
By FanfictionxLife

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~Lance Is The Top~ ~Keith is the Bottom~ ( The good chapters are the most recent ) There will also be the fol... More

Chapter 1 ( Feelings?..)
Chapter 2 (Crush?..)
Chapter 3 (A moment..)
Chapter 4 ( A kiss? )
Chapter 5 (Love c;)
Chapter 6 (Telling Everyone the truth....o-o )
Chapter 7 (Sick..)
Chapter 8 ( Cookies.. )
Chapter 9 ( Vampire🌙 )
Chapter 10 ( Vampire Part 2 🌙)
Chapter 11 ( Vampire part 3 🌙 )
Chapter 12 ( The Car 😏 )
Chapter 13 (The Car Part 2? 😏)
Chapter 14 (Punishment ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Chapter 15 (Keith, Where you at??)
Chapter 16 ( Finding out a few things.. )
Chapter 17 (The Bartender..)
Chapter 18 ( The Bartender part 2 )
Chapter 19 (Birthday Surprise!)
Chapter 20 ( A weird night )
Chapter 21 (A weird night 2)
Chapter 22 (The teddy bear)
Chapter 23 (Cashier!)
Chapter 24 (Cashier part 2)
Chapter 25 (Beach Day)
Chapter 26 (Beach Day 2)
Chapter 27 (Thanksgiving)
Chapter 28 (The Popular Kid)
Chapter 29 (The Popular kid 2)
Chapter 30 (Popular kid part 3)
Chapter 31 (Christmas Special)
Chapter 32 (Newbie?)
Chapter 34 (Old guy)
Chapter 35 (Old Guy 2)
-Tagged Challenge-
Chapter 36 (Allura's Mistake)
Chapter 37 (Shiro? Is that really you?..)
Chapter 38 (Smexy)
Chapter 39 (te amo)
Chapter 40 (Rachel!)
Chapter 41 (touchy situation)
Chapter 42 (did allura screw up?)

Chapter 33 (Newbie? 2)

2.6K 49 115
By FanfictionxLife

Setting - Earth


-Small Summary-

Keith POV

Someone knocked the door as we were talking, Shiro went to answer it and as he saw who it was his face lit up.

Who is it? Allura? A new person?? A old friend??


The person who knocked the door was wearing a suit, His tie was a dark shade of red, Resembling to the color of blood. I couldn't clearly see his face but I already had an Idea of who it is.

"Hello," The guy said to Shiro, Who was really cheerful for some odd reason.

Shiro gave a simple smile and walked outside, Closing the door behind him as he talked to the 'Newbie'. Who is it?? I know it's a guy, Since his figure was different then Alluras would be. Allura is the only other girl Shiro talks to, Well theirs Pidge to but still.

Pidge came to the living room and laid down on the couch. Groaning in agony, She stared at me and called me over. I walked over to her and asked what's wrong.

"Stop being curious and sing be a lullaby Mullet," She groaned again.

"You want me to sing you a lullaby?" I asked in disbelief.

"Fine, Sing a nursery rhyme or something. Like twinkle twinkle little star." She said.

"I don't really know how the rhyme goes though.." I warned.

"Just sing. Please. I'm tired." She mumbled, Closing her eyes slowly.

I gave a nod as I cleared my throat.

"Okay, Twinkle twinkle whatever goes next, Ill sing it." I said.

"Hm.." I thought about the lines for a second. "Here's my version of it, My biological father told me this one.." the thought of my father isn't so pleasant.

But of coarse I must be strong. Anyways—

"Twinkle Twinkle little star..I will hit you with my car, Throw you off a roof so high! Run you over and hope you die!" I sung.

Pidges eyes sprung open as she stared at me.

"You have one heck of a dark childhood, Alright." She sighed. "How about singing, Uh..Jack and Jill!" Pidge said with excitement.

"Okay..Uhm, Once again my biological father told me these so if I'm incorrect uhm Sorry?" I said.

"Don't worry about it!" Pidge said, She then closed her eyes once again.

Here goes nothing...

"..Jack and Jill went up the hill to smoke a little leaf..Jack got high and pulled down his fly, and Jill said where's the beef.." I said.

Hunk was passing by and literally spat out his drink from his mouth, Coughing like crazy. Pidge on the other hand was laughing and wide awake now.

"Yo, Lance! Keith got a fucked up childhood!" Pidge said.

Lance came to the living room.

"What do you mean?" He asked. He knows I do but he's still confused for some odd reason.

"His nursery rhymes his father told him, Ask him." Pidge laughed.

"Okay, Say uh Jack and Jill." Lance said.

"He already-"

"I'll just say a different version my Father told me." I shrugged.

They stared at me, Waiting for me to speak.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill so Jack could lick her candy..But Jack got a shock and a mouthful of cock, Cuz Jill's real name was Randy." I said bluntly.

"That's my Gay Boyfriend!" Lance laughed as he hugged me.

I smiled at Pidge, She knew that wasn't a actual nursery rhyme my father told me..Those are too dark to say..

I laughed and then looked at the door, Shiro was still outside so we decided to go take a peek to see who he's with.

