
By DesraViolet

37.7K 543 70

Previously 'Rejected And Accepted' #899 in werewolf (04/09/20) {WARNING ! This isn't a really good book. Alth... More

03|Back to the Past
05| Reunion
06| Training
07| Truth
8| Date?
100 READS!!!
09| Guess Who's Back?
10| In Denial
11| Enemy?
12| Pain
13| Visitation
15| Party
Wedding Aesthetic
17| Two Lines
18| Wedding
19| Gender Reveal
20| Death
(Not a chapter) Baby Rooms and The Kids
Special Thanks!
Thank you!
Last Chapter
6 thousand reads


1.1K 12 2
By DesraViolet

Warning: The following chapter might be triggering and mature. I advise, for younger readers, to skip. If you don't want to. I'm not stopping you. Although, I will not be held responsible.
"They're getting nearer, Chlo." I heard a voice mutter, lowly.

"How are they doing this? Have you been anywhere near their territory, Cole?" Another voice whispered.

"No, the last time I went even near the line was when I needed to go to the city. Do you think they picked up on my scent?" The voice, Cole, said.

Who was getting nearer? Who was picking up scents?

"Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have hooked up with that..." I'm guessing, Chloe, was cut off.

"Seriously, Chlo! We're in the midst of hiding and you hooked-up with some rouge?!" The very mad Cole whisper-shouted. To be followed by a clang of metal.

"Look - I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I was drunk."

Stupid excuse if you ask me.

I heard a sharp intake of air, "That's bullshit, Chloe - you know what? How many guards are guarding, as of now?"

"Um - twelve? Why?"

They seriously think twelve us enough to take on an Alpha? You've gotta be kidding me.

"Damn it, Chloe! That's not even close to 1/4 of the men they brought! Are you insane?!" Cole thundered.

"Shut the fuck up, Cole. You'll wake her up. Wouldn't want her to know that her silly mate is after her, do we?" Chloe warned.


"Whatever, we need more men on guard. Seriously, what were you thinking?" Cole scolded.

"Fine, I'll find a couple more men. Till' then, watch her, okay?" Chloe groaned. Then a door slammed, I'm guessing Chloe left and Cole is the only one here in this room.

"You can open your eyes now."

What! He knows?

I peeped my eyes open and stared at him, confused.

"H-how?" I croaked. My voice was dry from the lack of water they had given me.

Cole rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Your body was way to tense to be sleeping. Besides, my voice was too loud." I nodded, reluctantly. "Why didn't you tell Chloe?"

He stared at me, "What good will that do? You still won't be able to get out of those chains and if you could, your body would be too frail and weak."

Point given.

"Cole? May I ask you a question?"

He glared at me, "Hell no. Shut up or you won't be able to eat today. You're lucky my sister is kind enough to feed you."

Kind. What a strange word.

I nodded and looked down, completely silent. While I was at it, I inspected my lower half's physique.

Let me tell you, it wasn't far from what my top half looked like. The outline of my bones started to show and I looked very pale. My skin was dry and dirty. I haven't had a bath ever since I got of training. I smell horrible. I was still wearing the same shit I did during practice.

That's right, the extremely sweaty one.


"I'm back, I also got a few more guys to stand guard." A very tired looking Chloe entered. Cole snapped his head towards his sister, "How many?" Chloe had a dazed look on her face as she started counting her manicured nails.

"Ten? Give or take."

Ten? Seriously.

I wanted to laugh at her saying she had no chance but I kept quiet.

"Still not enough but it'll do, for now." Cole shrugged, tensely.

Chloe then flared straight at me. My body tensed, as she made her way towards me.

Then out of the blue; Slap. Kick. Punch.

"There, your pretty much healed so I had to ruin things up a bit." She smirked. I just glared at her, "Got something to say bitch?" She sneered.

I managed to smirk, sassily. "Were to you born on a high way? Because that's usually where accidents are made."

I seriously deserve a high-five. On the face. With a goddamn chair.

She smiled, sadistically at me, "You think you're funny, don't you? We'll see." She turned to Cole, "Cole, I'm getting tired of her bitchy attitude. Do what you need to do."

Cole got up, greedily and marched his way towards me.

The chains were gone but the rope stayed. Chloe just stared at me with a cynical look on her features.

"I'm gonna have fun, fucking you." Cole said, sinisterly.

The color that was left of my face drained. W-was he going to rape me? Cole grabbed my tied writs and dragged me towards the stairs of the stone house. I moved and grunted all the way there.

Oh My Gosh!

