Special (Naruto fanfiction)


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Naruto and his friends have been playing near the training grounds. When they heard an explosion and realized... More

Special 2
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Special 31
Not An Update
Special 32
Special 33
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Special 16

1.8K 77 8



It's been three weeks since the preliminarily, since I met Grandpa Jiraiya, and since Gaara and I kissed. Grandpa Jiraiya taught me how to summon a toad! It was huge! Grandpa Jiraiya told me that he wasn't able to summon a toad that big until he was a Jounnin! He also made me push Naruto off a cliff so he could summon the same toad as me. Which Grandpa Jiraiya hated.

"Hey Gamabunta?" I said to they huge toad.

"What do you want kid." He replied annoyed.

"Do you know who Orochimaru is?" I asked him.

"Of course I know that snake! Don't get near him you hear me kid?" He said and I giggled.

"Yup! Not going near him anytime soon." I said laying down on his head.

"Kimimaru! Hey Kimimaru! Down here!" I looked down to see Grandpa Jiraiya and Naruto Nii-san.

"Looks like I need to leave." I said standing up.

"Looks like it, bye kid and don't get near that freak." He said making me laugh.

"Don't worry I won't get near him. You can go now, I'll want to scare Grandpa Jiraiya and Naruto Nii-san." I said to him.

"Alright, see you some other time." Gamabunta said before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

I let my body fall and I could hear Jiraiya gasp. I laughed as I fell while Jiraiya scream out my name. He jumped up into the air to catch me. He put me down on the ground next to Naruto.

"Well, go get the nurses for they can help Naruto." Grandpa Jiraiya said.

"Alright, well I'll leave you guys here. Oh and I want to teach you another special technique later." Grandpa Jiraiya said disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
I walked inside the hospital with Naruto on my back. A group of nurses came to help me out and took me and Naruto to a room. I sat near him for a while until it was getting dark. I walked out of Naruto's room then decided to see Choji and Lee. Then I went outside to walk around the village.

I was walking around when I felt someone grabbed me from behind again. Really! Again! I turned around ready to hit the person when I saw Sasuke.

"Oh, Sasuke, it's you. You scared me and where have you been? I haven't seen you around for a while." I said to him.

"I've been training with Kakashi sensei. What about you?" He asked.

"I've been training with Naruto and-"

"You've been with that loser? Kimimaru you'll lose your fight if you train with him. Come train with me." He said looking down at me.

"But I already have people training me. Actually I have ten." I said smiling nervously at him.

"What?!" He shouted at my statement.

"Yeah, actually I need to go meet them right now. Bye!" I said making hand signs and disappearing in blue flames.

I reappeared in front of Naruto's place. I opened the door and sat down on the couch. I looked around then took a deep breath. I stood up to grab a ramen cup and filled it with water. I put it in the microwave for three minutes then took it out and sat down on his bed. I kept humming a tune while I ate and watched TV. After eating I showered and went to bed.

*Three Days Later*

"HEHEHE! We should eat it in front of Choji." Naruto said.

I was in Naruto's hospital room with Shikamaru. When I walked in Shikamaru was already there and Naruto was awake. I told him about what Grandpa Jiraiya taught me and Shikamaru explained to him why he was here.

"Lets go visit Choji." Naruto said walking towards the door.

"Actually, I was going to visit Lee after I came to visit you. I already visited Choji so you guys can go. I'll go to the flower shop to get some flowers for Lee. Bye guys!" I said jumping out of the window and making my way to the flower shop.

I got some white roses and then a stuffed red dragon. I made my way back to the hospital but before I went back I bought Dango and Mochi. Once I arrived back at the hospital I went to Lee's room. I walked into his room to see Gaara, Shikamaru and Naruto. Gaara was about to use his sand on Shikamaru and Naruto but I stepped in front of him.

"That's enough!" I shouted at him.

"She's right. That's enough." I heard Gai sensei say.

