
Від AntheiaW

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In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 22

52 3 0
Від AntheiaW

*Natasha's Pov*

*I was on bed reading a book, when suddenly the door slammed open hitting the wall making a loud sound that startled me. I turned in shock and see Christian coming in looking mad.

*He gets closer to our bed and throws some things on me. I look at him even more shocked.. not knowing what was going on, not understanding his behaviour.

-Christian: Who is that man?

*He says motioning to the things he had just threw on me. I look and see that they are pictures, pictures of me and Patrick. Pictures of us hanging out, sleeping next to each other, together at Chandrely's place.. pictures of almost everything we did, and everywhere we went.

As I kept looking at them all I started to think, what the fuck? Someone was spying on me? Was it Christian? If not, who?, And why?

-Christian: Answer me now.

*Christian says raising his voice to me, he looked furious. I just looked at him wide eyed, I've never seen him this mad before and he has never raised his voice to me either.

-Me: Don't you speak to me like that, lower your voice when you speak to me. And besides, I should be the one asking here.. were you spying on me?

*He looks at me still furious.

-Christian: I did not do such thing.. if I knew where you were, I would have go for you myself and bring you back. I wouldn't have send someone to spy on you.

-Me: Then how did you get these?

-Christian: That doesn't matter right now. Answer me what I asked you.

*He says once again looking even more furious.

-Me: That's Patrick, my friend.

-Christian: Friend? That is how you call your lovers now,
You look more than just friends to me on those pictures.
You were cheating on me.

*He say with hatred and distaste. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I'm even more shocked now.
I understand that he's jealous and mad because the photos doesn't look like we are just friends.

*But that is no excuse for him to speak to me like that, say that and even insinuate that I cheated. Patrick is just my friend. A good friend.

-Me: Listen to me, you will not disrespect me like this.
Pat is like my brother, we grew up together.
I know how the pics must look like to you, but I assure you that it isn't like that, nothing like that at all. I did not cheat on you.

*I say a little mad at him. He glares at me.

-Christian: LIES. You will say anything now just to accomplish your purpose.

*He screams and say as I look at him in disbelief.

-Me: What are you even talking about? What purpose?

-Christian: You came back like nothing happend after you cheated on me.

-Me: I did not. How did you get these?

-Christian: That doesn't matter.

-Me: Yes it does.

*By now we both were raising our voices more at each other.

-Christian: Someone send them to me.

-Me: Who send this to you?

-Christian: I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't matter.. what matters is that you lied to me and cheated on me.

-Me: Oh my God.. I DID NOT CHEAT ON YOU CHRISTIAN. And of course it matters, don't you see that who ever send you these.. is trying to bring trouble between us? How can you be so stupid?

*He glares at me when I call him stupid.

-Christian: Don't you dare speak to me like that again Natasha. Stupid will I be if I believe your lies, at least that person who ever he is.. opened my eyes so I could see the truth.

-Me: What truth Christian? Look I've always find ure jealousy cute, but this is to much.. you are crossing the line.

*I say exasperated. He still looked at me angry, he's not thinking straight.

-Christian: The truth that you were with another man for all those days you left.

-Me: Pat is just a friend.

*I say raising my arms frustrated at him. He step closer to me.

-Christian: If he is, why didn't I see him on your birthday? Why you never talked or mention anything about him before? Why didn't you tell me where you was those weeks?

I know why.. because he's ure lover, you were with him, staying with him, spending time with him, sleeping with him, letting him touch you, maybe that baby isn't even mi-

*He says with so much hate and poison that he even scared me a little, he was someone else.. not my Christian at all.
I looked at him in disbelief as he talked, I just couldn't believe my ears.

*After everything that we went threw? So I didn't let him finish that sentence as I raise my voice a bit more at him.. I say.

-Me: I'm gonna stop you right there, before you say something unforgivable that we both know you will regret saying later.
You are gonna listen to me now.

I never talked to you about him before, because he never came up in our conversations.

-Christian: How convenient, that's a stup-

*He says chuckling bitterly.

-Me: Let me finish talking first.

*I say mad at him. He just glares at me.

-Me: I know that it's a stupid excuse, but it is the truth. He doesn't live here anymore, that is why you didn't see him before.
I was staying with Chandrely and Pat is staying there too, he just came to visit us.

You can ask the girls and they'll tell you who Pat is. And I didn't say cause I though that it wasn't necessary anymore because we were leaving that chapter behind us.

