Small (Yoongi's Sister BTS Fa...

By singformeangel

445K 13K 11.7K

"You were fifteen, Yoongi-ah." Jin states softly, "Neither of you had a choice." DISCONTINUED, but there is a... More

To New Readers~
I | Home
II | Absence
III | Coffee
4 | Dare
5 | FaceTime
6 | Sorry (Not Sorry)
7 | Chance
8 | Hug Him
9 | Deal or No Deal
10 | The Question
11 | "Oh, Please, No."
12 | A Girl?!
13 | Nothing
14 | For Me
15 | Memories
16 | Occupation?
17 | Hangry
18 | "Don't Say That"
19 | Except One
20 | I Could Never
21 | For You
22 | Sweet Dreams
23 | No Matter
24 | Cute Enough
25 | Good Dongsaeng
26 | Mask On
27 | The Man on the Other End
28 | Safety First
29 | Respect Your Elders!
30 | Awkward
31 | 쩔어 on the Street
32 | Didn't You Know?
33 | Little Min Swag
34 | In Our Blood Pt. 1
35 | In Our Blood Pt. 2
36 | In Our Blood Pt. 3
37 | Bitter
38 | Kids These Days
39 | Worth It
40 | Not a Date
42 | Too
43 | New Reality
44 | Of Course
45 | Siren
46 | Really, Really
47 | "Would You Like Your Receipt?"
48 | Brother
49 | Heart-Stopping
50 | Worse for Wear
51 | Deaf to My Own Pleas
52.1 | Second Skin
52.2 | Compromised
53.1 Interim
Unfortunately :(

41 | D- D- Chats?

4.9K 151 118
By singformeangel

      "So two orders of Fettuccine Alfredo; one with chicken and one without?" The waiter asks, looking up from his notepad, "Anything else for you folks?"

      "I think that's it," Jimin's statement sounds more like a question than anything else. The orange-haired dancer looks over at B, but she's preoccupied with the hem of her jacket and is too busy staring at the floor to notice his stare. Jimin turns back to the waiter, his voice soft, "But just to be safe, can you make sure that our order doesn't come in contact with any strawberries? B-ah has severe strawberry allergies."

      "I can definitely do that." The waiter assures, writing down another note and underlining it several times, "Your orders should be out in under half an hour, Park-ssi. Don't hesitate to wave someone over if you need anything."

      And with a kind smile and a quick bow the waiter is gone, their menus tucked underneath his arm. B looks up as soon as the waiter vanishes, her shyness disappearing just as fast as it came. She smiles softly, her eyes skittering across the lavish decorations of the restaurant.

      "This place is beautiful, Jiminie." B notes, her voice hesitant and soft, "But it seems too expensive."

      Nothing is too expensive if it makes you happy.

      "It's not that bad, angel." Jimin assures, "I can easily afford it now that our group is starting to get popular, so don't worry about it. It's my treat."

      "I think I've been spoiled too much already." B huffs, her gaze wandering down to the sparkling jewelry on her fingers, "I don't even want to know how much oppa spent on me."

      "There's no such thing as too much spoiling!" Jimin exclaims enthusiastically, his smile bright. B rolls her eyes, but Jimin ignores her snarky response. If Byeol is anything like her older brother she probably secretly likes the affection, so Jimin continues with smile, "Yoongi hyung gives you gifts because he loves seeing you smile. The more he spoils you, the more loves you, I guess you could say."

      "Oppa doesn't need to give me gifts to prove that he loves me." B grumbles, her taffy pink lips shimmering as they're pulled into a pout. Jimin can't tear his eyes away from her mouth as she talks, her lips pursed into a pout even as she forms words, "He's proved that to me in so many different ways already. He doesn't need to worry about silly material things! And neither do you, Noise Boy."

      "Of course we're going to worry about things like that." Jimin tells her sincerely, his voice soft. It's a miracle that his voice doesn't waver, but Jimin's thankful for it nonetheless, "You deserve nothing but the best."

      B blinks up at him, incredulous. Jimin finally tears his gaze away from her lips to meet her gaze, his heart spontaneously combusting when her eyes widen in genuine surprise. 

      Why is she always so surprised that we want to take care of her and make her happy? 

      "D-don't say such things, Noise Boy." B stutters, obviously taken aback, "I think that's going a little far."

       "What about saying that you deserve the best is going a little far?" Jimin inquires, his tone flat and his expression deadly serious. B stares right back at him, her gaze just as intense, but no response slips from her mouth. Jimin's heart sputters at the helpless look in her dark eyes, and his blank expression fades into one of tender adoration. Jimin smiles sadly and reaches out to place his hand over hers, his thumb ghosting over smooth skin, "You've struggled enough as it is, angel. Hyung and I don't want you to suffer anymore. We can see what this job has been doing to you, and it worries us both to death. If you refuse to quit, the least we can do is spoil you when you're with us."

