Bullied By Them

By cxffeevixen

66.7K 3.9K 2.5K

Meet Siya, a girl with cuts and bruises. She was adopted when she was 10 months old. But as the years passed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 27

1.1K 64 50
By cxffeevixen

-- Vote and Comment, really helps!!!!!--


Once the words left my lips, everyone was silent. Louis and Niall's head were hung low while Liam just looked somewhere else. Zayn stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut.

"Wait, they bullied you?" Sarah screeched. I sucked in a sharp breath, forgetting she was in here. She walked over to me, with wide eyes that will pop out of her head any moment.

"Sarah this is a secret, just don't tell mum, okay?" She didn't respond, she just ran out of the room. I tried going after her but Emma held on to me.

"She needs time by her self to think." She explained as she released her grip on me.

"Okay, can you explain all of this now?" Ashton asked, sitting down on the ground. Emma pulled a chair which I had no where to sit. I decided to sit on the ground, leaning on Emma's chair.

I started off when Zayn and Harry started to tease me back in middle school. Later on, they met Liam and Niall who joined the group. They would prevent me from having any friends and make my life miserable. When it was High school, I thought my life was going to get better but it was the opposite. They met Louis. Before they did, Lou and me were best friends. They started to physically bully me after he joined their little "gang".

"Yeah, we get it you don't have to continue." Luke protested and pulled me into a side hug.

"But it's all good I forgave Niall and Liam." I spoke. Louis looked at me with symathic eyes but I ignored his look. Friends don't keep secrets to themselves, more importanly if it's about them. I was so close to forgive him but I decided not to when I found out he knew. With Harry, I didn't forgive him because I'm so confused with my life ever since he came into it. He made my world upside down. One day he said he likes me and the next day he has a girlfriend. Doesn't make much sense, right? And lastly, Zayn. I can't forgive him because he's the one who started all this, not to mention he sometimes forced them to do it. But I'm not going to lie, I did feel sorry for him when his- our parents died.

"So, when does your show start so I can get you guys ready." I asked while getting up, setting my big bag which had all the make-up for girls and boys. I wanted to change the topic since the atmosphere was getting thicker by the second.

"Um, at 7 p.m., which we still have 3 hours to go and didn't your boss tell you the news?" Liam asked. I furrowed my eyebrows at the mention of news. I looked down at Emma which she then, looked away. The atmosphere seemed to freeze, only focused on this moment.

"What news?" I managed to ask.

"You're hired to come with us on the Where We Are tour." Harry mumbled as he walked past me. I scowled at him, wanted to say colorful words at him but decide against it.

"T-tour?" I asked, they all nodded. I closed my eyes, breathing slowly. Past these four years were the best years of my life and now we're back to the past. I have to stay with my past bullies. I opened my eyes, looking for my purse. I looked for my cell phone which was at the bottom. I called Mum, she's going to be pissed because I've told her about the bullying because she was getting suspicious. I looked down at the screen, seeing I have already dialed the number.


"Hey Mum? Could you pick up Sarah at 8? Because, I'm going on tour." She started to get excited of how she explaines how proud she is of me.

"May I ask who it is?" She questioned.

"Yeah it's a band." I hung up before she could ask me furthur questions. I sat back down, silence filled the room. I heard the door creak open. I flicked my head to the door. Zayn slowly walked in, a phone pressed aginst his ear.

"Yeah, we'll plan the wedding later. I have.. guests." He sighed before he hung up. Wedding? He noticed my questioning look which made him smile. His eyes twinkled, the boys smirked, trying to hold in their chuckles.

"Someone is thinking of Perrie." Louis called out. I chuckled at him which made him brake his thoughts. He sat down beside Emma and me. Harry finally came back with an angry look on his face. I got up, walking up to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, holding onto his arm. He looked away from me, grunting.

"Why would you care?" He shot, I released my hand from his arm. He stomped out of the room, leaving me standing. I rose both of my eyebrows from his little outburst. I shrugged my shoudlers and walked back to Emma.

"Don't mind him, he needs to work out his own problems." Michael told me. I nodded, curiousity getting the best of me when I kept wondering what got him angry.

We talked while we waited for time to pass. I got to meet Lou, who was their stylist. Her daughter, Lux, was so adorable. We exchanged goodbyes since she had to get her stuff ready.

