The Major and his Lady Love S...

By LilAsian1864

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A love between two different people a British and an American a Major who settles down with his men in a smal... More

Prologue: Meeting the Major for the first time
Chapter 1: Finally I'm home
Chapter 2: This is impossible
Chapter 3: My letters from the General
Chapter 4: Abe meets Ben again
Chapter 5: Washington reads Lydia's letters
Chapter 6: Lydia and Washington reunited at last
Chapter 7: Washington meets Lafeyette
Chapter 8: Peggy I need your help
Chapter 9: It'll be our little secret
Chapter 10: Sasha Woodhull's unusual morning
Chapter 11: The chilly winter month
Chapter 12: Learning the Waltz & Sasha has a fever
Chapter 13: Sasha's fever & Preparing food for dinner
Chapter 14: Sasha and the Major's ball planning
Chapter 15: Thanksgiving & the Engagement Ball
Chapter 16: George Washington's new plan
Chapter 17: The Queens Rangers coming to Setauket
Chapter 18:Attack at Valley Forge/ Washington's Comfort
Chapter 19: Trouble in Setauket/Going to New York
Chapter 20: Heading to New York/ A hanging at the Continental Camp
Chapter 21: Spending time in New York
Chapter 22: Back once again in Setauket
Chapter 23: Sasha visits her father at Whitehall
Chapter 24: Discussing important matters
Chapter 26: The Ball with General Washington
Chapter 27: Sasha's resting day/Lydia's date with the General
Chapter 28: Back home in Setauket, Long Island
Chapter 29: Arnold's letter to Andre
Chapter 30: Sasha gives birth early
Chapter 31: Friends visiting the newborn babies
Chapter 32: A concert in Pennsylvania
Chapter 33: Going on a walk into town
Chapter 34: Returning to Setauket, Long Island
Chapter 35: Sasha's Birthday Ball
Chapter 36: Saving Abe's neck
Chapter 37: Sasha gets Kidnapped
Part 2: Turn of the tide

Chapter 25: Visiting Philidelphia/ Hosting a ball

43 3 0
By LilAsian1864

*In Setauket, Long Island on December 10th, 1777 at Sasha Woodhull's home*
~Sasha Woodhull's POV~

I was with Edmund in our living room we were playing a game of chess on the floor it's nice for a change usually we play chess on the table but never on the floor, so then as we were doing just that I asked Sarah to bring tea and some sandwiches for Edmund and I as I waited for my husband to make his next move. Then Edmund looked at me and made his move now it was my turn to play my hand, as I thought about this very carefully I looked at the board strategically and I said"Your gonna lose Edmund I've always been better at chess," then I made my move when suddenly a knock came from the front door.
~Major Hewlett's POV~

I was with Sasha in our living room we were playing a game of chess on the floor it's nice for a change usually we play chess on the table but never on the floor, so then as we were doing just that Sasha asked Sarah to bring tea and some sandwiches for Sasha and I as she waited for me to make my next move. Then Sasha looked at me and made my move now it was her turn to play her hand, as she thought about this very carefully I looked at the board strategically and Sasha said"Your gonna lose Edmund I've always been better at chess," then she made her move when suddenly a knock came from the front door.
We had paused our game of chess and stood up as I gestured for my wife to sit down she is after all with child.
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*About 2 hours earlier at the Tavern in town with Lydia and Anna*
~Lydia Strong's POV~

