
By AntheiaW

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In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 9

87 4 0
By AntheiaW


*Natasha's Pov*

*Its been a month now since I started coming here. Christian and I are getting closer each day that pass by.
He told me what happened with Darla and that she's living in his house again, to don't think that it will change anything between them because it won't and that he's just helping her out till she gets better.

*I've been seeing her around and for me.. she looks just fine, being a bitch to everyone and ordering people around, but of course in Christian's presence she fake it all. She plays the innocent victim that's sick, she just wanna get Christian's attention.. drama queen.

*In other news.. Nati and Enzo has been going out a lot, and there dating now. The same goes for Annette and Andres. Apparently I'm taking things to slow with Christian, well that's what they said. We go on dates together too, including Melody and Derek.

*Sometimes when a guy flirt with one of us the guys get so mad that we have to leave and go to another place otherwise they'll most likely hit someone.

*And don't even let me get started on when a guy do touch us in any way, it can be a simple hand to hand touch and they'll hit the guy knocking his lights off.
Maybe it's a little to much and violent but they look so cute when they are jealous, especially Christian, so we don't mind it at all.

*Christian has been so good and caring to me.. he's considerate, thoughtful and also romantic, but as I already said.. sometimes he acts to possessive and gets jealous if other guys come near me, he doesn't mind Andres, Enzo or Derek but if it is another man.. it's caos.

*But beside all that he never ever been disrespectful to me, it's good that he gets jealous that means he likes me. I know for sure now that I'm falling for him, and hard.

*Nati, Annette, Chandrely and me were supose to go on a trip together that we had planned a year ago. We even got our jobs to give us 2 months vacation.

*But Nati and Annette doesn't wanna leave anymore, at least not without the guys, so we told them to come with us but they said they can't for now because they have a lot of work to do that maybe next month would be better.
So they can leave things in order for the whole month we would be gone.

*So the girls decided they are gonna stay and Chandrely and I doesn't wanna go without them. So we cancelled it. And so our plans were cancelled and we have 2 months free a whole month with nothing to do till next month comes.

*That brought an idea to the girls.. they talked to there boyfriend's and they decided that Nati is gonna be staying at Enzo's place for the vacation and Annette is gonna stay with Andres. Chandrely just took the chance and went to visit her grandma and she'll be staying there for a few weeks.

*I don't mind that they wanna be with there man, they look happy and that's important.. I'm happy for them. But they still owe me and Chandrely a trip.


*Today is Monday and Nati left to Enzo's place over the weekend, she's been calling me every night. Yup I have a new phone, Nati bought it for me.

*Annette is already staying here at the village but I almost never see her, she's always with Andres. Only when we eat lunch and Andres is working I see her, besides I'm always working too. Sometimes she comes to the office and we talk.

*Melody as always was with Derek the whole time, sometimes she comes and eat with us with Derek of course on her tail, they are so cute.. she and Annette gets along very well.

*Right now it's just me and Christian in his office.

-Christian: So Annette is staying here with Andres, and I know that Nati is staying at Enzo's. So I wonder, what are your plans for this vacation?

-Me: Well the girls and I planned a trip to go on since next week, we planned it a year ago, thats why I asked you for the 2 months off. But now they don't wanna go anymore.

They rather stay and spend time with the guys, I asked the guys to go with us and I was gonna ask you if you wanted to join us too.

But they said they have a lot of work that maybe next month we could go. So to answer you question.. I don't have any plans till next month. Only work, I'll work this month anyway and take the other free.

-Christian: Well if you want you can come and stay here, you'll have Annette here.. she suggested it earlier today.
I told her I'll ask you myself, I think it's a good idea, we will have so much fun, there a lot of things you can do here. What do you say?

*Yes lots of fun and dirty stuff. I start thinking about all the things I could do to him, If only he knew how much I wanna jump his bones, I don't know if I can control myself being in the same house as him.

*Maybe, jus maybe.. I shouldn't try to control myself anymore?
We're getting closer anyway and I like him so much, besides he's right.. Annette is already here.

*Maybe, just maybe I should just go with it, stay here and see what will happen between us. Why not? I'm pretty sure he likes me too. I should just accept already.

-Me: Ok. Sure, it should be fun.

-Christian: Really?