Are you really gonna believe that I slept with someone else? And that our baby isn't yours? Really? After everything that we went threw? I'm not that kind of person Christian.

Why would I do that? It's stupid. No me cabe en la cabeza.

*He doesn't look convinced with what I just told him.

-Christian: I don't know, for money maybe? Maybe the day you saw me with Cristina you were so hurt that you decide to do the same thing you thought I was doing.

*As he speak I only shake my head. He was definitely someone else right now. He even looked at me with hatred.

-Christian: You could also be lying to me, and ure sister and friends will lie for you too. You think that I'm so stupid don't you?

You think that because a lot has happened already I would just believe you like that? That's a good excuse for you.

-Me: Why not? I had believe you when it was you.

-Christian: Not before you put me threw hell.

*He screams at me. I looked at him wide eyed and in shock.

-Christian: You are nothing but a liar, now I understand why you suddenly showed up after you practically disappeared for weeks, and didn't talk to anyone.

You came back so forgiving and ready to move on, leaving everything behind us.
I applaud you, your a great actress.

*He say applauding at me while he looks at me like a mad man. I was about to say something when he kept talking.

-Christian: You came back because your lover couldn't provide for you like I can, he can't give you the life I can.

*He says motioning around as he keeps talking. I look at him horrified because of his words.

-Christian: That is why you came back. You wanted to pin your baby on me just to get a comfortable life for the both of you.

Because after all the only truth here is, that you are no better than Darla, Cristina or any other ambitious women, you're a gold digger.. you are nothing but a whore.

*As he says that, I slap him.
How can he believe that? How can he say that, and insult me like that?
He look at me with a face that said that he could kill me right now then he storms out of the room without saying anything else.

*I stay there and started crying. After a bit of crying I decide to go find him because we had to talk about this.


*I looked for him till I found him in his office drinking. He had trashed some things around.

-Me: We need to talk, I'm willing to let this get pass us but you need to listen to me Christian.

*I say as I get in and close the door, he doesn't even acknowledge my presence.

-Me: Baby please.. you can't actually believe all those things of me.

*I say with hurt in my voice, walking towards his desk. He glance at me quickly as he keeps drinking his alcohol like. I could swear that I saw just pure hate in his eyes.. not even a hint of love or regret for the things he said to me.

-Me: Christian I swear on our baby that I-


*He yells so loud with distaste and hate while he look at my belly with disgust. I GASP.
I can't believe what he had just said to me, he's furious and doesn't wanna believe anything I say.

-Me: Who are you? Where is that sweet and loving man that always told me that he loves me, that always looked out for me and believed me when I said something?

*I say with sadness and hurt in my voice. He looks at me with so much hatred.

-Christian: Don't remind me of how stupid I was, and all the stupid things I said and did for you.

*His expression changes to a mad one now.

-Christian: I don't wanna hear any of ure excuses, I'm not that stupid man anymore. You disappeared and then came back so sudden, willing to forget everything.. so forgiving. Telling me we are having a baby.

*He stands up from his chair throwing his desk to the side with just one hand as he start to walk towards me while trashing everything in his way.

*I got scared and jumped back when he threw the desk.. I start to back up slowly till I stumble, I fell but he immediately grab my arm and lift me up harshly by it.

-Christian: After you spend almost 3 weeks with another man. Do you take me for a fool? Do you think that because I love you I will believe in your lies and won't see the truth? You are so wrong dear.

*He screams in my face then he throws me back to the floor. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, then I stand up slowly and try to talk to him anyway.

-Me: You should believe me because I am telling the truth. I could never do those things, again I'm telling you Christian, nothing happend.. he's like my brother.

*I say looking at him pleading for him to believe me.

-Christian: You have an explenation for everything apparently, then explain this.

*He says taking his phone from his Pucket, I was looking at him confused. after a few seconds he plays a recording.
It's a conversation between Pat and I, but it sounded awful.

*It's the conversation we had the night I found out about my pregnancy, but it sounded different.. I had no doubt that someone edited it.


-Pat: You can't sleep can you?

-Me: How did you know?

-Pat: I know you better than you know yourself, better than Christian.

-Me: I'm scared. I wonder how Christian would react if he finds out.

-Pat: Hey come on now, I will help you. That stupid boyfriend of ures won't, remember that this Christian can be a good father for my kid, my baby w-


*He stops the recording and looks at me like he was going to kill me. I was in shock for what I heard.

