
By AntheiaW

4K 269 55

In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 13

68 3 1
By AntheiaW

*Still Natasha's Pov*

*I open my eyes and notice I was in my bed. Maybe it was just a dream? I turn my head to the side and I see Christian sitting at the side of the bed.

-Me: Baby, when did you get here? Hey.. you know, I had the weirdest dream.

-Christian: Not long ago, I was waiting for you to wake up. What was your dream about?

*He says not turning around to look at me. I tell him what I thought was just a dream for me, but I wasn't even sure of it anymore.. I felt strange and my head was pounding a little bit. Did I really see that?
Christian turns and looks at me nervous as I tell him about my "dream".

-Christian: What if...

*He paused and scratch his head he then turns his face to the ceiling and take a deep breath. I didn't understand why he's so nervous.

-Me: What's the matter Christian?

*I asked him worried. He looks into my eyes now.

-Christian: Here goes nothing. What if it wasn't a dream? What if, what you think is a dream, really happened.

*I don't say anything I just look at him strange then I snort. He look at me serious.

- Me: Baby come on, your joking right? That's not possible.

*I say laughing, he kept looking serious at me. I didn't see a hint of joke in his eyes.

-Christian: No, I'm not. I'm very serious right now.

-Me: Are. You. Saying. That. I. Really. Did. See. Some. Men. Turning. Into. Wolves?

*I say that sentence slowly and not believing it myself. I had my suspicions but for someone to tell you that it's true and that what you saw that isn't supose to be real is actually real, it's shocking. Mind-blowing.

*Christian just nods at me.

-Me: That's impossible, there is no way.

*I say in disbelief. Christian looks guilty and apologetic as he stands up.

-Christian: I was looking for a way to tell you, but I didn't know how and when would be the best way and time to tell you. How do you tell your girlfriend that you can turn into a wolf without freaking her out?

I didn't want you to freak out and think that I am a freak and leave me. I started to show you all those werewolves books and think that maybe if you read them, and when I finally gain the courage to tell you that you would understand and accept it better.. accept me for who I really am.

We aren't dangerous or savage people, we are just normal beings almost like humans.. with the difference that we change into wolves. I know you said that you like to watch those movies or read about them but one thing is that you think it's fiction, and another knowing it's not fiction.

I don't want you to be scared of me. I would never hurt you, only protect you.. your my everything.
I'm sorry that you found out like this, I'm sorry I wasn't the one to tell you, I really do regret it.. can you forgive me?

*He says pacing around and rambling, as he gets to his last sentence.. he proceed to sit on the bed looking at me with a sorry look on his face.

*I didn't know what to think or say, is this even possible? If so, how? I don't even know what to believe anymore. It must be true, I saw it myself with my own eyes, and Christian is telling me now.

*I'm a little hurt he didn't tell me before, but I can't be mad at him for not telling me either, he was trying to. Maybe if I had a secret like that I wouldn't know how to say it either.

-Christian: Please say something, anything.

*He begged while looking worried.

-Me: I don't know what to say or how to react even.

*We both stay quiet for a few seconds.

-Me: How did I end up in my room?

-Christian: I brought you here. I was making my way to the house when I smelled you scent behind the house, so I made my way to you and saw you all dizzy while trying to hold on the wall to retain your balance. I panicked and run to you, luckily I catch you mid-fall before you hit the ground.

I looked to where you was looking and I saw the men's standing there and the wolves running into the woods, then I understand and realize that maybe you saw them changing. Then I brought you to your room, you woke up and told me about ure "dream", and so here we are now.

-Me: How long have I been out?

-Christian: Maybe 10 minutes or less.

-Me: Ok.

*We both stay quiet again. How should I handle this situation? My mind kept thinking about what Christian had just confessed a few minutes ago.

-Christian: Baby please, say something. I wanna know what you think about all this. Do you accept me? Are you gonna leave me?

*He says looking worried once again.

-Me: I'm sorry, I just.. I'm trying to wrap my head around all this. I mean you just told me that werewolves are real, and that my boyfriend is one of them. How should I even react? I don't know what to think.

