Falling For The Suspect ✔️

By frozenyogurtxxx

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Chase Rivers is anything but safe, or at least that is how he is painted in his small home town. As the numbe... More

Chapter 1 ~ Sage
Chapter 2 ~ Chase
Chapter 3 ~ Sage
Chapter 4 ~ Chase
Chapter 5 ~ Sage
Chapter 6 ~ Chase
Chapter 7 ~ Sage
Chapter 8 ~ Chase
Chapter 9 ~ Sage
Chapter 10 ~ Chase
Chapter 11 ~ Sage
Chapter 12 ~ Chase
Chapter 13 ~ Sage
Chapter 14 ~ Chase
Chapter 15 ~ Sage
Chapter 16 ~ Chase
Chapter 17 ~ Sage
Chapter 18 ~ Chase
Chapter 19 ~ Sage
Chapter 20 ~ Chase
Chapter 21 ~ Sage
Chapter 22 ~ Chase
Chapter 23 ~ Sage
Chapter 24 ~ Chase
Chapter 25 ~ Sage
Chapter 26 ~ Chase
Chapter 27 ~ Sage
Chapter 29 ~ Sage
Chapter 30 ~ Chase
Chapter 31 ~ Sage
Chapter 32 ~ Chase
Chapter 33 ~ Sage
Chapter 34 ~ Chase
Sequel ~ Falling For The Disappeared

Chapter 28 ~ Chase

428 15 1
By frozenyogurtxxx

Chase's POV

~ 2 hours earlier ~

I have no idea what to do. My mind is literally split in two, it feels like someone is gripping each side ofmy head and trying to tear it down the middle. Half of me wants to show up at the dance and put the nagging thoughts of what Sage would look like in that dress to rest, but the other half doesn't want to discover what Aaron would retaliate with if I don't show up at his fight.

Earlier mum had come into my room, lightly clutching a suit in her hand telling me she had heard about the dance a week earlier and had gotten me a suit, thinking that I might change my mind at the last minute. The hope in her eyes made me want to drop my worries about Aaron and just go to the dance.

Dancing isn't my thing, but I can't stop the nagging feeling within me that wants to see Sage.

Something deep down churns when I think of Sage dancing with someone else. The thought undoubtedly makes me uncomfortable.

I can't stomach it.

And with that thought, I decide that whatever Aaron has planned doesn't matter. I am worrying about giving him control over my life if I am to go pro, but I am also letting him play me along by worrying about what he has over me. Besides, there is no denying that if I am to play by his rules, that he may pull this card again when it suits him in the future. I can't let that happen.

I stand from my bed and glance at the suit that is neatly laid out on my bed from earlier, where it has stayed untouched for the past few hours as I stewed on what to do. I grab it and make my way towards the shower to get ready.

Glancing at the time I realise that the dance had already started a little over 20 minutes ago. I am not someone to show up early anyway. I shower and get dressed in the suit. I make my way downstairs to where my mum is seated curled up on the couch watching the tv with interest.

"Hey mum, I'll be back later tonight. Don't wait up," I say as I kiss her cheek before turning towards the door. I can tell that she is happy I am going by the way her eyes light up a little as she glances at me.

"Chase," she says catching my attention, her light green vivid eyes catching mine.

"You look great," She states getting up and giving me a light hug.

"Thanks, bye mum," I reply, before walking out the door and towards my car.

I drive towards the school and park my car before walking my way towards the gym and entering. My eyes scan the crowd, taking in the faces of people who are huddled in groups, scattered across the room. I notice Caleb in the corner of the gym leant up against the wall with a glass in one hand, his grey hard assessing eyes flash to mine as if he can sense my eyes on him. He nods his head at me, before turning his attention to something else.

It doesn't take long for my eyes find the certain brunette I came here for. I notice that she sits at a table with one other girl who I have seen with her before and two guys. I frown as I look around the circle and focus my attention onto Sage, her shoulders are tense, and her hands are scrunched into fists at her sides.

What the fuck is happening over there?