-Christian: That's enough, I don't wanna hear the whole thing again. It disgust me.

-Me: Christian I swear to you, that thing is edited.. that conversation is fake it didn't happen like that. Who send you that?

*I say desperate and alarmed. He sees me with hate.

-Christian: When I left the room, an unknown number sent it to me. I came to my office and listened to it, I was so disgusted with every word I heard. That's when I started drinking, I didn't know if I should have gone to kill you right at that moment, or just kick you out.

*He was talking the most normal way possible, but.. every word that came out of his mouth, came out with hatred and he looked at me with contempt. He laughs and it chills me, it was a bitter and hateful laugh.

-Christian: Then you came in here, and I wanted to hear the new excuse you had.. but, the more you talked, the more my anger and rage grew and the blood boiled inside of me.

*Now he looks at me with malice and all the Hairs on my body stand up.

-Christian: Why did you do it? WHY?

*He screams at me and you can hear a growl at the end of the scream. I was a little scared... that I even gave a small step back.

-Christian: I loved you with all my heart and you just played with me. You've fooled me. I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but not now, no more, not after this.

*He says at first in pain, hurting and with teary eyes, but then his expression turns to an angry one again as he crushes his phone into pieces with one hand.

-Christian: So do you want to keep lying? Be my guest.. go ahead, speak please. Let's hear what new excuse and lies you have for me now.

*He says with hate and poison in his voice, with every word he speaked, came out venom. He was more than furious. I could clearly see the anger and madness in his eyes.

-Me: The real conversation that we had, he was reassuring me that everything will be ok, it was the day I found out that I am pregnant. I was scared.

I wasn't gonna tell you because I thought that you were with Cristina, but Pat and Chandrely convinced me to tell you. Pat doesn't look at me like a woman, and I only have eyes for you Christian.

I have never asked you for anything before, but I ask you now.. please believe me. How can you insult me and our baby like that? Our baby because it's yours, since I met you I haven't been with anyone else.

I love you, I could never cheat on you or lie to you, you can do a DNA test when our baby is born, I know we will have to wait 4 months, but it will be worth the wait. Believe me, please.

I don't have a reason to lie, that recording is edited, someone fixed it to make me look bad in ure eyes. Don't you love me anymore? Look at me and tell me if you see a vicious person.. then you can tell me if I'm lying.

*I say almost crying as I get closer to him, and tries to touch his face, I knew my touch would calm him.. I also gets my face closer to try and kiss him.

*But, my fingers barely grace his face when he slap my hand away from him.. Then he push me back.
When I was talking I could see a hint of doubt and love in his eyes, but as soon as it appeared it disappeared. His eyes are full of rage now.

-Christian: Your done? Now I will talk, you think that a night in bed with you will change anything? Don't get ahead of yourself.
You're a liar, a manipulative bitch, you cry and make people think that you are so innocent, but you're not.

Ure nothing more than just a slut, a gold digger, ure ambitious and dishonest just like every other whore I have crossed paths with. I should kill you, but it ain't worth going to jail, getting punished or die for a worm as low, wicked, despicable and negligible as you.

*He says with hatred as he walks towards me, I back up and keep backing up looking scared at him as he talks.

-Christian: You are a spineless person, you're very smart I give you that, you almost fool me.. but I will not fall for any of it anymore. I want you to disappear from my face right now, I want you to leave and don't come back.

You can go to hell with everything else, including the baby and stay there, I want you to leave and stay there. I want you out.. out of my face, out of my house, out of my life, out of my property, and the sooner the better.

*I kept backing up as he kept walking towards me saying those things till I stumble with the door and hit my head on the door.
Christian doesn't seem to bother or care as he keeps insulting me.

*My eyes gets watery as he says those things, he grabs my hand, opens the door and then throw me out of the office. I started to cry when he did that.

-Christian: I'm gonna leave now, I give you 30 minutes to pack your things and go to hell. For all I care.. you can stay there and rotten like the peace of shit you are.

*I kept crying but I decided to say something anyway.

-Me: I'm not going anywhere till you don't believe me.

*He comes in front of me.

-Christian: If I come back and you're still here, I will not respond for what I will do to you and that disgusting thing you are expecting.

*He screams furious and menacingly while getting in my face as I was still on the floor. I started to cry even more now. I never thought, not even in my wildest dreams that Christian would treat me like this.

*By now all the maids were looking at us.

3084 words.

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