Call of the Horses

By Claire909

5.3K 249 16

Darcy Taylor is a 15 year old girl who lives with her mother and father in their small, country home surround... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not A Chapter, Sorry

Chapter 21

162 8 1
By Claire909

♡Darcy's POV♡

We finally make it home in one piece with Elecia blabbering on in the back. Daniel and I try to sound interested in her one-sided conversation by adding in 'really' and 'Yep' whenever she asked for our imput.

We pulled up outsife the dark house and hopped out to help Elecia.

"This isn't my place" she groans. "No, your staying with us" I replie soothingly. Daniel grabs his phone and texts Elecia's mum to tell her where Elecia is.

Soon after, the notification ringtone goes off and Elecia's mum says she's fine with it. I lead Elecia up the deck chairs while Daniel unlocks the door.

We walk into the foyer and Fly runs in barking. Elecia screams and hidea behind my back.

"The beast, kill ther beast... wait no its a unicorn. Hello pretty pink unicorn what's your name?". Daniel and I try to stiffle our laughter with no success.

We lead her up to the bedroom that I'm currently sleeping in and we sit her on the bed. We take off her shoes and hand her some pajamas.  We both walk out of the room to let her change.

Daniel and I stand outside the closed door in an awkward silence.

"Thanks for before" I say, breaking the silence.

"All good. I never knew Tyler would do something like that. I've known him for ten years now and he's always been appropriate with girls. I know that we aren't go..." he stops.

He's starting to turn red and then I realise what he was going to say which makes me go hot and sweaty in the palms.

"Yeah I know what you mean" I say.

Daniel looks relieved that its not awkward anymore between us.

"Do you think she's changed yet?" Daniel asks with a smirk. "I don't know, why don't you pretend to be Tyler and check" I joke.

He gives a that's-not-funny look and I raise my hands in mock surrender.

I twist the door handle and peek into the room. Elecia is in the pajamas but she's sprawled over the bed, lightly snoring and making bits of hair fly when she exhales.

Daniel chuckles while I drape the blankets over her relaxed body and we quietly shut the door. We make our way down the stairs and into the living room.

"Hey want to help me see if the horses are alright" Daniel asks me.

"Yeah sure" I replie.

We walk in a comfortable silence towards the barn, I have a light skip in my step. Then, I feel a sudden rush of energy and yell out to Daniel "Beat you to the barn" and sprint off.

I make it to the big wooden doors just before Daniel and we're puffing like anything. I look at him which makes me laugh. We pull open the doors and walk down seeing all the horses.

I scratch Tumbleweed under his forelock and kiss Zeus's nose. I finally make my way to Scoot's stall. He nickers to me when he pokes his head out of his stall.

I pull his big head into a squeeze and rub his neck.  "Hi boy, were you asleep?" I ask him, kissing his muzzle. He shakes his head in agreement which makes me chuckle.

"I'll see you later" I say giving him one last kiss and then walking toward the tack room.

Daniel is sitting on the couch in the Tv room with the volume down low. He moves over to let me sit down. I flop down, making sure not to sit on him. I look at the Tv screen and some cop shows playing.

"You look really nice Darcy" Daniel suddenly mutters.

"Thanks you scrub up nice yourself" I chuckle.

"So who was the lucky guy? " he asks.


"What was the guy's name. The guy you left"

I'm guessing he's implying that I had a boyfriend before I left.

"Oh there was no one, I can promise you that"

"Really? No way there's got to be someone!"

"Nup, never"

"You've never had a boyfriend?" he looks shocked. "And don't start going off all 'Who'd go out with me, I'm so ugly and fat'" he says in a whiny tone.

I gasp and punch him in the arm. I start to laugh.

"I'm not that type of girl. I just never liked anyone"

"Well, I've never kissed a girl before" Daniel admits.

"WHAT!What about Amy?" I ask, clearly shocked.

"Nah not even close"

"Is there anyone special now?" I ask, trying to hide the anticipation in my voice.

"Well there is this one girl..." he starts.

"Who?!" I basically scream the question at him.

He gives me a shocked face but quickly shak3s off my remark.

"She has really nice hair and she looks really pretty even when she doesn't try. And she looks really good at the party tonight..."

"Is it Elecia? I knew it, it is Elecia!" I try to sound excited even though I feel like dying inside.

"No!" he laughs. "Childhood friends, no more than that".

"Oh, who is it then?" hope coming back into me.

"I don't know, she probably doesn't know me enough. We just met the other day" he says.

And then I realise he's staring at me with some kind of ekotion in his eyes.

Then I get it. How protective he was of me with Tyler. Why he kept holding my hand or never hesitated to comfort me when I melt down crying.

Daniel likes me!

☆Daniel's POV☆

I stare at Darcy, she's blushing now. I just admited to liking her and she must realise. She's blushing like crazy and she's started to fiddle with her dress.

"I understand if you..." I trail off.

"No, um its sweet" she whispers.

I scoot over closer to her and think about what to do next. I couldn't think of what to do next so I decided to go with the real cheesey move of tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and start to lean in closer.

She starts to lean closer to me and she whispers "Did you just do that cheesey move?". This makes me laugh.

"I'm about to do something even cheesier" I whisper back. And then everything goes fuzzy.

Our lips collide and my body goes tingly and numb at the same time. For someone to steal my first kiss I'm really glad its Darcy

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