"The finals are tomorrow. Don't get so antsy, or do you want to stay here starting today." Gai sensei said walking in the room.

"UGH!" Gaara shouted putting his hand on his head.

"Gaara! Are you alright?" I asked him but he pushed me away.

"I'll definitely kill you guys just wait." He said coldly before leaving the room.

"Gaara..." I whispered to myself.

"Kimi are you alright?" Naruto said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"What did you guys say to him?!" I yelled at them.

"Us?! We didn't do anything! He was in here when we got here! He was about to kill Bushy Brows!" Naruto exclaimed.

"He was confused! He's still new to the not killing thing!" I shouted back.

"Kimimaru! He wanted to kill one of your friends! He's not like us!" Shikamaru shouted.

"He's right Kimimaru. Gaara is a killer. He almost killed Lee." Gai sensei said.

"No he didn't! This won't have happened if only you hadn't taught Lee those techniques." I said looking away from them.

"He's a monster Kimimaru! Man you're such a drag." Shikamaru said putting his hands in his pocket.

"I wish I have never met any of you!" I shouted dropping the flower and dragon. I ran out of the hospital only to bump into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I said to they person.

"I could tell. Next time look where you're going stupid." A girl with short blue hair said.

"Excuse me. Who the-"

"Misaki! Misaki! Get your butt over here!" I heard Nieco shout.

"Misaki, there you are. I've been looking all over the village for you." Nieco said to the girl.

"Hey Kimimaru. Are you here visiting someone?" Nieco asked me.

"Yeah, actually I just finished. I was about to go buy Mochi and then visit Gramps." I explained.

"Why are you doing to visit an old man?" Misaki said.

"That old man is the Third Hokage!" I shouted at her.

"So, what do I care. I'll be Hokage one day." She said flipping her hair.

"Yeah not happening. Nii-san will be Hokage so shut it." I said walking away from her.

"Kimimaru! Wait!" Nieco yelled.

"Sorry Nieco but the finals are tomorrow and I need to get everything ready." I said to her.

"I'm sorry about Misaki. My cousin can be a little harsh." She said but I shook my head.

"You don't need to apologize but she does." I said looking at Misaki.

"Misaki, apologize to Kimimaru right now." Nieco said to her cousin.

"Fine, I'm sorry. Sorry that you're an idiot." She said mockingly.

"Alright, that's it! I had it with people treating me like this!" I shouted making everyone look at me.

"Kimimaru, calm down." Nieco said to me.

"No! You know what? I had it!" I shouted. I punched the ground and made a giant curator.

"Kimimaru! What is the meaning of this?!" I heard Gramps say.

"Gramps! It was her fault!" I said pointing at Misaki.

"Let's go home Misaki. Your mom is waiting for us." Nieco said dragging Misaki behind her.

"Let's go Kimimaru, I need to talk to you." Gramps said walking in the other direction.

"S~o, What did you want to talk about?" I said trying to sound as if nothing happened.

"It's about what you told before the preliminarily rounds." He said.

"Oh, what about it?" I asked.

"I remember you saying that every time you left a place you forget your memories. I decided that you can leave at any time. Also, you can return at any time. I suggest once you leave to change your appearance as well. No one can know that you left. If they go looking for you they won't be able to recognize you." Gramps explained.

"But my hair and eyes will give it away. I try but I don't know if it will work." I said and he nodded.

"I know but you can't stay here forever just because you're afraid of losing your memories." He replied.

"But that's not why I stay." I said.

"Then why?" He asked.

"I- *sigh* I don't know why." I replied looking down at the ground.

"I know you'll make a great shinobi one day. Come on let's go grab some Mochi before it gets late." He said grabbing my hand.

"Yes sir!" I yelled as we walked to go get Mochi.

The rest of the day Gramps have been smiling, laughing, and doing things that the Hokage shouldn't do. We grabbed some Mochi and went to the festival that the village was having because of the Chuunin Selection Exam. All my friends showed up and even Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari came.

