling his face in the Beta's hair. "Sweetheart, I love you so much, please remember that. I have the right to worry about you and you discover that the older your children get, the more you worry and I can't help it. If you're really positive about Jackson then we'd love to meet him." He placed a kiss on Arlo's hair and breathed in his scent. "Never forget that you're also my baby and you'll forever be my baby."

Arlo sighed and wrapped his arms around his Mum. "Love you too, Mummy. I'm sorry for my outburst but I was getting sick and tired of it. All you had to do was ask me and I would've told you the truth. I don't like it when you guys gang up on me like this."

Pietro huffed out a laugh and rubbed a hand down his back comfortingly. "I guess you're right about that, sweetheart. From now on, I'll make certain to ask you directly instead of forming an inquisition." He laughed and pulled away from his son.

Arlo smiled. "Yeah, I could've done without that." As he finished speaking, he saw movement out if the corner of his eyes and he turned to see all his siblings approaching them before they wrapped their arms around him while Gian and Louren made certain that the pups weren't squeezed or jostled.

"We love you too, baby brother."

Arlo grinned and returned their hug. "Love you guys too."

Well it's a good thing they made up because he would've hated not being able to speak to his family.

He sighed and closed his eyes, still wrapped up in the hug.

"Love you guys so much... Wait, where's dad?"

"Sleeping." They all replied as one causing Arlo to laugh.


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