Lance and I were the first ones to peek through the door, Then Pidge got onto Lances back too get a better view. Hunk was already tall, So he just leaned a little to look.

Shiro was outside with...Adam!? Wait, Adams here!

"A-Adam..Shiro didn't tell me Adam was here!?" I whisper yelled.

"Who's Adam??" Lance And Hunk asked.

"Shiros ex boyfriend..I think I'm gonna scream of happiness because Adam was the nicest ex Shiro has had.." I said.

"Don't run their Keith, They'll know We're eavesdropping on them!" Pidge whisper yelled at me.

I couldn't hold back, Adam was so kind to Shiro..They broke up when I was younger because Adams family moved away, Then when he came back after a whole year Shiro went to be a soldier to fight the wars.

They tried to make it work, But it didn't really happen..Adam was like a brother to me, He was so kind! I knew Shiro since he used to come past the adoption center when I was around 15-16 years old.

He used to tell me about his problems whenever he came to say hi to the other kids their. That's how we became friends, Crazy eh? Haha.

But any who, now they're both here! I'm so happy for Shiro, He looks so excited.

I can't hold it anymore.

"Adam!" I yelled as I ran to him and gave him a big hug. Hunk, Lance, And Pidge fell down in front of the door and Shiro stared at them then laughed.

"Ey, Keith right? Long time no see!" Adam smiled. I kept hugging him, nodding my head.

"And he's my Boyfriend," Lance said as he shook hands with Adam.

"Yep!" I smiled proudly.

"I'm so happy for you Keith, remember what I told you when we first met, When Shiro brought me to you at the adoption center."

"Yea, You said.." I spoke.

"Find a heart that loves you at your worst. And arms that will hold you at your weakest.." Adam and I said in unison.

"You do remember!" He pinched my cheeks.

"Now go to your boyfriend before he murders me in my sleep," Adam said nervously.

I nodded and stopped hugging him, Walking over to Lance and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Totally.." Lance growled lowly.

"Calm down, Sharpshooter." I said.

"Anyways, Why were you and Shiro talking?" I asked Adam.

"Well..Since we finally reunited after a while, We wanted to start hanging out again. Heh" Adam smiled.

Shiro nodded in response and whispered 'Leave now before I kill you' as if he's playing charades.

We went inside and let the two hooligans get on with their day and have their moments. But then Pidge started to randomly attack Lance with a water bottle, Screaming 'Seriously!?' Really loudly.

I made sure the door was closed so Shiro and Adam can spend time in peace, Not having to worry about noise. They're probably gonna go to the park right now or something to hang out anyways.

"Why're you fighting!?" I said in a confused tone.

"I stubbed my toe and it hurts and I wanna cry!" Lance whined.

"I feel worse pain than that every single month for seven days!!" Pidge said, "Now man up!"

I didn't know if I should help Lance or agree with Pidge, They Both got a point. And they both suffer pain. Hmm..

"I'm on Pidges side," I stated. "Women go through hell for those seven days, Props to you Pidge." I smiled.

"Thanks!" She finally calmed down and smiled at me.

"Why're you taking her side!? My toe though!!" Lance huffed.

I shrugged and walked to the Kitchen, Hunk made a fresh batch of homemade cookies. He went to take a shower and told us that we can eat it while he's gone, Even though it's pretty hot.

I took a bite out of the cookie. Yum! Hunk never disappoints me with his amazing cooking skills.

Lance walked over to the kitchen and took a handful of the cookies.

"H-H-HOT!!" He squealed as he dropped the cookies on the kitchen table.

"You deserved it for arguing with me," Pidge whisper yelled from the living room.

I just walked away once again, Letting them argue about the hot cookies now, Well that's that. I heard a faint knock at the door and went to answer it, Who can it be?

It was Grey, Whys Grey dresses as a clown? What the heck.

"Uh, Sorry for the sudden intrusion but uhm, Shiro called me here." Grey said.

"It's fine, But uhm...Why? Why are you dressed as a clown? And why did Shiro call you here?" I said, This is confusing.

"Uhm...Reasons?" He said.

"Okay! Come on in!" I smiled.

He started to walk inside until I stopped him.

"Okay, For real though what the hells going on?" I said bluntly.

Grey whispered to me, Telling me all the tea, And I just gave simple nods and 'Mhm's'.

Lance on the other hand, Watched from a bird eyes view, Looking jealous. But why? Does he think were talking about something out of the ordinary?

He is certainly mistaken of coarse. Oh well, It feels nice to know that your loved one is jealous because of a meaningless conversation you're having with someone else.

Honestly makes me feel superior, As if I have the upper hand here. Swell.

I tell Grey that I want to trick Lance, And so we begin to laugh and smile at each other while Lance is trying to keep his hands behind his back.

"Haha, You're such a comedian!" I laugh softly.

"And you're my lucky charm," Grey winked.

Lance just shrugged the feeling off and turned around to watch the t.v, Time for plan B!

"it's not working, Think of something to say that'll make his blood boil." I whispered.

"If you says so," Grey shrugged.

"I love you're eyes, And uh...Your hairs beautiful with the perfect amount of curls!" I smile.