It was fun until I saw Misaki. She flipped her hair then walked over to Kiba. She whispered something to him that made him blush. She looked back at me then smirked. Kiba looked at me then looked away quickly.

["I'm gonna kill her."]
["I'm gonna kill her."] Kurama and I said at the same time.

"Well Kimimaru, I need to go but you can go and have fun with your friends. Bye everyone." Gramps said walking away from me.

"Bye Gramps!" I shouted as he walked away.

"Kimimaru look! That game has stuffed animals as prizes! Believe it!" Naruto shouted.

"I want a stuffed animal." I whined.

"I'll win you one!" All the guys said. I was about to protest but they ran up to the game with the stuffed animals.

"Aren't you popular miss I'm going to kill you." An annoying also known as Misaki said.

"What do you want?" I said annoyed.

"Anything much just that I have a date with dog boy." She said referring to Kiba.

"Kiba and you? HAHAHAHAHA! Wow! So that's why he was blushing, now that makes sense. Well I can't do anything about it. If he likes you then I'm okay with it." I said walking away from her.

"Wait! You're not going to get angry at me?" She said making me look at her.

"Why would I get angry? Yeah I hate you and all but if my friend likes you then I have to support him." I said walking away from her again.

"But don't you like him?" I turned around annoyed by her stupidity. I walked over to her again and.....


"Ow! What was that for?!" Misaki said rubbing her head.

"That's for being stupid. I don't like Kiba that way. We're childhood friends." I explained.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." She said walking away from me.

"Kimimaru!" I heard my friends shout.

"I won you a fox." Naruto said handing me a big red stuffed fox.

"Thanks Naruto I'll call her Naruko." I said.

"Hey!" He shouted.

"Sorry, it remains me of you." I explained.

"The others tried to get you one but I was the only one. Who's the best person in the world?" He said smiling brightly at me.

"You are." I said hugging him.

"Hey Kimimaru! Over here!" I turned around to see Kankuro.

"Hey Kankuro, what's up." I said walking over to him.

"I got you Dango." He said handing me some Dango.

"Kankuro I flippin love you right now!" I shouted at him.

"Aw thanks but I don't think my little brother would like to hear that." He said ruffling my hair.

"Kankuro where did Gaara go?" Temari asked looking around for her little brother.

"I think he's at that game I was a couple of minutes ago." Kankuro replied.

"Kimimaru." I heard someone say. I turned around to face Gaara.

"Hey Gaara! What's up?" I said popping the p.

"I got you a panda." He said handing me a big chubby panda.

"YAY! I have two pandas now!" I shouted hugging him.

"Thanks Gaara!" I shouted.


"Ow! Naruto you're mean!" I whined.

"Don't just run away like that. You scared me." Naruto said pulling me away from Gaara causing me to drop the fox and panda.

"Nii-san! My animals!" I shouted making him let go of me.

"Hey! Be nice to your sister man." Kankuro said helping me pick up my stuffed animals.

"Thanks Kankuro for helping me but I need to go back with my other friends. I'll see you guys tomorrow bye. Come on Naruto." I said walking away from them.

"Hey Kimimaru the others are going up the small hills of the village to see the fireworks. Let's hurry up so we don't miss anything." Naruto said smiling brightly.

"Sorry Naruto but I'm going home." I said walking towards his place.

"Why?" He whined.

"Because I'm tired and we have the finals tomorrow. Don't worry I won't go anywhere or open the door to anyone who I don't know." I said looking back at him before walking away.

I walked home slowly, looking at the villagers as they walked on by. It made me happy that my friends cared for me and give me gifts. But I wounder what will happen if I leave? Will they get angry? Or will they support my decision? What if I lose my memories? Then what would I do?

"Stop worrying child you'll only have regrets when the time comes for you to leave the village." Matatabi said.

"Regret." I repeated to myself.

"Regret what?" I heard someone say. I up to see Sasuke leaning against the wall of Naruto's apartment.

