Back Into Your Arms

By whitedandelions001

418K 10.2K 454

[COMPLETED] #Ranks : #14 on 30/11/18 (category : Ex) #17 on 29/6/19 ( category : adultromance) #57 on 29/6/1... More

Just a note
Chapter 1 : Games (PROBLEM)
Chapter 2 : You (ON THE FLOOR)
Chapter 3 : Wife ( LOVE RUNS OUT)
Chapter 4: Promises ( KISS ME)
Chapter 5: Boss ( BETTER)
Chapter 6: Dinner ( YELLOW FLICKER BEAT)
Chapter 7 : Ring On It ( PUT A RING ON IT)
Chapter 8 : Simple ( DIAMONDS)
Chapter 9: Engaged ( TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE)
Chapter 11: Ride ( LOVE ME NOW)
Chapter 12 : Kids(NEW ROMANTICS)
Chapter 13: Fiance ( LIKE HOW IT FEELS)
Chapter 14 : Jerk (ENCHANTED)
Chapter 15 : Tickles (MAPS)
Chapter 16 : Wild (RUN AWAY WITH ME)
Important A/N
Chapter 17 : Back (HOME SWEET HOME)
Chapter 18 : Two Weeks (SUGA SUGA)
Chapter 19 : Help (ARMY)
Chapter 20 : New Leaf (TWENTY TWO)
Chapter 21 : Run away bride (STAYIN' ALIVE)
Chapter 22 : Burps and Farts (BLAME)
Chapter 23 : The Wedding ( A THOUSAND YEARS)
Chapter 24 : The Family Dinner(CONFIDENT)
Chapter 25 : Hurt me (BREATHE AGAIN)
Chapter 27 : Confrontation (SORRY)
Chapter 28 : Emily (NEW PROBLEMS)
Chapter 29 : Daddy (IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT)
Chapter 30 : A friend (AMERICAN IDIOT)
Chapter 31 : Hungry Eyes (ME TOO)
Chapter 32 : Crystal (NEVER SAY NEVER)
Chapter 34 : Hawaii (HOTEL CALIFORNIA)
Chapter 35 : Ruin Me Tonight (PILLOWTALK)
Chapter 36 : Jellyfish Stings ( I LIKE IT )
Chapter 37 : Woman with a Scarf (EYES ON FIRE)
Chapter 38 : Help You Forget (MOUTH TO MOUTH )
Chapter 39 : Blue Socks (ANOTHER LIFE)
Chapter 40 : The Date ( WHEN ITS ALL OVER)
Chapter 41 : Saving Grace (LAY ME DOWN)
Chapter 42 : Funeral ( OBLIVION)
Where you goin'?(Announcements)
The Left Broken Wing
"I didn't want to publish BIYA...." + About Me

Chapter 33 : Love Finally (BETWEEN THE NIGHT)

9K 209 7
By whitedandelions001

Well golden gates can wait, let them have the well it was.
It's just us, it's just us right now.
Even if we disappear, even if we're left behind,
It's just this, it's just this right now.
And there is never a time that is not now.
Rosi Golan - Between The Night, Between The Day( God bless TVD )
I groaned for the 2569th time. I took my phone and the screen lit up. It was 3 o'clock.  God, I can't sleep!  Why can't  I sleep?
Oh wait, let me guess. Cause your husband (who's also your ex lover) , had finally decided to open his big mouth and tell you every bit of the truth that you never knew.

I think it's finally time to say this :

My life is a huge lie.

There. From the moment I came to know about every single detail, I can't even think to anything else other than our past and how wrong I was.

God dammit, I sat up and hit my bed with my hands. To hell with sleep.

I ran out of my room, ran through the corridor and stood in front of Liam's room. The door was shut. Everything was silent, and all I could hear was my ragged breathing due to running.

Maybe I should just go,  I nodded and turned back.

No! Wait! What are you doing? You can't do this. Yes, I can't, I sighed.
These were the rare moments where my conscience is right. I mean, it's my conscience for God's sake. I should go inside and clear every doubt I have.

Because there's never a time that is not now.