It was 10:20 am I was cleaning the empty tables in the tavern while Anna was in the back cooking with Cicero cutting up vegetables, then as I cleaned up my 8th table the post man came by and he handed me a letter that was addressed to me so I thanked him and opened it behind the counter and I realized whose hand writing it was.
Once I opened it up it smelled like smoke and dirt and trees and then I realized that General Washington wrote this letter to me but why.
His letter to me went something like this.
December 9th, 1777
My dearest Lydia,
I hope this letter finds you well and that all is good on your side off things we've been busy a lot with fighting this damn war between two countries England is most anxious to get us to submit to there policy's. Just recently we won the battle of Monmouth and General Arnold has been promoted and asked by my orders to go to Philadelphia and get rid of the British who remain there we need our capital back from the British.
Then just this morning I've had a letter from General Arnold that he would like us to host a ball in Philadelphia in 4 days to give people enough time to get used too the idea of the British being gone, and so he would have us two host the ball once we both arrive of course you can bring a friend with you to Philadelphia.
I so long to see you and hold you once again in my arms Lydia darling I've also heard news of your friend Sasha Woodhull-Hewlett is with child please send her my many congratulations when you get the chance to do just that of course.
Anyways I should go now my men and I head to Philadelphia in a few moments so I must go and ask Major Tallmadge if everything is fine on the roads.
I love you Lydia so much.
Love always,
General Washington
He's just invited me to host a ball with him well I am his "wife" we were married for a few years now, I should go ask Sasha if she'd come with me she's a married women now and I don't think Major Hewlett would mind if I take her away for a little while, so I grabbed the letter and showed Anna the letter and my sister of course told me that I should go and enjoy myself.
~Anna Strong's POV~

It was 10:20 am Lydia was cleaning the empty tables in the tavern while I was in the back cooking with Cicero cutting up vegetables, then as Lydia cleaned up her 8th table the post man came by and he handed her a letter that was addressed to Lydia so she thanked him and opened it behind the counter and I realized whose hand writing it was.
Once she opened it up it smelled like smoke and dirt and trees and then she realizes that General Washington wrote this letter to me but why.
His letter to me went something like this.
December 9th, 1777
My dearest Lydia,
I hope this letter finds you well and that all is good on your side off things we've been busy a lot with fighting this damn war between two countries England is most anxious to get us to submit to there policy's. Just recently we won the battle of Monmouth and General Arnold has been promoted and asked by my orders to go to Philadelphia and get rid of the British who remain there we need our capital back from the British.
Then just this morning I've had a letter from General Arnold that he would like us to host a ball in Philadelphia in 4 days to give people enough time to get used too the idea of the British being gone, and so he would have us two host the ball once we both arrive of course you can bring a friend with you to Philadelphia.
I so long to see you and hold you once again in my arms Lydia darling I've also heard news of your friend Sasha Woodhull-Hewlett is with child please send her my many congratulations when you get the chance to do just that of course.
Anyways I should go now my men and I head to Philadelphia in a few moments so I must go and ask Major Tallmadge if everything is fine on the roads.
I love you Lydia so much.
Love always,
General Washington
He's just invited Lydia to host a ball with him well Lydia is after all his "wife" we were married for a few years now, Lydia went to go ask Sasha if she'd come with me she's a married women now and I don't think Major Hewlett would mind if my sister takes her away for a little while, so she grabbed the letter and showed me the letter and I of course told me that I should go and enjoy myself.
I'm happy for her I really am the two of them have apart from each other since General Washington was appointed to lead the Continental Army.
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Back to Sasha and Major Hewlett's house:
~Sasha Woodhull's POV~

When I was with Edmund we were talking as our guest was waiting for us in the dining room and when we went to greet our guest I saw that it was Lydia and then Edmund said"Ah Miss Strong how lovely seeing you again," then Lydia looked at Edmund and said"Yes it's lovely to see you again Major and Sasha you look absolutely glowing today," as such happened I was with my husband then I spoke up while drinking my wine and said"Is there something you wanted to ask Lydia or have you come to join us for breakfast," and then Lydia said"Oh yes I've come for both actually I've had a letter from a friend in Philadelphia and she's writes that the British have been forced to move some place else so now," and then I cut her off by saying"So now the Continental Army and General Washington have total control of Philadelphia the capital itself," so then such happened Edmund sat on the couch and seemed to have put a lot of thought into this.
Then as Edmund was thinking about if he could let me go to Philadelphia then Lydia held my hand and said"I do hope you will let Sasha here go she's never been to Philadelphia," once my dear husband was done thinking he looked at Lydia and I and he said"Of course you may take Sasha to Philadelphia for the trip I'm gonna be terribly busy," so there's his answer.
~Lydia Strong's POV~