"Hey Sasuke what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Here. I got you a stuffed bear. Name it whatever you want." He said handing me a black stuffed bear.

"I'll name him Sasuke because you guys look alike." I said making him blush.

"Come on let's go inside." I said walking up to stairs to go open the door.

Sasuke followed close behind me. I took out the keys and opened the door. He walked into the messy living room while I went to the room to put my stuffed animals away. I came back to the living room to see Sasuke gone.

"Where he go?" I asked myself.

"Kimimaru?" I heard him behind me. I turned around only for our lips to meet.

His kiss was messy and fast. I could barely keep up with him. We pulled away a few inches from each other. I was about to say something but he just pressed his lips against mine again and slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I wanted to pull away but he kept pressing his face against mine. I finally kicked him in the stomach and he released me.

"What the hell!" I shouted at him. He looked up at me breathing heavily.

"Kimimaru, I'm sor-"

"Get out!" I shouted cutting him off.

"Kimimaru I just wanted to show you how I feel." He said grabbing my wrist.

"Let go of me!" I shouted trying to make him let go.

"Let go of her or I'll kill you." I heard another voice say. I turned to look at the window to see Gaara.

"Gaara!" I shouted.

"What do you want?" Sasuke said standing in front of me.

"Kimimaru, are you alright?" Gaara asked and I nodded.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Come with me. I'll take you back to your friends." Gaara said walking slowly towards me.

"You're not taking her anywhere." Sasuke said trying to prevent Gaara from getting to me.

"Let me go Duck-butt!" I shouted at him making him get an eye twitch.

"Duck-butt? Really?" He said and I giggled.

Gaara disappeared into a cloud of sand then reappeared behind me. He put his arm around my waist then made his sand swirl around us. Sasuke turned around but he was too late. We had disappeared and reappeared at the top of a small hill.

"Kimimaru? I thought you said you were going home?" Naruto said walking towards me.

"I did but I went to buy some food and I was attacked by some weirdo. But thanks to Gaara I was saved." I lied, well, half lied.

"Well you're just in time. The fireworks are about to start." Sakura said pulling me over to where the others were.

The whole time during the fireworks I was sitting in between Kiba and Naruto. Gaara was watching us from a distance. Sasuke came a couple of minutes after the first four fireworks went off. It was awkward between me and Sasuke but I didn't let that stop me from having fun. After the last firework everyone went home. Naruto and I stayed for a while before leaving.

When we arrived at the house Sasuke was waiting outside for us. I looked away from him and grabbed Naruto's hand. I heard footsteps coming towards us but I refused to look up.

"What do you want Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"Kimimaru we need to talk." Sasuke said ignoring Naruto. I moved closer to Naruto and whispered a soft no.

"She doesn't want to talk to you." Naruto said walking pass him.

"Come on Kimimaru." Sasuke said grabbing my arm.

"Sasuke let me go." I said still looking away from him.

"I'm taking you back home." He said pulling me away from Naruto.

"Stop! I don't want to go back there! Itachi told me to stay away from there! He said that I should forget about that night!" I shouted at him.

"Itachi! Itachi! That's all you talk about! Why do you care about him? He tried to kill us!" He shouted back.

"No he didn't! You don't understand him!" I shouted trying to prevent my tears from falling down my face.

"All I know is that he's a S - rank criminal!" He shouted back.

"I hate you!" I yelled running up the stairs to Naruto's door.

I sat there for a while until Naruto came to open the door. We went inside and Naruto let me shower first. After that I changed into one of his shirts and went to bed. A couple of minutes later Naruto joined me.

"Kimimaru, are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I said looking out the window. It was quiet for a while until I broke the silence.

"He's an ass hole." I said looking at my stuffed animals.

"You got that right believe it!" Naruto said brightly.

"Naruto?" I said turning to face him.

"What?" He replied.

"Thank you for being the only one who understands me." I said hugging him.

"Just shut up and go to sleep." He said pulling me closer to him. I let out a sigh before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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