Beauty and A Beast (ON HOLD)

By Puella_Ignotum

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The minute Cassandra Nightingale moved to Mystic Falls was when everything changed. Living in a new town with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 10

343 23 5
By Puella_Ignotum

'Now, now, Klaus,' came a voice from behind Stefan. I couldn't see who but, whoever it was made Stefan take a step back from my neck causing me to breath a sigh of relief yet I didn't relax. 'We wouldn't want Mr Salvatore here to do something rash.'

'Elijah,' said Klaus with caution, moving from his place by the fireplace to the centre of the room. Stefan moved slightly to the side so that I could see Elijah standing in between Damon and a blonde girl, whom I assumed was one of Klaus' servants, holding a tray with a silk cloth over it. 'Why haven't you left?'

'Where are your manners. brother?' said Elijah with a cruel look in his eyes. 'We forgot dessert.' With a flick of his wrist, he took off the cloth to reveal what looked like two silver daggers. I turned my gaze onto Klaus whose eyes were popping from their sockets.

'What have you done?' he asked with a deadpanned tone; his eyes never leaving the daggers.

'What have you done? You see, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now.' Elijah, whose face was expressionless till then, smirked, as did Damon. Stefan simply frowned and watched as Klaus' face looked even more horrified than when he first saw the daggers.

Suddenly, a brunette man wearing clothes that looked fit for a dinner party, if the collar was done up, strode in with a smile. 'Kol,' said Klaus in a tone of desperation, holding up his hands in surrender as he backed away from the oncoming man.

'Long time, brother,' the man said with a smirk as he continued to walk towards his brother who had a look of sheer panic on his face.  Out of nowhere, another man sped across to Klaus holding what looked like a dagger from the tray, staring at Klaus with piercing eyes. 'Finn, don't-' he started before the man, Finn, slammed the dagger into the palm of Klaus' hand causing him scream in pain.

The minute Finn pulled the dagger from his hand, Klaus turned and sped towards the door, only to be blocked by a blonde girl in a red dress. 'Rebekah,' he pleaded before he screamed and lurched forward. I couldn't see why, I could only see Rebekah's satisfied face over the top of Klaus' head.

'This is for our mother,' she muttered causing Kol to smile with pleasure. Damon and Stefan and even Elijah simply stood there as Klaus fell backwards and into Kol's grip; pulling back Klaus' arms to restrain him as Rebekah moved down the steps towards her brother.

'You're free to go,' announced Elijah over the grunts and sounds of resistance from Klaus; his eyes never leaving Klaus. Damon walked over towards me with a masked look of fear. As he reached for the chains, Elijah suddenly spoke. 'Leave the girl.' Damon turned round to face him but Elijah didn't look. 'She will not be harmed.' Damon continued to stare at Elijah till he finally turned to face him. 'Unless, of course, you do not take your brother and leave.'

Damon continued to stare into his icy glare before turning back to me. 'We'll get you out of here,' he whispered whilst leaning into me, though we both knew that the vampires heard. 'Just, try not to get yourself killed.' He pulled back and gave me a worried look before grabbing Stefan and pulling him out of the room.

I felt a surge of panic go through me at the thought of being left alone in a house with the Original family. Two, of which, wanted me for something. I watched as Elijah walked over to Klaus, seemingly unfazed by the entire event. I struggled against my chains but, the second they clanged against each other, Elijah sent me a piercing stare, making me stop immediately and hold me breath in anticipation.

Elijah slowly turned back and tapped Kol on the shoulder. He turned to face his brother with a look of annoyance before sighing and releasing Klaus. Klaus slowly turned to face Elijah who simply looked down at him with an emotionless face. 'Take a seat, brother. I believe you have some explaining to do.'

Klaus slowly sunk down to sit on the table as Finn and Kol took the half full glasses of wine left by the Salvatore's. Rebekah slowly strolled round the room, sliding her fingers along the tops of the bookshelves as Elijah stood next to Klaus, watching him as he hung his head.

I looked at each of them in turn, again, making sure that no one was watching me. Slowly, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine something that would anger me. I thought of vampires, sucking on people's necks, trapping me in the grill and pulling me out of the window. I thought of books being burned and Alaric telling me I had a job. Suddenly, I felt my shackles begin to warm. I smiled to myself before slowly opening my eyes, only to see a grey shirt with an open collar.

'Well, well. What do we have here?' the man drawled. I gulped before carefully lifting my eyes to see a smirk before meeting deep, brown eyes. Kol lazily dragged his eyes from mine all the way down my body, stopping for a minute at my chest before carrying on. His smirk grew once he lifted his eyes back to mine, leisurely lifting one arm to lean against the wall next to my shackles as he leant in close to my ear. 'I smell an Elemental.' 

I felt his lips gently brush against the skin at my neck, his breath hot on my skin causing me to shiver; my eyes fluttering shut for a second before I realized what was happening. I jerked away from him, causing my chains to rattle loudly. Kol laughed quietly before delicately dragging a finger across my neck. He leant back, his arm still on the wall, and lifted his finger, showing me a large droplet of blood. I frowned for a second before I realized that it had come from my neck where Klaus had cut with the knife.

