Stars Can't Shine Without Dar...

By MrsSociopath

1.5K 102 74

Kris is the new girl in a new town in a new school. She has gone there for one reason only and that is fresh... More

{Prologue} Kitty and James sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G
1. If first you don't succeed, bash the shit out'a it
2. I don't know, I don't care and it don't make any difference
3. Don't let an idiot ruin your day
4. If at first you don't succeed, keep sucking till you suck no more
5. You'd screw your own sister for a slice of cake!
6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
7. Never confuse your Knight in shining armor for an idiot in tinfoil
8. I am on a seafood diet; I see food and eat it
9. Obviously you have mistaken me for someone that gives a shit
10. Best way to not get your heart broken? Pretend you don't have one
11. You're the reason people have middle fingers
12. Your opinion is irrelevant, cause I don't like you
13. Family love is annoying and repetitive, like bad wallpaper
14. Before. Not B4. We speak English. Not Bingo
15. Your village called. They want there idiot back
16. You don't like me? Fuck you. Problem solved
17. I've never liked hide and seek.
18. Lift up your head Princess, if not the crown falls
19. I'll have a whiskey, with a side order of you
21. We're playing 20 questions, how big are your boobs?
22. I fell for you in between the hurting you
23. Remember when I asked for your opinion? Neither do I
24. I punched a girl in the face, now y'all want my autograph

20. Some people are just beautifully wrapped boxes of shit

46 4 8
By MrsSociopath

[ Copyrighted to MrsSociopath© ]

“Rule 1: if you do not go after what you want, you’ll never have it. Rule 2: if you do not ask, the answer will always be no. Rule 3: if you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.” Kris told Jack as he kept looking at one of the skater boys that were skating around the tarmac. 

Kris had come into school and had found a terribly love sick Jack peering at a boy with a buzz cut and a stud in his lip. It took Kris a moment to realise that it was Dylan, one of the skater boys she had met when she had first decided to take an adventure out to the tarmac. Apparently, Jack had been crushing on Dylan for months now. 

After he had explained the entire thing to her, she had automatically dragged him to the back of the school to where the entire skater guys hung out before sitting him down on a bench and giving him the pep talk of his life. However, even after thirty minutes of pep talk Jack was still sitting where he was and not moving.

Kris sighed and played with the hem of her black leather skirt she was wearing. She had completed her looks with thigh high black socks a black AC/DC tank top and her Dr Martins. It was a total contradiction to Jack who was wearing a pink I am a Barbie Girl top and skinny jean and daps. 

“I can’t do it!” Jack cried into Kris’s shoulder dramatically. “Cant I just date you? We shared an awesome kiss when you first got here!” Kris considered it for a moment before saying- 

“Deacon will murder you,” and pecking the boy on the cheek. Jack whimpered and leant his head in Kris’s lap. She absentmindedly stroked his bleach blonde hair in a friendly way. 

“Damn that boy and his annoyingly hot build, annoyingly masculine height and scarily cute eyes!” 

“Hey!” Kris yelled and slapped him at the back of the head. “Back off man!” 

“Ouch,” Jack rubbed his head before settling it back in Kris‘s lap. “So are you together now?” he asked. 

“I actually have no idea,” Kris mumbled. 

“How can you have no idea?” Jack asked. 

“Who has no idea of what?” Cas asked suddenly appearing from behind Kris. She jumped onto the bench next to Jack and looked up at Kris who was sitting on the tabletop expectantly. Kris took a moment to admire her outfit. She had a vest on with a funny Godzilla cartoon and bright green skinny jeans. Then she spotted the dark emerald scarf and her eyes saddened slightly.

“Krissy has no idea if her and Deacon are an item or not,” Jack told Cas interrupting Kris has thought process.

“Ok do you guys kiss?” Cas asked looking Kris dead in the eye.


“A lot?” 

“That is not your business.” 

“So yes basically. Do you talk?” 


“Does he get jealous when you talk to other guys?” 

“Yes…” Kris mumbled. Saying he was jealous was a complete understatement. Deacon had started a fight in The Cherry Patch over her. He had nearly broken a dudes arm for sliding a fiver dollar bills into her cleavage. He got into a fight with his best friend just for suggesting something sexual between the two of them.

