Instantaneous (ManxBoy) Mpreg...

By Daniis23

146K 6K 1.5K

Continuation to Intoxicated Book 1. Please read Intoxicated before reading this. After celebrating their Marr... More

Please Be Advised.
Smiles For Miles
Honeymoon Phase
Good Morn- Go To Hell!
A Step Forward
Arlo Rosengord
Danny The Cutiepie
Mix And Match
Danny Da Boss
We're Having A... Celebration?
Literal Cock Sucking Bitch
Psychiatric Evaluation
The Big Day
New Home!
She's Here!
Butterfly Hadrian

Home Again!

6.8K 287 42
By Daniis23

A month passed after they got back home and Danny was in a happy mood despite the ever present cloud of despair hovering over Wolfie.

It seemed like the case was more difficult than he anticipated and now, Danny was lucky if they got ten minutes to themselves before the Alpha was off working again.

Not to say that he didn't understand the severity, but still. He just wanted to be able to relax with his husband for an entire day but it didn't look like that was going to happen anytime soon.

What made it worse was that Wolfie had enlisted the help of Jackson so Arlo would tag along and pretty much dump his children on Danny to have a few minutes to himself.

Ugh... He couldn't complain much because it was practice for when his little one was born.

There was only four months left after all.

Plus, Declan and Skylar were Angels... When they weren't chewing on their furniture legs or trying to scratch their curtains, that is.

But other than that, Danny loved watching the little furballs.

At this moment, Arlo was in the guest room getting some well deserved rest while Danny was looking after the twins.

He was scratching their tummies, smiling at the little growls escaping Declan while Skylar wiggled side to side.

He felt sympathetic that she was mute but that honestly wasn't all that bad compared to how dangerous it would be if she were blind or deaf.

Sure, being mute was also dangerous since she couldn't call for help but he was sure she could get some sort of distress button to help herself in case.

She was healthy so what more could anyone want?

He smiled at her, watching as she looked directly at his face and began growling lowly.

"Oh, are you threatening me, sweetie?" he leaned over and ran his nose through her fur earning a low yelp.

He couldn't help but smile when Declan's growling became louder. "Okay, okay. Calm down, little one," he soothed, turning his head to repeat the same motion with him.

"Well, you seem to be getting along splendid... As usual."

He turned at the sound of the voice to see Arlo leaning against the wall, rubbing at his eyes with his hair in a disarray.

"Hmm. Yeah, I think they like me." He heard whimpering from both pups and he turned to look back at them. "Aww, you guys still wanna play?"

He continued scratching their tummies, delighting in their little growls.

"So... Do you know what you're having?"

Danny looked back at the Beta and shrugged. "Not yet, probably next month or April."

Arlo nodded and came closer, sitting down on the couch. "Okay. So, what are you hoping for?"

"A healthy pup," he replied easily. "Gender doesn't matter. As long as they're healthy, I'm happy because I'm still gonna love them the same."

The Beta silently agreed and there was a contemplative look on his face. "And if they have disabilities?"

Danny looked at him with eyebrows raised. "It doesn't matter, Arlo. Can you imagine carrying a child in your tummy for months, creating a bond with them and then giving them up because they have a disability? I don't give a shit if they have a disability because at the end of the day, they're mine. My child, a piece of me. How could I ever abandon that?"

He turned to properly look at Arlo, picking up Declan and Skylar in the process. "Look at Sylar. Just because she can't speak doesn't make her less than she is. She is perfect just the way she is and anyone would be lucky to have her as their pup because she is as healthy as can be."

As he finished speaking, Arlo smiled and looked down at the wriggling pup in Danny's hands, opening his arms to receive her.

Danny got up and allowed Arlo to pull her out of his arms while he kept hold of Declan who was just looking at him in curiosity.

"Yeah, you're right." Arlo's voice gained his attention and he looked back at the Beta to see him already looking at him. "I love Skylar with every fibre of my being and no one would ever make me regret having her. She is just as equal in my eyes as Declan."

The Omega sent him a warm smile before diverting his attention back on Declan.

"Yeah... They're both beautiful and wonderful pups."

Arlo returned the smile. "Don't I know it."


Danny whimpered and braced himself against Wolfie's desk as the Alpha pushed into him.

He had managed to badger Wolfie into a quickie just to give the Alpha a break from work.

Arlo and Jackson had left, so now, be wanted some alone time with his husband.

"Hmm. Come on, baby." Danny bit his lip as Wolfie gripped his hips tightly so that he could increase the speed of his thrusting.

Wolfie moaned and rested his face against Danny's back as the Omega squeezed him even more. "D-Danny."

Danny hummed and straightened his back, gasping when Wolfie's cock brushed against his prostate; his eyes fluttered from the onslaught as Wolfie wasted no time as he began properly fucking him.

"Shit," he gasped, throwing his head back as the Alpha got up off his chair and spun Danny around while his cock was still buried inside of him.

He then began pounding into the Omega after resting him down on the desk. Danny's legs tightened around his hips and said Omega wrapped his arms around Wolfie's neck so that he couldn't get fucked off of the desk.