      B's enchanting eyes fall to the table, fixated on the movement of Jimin's thumb across her knuckles. She blinks slowly, her lips pressed into a thin line as her head swims with thoughts that Jimin wishes he could know. Her eyes flash with waves of emotion, each too complicated and interweaved for Jimin to properly read. B's gaze finally flickers up to meet Jimin's, and he's shocked by the insecurity he sees there.

      The youngest Min opens her mouth to speak, but she quickly bites her lip before any words can escape. She hesitates, oddly bashful, but Jimin patiently waits for her to speak, his hand warm and secure over hers. With one last flash of confidence B pulls her lip out from between her teeth and speaks.

      "You say oppa spoils me because he loves me." Timid isn't a word that Jimin would usually use to describe Min Byeol, but the softness of her tone isn't like anything he's ever heard from her before. Her words are lilting and bashful, straining to leave her mouth like secrets that aren't hers to tell. The beautiful girl blinks up at Jimin, the hidden specks of gold in her eyes glinting in the dim light of the restaurant, "Then... is that why you're spoiling me too?"

       Jimin chokes on air, stunned by B's theory of the reason behind his behavior. It takes all of his willpower to keep himself from blushing profusely and running away to hide his embarrassment in the safety of the bathroom.

        I-I'm sure she didn't mean it that way! Jimin rushes to convince himself that his feelings haven't been discovered. She- she probably meant that I love her in a friendly way! A brotherly way! Y-yeah- that's got to be it.

       "I j-just want you to be safe and happy." Jimin forces a bright smile to cover up his internal panic. He pats himself on the back for finding a perfect way to avoid B's dangerous question, "You and hyung mean a lot to me."

       B's eyes narrow in suspicion, picking up on Jimin's odd behavior easier than Jimin would've liked. Feeling like a mouse caught in a trap, Jimin deftly changes the subject.

      "I'm assuming you're gonna go right back to work when you leave our dorm." Jimin says, attempting to ignore the skeptical glare that B is giving him, "But you're going to visit often, right? Yoongi hyung might go insane being away from you for so long."

      "I'll visit as often as possible," B answers, sounding reluctant as she glares at Jimin one last time. Jimin smiles innocently back, making B squint skeptically at his childish act, "And- and if you want, we can continue meeting for coffee in the mornings. Oppa can tag along with you when he's not being a workaholic, and that way both of you will get to see me more often."

       "I'd love to continue our coffee d-d-chats." Jimin stumbles over the word date, mentally wanting to punch himself for even thinking of the word.

      Byeol-ah doesn't like me that way, so they aren't dates you pabo! Aish. What is wrong with me today? I can't stop thinking about us as if we were together. And that's never gonna happen with Yoongi hyung around. Why? Why did I have to fall for the one person Yoongi hyung loves more than Kumamon?

       "And you should definitely sleep over as much as possible." Jimin continues, pushing past his internal shame, "That way hyung and I can make sure you aren't getting sleep deprived again."

      "It wasn't that bad!" B protests, both of them remembering the incident at the cafe just a week ago, "I was just a little tired."

      "You could hardly stand." Jimin's tone drops an octave in severity, frowning at the unpleasant memory of her deathly pale appearance, "Don't even try to tell me that it wasn't serious. I was worried sick."

      If you almost passing out is "not that bad", I don't want to know what you think bad is. Jimin holds in a sigh and takes a large sip of his drink to keep himself from opening his big mouth and saying things he'll most likely regret. I just hope things won't go right back to how they were. I don't think I could take seeing her like that again.

      "Your boss didn't pack your schedule too full, did he?" Jimin worries, his left leg bouncing involuntarily, "I know you just took a week off, but you deserve a break."

      "No- well..." B mumbles, scratching behind her ear as she avoids making eye contact, "I mean, I've had worse."

      Of course that's what she'd say.

      "The more I learn about your boss, the less I like him." Jimin mumbles, hating the sinking feeling her skittish reply gives him. Jimin brushes his thumb over her soft skin one last time before pulling his hand back over to his side of the table. He sighs at the sight of her timid posture, wishing there was something he could do to help her, "Has he assigned you another big project, or whatever you call them? Are you going to have to miss a couple of days at the cafe?"

      "I'll only have to miss one day next week." B admits, her hair falling into her eyes as she glances down. B's eyes linger on the hand that Jimin's warm palm is no longer touching, a glint flickering in their dark depths, "I'm accompanying the group I assist to the KMAs on Thursday." 