*I don't say anything else. Christian looks at me nervous. I think about it some more as Christian started to look sad.

-Me: I really didn't know what to say, it's so weird, but..

*I stopped talking and he looks even more nervous now.

-Me: I guess..

*I once again stop talking. I was delaying this to much, I was making him suffer a little for not telling me earlier.

-Christian: You can't accept me can you?

-Me: Don't put words into my mouth.

*I say scolding him.

-Me: I'm not gonna leave you. I do accept you, And I think it's cool.

*Christian looks at me surprised. I smile a little bit.

-Me: I'll admit that I got scared at first, I was in shock. Maybe that's why I fainted. But beside that.. If you think about it, it's so awesome, only if I'm not in danger. That won't be awesome. But yeah I think it's so cool, unless ure joking?

-Christian: I swear ure not in danger, everyone here would die protecting you. And I'm not joking, everything is true.

-Me: Well not everyone you know. Anyway, I was just making you suffer a little for not telling me before. I thought about it and accepted it, besides I already had my suspicions.

-Christian: Don't play with my feelings like that again please, it's a delicate matter. Ure reaction is so odd.
I thought you would freak out and think that I'm a freak or a monster, that's why I didn't say anything at first.

If I knew you would be so cool about it, I would have told you a long time ago. I can't believe you're taking it this way.

*He says the last part smiling, that beautiful smile that I love.

-Me: Maybe I should be punished for being naughty.

*I smile devilishly at him, he bites his lower lip as he look into my eyes.

-Me: But seriously now, it's a big thing, a huge revelation. It will take a little bit of time for me to get used to it all.. but are you kidding me? My man can change into a wolf that is incredible.

-Christian: Mmmm.. my man, I like the sound of that.

*We both smile.

-Me: Now tell me something please..

*He looks at me intently.

-Christian: What is it?

-Me: Tell me that ghosts aren't real please, that will make me shit myself.

*I say fake scared, he starts laughing. And oh how happy it makes me to hear him laugh, I wanna do so many nasty things to him.
He hugs me and kiss my forehead.

-Christian: Not that I know of. Don't worry your Wolfman will protect you if they happen to live among us.

-Me: FEW.

*I say wiping my forehead with the back of my hand and laugh.
He start kissing my face everywhere. He pull me towards him and put me on his lap.

-Christian: You are amazing, you know that?

-Me: You are too, even more now.

*He slowly get his lips closer to mine and kiss me, we kiss for a bit then I pull away.

-Me: Now now mister, you have some explaining to do, you have to tell me everything.

*I say looking at him a little serious, he nods and start explaining and telling me everything. From Andres being the wolf that chased me in the forrest, who is and isn't a werewolf, ranks, rules, abilities, weaknesses, rogues, mates and mating. About the baby's and the pregnancy and the witch conjuring the spell. Everything.

-Me: Does Nati and Annette know?

-Christian: Yes, the guys told them almost ride away, just a few weeks after they met them. When they started dating.

-Me: So, let's see if I understand this, the baby's they are expecting won't be mixed, like a hybrid.. but purely werewolves? And the girls pregnancy will only last 4 months? And you said it's not dangerous?

-Christian: Yes, with the right care and treatments, they all will be fine and healthy. It will be painful and difficult but not deadly. Even without treatment they won't die because of the spell.

Mates between species is rare, but possible. Like my ancestor and the witch, Humans/werewolves mates is more common.
That spell is really a gift you know, other packs that aren't of our family don't have it and the human mates die during the birth.

It's possible to live without your mate but it's unbearably painful most bare the pain for their child's other wise they would die from sadness. I have seen some cases that's how I know. Losing your soulmate is the worst that can happen to a werewolf.

All that brings me to tell you, I didn't have sex with you before.. because you didn't know the truth yet.
I wanted to do it so bad, I wanted you so much, have you completely, feel you in every way possible, make you mine for good.

Believe me it took everything in me to stop us every time. But I felt like I was lying to you, I wanted you to know first and let you decide if you still wanna get intimate with me after knowing what I am.