"Wolfie, p-please," he begged, gasping as the Alpha's speed picked up until he was pounding into him. Danny choked and held on for dear life, letting Wolfie take what he wanted from him.

"That's it, baby," he murmured, bending forward so that his lips were at Danny's ear. "You're doing great."

A moan escaped the Omega's lips and he arched into Wolfie's thrusts. "Hmmm."

What a way to go.

Wolfie sighed softly and enjoyed the feeling of Danny clenched down around him; he hadn't much time to himself since he started working on his court case once more so this was a welcomed reprieve even though he couldn't do it as long as he wanted.

"Nghn." Danny's whimper of pleasure broke him out of his thoughts and he turned his attention back to his husband where it would rightfully be.

Because right now, Danny was giving his best and he would be damned if he didn't enjoy it.

"Ahh." Danny released a breathy gasp causing Wolfie to groan as his hole clamped down on him.

"Shit," he cursed, leaning over Danny's form to connect their lips in a sweet kiss.

Danny's eyes were closed and with the rate they were going, it didn't seem like the Omega would be opening them anytime soon as he practically vibrated from the pleasure.

Wolfie considered that a job well done.

"You know," he started, placing his mouth at Danny's ear after breaking their kiss. "I was thinking that maybe we should try something new." He paused, waiting for some indication that Danny was listening.

The Omega just groaned and tightened his hold around his neck.

Wolfie just took that as a sound meant to convey curiosity so he continued. "Well... In the questionnaire you have to fill out when you get tested, they ask whether you're comfortable with Bdsm and I know that you said yes so I was thinking that maybe we should try introducing that in our sex life."

Again, he paused and waited for indicate somehow but the Omega remained almost catatonic except for the whimpers escaping his lips as Wolfie continued moving inside of him.

He waited a couple more minutes for Danny to respond before he eventually dropped the subject. He would bring it up with the Omega later since he wasn't in the right state of mind now.

He knew better than to take advantage of the Omega even if he was his husband because that didn't mean that he somehow owned Danny and could have him anytime he wanted.

Not to mention, the Omega would probably poison him afterwards and he was still young and about to be a Father.

Yeah... He knew better.

So in the meantime, Wolfie was just gonna enjoy normal sexy with his pregnant, breath-taking and almost catatonic husband.

Even with vanilla sex, Wolfie could still fuck Danny good.

He moaned and picked up speed, eager to feel the Omega tightening around him.



Days passed after their initial time in the office and Danny didn't get a chance to have another go with Wolfie in his office since the Alpha was pretty much busy 24/7 and to make it worse, he was now working from home and because of that, he worked longer.

It took Danny getting angry at him everyday for him to eat properly.

The Omega hated what this case was doing to his husband, but he knew that there was nothing he could do that could make a whole lot of difference.

He wasn't going to even bother trying to change Lukas and Persephone's mind. If they could sue their own son for money and in a bid to declare him mentally unstable, then they wouldn't care about any heartfelt words.

So even though he couldn't help his husband on that end, he could make certain that he ate properly and got some fresh air instead of burrowing away in his office.

Jackson regularly came over to aid him, but the other Alpha wasn't as bad as Wolfie since Arlo dealt with him and not to mention, it wasn't his case.

He couldn't help but sigh in resignation after giving the Alpha his lunch and waiting around to watch him eat everything.

Danny honestly couldn't handle any stress right about now so he was trying his hardest to not let this  affect him because he knew that Wolfie needed his full focus on this case and any sort of stressful situation Danny is put in would also affect the Alpha.

"Make certain to eat everything off that plate," he intoned, eyes glued to where Wolfie kept looking at his files then back to the plate. "And don't even think about begging off by saying you're not hungry because you ate hours ago and that was just breakfast."

Wolfie looked up at him and he sent the Alpha a stern look and gestured back to the full plate of food. "Eat."

Wolfie groaned but resumed the task of eating before Danny did him in.

In his pregnant state, Danny was a force to be reckoned with and he didn't want to cause the Omega any unnecessary stress or to get pissed at him.

He didn't need two sets of trouble on his head.

The first would be the current case which was running him ragged and the second would be earning Danny's ire where he might as well kill himself because that Omega was not one to fuck with at this stage.

"You can't keep running yourself ragged like this, Wolfie. I know that this case is very important but making yourself sick isn't going to help you at all. All you're doing is making yourself weak and sooner or later, you're gonna make a mistake which can be nothing or catastrophe, wasting all of your effort." Danny moved closer and came around the desk to sit on Wolfie's lap, watching critically as he continued eating. "I know that you don't want to waste any time but you seem to struggle to move forward so as much as I can't help, I do know someone who can help you and offer a new perspective with this. You never met him but his name is Victor and he's my uncle. He's one of those private Investigators and a pretty darn good one if his and my family's bragging is anything to go by. He should be able to get more information and I've invited him here. He should arrive in two weeks and help you with this because it's February and you've been stressing for so long. I can't stand it anymore, Wolfie. You're my husband and everything that affects you also affects me whether you realise it or not. So finish your plate and I'll allow you until 6pm to finish what you're doing then I'm coming back up here and I am being serious. No ifs ands or buts. Now, I'm gonna let you have whatever time you have left and tomorrow, I'll let you videochat my Uncle so that you two can communicate until he arrives."