“Then you’re dating,” Cas, stated simply. 

“Shut up,” Kris murmured. 

“No seriously…-” 

“Jack has a crush on a guy called Dylan who’s standing over there and he’s working up the courage to ask him out!” Kris shouted out. 

“WHAT!?” Cas screamed. “OMO! OMO! OMO! What are you waiting for Jack go ask him out!” Jack was just glaring at Kris as she smirked back at him. “Jack I swear to god you go and ask him out or I shall murder you in your sleep and feed you your own foot!” 

Jack and Kris just stared at the slightly insane Korean obsessed girl with a mixture of disbelief, shock, and for jack: fear. “Dude, what the fuck?” Kris stated. “The dude’s pissing his pants as it is no need for you to be a Pratt and scare him too.”  

“Sorry,” Cas mumbled. 

“You are not forgiven!” Jack squealed and flicked the girl’s nose. Kris held in her laugh. “Ok this is it,” Jack said and stood up suddenly. “I’m going to go and get myself a boyfriend.” Jack rubbed his fingers through his hair and popped a tic-tac in his mouth so his breath smelt minty. 

“Whoop! Whoop! Go Jack!” Kris and Cas screamed together. They watched as the bleached haired boy made his way towards the one with the buzz cut. Dylan seemed to suddenly start fiddling with his lip ring as he noticed Jack was getting closer to him. Jack was not sure the boy was nervous or trying to distract himself because he could not believe that the ‘faggot’ was coming over to talk to him. 

“He looks nervous and he’s blushing,” Cas whispered excitedly. 

“He looked like that before he went over there,” Kris said referring to Jack. 

“I’m talking about the other one! What was it you said his name was?” Cas asked with a frown. 

“Dylan!?” Kris gasped. “Dylan looks nervous? Really? Oh my god! There are too many feels to comprehend!” Kris looked over and realised that if she looked close enough she could see a faint blush peppering Dylan’s cheeks. Aw, that was incredibly cute. 

A small little red headed girl started to make her way towards the table were the school misfits were sited observing there friend trying to get a boyfriend. She was nervous. The red head had heard that the new girl was somewhat intimidating and the Cas was an insane bitch that lied about things. She was sweating and wishing she had not lost at rock paper scissors so she would not have to fetch them. 

“Um excuse me?” she stuttered. Suddenly Kris and Cas whipped there heads in her direction. Cas stood up and crossed her arms looking defensive, just as Kris swivelled on her bum and dangled one of her legs off the table and the other crushed up against her chest. She cocked her head to the side and looked the girl up and down. 

“Hello there,” Kris smirked. “Can we help you?” she asked politely. The red head broke out in sweats. 

“Uh, you’re… you’re Kristin Reeds and Cassandra Hopper, correct?” the red head knew they were but she wanted to say something that made her look less nervous. 

“Yes,” Cas said coldly. 

“And yes,” Kris added. 

“Okay that’s good, um you guys know that you’re up for um… you knows, prom queen?” she asked nervously. Kris and Cas shared a look. They were both thinking about messing around with the five-foot nothing red head but thought better of it. The girl looked like she was about to soil herself just being in there presence. 

“We heard something about it,” Kris grimaced. Cas clicked her fingers awkwardly. 

“Yeah well, I kind of need you to come with me to the gymnasium,” the red head said. 

“And why would we want to do that… uh…,” Kris trailed off not knowing the girls name. 

“Oh Lauren Divers,” she mumbled out. “It’s because we need to be doing some stuff with the summer Prom. You know talk themes and stuff and take photos, see who makes it into the second round.” 

“Second round? What is this Total Wipe Out? Do you have to compete in rounds while random people throw soupy rubber balls at us and swim across pools in spandex shorts?” Kris asked sarcastically. Lauren just looked confused. “Oh we don’t have prom back home.” 

“Oh,” Lauren whispered. “Um so can you guys just follow-” 

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, guess who has a date tonight!” Jack screamed running back towards the girls like a happy puppy. “I’m so happy, he said yes, Dylan is bisexual and hopefully this will lead to more sexual! Oh my god Kris yes! It shall be like you and Deacon!” 

