Call of the Horses

Claire909 tarafından

5.3K 249 16

Darcy Taylor is a 15 year old girl who lives with her mother and father in their small, country home surround... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not A Chapter, Sorry

Chapter 20

164 7 1
Claire909 tarafından

I'm actually having a good time. People are swaying and jumping to the beat of the music while trying to doge the plastic cups littered on the floor.

I've seen Amy dwelling around near Daniel and some of the popular guys trying to talk to them but without success. She's wearing a black and white stripped top with black skirt and red belt. She looks like she belongs in Paris.

Because I've never been to a party before, I'm copying every move from Elecia and Sky. They seem like they've done this a thousand times before, which i can understand, they basically know everybody here.

Delilah and Caleb are making out over in a red armchair in the corner of the large room and Daniel has gone and started talking to some of his school friends.

At the moment I'm dancing with Elecia, Sky, Kyla and a girl named Kelly who I met in line for the toilet. Then a group of four guys cme over and asked every other girl to dance and I'm left alone to jump to the beat of a new song, what a coincidence, but not for long.

Suddenly, a pair of hands slide over my hips and stay there. At first I think it's Daniel but when I look up, its not him.

"Tyler what are you doing?" I ask.

"Just dancing" he says as if nothing is happening.

"You look great" he says.

I step back from Tyler and turn around to face him. He gives me an innocent smirk which I return with a matter-of-fact look.

"Thanks. Its Elecia's" I replie.

He starts to dance toward me, I walk away from him matching my steps with his. I soon back out from the dancing mob and turn around to find Daniel. But I get stopped. Tyler grabs my wrist and twirls me into his chest.

"Woah, don't try to keep your hands off me" he says sarcastically.

"More like you can't keep your hands off me" I say, going along with his little game.

"I always knew you had a thing for me" he smirks and places his forehead against mine. I loop my arms around his neck and pull him towards an open door. He looks pleased and impressed with himself. He starts to unbotton his shirt and his hands trail up my back.

When we get to the door I turn his back towards the doorframe and whisper in his ear "You're being a naughty boy" and then I giggle.

"You're being a greedy girl" he replies, his alcoholic breath tickles my neck. I shove him into the bedroom and he lands neatly on the queen sized bed. I give him a smile that he returns.

"Unfortunately I'm not that easy" I laugh. A look of absolute shock is plastered on Tyler's face and before he objects I slam the door and run down the hallway and into a crowded room.

I hear someone running down the hallway and a door slamming. I run into another crowd of people, all gathering around two guys trying to drink as many shots in under 30 seconds.

I look behind me and see Tyler staring at me. He leaps forward, pushing people over. He even shoved a poor girl into a bowl of sticky looking liquid. I start to run but I run into someone.

"Sorry" I mutter and try to run past the person but they hold me still.

"Darcy what's wrong?" the person asks.

"Daniel!" I exclaim wrapping him in a tight squeeze. "Oh thank god".

"What's wrong?" he asks again.

And at that moment Tyler bursts around the corner and slows down when he sees me sobbing in Daniel's arms.

I turn to face Tyler who has a guilty look playing on his face. "What did you do to her?" Daniel asks while stepping towards Tyler.

"N-nothing I swear" Tyler stutters. "Don't you DARE lie to me! So I'll ask you again, what did you do to her?" this time Daniel has anger in his voice.

"I swear I didn't do anything". Now people are staring at us. If I don't do anything there's definitely going to be a fight.

☆Daniel POV☆

I stalk up to Tyler, hatred bubbling up inside me. He better not have messed with Darcy. Even though we're not together, for now, I still feel that I'm responsible for her.

"Dude calm down I was just playing around with her, she's not yours" he rudely says. I lift my fist ready to introduce it to Tyler's face but Darcy rushes in between us.

"Stop!" she screams. A lot of people are staring at us now. "Please Daniel. Can we just go home?" she pleades.

"Fine" I spit. "Don't you dare take advantage of her again. I tjought I knew you" I say in disgust. I let Darcy drag me away from that creep and out of the house.

"Heey where you guys going?" its Elecia and she's obviously drunk. "You guys are my ride home" she whines. "We're leaving. C'mon you're coming too, that's enough drinks for you" I say. I take hold of one of Elecia's hands and Darcy takes the other.

We place her in the back seat in buckle her up. We close the doors and take our seats in the front.

Elecia starts to mumble slurred things then all of a sudden she says, "I think you guys are cute together". I notice I'm burning up and that Darcy is bright pink.

Me too.

Okumaya devam et

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