I lightly knocked on the door. No response. Maybe he's asleep. Dammit, I knew this was a bad idea. I turned to go back when, as if on cue, the door opened and Liam stood their with nothing but his boxers. He scrunched up his face when a dim light fell upon his face.

Man, he's yummy. Those abs.... stop it! Behave!

"Ashley?", he asked. His voice brought me out of my trance.

"Umm... I couldn't sleep. But-but you should go back. Sorry for disturbing. I don't know what I was thi-"

"Hey. It's okay. Come in. ", he said.

I entered and was taken aback by the interior. This was probably the first time I entered his room. It was beautiful and yet boyish.

He got up on his bed and patted the space beside him. I blushed and made slow steps towards him. Once I sat down, I contemplated about telling it to him.
I should. He deserves it.

"I'm sorry. ", we both said in unison.
He chuckled, "Why are you sorry? I made your life a living hell. "

I shook my head, "There are some things that I need to clear up with you. ", I sighed and closed my eyes before continuing, "I'm sorry. For not hearing your explanation. For jumping to conclusions. For thinking that you were a devil and what not. I'm truly sorry. I should have listened to your side of the story. I'm sorry Liam. I hope you can forgive me. ", I finished as a tear slid down my face.

"Hey, don't cry. ", he took my hand and pulled me closer. His scent filled my nostrils and I immediately felt at peace. I couldn't think of a better place than his arms. It was my safe haven. I felt like its time to tell him. Everything I feel.

"And no. ", I continued, "you didn't make my life a living hell. I agree I hated you. With a passion, might I add. But, every time I looked into your eyes.... I felt something inside me that filled me with warmth. I don't regret marrying you Liam. ", I bursted out crying as he kept on patting my head, "because.... because a part of me still loves you like I did two years back. ", I pushed my head into Liam's crook of neck as if that would  hide my embarrassment.

"I don't know what games life is playing with me Ashley. When I saw you in London, I saw red. Hatred was all that I felt. Teaching you a lesson was all that I had in my mind. But even before I came to know about the truth from Theo, I couldn't help but fall for you all over again. I punished myself for feeling that way. But you had an effect on me that nobody does. Still do. I'm sorry too. For being an arse. As much my old self would hate saying this, but, I need you in my life. Cause without you, I'm disaster. ", he chuckled dryly and put his fingers on my chin to face me with his face.
I'm sure my face was filled with smudged tears and eyes were red like blood.

Nevertheless he continued, "I loved you back then and I love you right now. With every passing second, my heart yearns for your touch. It yearns for you. With a passion, might I add. ", he laughed lightly  mimicking my line.

I hugged him tightly and muffled, "Now what? "

"Well, if it were a movie, we'd start making out. ", he smirked.

I gasped and smacked his arm, "Take your pervert mind elsewhere mister. "

He laughed and hugged me,  "God knows how many nights I have just dreamt of you lying by my side. Let's go to sleep. Too much information for one day,huh? "

"Wait! ", I stopped him, "I wanna know about Emily. "

He sighed, "After a few months since you left, my parents got into a 'let's get you married' mode and contacted Emily's father. Our families have been close allies and partners for a long time. So naturally their first thought was Emily. We did date and after a few months I finally felt like I should move on. We even got engaged. But every time I kissed her , your face should flash in my mind and all I could think was you. So , I felt like I was doing wrong to her, leading her on like that. I talked to my mother and she understood. Finally , we called it off. And then I went to London and the rest is history."

"And Emily did not have a problem with that ?"

"Miraculously no. But we talked after that, clearing away our awkwardness. She understood everything and said that she too felt that we were hurrying things. So it's all good. She's really a nice person."

"Mhmm", I rolled my eyes.

"You sound a bit jealous."

"You know what , maybe I am ." , I shook my head, "cause you're mine.",the words slipped out before I could control it and I ended up blushing even more.

"I am. Come on. Let's sleep. I've been talking for three hours, non stop.", he said yawning.

"Hmm", I snuggled closer to him.

"I'm sorry", I mumbled for one last time before drifting off.

I woke up to the closing of the door.  Slowly opening my eyes , I saw Liam smiling like an idiot.