“Deacon and I aren’t dating you idiot.” 

“You and Deacon aren’t dating!?” the read head squeaked in surprise before suddenly snapping her mouth shut. Three sets of eyes snapped to her and she backed away awkwardly. 

“Who’s the scary tiny ginger haired girl that's ease dropping on our conversation and why hasn’t Cas threatened to kill her in her sleep and feed her her own foot yet?” Jack suddenly asked. Lauren squeaked nervously and little beads of perspiration started leaking down her head. 

“See this would be funny if he was joking,” Cas mused. 

“They’re not joking,” Kris grinned and patted the tiny persons head reassuringly. 

“Is she supposed to be doing that?” Jack asked slowly as they looked at the red heads body lying on the floor just a couple of feet in front of them. 

“I think… and this is just guessing… that she fainted,” Cas said. 

“No shit Sherlock!” Kris hit Cas up the side of the head. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

The gymnasium was very vast, that was the first thing that registered with Kris when she entered through the green double doors with Cas by her side, it was big and there was lots of room. There were bleachers lining two sides of the hall opposite each other and in the middle standing around was a cluster of students that Kris did not know nor care to know. They were all talking nosily until they saw Cas and Kris then the hall were doused into silence. 

Laura, the little red head, was standing in-between them both. Each girl had an arm wrapped around her and was doing there best to keep her from fainting again. Earlier, after she had fainted, Kris had realised the girl was light enough to Carry so picked her up bridal style like she would with Grace back home when her friend fell asleep on the sofa and carried the read head to the nurses office. 

She came too after about ten minutes and fell down as soon as she had tested out her legs. Her knees were still weak. Therefore, being the polite and friendly people that Kris and Cas were decided to help her back to the gymnasium. But standing in front of the crowd of students the little red head looked as if she were about to faint again. She obviously did not do well when being the centre of attention, Kris thought. 

Cas let go of Laura and skipped over to one of the sets of bleachers in her happy leprechaun on crack kind of way. Kris smirked, that was how Cas coped with the attention she noticed, she revelled in it and escalated it until she was the only thing in the room that people cared about. Sighing Kris bent down, scooped up the tiny person, and carried her over to bleachers next to Cas. 

Laura was placed down in the red plastic chairs that did not look at all comfortable. Kris looked around the room to see everyone was now whispering in hushed tones. She rolled her hazel eyes. That is when he caught her eyes. On the third row on the back, slouched down in one of the red plastic chairs with his feet kicked up on the one in front of him. Deacon. 

A shrill whistle screamed through the halls and everybody cringed. A woman wearing green sweats walked into the gym. Although she resembled the back end of an ape, the red lipstick she was wearing, mostly on her teeth, was as if she were trying to remind people she was in fact a woman. Her blonde hair was in a ridiculously tight perm and her fat jiggled with each step. 

“Everyone line up!” she shouted. “Boys one side, girl the other, move now! Go, go, go!” people moved double speed, even Cas who snatched up Kris hand and pulled her besides her. Kris was surprised at how scared everyone was of the hairy she-man P.E teacher. 

“Jesus if we live through this we have to plan a way of murdering her,” Cas whispered into Kris’s ear. Kris cocked an eyebrow at her friend. 

“Deacon Daniels!” the she-man P.E teacher called. Kris’s head shot up. Deacon was still seated where Kris had last seen him. He had not moved. He was still living up to his bad boy reputation. “Did you not hear my instructions?” the she-man P.E teacher asked rudely. Deacon listed one of his shoulders indifferently. After ten more minutes of glaring Deacon sighed and finally moved to the end of the boy’s line. 

“He’s so sexy,” someone murmured in the girl’s line. Kris looked down two spaces and she noticed the blonde cheerleader from her first day of school biting her lip and eye raping Deacon. “I want him.” 

“Isn’t he dating the new girl?” the other blonde standing next to her whispered. 

“Who cares if he is or isn’t, everyone wants me,” she huffed and flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Obviously.” Kris cussed quietly and crossed her arms. The look on her face would have the cheerleader six feet under and that was exactly where Kris wanted her to be. 