"Shit, it's 6:30!" Niall yelled as he grabbed his phone and ran out the door. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. All the boys ran out, including Zayn who kept shifting his eyes at me. Emma and me got up, walking towards the warddrope area.

"So, which clothes did you choose out for them?" Emma questioned me as I walked over to the racks. I chose out a leather jacket and a white tee for Zayn, a red shirt for Liam, black shirt for Louis, a grey tee for Niall with a black jacket on top, and for Harry I chose a plaid unbuttoned shirt with a white shirt underneath. For bottoms, I chose black jeans.

"I don't undertstand how you do makeup. It's not like they need mascara and eyeliner." I teased her which earned a playfull glare from her. Lou came in, giving us a warm smile.

"I can't thank you guys enough for covering my shift today. It's just that no one can look over for Lux." We nodded, assuring her it's fine. She handed us two cups of coffee, which we thanked her for it. It was now 6:40, leaving twenty minutes until the concert starts.

"Wow, it's already packed!" Louis exclaimed as he entered the room, others following behind. Emma started applying powder on Liam's face while I assorted their clothing out. Since the other boys were waiting, I decided to let them change.

"A leather jacket? You know me so well." Zayn smiled, rolling his eyes. I let out a chuckle and pushed him into the dressing room. Emma was rushing the makeup, I could tell from her concetration.

"Need help?" I asked, he answered by furiously nodding her head up and down. I pulled another chair next to the mirror and got the extra makup kit out. I looked over at the boys, who were all dressed now. I picked out who to do first.

"Niall! Sit." I patted the seat. He walked over, smiling at me. But something was wrong. I didn't see the usual spark of happiness in his eyes. I'm going to have to talk to him after the show. I applied the powder on Niall's face, touching up of any noticable blemmishes. He wrinkled his nose when I brushed over his nose. I placed the brush down and patted his shoudler. He got up, slumping back to the couch.

"Who's left?" I asked Emma who was applying makeup to Luke. She pointed to the couch, where Ashton, Harry, Louis, and Calum were. I called for Calum, patting the chair. He sat down, smiling at the mirror.

"So, are we your first clients?" He asked as I brushed over his cheeks. I nodded, even though his eyes were closed.

"Yeah, I'm a big fan of you guys." His smile grew, making me return it. I checked twice, making sure no blemishes were showing and the makeup was even on his face, because you don't want different tones on your skin. I tapped his shoudler, telling him I'm done.

I looked over at the couch, only Louis and Harry were left. Emma really works fast, I can see the concetration on her face. She was currently doing Ashton, and I swear to god I saw her blushing when Ashton laughed. She tapped his shoulder and he got up. But before he left, he hugged her. Once he was out of the room, Emma stood there frozen, smiling like a dork.

"Emma, you've got it bad." I told her, smirking. She snapped out of her gaze, blushing a crimson red. She looked over to the couch and mouthed me some words. I furrowed my eyebrows, really can't understand her words. She walked over to me, whispering.

"Do you want Harry or NAW!" She yelled the last word. I jumped at her yelling which earned laughs from all threee of them. I shrugged my shoudlers and went to my workplace.

"Who wants to-"

"I will." Louis shot up, mouthing 'your welcome.' I smiled at him, and gestured the seat to him. He sat down, looking deeply in my brown eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes." He told me. I rolled my eyes at him and brushed the powder over his cheek.

"Oh please, my eyes look like shit." I laughed, he joined. I dared to turn around, seeing Emma applying powder to his face. He would wrinkle his nose everytime Emma brushed under his nose. He sneezed which made me laugh. When I turned around, Louis was smirking, corssing his arms over his chest.

"You got it bad." He told me, repeating of what I said to Emma not a while ago. I shook my head, not meeting his gaze because if I did, he knew I was lieing.

"I'm over him, plus I have a boyfriend." I let the words out of my mouth before they could even process in my brain.

"Really?" He asked, leaning his elbows on his knees. I sighed, shaking my head. After that, we didn't talk. Once I was done, it was now 6:58. The boys have two minutes until the show is on. EMma and me walked down the hallway, linking our arms. We giggled and started to skip like little girls. Once we reached the side of the stage, I could hear the chants of 5SOS and 1D. These girls are crazy for them.