"You know Keith, You're so hot...Even my pants are falling for you!" Grey tried to say loudly, To catch Lances attention.

Lance started to watch our every move. Pfft, This is hilarious!

"Aw, Are you Trying to flirt with me?" I said, I then tried to make myself blush but it didn't work.

"Yea, Oh and I met the mailman the other day," He said.

"Really? How come?" I said, Kinda wondering if he stopped the joking.

"I tried to send you something sexy, but the mailman told me to get out of the mailbox," Grey said.

"What-" That.Was.Wow. Impressive for someone like Grey, I'm proud of him.

Lance came and stood in between us, Death staring Grey then looking to see if I even have a hint of 'Aw' on my face, Seeing that nothing was found he stared back at Grey.

"You trying to flirt with my man?" Lance huffed, Growling deeply. Well shit, He's mad.

"You trying to talk to my husband?" Grey said, Lance then went closer to him.

"You're what!?-" Lance growled louder.

"- Hold up, I was kidding!" Grey said.

"He was, Really! We were just trying to trick you...It definitely worked alright." I said, Holding Lances arm so he can't fully attack poor Grey.

"Yep, But I swear if you do that again I will murder you infront of your friends and family and then let the wild animals eat you alive," Lance said coldly.

"You know what Keith, Tell Shiro something came up- Uh- See ya!" He said before vanishing out the door.

Lance went to the door so I followed him like a cat. He sat on the bed and sighed before looking at me.

"Why did yo-"

"Whatever, I don't care." Lance shrugged. He looked around before whispering, "Give me a hug please.."

I smiled and gave him a big warm hug! He nuzzled my neck before sighing.

"I get jealous easily...Sorry emo tea." He said.

"Don't call me that," I warned, Even though I was secretly fine with it. "But I know...I shouldn't have done that prank, Sorry." I sighed.

"We're through-," He said.

"Mm, Watcha say?!" I quickly said, Shocked. (If ya know the song :3 )

"We're through this jealousy side of me, I will try not to be jealous anymore, Gosh you didn't even wait to let me finish speaking!" He laughed.

I crossed my arms but sighed in relief, Walking out to the living room. Now it's time for the surprise!

Shiro knocked on the door so Hunk went and opened it, Adam had a blindfold over his eyes so he won't be able to see the surprise.

Shiro helped him up the stairs.

"Don't make me fall," Adam laughed nervously, Shiro nodded but then realized that Adam cant see him due to the blindfold.

"Don't worry, I would never let you fall," Shiro brought him to the top of the stairs then led him to the couch, Letting him sit down.

"Wait here Okay?" Shiro said.

"Okay," Adam smiled.

Shiro quickly went to the room and came back with a small present box.

"Okay, You can take your blindfold off!" Shiro said excitedly.

Adam gently took off his blindfold and looked in front of him, Seeing the present box.

"You got me a present! Thank you, But you didn't have to Shiro!" Adam said with joy and curiosity.

He started opening the present and found a small black box, It was a little fuzzy but not to much. He opened it up and saw a diamond bracelet inside, The initials of the day Shiro and him met engraved on it.

Aw, That's so cute!

"S-Shiro, Why are you so sweet!?" Adam said as tears started to form at the crease of his eyes.

"Read the card," Shiro simply said while smiling. Adam grabbed the card and started reading it.

"Dear Adam, I know we've been close friends for a long time, And at one point even closer. I wish to spend my life with you, Since you came back I just really wanted to ask you this question." Adam sucked in his breathe, Reading on.

"Adam, Will you be my boyfriend?" Adam read, Shiro said it at the exact same time as well.

I'm gonna die, This is just too cute for my cold hearted soul. Lance was in the kitchen watching to see what his answer will be while Pidge and Hunk were watching from the top of the stairs.

And my blunt self was setting on the couch next to Adam, Best view of the answer though!

"Shiro, I..." Adam said, His head held low.

"Ah, I shouldn't have asked! Sorry-"

"Of coarse I'll be your boyfriend! I love you to bits Shiro!" Adam squeaked out, Hugging him.

They were both a blushing mess, And so we left them alone to enjoy each other's company.

"I missed you Adam," Shiro said as tears slid down his cheeks.

"I missed you too, Shiro," Adam giggled as he started crying as well, They ended small silence of sniffles with a small yet lovable kiss.

- Time Skip -

I went to get some soda from the kitchen, It was around 2 am, Everyone was asleep and of coarse I don't sleep so I have nothing better to do then eat. Even though I don't really eat either.

I got the soda can and opened it, I went to the living room to see if Shiro and Adam were still their, They were in fact their alright. They were cuddling together while snoring their way to the lost tunnel of dreams.

I never have any dreams when I sleep, Everything's just black, Like my soul. Eh, Well today was definitely an adorable day for those two lovebirds.

I smiled happily and walked to my bedroom where Lance was dead asleep, I turned the tv on and bunged watch some Netflix for a while.

Love is in the air, And it's not even February yet. Astonishing yet delightful.

(I hope you enjoyed Mate! Sorry for the late post ;__; Also, Did you enjoy this chapter? And Btw, DM me any requests you want! Hehe! Byeee!)

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