Out Of Tune // Jachary au

By he11tothenaw

96.3K 3.2K 2.6K

Jack Avery is your typical breakout singer. He plays guitar and found fame through social media. He's been in... More

please read folks πŸ’›
more fuckin gratitude πŸ’›
treinta y uno


2.7K 89 72
By he11tothenaw

Hey girlypops!!!

I spent so much time looking for and editing said pictures for this. 😂💛

Also sorry for the late update. I'm hanging out with my girlypops tomorrow 😂 and Sunday so I'm probably not gonna write at all tomorrow. Sorry.

Enjoy this one folks.💛

And here we are with the Jack Avery." The female interviewer,whose name is Jessa, sat across from him in her own chair. "Thank you so much for coming."

"Thank you for having me." Jack gave her a warm smile.

"Okay so basically we are going to ask some boring questions that I'm sure you're always asked and then we'll throw in some that thirteen year old girls ask each other at sleepovers." Jessa chuckled and pulled out her cards. Jack laughed as well and nodded. "Okay so first one. How is the little hiatus going? We haven't heard any new music from you in awhile."

"Well I am working on my second album. I can finally say that. It's almost done actually. We are just in the final stages of production. We don't have a release date yet but we will soon. But before that I actually will have a single out and also a collab but it's being released under both of our names. I'm also not saying who it's with." Jack played with his rings and looked at his lap. The thought of Zach made his heart clench.

"Ooo that sounds fun. You haven't done a collab in awhile. I know I can't wait to hear it and I'm sure the fans feel the same way." Jessa gestured to the small group of fans sitting in the audience.

"I hope they like it." Jack looked at the audience and smiled.

"Okay so the next question is about drama." Jessa adjusted her cards in her hand and looked up at Jack. Jack gulped and nodded at her. "Okay so I'm sure you have been asked about this a lot but we all know that Zach Herron signed to Journey Records a bit back. What did you feel about that?"

"Oh um well at first we both kept our distance but eventually we both sat down and got to know each other. We definitely don't hate each other. There isn't really any drama between us anymore." Jack had a tight smile on his lips as he nodded towards Jessa.

"That's good of you to clear that up for everyone." Jessa turned and pointed to the screen behind her. "So if you don't mind me asking. What is going on in these pictures?"

Pictures of Jack and Zach entering the restaurant and then leaving the restaurant popped up. Those were followed by the ones of the two hugging next to Zach's car during Zach's breakdown.

"Oh um well Zach was going through a rough patch in his life I guess you could say. He had some personal issues going on so I was just being a supportive friend." Jack could barely reference Zach as a friend. He was far from being just a friend.

"That is very sweet of you although we wouldn't expect anything different from you." She switched her card. "So it was all over Instagram and twitter that you were in Dallas last night at Zach's show, is that true?"

"Oh yeah I was there. It was sort of a last minute thing. I thought it would be fun if he had some friends there with his family to support him. It was actually his moms idea." Jack was really hoping his answer didn't give to much away.

"Awe that's so nice. Friends supporting friends is the best." Jessa smiled and picked up her second set of cards. "Okay so now we're getting into some random questions."

"Alrighty." Jack was playing with the ring on his pointer finger.

"Okay so the first one is what was the last thing you ate?"

"I had a breakfast sandwich from the Starbucks in the airport this morning." Jack chuckled and looked to Jessa.

"Their food is really good. Okay next one. What is usually your night routine?"

"Oh um usually I get home from the studio around five or six and then I'll make dinner. Usually my roommate and I will cook together but recently he's been really busy with work so it's just me. Then I will probably relax and answer some emails or get some easy work done. Then I shower and get ready for bed. I also tend to read while in bed. That's usually it though." Jack tried to think of what he normally does without Zach around.

"That sounds simple enough. Okay so next is, what is your favorite song right now?"

"My favorite song right now is probably Better Man by Corbyn Besson. It came out yesterday actually. It's so good." Jack actually really liked the song when Corbyn played it for everyone the other day.

"I actually listened to it this morning. It really is good." She nodded in agreement before looking at her card again. "Okay our last question is, what is your current lock screen?"

Jack's eyes widened for a second before he regained composure. Jack's lock screen was a picture of Zach.
It was one that Zach had sent him last night. It was a simple mirror selfie he had taken after his meet and greet.

"Oh um okay." Jack pulled his phone out from his back pocket and pressed the home button. He had a message from Zach that he cleared from the screen. He turned the phone towards Jessa. "It's actually Zach. We were hanging out before his show and he made fun of my lock screen that was a picture of my guitar so I changed it to him as a joke. He did the same after he saw mine."

"Oh that's funny." Jessa let out a soft laugh and looked away from the phone screen. She turned to the camera. "And that's all we have for Jack."

Jack waved to the camera and had a bright smile on his face.

"Thank you for coming Jack and answering our silly questions. We hope the best for your upcoming album and the single." Jessa looked to him.

"Thank you for having me and the support."

The cameras stopped recording and the sound guy came over to remove his microphone. He thanked the guy and shook everyone's hand. He thanked everyone before leaving with Kaylin.

They got in Jack's car and he started it pulling away from the building. Jack finally let out the breath he was holding in.

"That was a close one. How did you come up with that story so quickly?" Kaylin took her phone out and scrolled through Twitter.

"I honestly have no idea. I'm an awful liar." Jack glanced at the girl before focusing on the road.

"Hopefully people actually bought because you suck ass at lying." Kaylin chuckled and turned the music up.

"Yeah hopefully."

Zach woke up to a good morning text from Jack. He smiled and texted him back before sitting up in his bed. It was a bit after eleven in the morning. He was really tired. He had gotten back late from his show.