When Sasha was with Edmund we were talking as our guest was waiting for us in the dining room and went to greet Sasha saw that it was Lydia and then Edmund said"Ah Miss Strong how lovely seeing you again," then I looked at Edmund and said"Yes it's lovely to see you again Major and Sasha you look absolutely glowing today," as such happened Sasha was by her husband then Sasha spoke up while drinking her wine and said"Is there something you wanted to ask Lydia or have you come to join us for breakfast," and then I said"Oh yes I've come for both actually I've had a letter from a friend in Philadelphia and she writes that the British have been forced to move some place else so now," and then Sasha cuts me off by saying"So now the Continental Army and General Washington have total control of Philadelphia the capital itself," so then such happened Edmund sat on the couch and seemed to have put a lot of thought into this.
Then as Edmund was thinking about if he could let me go to Philadelphia then Lydia held my hand and said"I do hope you will let Sasha here go she's never been to Philadelphia," once her dear husband was done thinking he looked at Sasha and I and he said"Of course you may take Sasha to Philadelphia for the trip I'm gonna be terribly busy," so there's his answer.
~Sasha Woodhull's POV~

Once Edmund gave me his answer I was happy beyond thrilled to be going to Philadelphia as well also for a ball that Lydia and General Washington will be hosting at his home, so then I stood beside him and kissed his cheek and said"Thank you Edmund it'll be easier for you to get things finished without me here," then Lydia thanked him before she dragged me upstairs to mine and Edmund's bedroom so she could start helping me pack whatever I need of course.
When Lydia and I were in my room she got out my trunks as I sat down on the bed helping her pick what outfits we should pack for myself also too, so then I saw her holding my purple gown that I wear when Edmund and I are holding a ball at our Mansion.
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After packing Edmund came to tell me and Lydia that the carriage has arrived already and that we should probably get a move on if we're to get to Philadelphia on time for the ball, so then one of the servants brought down my luggage and placed it in the back with Lydia's luggage's as well also too then Lydia went in the carriage to wait for me before I got into the carriage I turned to Edmund and held his hands and said"Are you sure you want me to go Edmund I could always stay and help," then Edmund looked at me and smiled as he said" you go and enjoy yourself with Lydia it's been a while since you've been back in Philadelphia now go and have fun I'll see you in a few days," after that happened I kissed him before getting into the carriage.
*Hours later upon arriving at Philadelphia later that afternoon*
~Lydia Strong's POV~

Upon Sasha and I's arrival to Philadelphia I was beyond excited to see George again I feel like Sasha can feel how excited I am to be here, then Sasha linked our arms and said"Lydia calm down please we'll be arriving at General Washington's temporary Mansion in a minute," she was of course right as well usual then I calmed down by fanning myself when suddenly Sasha saw the temporary Mansion we'll be staying at for a week or two at most, so then as such happened the carriage came to a stop at the gates and I can see General Arnold and some lady with him probably his wife.
Then once the carriage stopped in front of the Mansion and there to welcome us was General Arnold and his wife when we came to a complete stop a butler came to open the carriage door and helped me out of the carriage first and was immediately greeted by General Arnold he held my hands and said"Lady Lydia it's an honor to see you looking so well and beautiful as usual his Excellency will be pleased to see you," then I smiled and said"Yes it's a pleasure to see you again General Arnold your wounds have gotten better since the last I've seen you," and so then with that happening Benedict Arnold helped Sasha out of the carriage as she smiled when she saw Peggy.
~Sasha Woodhull's POV~