AN: I made up the KMAs (Korean Music Awards). They are not a real Korean award show. The award show scenes (oops-- SPOILERS) happen in September (it's the Saturday of first week of Sep currently~) and there isn't a Korean Music Award show IRL that happens at that time, so I made one up. It's just for plot purposes, but I think it's going to be so much fun... I sure love my drama. *evil laughter*

      "You're going to the KMAs?" Jimin asks, shocked. Bangtan had been preparing for their performance at the KMAs for weeks, but never once did he consider the possibility that the group B works for might be there. Jimin perks up, both his excitement and his nervousness for the upcoming event growing exponentially, "Bangtan is too! Do you think you'll be able to introduce me to the idols you work for? I'd like to meet them!"

      "Of course!" B smiles, her eyes glittering oddly as she finally meets Jimin's gaze. Her smile is soft, but there's something strange about it that Jimin can't quite place. It's almost as if she looks... scared? In spite of her strange expression, her voice is as steady as always, "I'm sure that they'll love to meet you."

      "Great!" Jimin chirps in delight, clapping his hands. Jimin (unlike a few other Bangtan members-- namely Yoongi) actually likes meeting new people. The excitement of introducing a whole new character into his life, whether they become a key player or not, is something Jimin always looks forward to. Plus, Jimin has some questions he wants to ask B's so called "idols".

      If B-ah won't tell me what exactly is going on at work, then maybe I can get it out of them. After all, they're practically her bosses too. She hasn't said anything negative about them, but I can't help but feel distrustful. If they know about how their boss is treating her, then why aren't they doing anything about it?

     "Jiminie?" B nearly whispers, her voice hesitant, "I have a f-favor to ask."

     "A favor?" Jimin forces his previous train of thought into the very back of his head and focuses all his attention on the beautiful girl across from him, "Go ahead, angel."

     "C-could you not mention my work s-situation to them?" B asks, biting at her bottom lip and clenching her hands on the table. Jimin stiffens in surprise, his lungs suddenly refusing to work as he stare blankly at the young Min. B stares anxiously down at her fingers, stuttering out an explanation for her request, "Only one of them k-knows about what's happening with our boss, and I don't want to w-worry the others. They're working h-hard all the time, and I don't want them to stress over me."

       Jimin has the sudden urge to shake some sense into her and cuddle her into oblivion all at the same time.

      How can someone so snarky be so selfless and stupid? Jimin clenches his jaw, anxiousness churning in his gut. She'd rather suffer in silence than tell her friends that she needs help. She always tried to act so blunt and cold, so how come I'm not surprised?

      But then again, B is a Min, and Mins are practically born to be tsundere.

      Jimin wants to refuse her favor. He wants to get her out of that toxic work environment, and keep her safe at home with him and Yoongi. But he knows just how fierce a Mins' wrath is, and he doesn't want to risk B hating him. As long as Jimin keep close tabs on her health she doesn't seem to be in any real danger, so with a heavy heart Jimin agrees.

      "Alright, I won't mention it." Jimin sighs, finally giving in and running a hand through his perfectly styled orange hair, "But you've got to keep in contact, arasseo? Text us everyday so hyung and I don't worry so much. And call hyung too, when you're free."

      "Arasseo, arasseo! I will." B quickly agrees, relaxing in relief, "If that will make you feel better, than I will."

      Nothing you can ever do will stop me from worrying, angel. You mean too much to me.

      Jimin doesn't want to change the subject. What he wants is to find out exactly why B hasn't told the other people she works with what's going on. Jimin also really wants to know how in the world they haven't noticed her drastic loss of weight, but he doesn't want to make his angel feel any more uncomfortable than she already obviously does. Today is supposed to be a fun outing for the two of them, not a stressful interrogation about why she isn't taking proper care of herself. So Jimin doesn't pry.

      I wish you would let me help you.

       "On another note, your group must be pretty popular if they've been invited to attend the KMAs!" Jimin states lightheartedly, hiding his concern behind a cheerful grin, "Maybe I know them. What's they're name?"

      "Oh-- uh-- they're called ICYou." B reveals, her cheeks turning pink for no apparent reason, "They're a pretty new group. They debuted only five months ago, but I've been working with the company for a couple years. I've also been working closely with the members for a long time before their debut. I've already told you about them-- they're my dorm-mates, and good friends."

      For some weird reason, the name ICYou sounds very familiar, but Jimin pushes the strange gut feeling aside.

      "Oh--really?!" Jimin's eyebrows raise in surprise, "So the crazy friends you've been ranting to me about for the past two months are actually kpop stars?"

      Who would've thought that both of us work in the music industry, and closely with idols? The irony of his realization makes Jimin want to laugh. Life's plot twists are crazy. 

      "ICYou must be doing really well for a rookie group if they've been invited to the KMAs!" Jimin notes, genuinely happy for B. 

      Jimin remembers his own joy when Bangtan's popularity slowly started to pick up. Their money troubles gradually faded into the background as their schedules picked up; more and more people beginning to notice and like them. Bang-PD was forced to hire over a dozen new employees to be able to keep up with the sudden work flow, and the assistants nearly doubled in number. Jimin remembers greeting the many new faces with a bright smile, glad that their older staff members won't be put under so much stress anymore. There was always too much work to do, and never enough people to do it.