He slowly got out of bed and walked to his suitcase that was on the floor. He still had Jack's hoodie so he put it on.

He left the room and trotted down the stairs. He went into the kitchen and made two pieces of peanut butter toast.

He got a glass of almond milk and sat at the kitchen table. He ate quietly and watched some Netflix on his phone.

When he was done he set his plate and cup in the dishwasher before heading back upstairs. He laid back on his bed and grabbed his laptop. He checked his emails before watching Netflix.

It was around nine in the evening for Jack when he finally had time to call Zach. He had three meetings after the interview about his album.

He was exhausted but he didn't want to sleep until he talked to Zach for a little bit. Jack looked at the time and his eyes widened.

"Awe shit."

He hadn't realized how late it really was. That only meant that it would be even later in Dallas.

He didn't know if he should actually call Zach. He didn't want to wake him up if he was sleeping.

Jack walked up to his bedroom and flopped on his bed. He laid there for a bit just staring up at the ceiling. He couldn't decide to call the boy or not. He wanted to talk to him so bad but he didn't want to wake him up.

Jack jumped when his phone started to ring. He grabbed it and smiled when Zach's contact popped up on the screen.

Jack quickly answered the call.

Zach's voice was quiet, probably because everyone in his house was asleep. "Hey baby."

"Hi love. Why did you call?" Jack rolled onto his stomach and put his phone on speakerphone.

"I called because I knew you wouldn't. I figured Now was a time when you wouldn't be busy." Zach chuckled lightly. He was tired but he wanted to talk to Jack.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up if you were sleeping." Jack fiddled with the buttons on his jacket.

"I wouldn't have minded." Zach laid on his bed with his eyes closed.

"I know but still." Jack brushed his hair out of his face and smiled a little. "I miss you."

"I miss you too. I thought about flying back earlier." Zach knew Jack wouldn't like the idea.

"Baby spend time with your family. It's only five days and then you're back here." Jack really wanted to see Zach again but he wanted the boy to spend time with his family.

"I- okay." Zach yawned and cuddled further into his blanket.

Jack frowned. "Go to sleep Zach. We can talk tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" Zach rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah you sleep. I love you."

"I love you too."

They didn't get to talk much the rest of the week. Jack had been so busy with the finalization of his album and his single.

Their song was also being announced two days after Zach came back to LA. Jack was stressed and overwhelmed. He had just come out of his first meeting of the day. He had to post some promo for his own single called 'Easily'. He just made a post on Instagram.

Jack knew Zach's comment had a double meaning since that was the day he comes back. He set his phone down as he moved to take a conference call on his computer.

He sighed and then put a smile on his face as he took the call.

It was Thursday evening and Zach was packing his stuff since his flight was early in the morning. He set his suitcase on the floor and by his bedroom door.

He walked down the stairs to say goodnight to his family. He hugged his parents and siblings before heading to bed.

He texted Jack goodnight before laying down. He turned his light off and closed his eyes.

Friday morning couldn't come quick enough.

Jack woke up at five in the morning to pick Zach up from the airport. Zach thought Lucy was picking him up but Jack had convinced her to let him pick the boy up.

Jack didn't bother getting dressed and just went downstairs. He slipped some shoes on and grabbed his keys off of the counter. He put his backpack in his shoulders and went to the garage.

He started his car and pulled out of his driveway. He turned a podcast on as he made the long drive to the LAX airport. Zach wasn't supposed to land until eight but Jack wanted to be there early just in case.

Jack got to the airport around seven thirty. He parked his car and walked to the gate where Zach was supposed to be.

He waited in a chair until he noticed people exiting the plane. Jack stood up and took a breath. He had no idea why he was so nervous to see his boyfriend.

His eyes searched the crowd until they landed on the boy he was looking for. It took a few moments for Zach to notice him.

Zach looked down at his phone to text Lucy to see where she was. He looked up and looked around the terminal. His eyes skidded past the curly haired boy and he quickly looked back. His eyes widened as a grin took over his face. He gently pushed through the crowd and apologized to the people he bumped into.

He made it through the crowd and ran over to Jack. He threw his arms around his boyfriends neck and pulled him into a hug. Jack laughed and wrapped his arms around Zach's waist.

"Oh my god what are you doing here?" Zach smiled against Jack's neck and closed his eyes.

"I thought I would surprise you." Jack ran a hand through Zach's hair.

"Thank you." Zach pulled back and glanced down at Jack's lips. That's when Zach realized that they were still in public. He removed himself from Jack and looked down. "Let's go shall we?"

"Yeah let's go." Jack understood and walked next to Zach as they headed to baggage claim. Zach took a quick Snapchat of Jack and posted it.

They were outside and were waiting to cross the street Jack saw Zach's post so he took one of Zach and posted it.

Zach grabbed his bag and they headed across the street to Jack's car. Jack took Zach suitcase and pulled it along for him. He put it into the back of the car and then climbed into the drivers seat.

They decided to head straight to the studio since they had to prepare for the release of 'Youth'.

Zach left his suitcase in the car as they headed up to Jack's studio. Jack sat down on the couch and then laid down. He beckoned Zach over and pulled him down on top of himself. Zach laughed and set his head on Jack's chest. Zach reached up and pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and put his over them.

Zach kissed Jack's chest. "I love you bubba."

"I love you too princess."

2318 words

I end every single chapter the same way. Oops.

I hope y'all enjoyed this one. 💛

Let me know what you think. 💛

Songs mentioned:
Better Man - 5SOS
Easily - Bruno Major

- Cassandra

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