“Aren’t some people just beautifully wrapped boxes of shit,” Kris mumbled. 

“Huh?” Cas asked. Kris just continued to glare at the couple of bimbos. 

“Ok ladies!” the she-man P.E teacher roared. “This is how this is going to go down for those of you that have never been nominated before. There are twenty of you here. Ten boys and ten girls. There will be three stages of this thing. Yes, we start with ten but that then goes to five and then three lucky women and gents. On very day of prom, one pair out of those three will be voted prom king and queen by the student body of course. Do you all understand!?” there was a grumbled reply of yes’s. 

Kris was so confused and she felt as if her brain was about to explode in her head. Why were things so confusing here? Why couldn’t they just vote the three people and then decide who the actual people are on the day? Kris was fed up with this all already. 

“Okay, today we shall be taking pictures of all of you. So everyone hustle!” the she-man P.E teacher shouted before marching everyone into position. The girls were sat in the front on the first row and the guys were sat behind us. However, what annoyed Kris was the fact that the she-man P.E teacher positioned her and Cas at opposite ends of the bench. 

Sitting behind Kris was the boy who had thrown the American football at her. He looked about six foot and had dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. When he noticed Kris, staring her winked at her and flexed his arm muscles. Kris rolled her eyes and faced the front again. There was a small scramble behind her begging her to turn around. 

“Get up and move, you look at her again you’ll be in big trouble,” Deacons hard-edged voice echoed around Kris’s head. “Count to three and then move like we never had this conversation.” Three seconds passed and there was another shuffle before it went quiet. Kris frowned and turned around to see a smirking Deacon just where the cute blonde boy had been seated. 

“Oh, hi,” Kris said slowly. 

“Oh hi? All I get is an ‘oh hi’?” Deacon mused. 

“Yes,” Kris said before turning around. The she-man P.E teacher was now telling everyone to face the camera and just as Kris smiled, Deacon came in close to her ear. 

“No,” he growled and roughly kissed her cheek. Kris gasped just as the flash went off. 

“Alright that’s it!” the she-man P.E teacher yelled. “Go back to boys on one side and girls on the other!” Deacon got up from his seat and flicked Kris on the nose before walking over to the other side of the gymnasium. 

“Bastard,” Kris grumbled while rubbing her nose and cheek simultaneously. She stood up and joined the end of the line where Cas was smirking at her. “You saw didn’t you?” Kris asked with a sigh. Cas just nodded. “Shut up.” 

“Alright girls! I want you all to write your names on the notice board outside of the gymnasium as you head out. Those of you that forget will be spending extra time with after school!” the she-man P.E teacher grinned evilly before dismissing everyone. Sighing Kris and Cas left the gymnasium together. Cas writes her name down on the paper and just as she passed the pen to Kris Adam appeared. 

“Hey Kris!” Adam said. Kris noticed Cas visibly tense and excused herself before she put on her headphones and skipped away down the halls. 

“Uh hey Adam,” Kris replied. Before quickly scribbling her name down on the list. “What are you doing here?” she asked as nicely as possible. 

“Oh I’m here to sign up for the help committee with the school Prom,” Adam grinned as if he had just one the lottery. “That way you and I could spend some time together since we’ve hardly seen each other lately.” It was only then that Kris noticed the list next to the one with all the prom Kings and Queens Nominees names on it. 

“Oh that’s real sweet of you,” Kris answered and watched as Adam scrolled down his name on the white peace of lined paper. 

“Yeah I know, I’m just a naturally nice guy, you know?" he said with a small smile. “Well I have to go; I will see you at Lunch maybe?" He said hopefully before turning and walking away. Kris glanced at Adams name on the sheet. The writing was weird and squiggly and Kris could barely make out the boys last name. After a large amount of squinting, she could finally read it: 

                      Adam Laurence 

Kris frowned. Why did that sound familiar? Kris turned and started heading off to find Cas. She froze mid-step. Cas. Adam. No, it could not be. That is why the name had sounded familiar. Adam Laurence. David Laurence. He was David Laurence’s son. Adam was the son of the man who raped Cas. 


 I'd appreciate some feedback on this chapter please. I want your opinion on my story so far and what you would like to happen later on in it. 

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