"Ready?" Ashton asked the rest. They all nodded and ran out onto the stage, screams filling the stadium. They started out with She Looks So Perfect and then Don't stop. Once they were done, they announced for One Direction and I don't enev know if this is possible but the screams became louder. All the lads ran ou but I stopped Niall.

"You and me need to talk after the show, okay?" He nodded and ran out the stage. I sang along with the songs I knew and Emma let out a little squeal when Ashton started singing. I playfully roll my eyes at her and she slapped my arm.

"Ouch! That hurt!" I sarcasticly said. The concert ended around 10:30. The stadium cleared slowly. The boys had meet and greet at the end. I was packing up my stuff when a knock interrupted my process. Paul, their security guard, cam in, smiling.

"Siya, the fans want to meet you." I lifted both of my eyebrows, shocked that the fans actually want to see me.

"Can I bring Emma?" He shrugged. We followed him down the hallway until we came to a room. Once Paul opened the door, the fans eyes widened. I stiffled a giggle from their reactions.

"Hi, I'm Siya." I greeted a little girl. She reminds me of Sarah. She squealed when I scooped her up in my arms. Sh laughed and hugged my neck. An oldet lady with brown hair came over with a camera.

"May we get a picture?" She asked and I nodded. She got her camera and clicked a picture. The little girl waved goodbye and went with the boys. I looked at them while they were taking pictures, it was adorable. Once they were done, they left the building.

"Siya! Over here!" Liam yelled. I walked over to them, seeing them with two girls who proabably are in their early teens. They all squealed when Liam and Niall slung an arm around them. Their parents' took the pictures. We did so many goofy poses. After they were done, they left, thanking us.

"So, you wanted to talk?" Niall asked. I nodded.

"What's wrong? And don't lie because you've been down the last hours. He sighed as he rubbed his hand at the back of his neck.

"I-I just miss Hannah. I thought you brought her with you or something but I doubt it." He exhaled a breath. I pulled him into a hug, him responding back.

"How about this? I'll talk to your manager about bringing hannah." His eyes lit up and he nodded, fast. I laughed when he groaned, putting a hand up on his forehead. We walked to the lounge, the others following. Emma and Ashton were talking and they were way in the back.

Man, I need to get Emshton together. I laughed at myself at the ship name. Once we entered the room, Kendall was on the couch, on her phone. She smiled at us when we entered.

"Hey Harry." She spoke. She waved at everyone-including me- and kissed Harry on the cheek.

"Well it's getting late. We should head to bed." Harry said, smiling down at Kendall. We all nodded and exited the arena. We all hopped into the tour bus.

The lads got the beds, Ashton got the chair, Michael and Calum brought an air matress, Luke got one of the beds, and Me and Emma got the couches. Kendall had to go, saying she'll meet us there.

"Goodnight guys." I yawned, a chorus of goodnights were heard before I blacked out.


"Wake up!" I shot up from the yelling in my ear and saw everyone was awake.

"God damn you're just like Zayn." Michael teased. I groaned, seeing it's 9:30.

"5 more minutes." I mumbled as I hit my head back on the pillow.

"You leave me to no choice." Ashton sighed. I ignored him and closed my eyes. I knew I won the argument, that is until I felt a cold liquid splash onto my face. I screamed, and shot up. Ashton and Luke were hunched over in laughter.

"God, what a nice way to wake me up." I said, sarcastically.

"Well that's how I always wake up Calum." Ashton shrugged. I got up, seeing drenched in water. I headed to my bag, where I packed some extra clothes.

I head to the bathroom to change into my other clothes. I pulled the shirt over my head, throwing it on the ground. I pulled the turquoise colored V-neck over my head, letting it fall on my body. For the bottom, I just changed into capris. I grabbed my wet clothes and headed out of the bathroom.

I took a step out of the bathroom, but instantly got pushed back in there. Before I could comprehend, lips were connected to mine.


OMFG STEAL MY GIRL I CAN'T BREATHE. I literally fell in love with it.

Comment what you guys think of my book so far. I'm also wondering if I'm going to fast or slow. SO comment that ya think! Don't make me get the boys again..

*Harry throws you onto the bed, a smirk plastered on his face. He crashed his lips to yours. You replied back instantly but pulled away. He shook his head, chuckling softly.

"Now now, if you want to go to the next step, you have to Vote and Comment." *


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