"Wake up , sleepy head." , he smiled.

"What time is it?", I groaned.

"11 in the morning.",he said nonchalantly.

"What ?!", I shrieked, "how are you so nonchalant about that ?! You have to go to work !"

"Relax. I took my day off from work. It's our first happy day after the marriage, and I would like to treat it like one. So, breakfast in bed?"

I smiled, "Sure."

He handed me the plate and took his own whilst  sitting beside me on the bed. The plate was decorated with omelette, bacon and sausage.

"I didn't take you to be so decorative. I mean, the last time you cooked something for me, I'm pretty sure we almost ended up calling the fire department.", I mused.

"Hey! That was a one time thing ,okay? And you were constantly distracting me with your dance moves."

"Hmm. I know I'm a good dancer", I mused.

"A terrible one actually. Cause every time you fell, I laughed my ass off , which led to burning of the rice noodles."

I gave him a playful glare, but nevertheless started concentrating on my meal.

After about an hour of chatting and rejuvenating our old ties, I felt normal. As if my body had gained some confidence, some reason. I opened the balcony door and stood by the railing taking in the fresh air.
I felt hands envelope me from behind and I smiled as I leaned against his body.
"I want you to pack your bags."
"Pack bags? Why ?", I turned around.
"Cause we're going somewhere."
"Oh my god, really ? Where?"

"I figured that I'd been an arse to you for three months and also prior to that. So this is my way of saying sorry and telling you how much you mean to me. I want to show you the queen that you are. And to answer your last question, we're going to Hawaii."

"HAWAII??! That's like a dream come true. Finally I'll getting the tan that was missed in Maldives."

"Go pack your bags.", he chuckled.

"Yep. Gosh, I have to tell Miranda."

"Speaking of whom, she's also coming with us."

"What? Really? But, how did she know ?"

"I might or might not have said that I was going to tell you the truth to her.", he rubbed the back of his neck.

"And ?"


"And ?"

"Lucas.", he sighed, "Look, I can expl-"

"No Liam. I don't want an explanation. I can't believe you'd tell my friends first and not me.", I said. Yes, that hurt. Imagine your boyfriend telling things to your friends and not you.

Wait. I did not call him that !

"Just tell me what I can do, please. I don't want to hurt you anymore.", he pleaded.

"Well, I'm going to go take a shower and think about it in the meanwhile. And you, as a semi-punishment can go and pack my bags."

He looked at me in shock, "You want me to pack your bags?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?", I frowned and looked at him.
This is for making me climb the 23 flights of stairs. Take that Anderson.

"N-no. Of course not.", he shook his head and immediately left.

A steamy shower can help me calm down. I stripped out of my clothes once I was in the bathroom. I smiled as the memories of yesterday came flying in. I feel like a teenager again. I imagined being close to him for the first time in two and a half years, smelling his maddening scent that I always loved.

I face palmed myself for giggling at those thoughts. Yep, definitely a teenager.
After the shower , I wore a tank top and shorts and went to find Liam.
He was on the bed trying to get the suitcase chain to lock.

"You're done I see."

"Yep. I and took things you won't regret wearing.", he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and playfully glared at him, "So, I finally came up with a punishment for you."

He nodded.

"I want Theo, Miranda and Lucas to all go with us."

"Done. Well, Miranda and Theo we're already going with us. I'll inform Lucas."

"I wasn't finished yet.", I smirked.

"What else ?"

"Call Emily and tell her that she can join too."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I feel like I owe her an apology for jumping to conclusions like that. And also, I owe her for that Pictionary game."

And I also have a plan.


Hey my sweet little dandelions!! I've enrolled BIYA  in like ten different Wattpad awards.  Let's keep our fingers crossed.

This chapter is dedicated to ShreyaMondal for her constant love and support. She's a friend of mine whom I absolutely adore. Hope you're liking the story so far Shreya!

Like. Comment( I love listening to you guys) . Share with your friends.

And PM me for chatting non stop about complete bull crap. I'm up for everything other than studying.

Till the next update,
Love ,
Candy ❤️

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