My mind was hazy and suddenly I felt a soft thing on my back. I was on a bed. I screamed and yelled for help as he unbuckled his jeans.

"Help! Someone Help me!" I yelled, frantically. Cole grabbed my ankles. He was wearing his boxers now.

"No one is going to hear you scream, slut." He whispered, cynical.

"Help! Help!"

He covered my mouth with his belt and slapped me. "Shut the fuck up!"

Just then he was ripped away from me and I cried severely. A crack filled the room, to be followed by a ear-piercing howl of misery. A pair of arms encircled around me. "Shh, it's me. It's me. I'm here." Aidan's familiar voice whispered soothingly.

I raised my eyes to meet his, "Aidan? Oh My Goddess, Aidan!" I cried on his naked chest. "Don't cry, now baby. I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you earlier."

Then a horrible thought came to mind, "What about C-Chloe?" Aidan gritted his teeth together, "She's taken care of." I looked around the room to see Cole's dead body lying on the ground.

With that, I collapsed. Giving in to the darkness.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

What the hell is that sound?

'It's called a heart monitor.' My wolf, sassily commented.

Wait, wolf?

'Yes, I'm back. I'm sorry I took so long.' Reina whimpered.

'What do you mean? Where am I ?' I asked.

'Open your eyes.'

Now noticing I had my eyes closed, I peeled them open. Only for them to shut because of the blinding light; unconsciously letting out a groan in the process.

"Baby? Are you awake?" A hoarse voice said beside me. I groaned, "Lights.." A sexy chuckle left the lips of the person. "Open your eyes now, love."

I peeled my eyes open, once again. I looked beside to see a very distressed looking Aidan. I attempted to sit up.

Well, attempted.

Aidan immediately pushed me back down slowly, "No, not yet. I'm going to call the doctor if your okay to sit up." I nodded, reluctantly.

He pressed a button that was located near my bed and gave me a kiss on the side of my temple.

I gave him a smile in return, "Aidan? How long have I been hospitalized?" He frowned and sat down on the small armchair beside my bed.

"A week." As those words left his mouth a gasp escaped my lips. A week? A whole week?

'Is this true?' I asked Reina.

'Yeah, you really went through something.' She whimpered, slightly.

"W-what happened?" I whispered lowly.

Aidan sighed and ran a hand through his locks, "Well, after I saved you from that bastard, you asked about Chloe and I said it was all take care of - you collapsed. I called the pack doctor and took you back home. You were under a lot of stress and was sleep deprived. Not to mention you've broken a couple of bones and lack of nutrients."

I was silent, Aidan took that as a sign to continue.

"Your friends went back to their pack to gather a few stuff. They said they wanted to stay here for a while." I nodded, "While you were - asleep, you were injected with nutrients to keep you healthy. That's about it."

Then the doctor came in, "Hello Luna, Alpha." He bowed and turned to me, "Luna, I will be running a few tests on you to check if your doing well."

I nodded and he proceeded to do his procedures while Aidan held my hand and gave a reassuring smile.


"Oh My Goddess, Kendra!" The sound of Donna's scream reached my ears.

I left the pack hospital a week ago after the doctor said I was free to go ten times. Yes, ten. Aidan needed to hear that I was indeed okay to leave ten - goddamn - times.

'You love it though.' Reina teased.

'Yeah, I do.'

Donna and the girls crushed me in a tight hug before I could continue my chat with Reina.

"You don't know how much we were worried. I wanted to castrate Blake for not letting me find you earlier." Donna said, jokingly.

I chuckled, "I hope you didn't, I want to have nieces and nephews one day."

"Oh, I didn't." She winked.

"Oh! Since were on the topic of children." Jess said, excitedly. "I'm pregnant!"

My jaw literally touched the floor and my eyes were wide as saucers.

"That's amazing, Jess! How far long are you?" I asked after the girls congratulated her. She smiled, widely. "Five weeks."

I grinned, "That's amazing. What do you wan it to be?"

"Hm, I was thinking of a girl? If not a boy would be equally amazing." She paused, "But never mind that! Let's talk about you. We only have a couple of hours before the guys get back."

I nodded and shrugged, "There really isn't anything interesting as of lately."

"Seriously? Nothing? How are you and Aidan." Lily perked up, excited.


"I haven't seen him for a couple of days lately. He's always busy." I said, frowning.

Donna shared a look with Lily and Jess before smiling at me, "Well, since there isn't anything interesting. What about we go out tonight? Just the three of us?"