*He says surprised but with a huge smile on his face, Oh my.. this man is gonna be the death of me. Again it's like the angels were singing.

-Me: Yes, of course, I'm already thinking on some things we could do.

-Christian: For a moment there I thought you were gonna say no.

*He gets closer to me.

-Christian: And believe me, you can't even start to think half of the things I'm picturing and thinking to do with you in my mind.

*He says whispering in a sexy tone and getting even more closer to me. I smile shyly and bit the pencil I was holding, he then proceed to wink at me as he smile devilishly. At that gesture I bite my lower lip slightly.

-Christian: I'll make the arrangements so ure room will be ready as soon as possible, when do you plan to come with ure stuff?

-Me: Oh, didn't think about it, Uhmm... if it's ok.. maybe tonight?

-Christian: Tonight is Perfect.

*He smiles brightly, I smile and bit my lower lip again, he looks at my lip for a bit then he close his eyes and take a deep breath.

-Christian: I'll be back in a sec.

*He say as he leaves the office, like 1 minute later someone opens the doors, I look up smiling thinking it's Christian but it's not. It's Darla, my smile vanish as soon as I see her, I roll my eyes and put my attention to the laptop and paperwork.

-Darla: Where is Christian?

*I don't bother to answer her and keep ignoring her. Who does she thinks she is? She comes barging in here without even knocking first, and she doesn't even say a hello out of courtesy.

*She really doesn't have any kind of manners, nothing at all. I shouldn't mind or bother myself with her stupidity. I shake my head slightly and keep working.

-Darla: I asked you a question.

*Again I ignore her.

-Darla: I'm talking to you. Are you stupid or something?

*She says slamming her hands on the desk. I just kept ignoring her.

-Darla: Answer me.

*Keep ignoring her Natasha, I say to myself.

-Darla: Are you ignoring me?

*I Couldn't help it anymore, I had to say something.

-Me: And she has a brain ladies and gentlemen.

*I say applauding, she looks at me with her eyes throwing daggers.

-Me: Oh I'm sorry, where you saying something? I didn't hear you at all, or maybe I just didn't understand what you were saying because I don't speak BITCH LANGUAGE.

*I say sarcastically and as I get to the last sentence I smile a half smile and look at her like if she were stupid, she looks furious at me and get in my face.

-Darla: Listen here you WHO-

-Andres: what's going on in here?

*Darla jumps back and turn to look at Andres, I just sit there not caring about a thing.. with my face relaxed like nothing happend.

-Darla: Nothing, just chatting.

-Andres: It didn't seem or sound like chatting to me.

-Darla: I swear we w-

-Andres: Cut the crap Darla, I'm not Christian.. I won't believe you for a second. You were bothering Natasha.

-Darla: I was just talking to my friend here.

-Andres: Yeah sure "friend", are you getting crazy or something?

-Darla: We are friends.

-Andres: Hmm.. why don't I believe you?

*I didn't say anything cause I was watching and enjoying the show in front of me, this bitch really is delusional. At least Andres see her true colors not like Christian, Christian is just to nice or really clueless.

-Darla: Believe what you want, I don't care.

*She says with an attitude. Andres face hardens, I've never seen him this serious. He's always smiling.

-Andres: Don't forget who your talking too, I suggest you know your place Darla.

*He says raising his voice and by the looks of it Darla gets nervous and scared and she lowers her head. Andres then turns his attention to me and smile.

-Andres: Natasha, Annette is waiting for you outside, Christian said you could leave now and go take your things. Annette is going with you to help you. Christian is busy making some arrangements for you. That's why he didn't come tell you himself.

*I nod, say thank you and leave Darla and Andres in the office not closing the doors behind me.


*I was getting at the front door when I remembered I left my phone on the desk. I start to turn back for it but before i got even close to the office I could hear Andres giving Darla a lecture.

-Andres: Don't you even think or dare to put your hands on Natasha or there will be consequences.

-Darla: As I said before, if she provokes me I can't promise anything.

-Andres: You are the one who is always looking for trouble around here and provoking people. So don't play innocent, it doesn't suit you.

-Darla: That girl is trying to steal Christian from me. I can't sit aside and do nothing. I have a right to fight for what's mine.

-Andres: Are you listening to yourself right now? Ure crazy.. you and Christian are not a thing anymore, he broke up with you. People can not steal what you don't have and what's not yours.