Upon Lydia and I's arrival to Philadelphia Lydia was beyond excited to see George again I feel like Lydia can feel how excited I am to be here, then I linked our arms and said"Lydia calm down please we'll be arriving at General Washington's temporary Mansion in a minute," I was of course right as well usual then she calmed down by fanning myself when suddenly I saw the temporary Mansion we'll be staying at for a week or two at most, so then as such happened the carriage came to a stop at the gates and I can see General Arnold and some lady looks like Peggy with him probably his wife.
Then once the carriage stopped in front of the Mansion and there to welcome us was General Arnold and his wife when we came to a complete stop a butler came to open the carriage door and helped me out of the carriage first and was immediately greeted by General Arnold he held my hands and said"Lady Lydia it's an honor to see you looking so well and beautiful as usual his Excellency will be pleased to see you," then I smiled and said"Yes it's a pleasure to see you again General Arnold your wounds have gotten better since the last I've seen you," and so then with that happening Benedict Arnold helped me out of the carriage as I smiled when I saw Peggy.
~Peggy Shippen-Arnold's POV~

While Benedict was waiting for a carriage to arrive I was with the servants getting things ready for our guests arrival as well as the ball that the General and his wife will be hosting in 2 days times, then I heard the sounds of a carriage approaching the temporary mansion that General Washington will be staying at here in Philadelphia. So I heard Benedict my husband calling for me and so I had the servants wash some fruits for our guests and some tea as well before I went outside to see our guests.
And so I stood beside Arnold as we linked arms we both stood proud and smiled as the carriage came to a complete stop as well also.
~Benedict Arnold's POV~
Since his excellency wasn't here yet I was waiting for a carriage to arrive as Peggy was with the servants getting things ready for our guests arrival as well as the ball that the General and his wife will be hosting in 2 days times, then I heard the sounds of a carriage approaching the temporary mansion that General Washington will be staying at here in Philadelphia. So I called Peggy my wife calling for her and so I had the servants wash some fruits for our guests and some tea as well before I went outside to see our guests.
And so I stood beside Peggy as we linked arms we both stood proud and smiled as the carriage came to a complete stop as well also.
~Sasha Woodhull's POV~

Then once the carriage stopped in front of the Mansion and there to welcome us was General Arnold and his wife when we came to a complete stop a butler came to open the carriage door and helped Lydia out of the carriage first as I sat in the carriage still and Lydia was immediately greeted by General Arnold he held Lydia's hands and said"Lady Lydia it's an honor to see you looking so well and beautiful as usual his Excellency will be pleased to see you," then I smiled and said"Yes it's a pleasure to see you again General Arnold your wounds have gotten better since the last I've seen you," and so then with that happening Benedict Arnold helped me out of the carriage as I smiled when I saw Peggy.
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*Later on that night at General Washington's temporary Mansion in Sasha and Lydia's room*
~Lydia Strong's POV~

Sasha and I were in our room getting ready for dinner tonight George will be here tonight for dinner I'm very excited to see my husband again after 5 years of not seeing him at all it's rather uncomfortable not seeing him, but as I sat at my vanity table/mirror I was finishing up last minute touches before Sasha came out from the bathroom dressed for dinner and her baby bump was slightly showing as well also.
Oh I hope I look alright then Sasha called out my name snapping me out of my little daze before I looked at her she was smiling. She said"Come on Lydia lets go on down perhaps George is already down there waiting to see his beautiful wife again," then I smiled and stood beside her as I linked her arm with my own and we both walked downstairs slowly taking our time the place was filled with officers and generals.
~Sasha Woodhull's POV~

Lydia  and I were in our room getting ready for dinner tonight George will be here tonight for dinner Lydia is very excited to see her husband again after 5 years of not seeing him at all it's rather uncomfortable not seeing him, but as we sat at our vanity table/mirror I was finishing up last minute touches before I came out from the bathroom dressed for dinner and my baby bump was slightly showing as well also.
Oh I hope I look alright then I called out Lydia's name snapping her out of her little daze before I looked at her she was smiling as was I. Then I stood up and went to the door and said"Come on Lydia lets go on down perhaps George is already down there waiting to see his beautiful wife again," then she smiled and stood beside me as I linked my arm with her own and we both walked downstairs slowly taking our time the place was filled with officers and generals.
I'm excited to see Ben and Caleb for Ben will be here for dinner Caleb maybe not but Ben I know he'll be wherever General Arnold is or where General Washington would be at this evening.
*End of Chapter 25: Visiting Philidelphia/ Hosting a ball *

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