      But Angel says that she's the only assistant. Jimin's smile falters into a cold glare that he sends down into his cola. Assisting artists is no joke! Attendants have to cater to the artists' every need as well as keeping track of the schedules, outfits, programs, lines, and who knows whatever else. If her group is starting to get super busy, how can her boss expect her to be able to do all of that by herself?

       "I guess that explains why you're so busy all the time." Jimin mutters under his breath, worried for the stubborn girl sitting across from him. He lifts his eyes from his glass to find B staring at him, her dark eyes round with confusion. Jimin's anger subsides-- her sweet features drawing every negative emotion out of him and replacing them with a warm glow. Jimin smiles apologetically, "I'm sorry. I got too deep in thought."

      "It's alright." B answers, her eyes searching, "What were you thinking about? You looked a-angry."

      "I was just worrying some more, angel." Jimin says with a gentle sigh, "Do your friends treat you alright at work?"

      "Yeah." B nods, her hands encircling her precious glass of chocolate milk, "Only Jee-Jee knows about the diets our boss makes me go on, but she can't do anything about it. She treats me like a little sister, and tries to help me when she can. She sneaks me snacks sometimes. The others are always sweet and respectful to me, especially Chunhei."

      "That's good." Jimin breathes out in relief. 

      At least someone is watching out for her at work. That makes me a little less worried.

      "Yesterday hyung told me that you're really good with music." The orange haired dancer tries to lighten the mood with a less depressing subject, and judging by the way B's eyes light up at the mention of music (and Yoongi's compliment) he's succeeded, "Do you help write some of their music? Hyung writes a lot of ours, along with Joonie hyung."

      "I do help in the studio, sometimes." B says, suddenly very shy. A small smile brightens her face as clutches at her drink, too adorable for Jimin not to fanboy over, "Jee-Jee always asks for my opinions on her songs, and I- I might've... maybe helped write their title track?"

      Title track? Jimin's eyes widen in surprise. They named their debut album after a song she helped write? 

      Jimin had expected her to be well versed in music (she is related to Yoongi, after all), but she must be extremely talented if she was able to contribute to an ICYou's title track. The title track of a debut album is almost always the most important. It gets the most money put into it for promotions, and it also introduces the group's concept to the public. Without a good title track, it's almost impossible to break into the industry and gain a spot on the charts. 

      "That's amazing, angel." Jimin congratulates her, his chest aching with something akin to pride, "Will they be performing their title track at the KMAs? I'd love to hear your work."

      "No." B shakes her head, giggling when Jimin's lips turn down into a disappointed frown, "But don't be sad, Jiminie! They will be performing another song that I contributed to. Just not the title track."

      "Oh." Jimin brightens, "That's good! What your other song called?" 

      "Ambulance." B states with a glimmer of pride in her charcoal eyes, "It's the most popular, and my personal favorite from off the album. It's pretty swag."

      Ambulance? The name of the song sparks something in Jimin's memory, but he can't quite pinpoint what it is. Why does so much of this sound familiar? Maybe it's one of the songs Tae likes to blare from his speakers when he's in the bathroom.

      "If you say it's swag, then I believe you." Jimin grins, genuinely excited for ICYou's performance next week. But mostly he's excited to hear what B's written. It's bound to be good, especially if Yoongi commended her, "Now I can't wait till next Thursday."

      "Now I'm nervous." B admits quietly, fiddling with the straw of her drink, "I- I hope you like my song."

      "I'll like it no matter what it sounds like, or what genre it is." Jimin assures her, hoping he isn't coming off as too bold, "Because you wrote it."

      B blushes crimson, her eyes widening as if a thousand stars had fallen from the sky. She tries to hide from Jimin's soft smile of adoration, curling into herself and letting her bangs fall in front of her face. Jimin can't help but sigh, his heart warming at the cute sight.

      She may act so cold at first, but she's the softest, sweetest person I know. Anybody who dares to call Mins heartless is gonna catch these hands. 

     I really missed you guys. My inability to write has been sucking the life outta me, so it feels really good to update today. I have a couple questions for ya'll~

      Q: What's happening to Jiyeol/Bmin?! What do you predict is going to happen next chapter?

      Q: I hate writing long conversations because I feel like I write them terribly, and that they make no sense. Did this make sense? Did Jiminie and Byeol stick to their own characters pretty well?

      Q: Should I go back and delete all the author's notes? Or should I leave them? I mean, they put a little more insight into my journey to writing this book, but they're kinda useless. Suggestions?

      Thank you guys for all your feedback. Reading comments has been one of my favorite parts of writing this book. I love to hear what you guys think and feel.

      I love you guys! Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!


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