-Darla: I was his fiance for God's sake, we were gonna get married.

-Andres: You said it yourself, WAS, WERE, past sentence.. you are not anymore so stop being delusional. Christian is not interested in you anymore, he doesn't have eyes for you.

-Darla: And why is that? Because this whore is getting in between us, what does he see in her? There is nothing special about her, I'm prettier and stronger than her.

Me and Christian are the same kind, she's an outsider a mere human girl, not to mention it's forbidden to fuck around with humans.

-Andres: STOP IT. You will not speak bad about Natasha in my presence, I will not allow it. I'm warning you Darla, leave her be, you don't know who your dealing with.. you don't know who she is.

-Darla: She's a slu-


*It's weird because I could swear I heard a whimper, but not a normal whimper.. it was more like a dog's whimper. I decided to keep walking to the office now.

-Andres: You know it's against the law to hurt a human, and believe me when I say this.. If you touch a single hair on Natalia's head, Ure out of here.

*I heard Andres chuckle.

-Andres: That is if Christian let's you leave in one peace or let's you keep brea-

*Andres stop talking as I was now getting to the office, he turns and look at me. Darla was standing with her head hanging low.

-Me: Sorry to interrupt, I forgot my phone.

*I say as I walk to the desk and take my phone. Darla's face turns as red as a tomato when she sees me, she looks me up and down then she leaves.

-Me: I heard your conversation, well part of it. I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I didn't hear much, but I wanted to ask.. what did you mean about hurting humans is against the law? And Darla saying I'm a mere human like if she isn't.

-Andres: Oh well.. Uhmm... you know we live privately here, here we do different kind of trainings, some are really old fashioned and hard.. most people can't do it, that's why Darla said that, she thinks we are superior, because we are in a way more trained and prepared than the people who live outside of here. It's just an expression.

And well as it is outside that if someone hurt another person they'll go to jail. Here we are more strict about it, it's strictly against the law to hurt someone. If so that person would be punished or vanished from here, with no chance of returning back ever again.

-Me: Oh ok.. well I'll leave now, Annette must be still waiting for me. I'll see you later, bye.


*I was going upstairs now for the first time, one of the maids was showing me the way to my room. As we walk up the stairs and turn right towards some halls I look around, this place is really huge. I've never seen or have been in a mansion before, but I'll take a wild guess and say this is like a mansion. Up here they have more wolf paintings.

*We were walking in a big hall now there were paintings here to, but these were of women's with wolves.. as we walk further I see christian standing in front of a door. He saw me and smile from ear to ear, we finally get to where Christian is and the maid excuse herself to leave.

-Christian: Welcome, are you ready to see your room?

-Me: As ready as I could be.

-Christian: Good, but first let me tell you.. this is the main rooms hall, that door you see at the end of the hall, is my room. The other doors are rooms too but there empty, maybe and hopefully someday they'll be filled with kids.

If you go back and turn right, you'll find Annette's and Andres room. And more empty once, if you keep going straight down the hall you'll just find more rooms. There is a lot of halls here but I'll make some signs for you so you don't get lost.

When you come up the stairs and go left you'll find a few more rooms but also the library. Downstairs passing the hall next to the kitchen you'll find the maids rooms some of them have there own houses in the village.

Next to the dining room is a door. That door leads to another living room but smaller normally we use it to watch games or do anything else, it's more like a get together room. You have access to go everywhere in this house.

Now, close your eyes please.

*He was grinning, he looks like a kid who's about to show his best invention, he's so cute. I smile at him and do as he told me. I hear the door open and Christian helps me in. Then he tells me to open my eyes, I open them and see the most beautiful thing ever, I was speechless. I'm dumbfounded, my mouth fall open. It was a huge and beautiful room with lots of flowers in it.

(so you have an idea of the flowers but in bouquets)

-Christian: Do you like it? I try to make it of ure liking and taste as much as possible. If there is something you don't like I can change it ride away.

*He asks smiling shyly, as he scratch the back of his head nervously.

-Me: If I like it? NO way, I LOVE IT.. thank you so much, you didn't have to do all of this for me. It's so gorgeous, I can't believe it.

*I hug him and he hugs me back, I kiss him on the cheek and turn to see the bed. He just stands there laughing.