-Me: It's ok baby, your a good person, a gentleman.. I'm very lucky to have you. I assure you that nothing has changed, I still love you and still want you.
So, you can turn in wolf form by will not only during full moon?

*He laughs and tells me, I keep asking some more questions. He told me that they never really call the cops because they have there own ways of handling things. He told me what they actually do to the rogues.

-Christian: We don't harm humans, it's our biggest law, but some rogues doesn't care about that.
When Andres called me and told me a human girl had trespass I thought you was one of those stupid people who like to go around and explore not caring if they can be in danger.

So I wanted to see you, to warn you and scare you off with the sue thing then let you go. You were lucky that you didn't encounter one of those vicious rogues, that's why I wanted to give you a little scare so you wouldn't come back into the woods.

But it happened to be that you were the one for me, my soulmate. We werewolves practically fall in love right away with our mates.

-Me: Like love at first sight?

-Christian: Something like that but better, you were made for me and I for you. There's no way around it. We become your protector and lover, we imprint.. it's an involuntary mechanism by which wolves find their soulmate.

-Me: What would have happend if I didn't accept you?

-Christian: Well it would have broke my heart and I would have been in so much pain, but I would have just been your protector, even tho we should be together.

I have never heard of a mate rejecting the other, but I can't imagine how it would feel if your soulmate doesn't want you. It's not possible for wolf/wolf mates to reject each other.
With humans there is a chance that maybe they don't wanna be romantically involve with us, but you would always feel a pull towards that person.

You would need your soulmate in ure life, even if it is only as friends because since you meet you become one, ure soulmates ure supose to be together.

It would suck for your mate to friend zone you.. but I guess that eventually they would turn out to be and stay together as lovers too anyway, they would always come back to you, because that person is ure perfect other half.. It's just meant to be.

Didn't you feel strange every time you was around me? Didn't you feel sparks? And when we weren't together didn't you feel empty like if your missing something, like you miss me? You needed me?

-Me: Well yes I did, and I wanted to jump ure bones so many times. But who in there right mind would say no to that, you find ure soulmate, you'll have ure very own sexy wolfman that will protect you and love you no matter what. That's awesome. The person that say no to that is just crazy for me.

-Christian: Other thing is, werewolves are also very jealous and over protective of there mates, even a little possessive.

*And so we kept going on and on talking, he said that the job was just an excuse to see me, that normally he doesn't spend the whole day in his office.

*That he has more responsibilities to take care of, like train wolves, go to his company, run his pack business and so on. Apparently Andres has been doing all that for him.
He also said I should start training too, for self defence and such. After a bit more of talking I tell him.

-Me: I wanna see you change into your wolf.

-Christian: Really? Are you sure?

-Me: I've never been more sure of something before in my life.


*We are now standing on a clearing that is in the woods behind the house.

-Me: Baby wait, before you change, I need to ask you something.
Can I touch you when ure in wolf form?

-Christian: And what would you wanna be touching I wonder?

*He starts laughing, at first I didn't realize what he meant but then it hit me.

-Me: Iiiiiiiwww NO, I'm not into human/animal sex, no meaning to offend you with the animal thing, if you're into that we are gonna have a serious problem Christian.

-Christian: Baby I swear I'm not, I'm just joking. I'm not into that either, but your reaction was priceless, hahahahahaha you should have seen your face.

-Me: Stop it, I'm serious.. can I touch your fur?

*I tell him serious. He kept laughing some more. His beautiful laugh, I think. Then he stops.

-Christian: Of course you can, why would you even ask that?

*He says approaching me then he kiss me.

-Me: I don't know, maybe wolves doesn't like people touching their fur, just like black people doesn't like others touching their hair and weaves.

(((I don't mean to offend anyone with this, I'm not white at all, and no offence to white people either, more like mixed and my mom's skin color is black, I don't know which term to use.. I Google it and supposedly it's not offensive. I even asked some of my friends who also are black and they said it's fine. So please don't start saying it's racist because I'm not. And the hair thing is a fact, I know it from my friends.)))