'Do you know how addictive you are, little one?' he whispered before leaning in close to my face so that he was only a few inches away. 'What's your name, love?' he muttered.

'Kol. Leave the poor girl alone. She is not a toy for your...pleasure...' Elijah said with a bored voice. Kol smirked as he tilted his head; his eyes never leaving mine.

'I was merely asking for her name, brother. No need to get jealous.' He leant back completely and looked over at Elijah who was still standing beside Klaus but this time was facing us. 'Unless you have finally claimed an Elemental for your own.'

Elijah was suddenly beside Kol with a menacing look. 'Bringing up ex girlfriends...How sinister of you, Kol,' said Rebekah quietly though Elijah acted as though he hadn't heard.

'Leave. Andy. Alone,' Elijah threatened. Kol simply smirked as though he was pleased that he had annoyed his brother.

'Andy. How...modern,' Kol said, flicking his eyes towards me before returning them to his brother. 'I assume it is short for something?' Suddenly, Elijah lunged for Kol's throat but he simply stepped back, out of his reach, tutting as he walked over to the table where he left his drink. 'Dearest Elijah. You must learn to control your temper. You're starting to become as bad as Klaus. That is, of course, if our brother has changed over the past hundred years that I have spent in a coffin.' He moved his stare onto Klaus who looked more ashamed than anything.

'I told you,' Klaus muttered. 'I did it for your own good. So that I could make a place where we could all live together.'

'Yes, well, it does look grand, doesn't it?' said Rebekah as she picked up a crystal vase. 'It certainly does look better since the last time I saw it,' she said before hurling the vase across the room to a fantastic painting hanging just a few feet away from where I was chained, shattering the glass cover as well as the vase itself into hundreds of pieces.

'I wanted it to be for all of us,' Klaus said as he looked at his siblings with sorrow in his eyes. 'A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again.'

'Well, you're right. None of us will be,' said Elijah as he turned to face Klaus.

'You're staying behind,' announced Finn as he took his wine glass from where he was leaning against the fireplace, walking to the door on the other side of the room; Kol and Elijah following behind.

'We're leaving you, Nik,' said Rebekah with an expressionless as she joined her other hybrids. 'Right after I kill that doppelganger wench, then you will be alone. Always and forever.'

'If you run,' started Klaus as he stood up and faced them. 'I will hunt all of you down,' he threatened.

'Then you'll become everything you hate,' said Elijah. 'Our father,' he finished with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

'I'm the hybrid! I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you!' he shouted before slowly turning to face me. 'Not even if you use this insolent girl against me,' he said before turning back to his family. I began to feel my blood boil, causing the chains around my wrists to start to warm again. I pulled my wrists down against them, slowly at first till I felt them give. In a swift downward motion, I pulled on the chains, making them come apart easily as though they were elastic bands. I looked up to see that none of them had noticed but, the only thing that had changed was that a blonde woman was walking towards Klaus.

'Look at me,' she said in a way that was so powerful and terrifying, I was sure I felt the floorboards shake in fear. 'Do you know why I'm here?' I couldn't see the look in Klaus' eyes but I could telk by the way he was standing that he was upset.

'You're here to kill me...' he mumbled.

'Niklaus,' said the woman, looking down at him with motherly eyes. 'You are my son and I am here to forgive you.' She turned her head to the others. 'I want us to be a family again.'

At her statement, I felt the entire room fill with tension. I stood still, not knowing what to do or how I could possibly escape even though one of the hardest parts was done. 'How...' Rebekah stuttered as she looked at her mother with tears in her eyes.

'Perhaps we should discuss private matters in another room. But before we do,' said the woman. 'I think we need to make sure your guest gets home safely.' After she spoke, she turned round to face me. I felt my heart rate speed up as I realized that everyone was looking at me. Some with annoyance, others with sympathy. Yet, Kol looked at me with pure desire in his eyes causing me to shrink against the wall. The woman slowly walked towards me and held out her hand. 'Don't be afraid. I am like you; a daughter of nature. I will not let my children harm you,' she said with such sincerity that I took her hand and let her pull me along to the centre of the room.

'What is your name?' she asked.

'An-Cassandra. My name is Cassandra,' I stuttered, trying to look away from her stare but failing.

'My name is Ester. And, from what I see, you have already met my children,' she said with an understanding smile. 'How old are you, Cassandra?'

'S-Seventeen...' I muttered, trying to ignore the feeling of being watched by vampires.

'You have not yet reached your full power then, or else, I fear, my children would be on the floor in pain and you would not have been chained up. Though, from what I see, you haven't long.'

'A few months,' I replied, not knowing what else to do or say.

'Yes, well, we must make sure you live to see those months,' she said, wrapping an arm around me before turning me to her children. 'Now. Elijah. You are trustworthy enough. I would like you to take this child home before any damage comes to her. On your return, we shall discuss my arrival.' She slowly walked me over to Elijah who stared at Ester for a few seconds before taking my hand and pulling me out of the door.

Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter! I am so sorry that it's not amazing with a cliffhanger and that it took me so long to post but I hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless!

Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented and read this story! I hope this can keep you amazing readers going till the next chapter!

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! Thank you guys!!!!

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