Danny got up and leaned down, placing a kiss on his lips before grabbing the now empty plate and cup of juice. "Just remember that you have me and our pup to come back to, so please don't overwork yourself until you end up in the emergency room. I love you. I love you so fucking much and it's hurts to see you this way and I understand the severity but that doesn't mean that you have to neglect your health. I know that you can't always be strong for me but I'm your Wife and Mate, so just remember that we're in this together. I'll always be by your side and even if I personally can't help, I might know someone who can so please don't write me off." He kissed the Alpha once more, but this time it was longer and more passionate than the last.

Danny sighed and smiled at Wolfie who looked about to reply before he stopped him with his palm raised. "No. You don't have to reply, just think about what I've said and take it to heart because I mean every word. I can't take care of our pup by myself because I've seen what stress can do to people and I don't want to ever see you in that position. You are the love of my life and Father to my child. I want you healthy for their birth. Please just remember that."

Without another word, he left Wolfie to mull over his words.

Hopefully he'll listen and not try to write Danny off because he was an Omega.

The Alpha could never outstubborn Danny.

So, even if he disregard Danny's words, he'll still involve himself because Wolfie was his responsibility just as much as he was to the Alpha.

Marriage was a partnership so anything that concerned his Husband also concerned him.

A sigh of aggravation escaped his lips as he headed towards the kitchen.

He just hoped that Victor could help Wolfie because seeing the Alpha this way was worrying him and that was something he didn't need because the pup was coming in three months time not counting the current month.

Fuck! Three fucking months and Wolfie was going almost catatonic with work.

Lukas and Persephone Hadrian were both a stain to society.


It was 6pm on the dot when Danny heard the sound of Wolfie's office door opening. He smiled and waited for the Alpha to join him in the living room.

It seemed as if Wolfie actually gave his words some thought. He was just happy that he didn't have to get up and fetch the Alpha himself.

He was also happy that Wolfie wasn't that far gone into his work that he forgot about boundaries.

"Dee?" Wolfie's voice broke him out of his thoughts and he looked at the Alpha before getting up off the couch; he approached the Alpha and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Good to see that you've kept your promise." He looked up at the Alpha and got up on his tip toes, waiting for Wolfie to lean down and connect their lips.

It didn't take long for Wolfie to do just that and within seconds, they were kissing.

Danny moaned lowly and tightened his grip around Wolfie's neck. "Hmm."

They spent the next few seconds kissing until those seconds turned into minutes.

Wolfie crouched and lifted Danny up and the Omega wrapped his legs around his hips.

Within seconds, Wolfie moved towards the couch and laid Danny down until he was hovering over them as they kissed. It didn't take long for Danny to break it and push him back, throughly confusing the Alpha.

"Huh?" He asked, looked at Danny in confusion.

The Omega smiled and pushed his shoulder until he got up off of him, sitting up on his knees as Danny got up and off the couch.

"Before we go any further, let's get something to eat. I've done bakes and fried codfish."

Wolfie's eyebrows furrowed. "Codfish? Bakes? Well thinking about it, I believed that I've heard of codfish before but I don't know what it looks like nor have I ever eaten it."

"Well, I assure you that they both taste delicious, so let's head into the kitchen," he replied, gesturing towards said kitchen before he got a move on. "Come on and let's eat, then we can continue where we left off."

Wolfie shrugged, a grin on his face as he followed the demanding Omega into the kitchen. "Are you sure that that's gonna be enough to fill us?"

Danny snorted and looked back at him. "You don't even know what it is but yes, it would be enough to fill us, now hurry up."

"Patience, baby. It's not like we have a schedule or anything."

"Oh, yes we do. I wanna eat so that we can cuddle and watch some Netflix. We hardly spent more than a couple minutes together today and I want my cuddles," he murmured, stepping into the kitchen where he immediately navigated towards the fridge. "What do you want to drink? No wine," He tacked on, seeing the familiar word about to leave the Alpha's lips. "There's coconut, apple, orange, strawberry and fruit punch."

"Neither. I'll just eat the bakes and cod like that," he replied.

"No." He looked Wolfie in the eyes and frowned. "Just because you can't drink wine with it doesn't mean that that that's it. Just try drinking some juice and if not, there's water."

Wolfie groaned and just walked towards the table, sitting down expectantly. "Fine, just give me any."

Danny looked at him with a grin and pulled the box of Apple juice out of the fridge. "Can't go wrong with the Classics." He placed the box down on the middle of the table then got two glasses, doing the same thing.

He then got two large plates and put 10 bakes on one for Wolfie along with a huge serving of codfish then put 5 bakes on his plate and a good amount of codfish. If he wanted anymore, he would just get it, but for now, this was good enough.

He placed his plate down then got the one for Wolfie, resting it down in front of him with a grin then sat down in the seat adjacent to his husband.

He poured them both a full glass of apple juice and looked at Wolfie with a smile on his face.

"Bon Appétit."

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