*On with the story...

*Christian laughs again, it's a beautiful sight. I just smile looking at him like a stupid girl in love. Well I am in love with him so.

-Christian: You are not just any person baby, you are my mate.. and I love you, you can touch my wolf's FUR whenever you want to. Same goes for my human form.

*He winks at me as he retreat from me. I smile looking at him while he start to take his clothes off.

(So you can see him half naked)

*Then he change into his wolf.

*It's just Mind-blowing, so cool.. my mouth fall open. I look at him dumbfounded at first then I get closer and look into the wolves eyes. He looks at me and start to lower his body.

*I start to touch his head and then I pass my hand on his body, his fur was soft and beautiful.

-Me: You are so beautiful, my beautiful wolfman.

*He sits down and I sit next to him, maybe he thought I was to far from him because he scoop closer to me. I lean my body into his as I start to touch his fur once again.


*It was afternoon now and I was on my way to see Nati at Enzo's place with Annette. I didn't tell them that I know yet, I just told Annette that I was gonna visit Nati, to come with me so she could tell her in person that she's pregnant.. and she agreed.

*We get there and went inside the house, the people there knew us already cause we have came more than once even with Andres and Christian.

*Enzo's place is huge just like Christian's, they have there own library and gym too plus some other buildings, like salons and boutiques, but if they want they could go out of the property to to other places too.. again just like at Christian's.

*His property was also big with lots of houses and of course they were surrounded by woods. Enzo is into wooden things because a lot of the houses were of wood. Especially his.

(The little green house is how some of the houses on the property look like.
Left top pic is the living room, right top is get together room,
Right bottom is behind their house.)

(Just imagine it bigger with more houses)

*We ask one of the maids were Nati was and she told us that she is in her room. She wanted to go tell Nati that we were here, but I told her that it wasnt necessary, and that I know the way to her room, so Annette and I made our way up the stairs and to her room.

*I knock on the door and she answer it. She looks at us and smile.

-Nati: Hey, what a nice surprise.. you guys didn't tell me you were coming.

-Me: Since when do I need to tell you to come see you? Can't I visit my twin? Or am I not allowed to come here whenever I want?

*I say as we walk into her room, she closes the door and proceed to go sit on the bed.
When she first got here she had another room that Enzo made especially for her, but now she's sleeping in the same room as Enzo.

(Old room)

-Nati: Ugh, I don't mean it like that, what if I wasn't here? You would have come for nothing.

-Annette: Ok you girls don't start fighting now. Or I'm leaving.

-Me: Oh your not going anywhere, the 3 of us need to talk seriously about something. Besides I called Enzo and he told me you were here.

*They both look at me strangely and suspicious.

-Me: First Annette has something to tell you.

*Annette looks at me some more then shrug her shoulders, she turns to Nati and tell her she's pregnant. Nati got happy saying they are gonna be pregnant together, even tho she will give birth a week or so before Annette. They only have like a week of difference. She also said that at least now someone will understand how she feels, they start talking about baby things.

-Me: Now for what I really came here.

*I say interrupting there conversation, I'm a little mad at them for leaving me in the dark about the werewolves truth.. but I also understand that it wasn't their secret to tell.

*But still I was gonna give them a piece of my mind. If one of them would have come to me asking, I wouldn't have leave her thinking that she was going crazy. Their family.
Besides I was sure that if it was the other way around I would have told them, maybe they would have freak out a little at first but they would have end up accepting it, I know them.. I know they would have.

*They both look at me smiling.

-Me: So, tell me girls.. when were you thinking on telling me, that werewolves are real. That your babies are gonna be werewolves, and that our boyfriend's are werewolves too.
I'm curious because wouldn't it have been strange when I see your belly getting big in just 2 months? And giving birth after 4 months?

*I say crossing my arms while raising an eyebrow at them, they both look at me wide eyed.

( This is where this chapter ends but I'm gonna put pics of Enzo's office too, so you have an idea.)

3649 words.

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