-Me: Can I?

*I say motioning to the bed. He nods. I go and sit on the bed as I throw my back behind on it. I'll be jumping on it later for sure.

-Me: This feels so comfy, so much better than mine, you should know that I love my bed.

*I tell Christian smiling, he laughs and says that he's glad I like it. This room is the size of my living room and kitchen together, maybe even bigger. At the end of the room there is a jacuzzi with with a big window. You can see some houses and the forest.

*The bed is the most comfiest thing I ever felt before in my life, it's huge and it's situated in the middle of the room. It like a Mediterranean bed, with pillars and baby blue courtains around it.

*The room color was light grey with some specks of blue here and there. The courtains of the window were grey and blue. Maybe ure thinking it's to much blue, but not for me.. that's the way I like it. At home almost everything in me me and Nati's room is blue, Nati likes pink but she doesn't mind me buying almost everything blue, for her it's good cause she save money, but there are some pink things, her bed is pink actually.

*There is a little white puffy couch at the foot of the bed, the handles are grey and it has blue flowers painted on it.
There are stars painted on the ceiling and there is blue couches with there table at the other end of the room.. close to the door one of the couches is big enough that someone could sleep on it.

*There's a walk in closet, and the bathroom.. oh my God... it's to die for, it has a tub and the shower of course, the bathroom wall is a periwinkle color. I'm in heaven, it's all I could think about. But what really left me speechless was the flowers. There is diferent kind of blue flowers here.

-Christian: I really hope everything is of ure liking.

-Me: Why wouldn't it be, it's a beautiful room. And you.. you are perfect. You really did all this just for me?

-Christian: You don't deserve less.

*The flowers were beautiful, all kinds of blue flowers and different shades of blue too, there everywhere. I look at all the flowers and smell them as I turn my gaze to Christian.

-Christian: I wanted them to give you the welcome that you deserve, because a beautiful and delicate flower like you doesn't deserve any less. Believe me when I say that you outshine them all, your the most exquisite of them. Your beauty is unique.

*I was dying inside, this man is a dream come true, I didn't know what to say. I just made my way towards him, and as I got closer to him I put my hands on his face and start to caress it. He close his eyes and lean into my touch, I lower his face and put my forehead against his.

*I glance at his lips and I kiss him.

*He puts his hands around my waist and return the kiss, his lips are so soft. It feels so good to kiss him, it feels just right. I was in the clouds I could hear fireworks sounding and bells ringing. Angels dancing and singing and cupid throwing arrows at us.

*I grab his neck from behind with one hand and with the other hand I grab his shirt collar as I start to dominate the kiss, I bit his lower lip slightly and pass my tongue on it teasing him, and as I retreat from the kiss I bit his lip yet again. The kiss was amazing.

-Me: Thank you, you are the sweetest man ever. I love the room especially the flowers. I hope you didn't mind me kissing you like that without asking you. If I'm honest I wanted to kiss you since our first date, but I wasn't sure if I should have.

*He doesn't say anything, he just pulls me to him and kiss me, this time he was dominating the kiss. I put my hands in his hair and pull it, he hiss in satisfaction and I took the chance to slid my tongue in his mouth. He slid his into mine too as he grabs my waist again and picks me up.

*I cross my legs around his waist and with one hand he grabs my ass cheeks to keep me up as the other hand was sliding under muy blouse. He walk towards the bed and throw me on it gently and look at me playfully he gets on top of me and with both his hand he rip my blouse, all the buttons went flying. I just laugh and we start kissing again.

*As his hands were roaming my body I once again cross my legs around his waist and start moving my hips grinding my lower body against his erection and he moans. As I do so I begin to unbutton his dress shirt and touch his abs. Oh holly abs.

*Maybe we would have done more than that, but a knock on the door stopped our steamy session, Christian cursed as he stands up from the bed. We fixed ourselves then he answers the door. It was Andres, apparently Christian needed to handle some urgent business.

*Christian tells me he's sorry and that we will continue later, I told him it was ok, because I needed to unpack and shower anyway. As he leaves he winks at me and blow a kiss my way. So I unpack some things then I took my shower.

*I wear some nice lacy underwear and put on a sexy dress, I want to look perfect and smell perfect.. just in case.

3842 words.

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