I smiled, "That would be amazing, although, I'm pretty sure Aidan wouldn't approve."

Jess muttered something incoherent under her breath.

"What was that?" I asked Jess.

Her lips turned into a flat line, "Oh nothing. But, I'm sure Aidan would be okay with it."

I have a bad feeling about this.

I nod, nonetheless. "Okay? When do we get ready?" They smiled and cheered, "Right now!"

Oh, boy.

Two hours later...

The girls had chosen a white silky dress with red floral designs and reached a few inches before my knees which they paired them with white pumps. My hair was curled into a perfect updo and my make-up was done flawlessly.

Lily was dressed in a short chiffon lavender dress with white lace-up heels and her hair in a tight elegant bun. Jess was wearing a navy blue dress with black ballerina flats her hair curled to perfection. Donna was wearing an emerald lace dress that reached her knees and black pumps her hair was styled into a loose bun.

"We look amazing!" Lily squealed.

I grinned, "Yes, we do. So where are we going?"

Jess perked up, "Yeah, but it's a surprise."

I looked at her weirdly before nodding.

Donna passed me a blind fold, "What am I going to do with this?"

Donna smirked, "It's part of the surprise."

I looked at her warily before gathering the strip of fabric from her hands and wrapped it around my eyes, loosely.

"Uh-uh, take that off, we'll do it for you." Lily tsks, untying the fabric from my eyes.

"Okay - I just want you to know, that if you kill me you'll be in hell and your conscience will haunt you forever and you'll feel guilty and-" Jess cuts me out of my rant and frowned, "You think we're going to kill y-you?" Then she bursts into tears.

Oh goddess.

'Oh, goddess, indeed.' Reina whispered, lowly.

"Damn pregnancy hormones. Now, my make up is dripping away!" Jess cursed frantically before bursting into tears again. Donne rubbed her back and cooed, "It's okay, we still have time to fix it."

Jess smiled through her tears, "R-Really?" Lily and I nodded, "Yeah, totally."

She squealed and Donna started doing her make up.

Thirty minutes later she's done and Lily tied the blindfold over my eyes, tightly and started guiding me out the room.

"Jeez, slow down. I'm going to fall." I warned.

I heard Donna snicker, "We'll catch you, Kenny."

Ugh, I hate that name.

I groaned and the girls just giggled. A few moments later something started brushing up my calf. Grass. We were in a grassy meadow or field.

"Guys? Are we in the forest? Please don't kill me!" I whispered, frantically.

"Shut up, we won't kill you. Aidan would kill us if we would even pull a strand of your hair." Donna shivered.

I shrugged, "Fair point."

We then came to a stop, we were still somewhere on the grassy field and my arms were still tightly held by the girls.

"Are we here?" I said to no one in particular. Why? There were whispers and the girls let go of my hand and I was alone. Everything was quiet.

"Take the blindfold off, Kendra." The velvety voice of my mate commanded. I gulped, Curse you girls! They lead me to my doom. I knew Aidan would find out.

I, shakily, took off the blindfold and let out a breath.

But, what was in front of me caused me to take an intake of air.

It was Aidan, on the center, on one knee. The words 'Will You Marry Me?' Was written on the grass with rose petals. There tables and food behind him. Fairy lights were placed on top of the poles.

But my breath hitched when they landed on the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.

It was a gold band with a beautiful sapphire stone in the middle with minimal gold embellishments.

My hands went up to my mouth and tears gathered at the side of my eyes. My friends and pack members stood all around me with smiles on their faces.

My eyes stopped on Aidan, he looked nervous.

My wolf was squealing inside my head.

"Kendra, the first time I met you - didn't go so well. I was mean and stupid and let's not forget immature. The years you were gone was my wake-up call. I missed you and I thought-" he gulped, "sleeping with other she-wolves would fill the whole you left in my heart. But, it didn't. Now, you came back and words can't describe how beautiful, smart, sassy and strong you are. it was like I fell in love with you all over again. I'm so glad I could call you my mate." Traitorous tears started dripping, "But, I want to move another step. So, Kendra Violet, will you marry me?"

My tears were now leaving my face and I nodded frantically. Aidan smirked, "Gotta use words babe or it would be invalid." I laughed through my tears, "Y-Yes! Yes, oh my goddess a million times yes!"

The crowed cheered and laughed as I said my answer. But, all I could focus on was Aidan as he made his way towards me.

Once he made it he slipped the ring on my finger and before I knew it his lips were on mine.


Happy New Year! I hope you liked this chapter. Please Vote, Comment and Follow! Love you!


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