I make my way to the table and get close enough to hear a snippet of the conversation.

"So where is your boyfriend tonight?" the idiot I think is named Kyle asks, addressing Sage. But before she can answer the other one buts in beating her too it.

"Maybe out murdering someone?" Conner taunts, as a smirk flashes across his face. That son of a bitch.

"Get lost," Sage replies, venom dripping off her words.

"Aw is somebody sad their boyfriend didn't turn up?" Kyle asks mockingly.

This is my cue to intervene.

"What are you talking about? I'm right here" I address them both, watching as their arrogant grins they were sporting seconds earlier are completely wiped off their faces. "Now if you guys are done being douchebags you can leave these ladies alone," I state.

I look down at Sage and watch as she looks me up and down, before blushing slightly and meeting my gaze. I smirk in reply.

"Why do you look so surprised to see me sweetheart?" I tease looking down at her.

Before anything more can be said I look up at the two boys.

"I suggest you two get lost right about now," I state looking as they both get up to leave. Good.

"You actually came," she says, not hiding the surprise in her voice.

"Well as I told you I had to see what you look like in that dress," I reply, but before she can reply I continue, "And let me tell you, you didn't disappoint," I finish.

"You don't scrub up too bad yourself," She says her bright blue azure eyes meeting mine.

I turn my attention to the girl next to her.

"Do you mind if I steal Sage away for a minute?" I ask.

"Uh no, she's all yours. I need to go find Alice anyways..." she trails off but not before sending Sage a small wink, which doesn't go unnoticed by me.

"Let's dance," I say taking Sage's hand in mine and leading her to the dance floor.

Once we arrive I turn to face her. Sage looks up at me and offers me a small smile. Before she can possibly overthink this more than she already is, I grab her hips and pull her closer to me. She remains still as her eyes flash to mine.

"This is the time that you're meant to put your hands around my neck sweetheart," I say, and wait as she shakes her head lightly letting out a small laugh before she does as I said.

She places her head gently against my shoulder, and I worry that she may hear the fact that my heartbeat has slightly sped up from having her this close to me.

"What changed your mind into coming?" she mumbles into my chest as we slowly sway to the music.

"I think we both know the reason I showed tonight," I say lightly, leaning my head on top of hers, and let her soft scent of roses engulf me, making me let out a sigh of content. I could happily stay like this all night.

She looks up at me from under her lashes, and my heart stalls slightly in my chest.

I need some fresh air or I am going to kiss her again, in front of the whole school this time.

"Would you like to go outside for some fresh air?" I ask looking down at her.

"Yeah sure, just let me grab my purse," she replies before turning, and before I can protest she slips out of my arms and makes her way back the table that she was previously seated at.

I make my way towards the door meeting her there. She looks up at me once she arrives.

"Let's go," she says, before turning and making her way outside, slipping her hand in mine and pulling me along with her.

But before we are able to make it to the end of the steps I notice something that replaces the small smile on my face with a frown.

What are Sage's dad and a police officer doing here at the school dance?

Sage looks back at me in confusion wondering why I have stopped in my tracks and then follows my eyes to where her dad and another man in uniform are making their way towards us.

"Dad?" Sage asks confusion clear in her question.

"Not now Sage. Go inside," her dad commands before his eyes turn to me, not before noticing our intertwined hands, causing a disapproving scowl to appear on his face.

"Chase you need to come with us immediately. We have received new evidence in Brett's case and we need you down at the police station now," The police officer says addressing me sternly.

"What are you talking about? You've already searched my house and found nothing. What have you suddenly found that would change anything at this point?" I ask confused. I feel Sage's hand tighten around mine.

"We have reason to believe you have been lying about not knowing the whereabouts of Brett throughout his disappearance," he states meeting my cold glare.

What the fuck?

Before I am able to respond he holds up his phone showing a photo.

A photo that makes my heart stop beating.

A photo that makes it feel like someone has grabbed my throat and squeezed the air out of my lungs making it hard to breathe.

A photo that makes me look completely and utterly guilty.



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