The Indominus Rex and A Girl...

By belaserednickis

748K 22.8K 5.7K

[Edited] ------ Isabella Evans is a 19-year-old girl who loves animals, especially reptiles. She always had a... More

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Sequel is Out

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30.2K 921 298
By belaserednickis


"Oh my God, shut up!" I slam my hand down on the annoying alarm clock. Gosh, I'm so tired. Even though I sleep for over an hour with Levi on top of me, I still had some work to do.

If there is one thing I hate more in the world more than hypocrites, is reports. I had to do about three reports, one for each time I had with Levi. All after my last hour with him.

And I'm not complaining about having to write, no. I'm complaining that it had been the exact way Claire wants it. I swear I almost dragged her to the paddock and had Levi eat her. But I'm not that evil, unless she eats my Nutella, then we are going to have some problems.

My muscles ache because of all the physical activities I had to do to entertain Levi. Seriously, he has infinite energy. He needs to be doing something, or he will die. It's basically like that. And the only time he will stop is if he senses I'm exhausted, and even then he tries to play.

I don't blame him. He is very young, just a couple of days old but still very big. If he didn't kill his sibling, he would have someone to play with when I'm not there or when I'm tired.

Right now it is around six in the morning, and not really to my surprise it's already hot. No wonder guests don't stay for more than a couple of days; it's too humid and hot.

Speaking of hot, yesterday just before my second daily visit to Levi I saw a handsome guy, a tourist, and if I were desperate, I would've clung to that man and never let. Unfortunately, for me, and fortunately, for him and who he was dating, he was gay. Why do gay people have to be hottest?

Forgetting about that unavailable man, I got off the bed and changed to my Jurassic World uniform. My morning routine consisted of me dressing up, brushing my hair and teeth, putting my shoes, and leaving my comfortable and cold room.

There was a small cafeteria for the workers in my area where I had my breakfast and lunch. They served really good food. I would eat a waffle, chocolate brownie, and drink fresh water juice. I need to have a way to balance the sweet and healthy stuff.

"Hey, there Beast," After I grab my food I see Owen waving his hand for me to go sit with him and Barry. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I smiled and sat down. "So what's up?" I say eating a piece of the waffle.

"Nothing much, just some training with the Raptors. You should see Owen with them today when you're free," I smile and nod because of my mouth full of food.

"Speaking of which what is it you are doing?" Owen asked.

"Secwet," I say muffled by the food. "I can't share it until they say I can," I answer properly after swallowing.

"Alright. Tell us by then."

After finishing my lunch I drove over to the Indominus enclosure just on time, five minutes to spare. There we a few people in lab jackets walking around, checking things I don't know. As long as they don't harm Levi, I'm okay with them being here.

"Excuse me, Ms. Evans," I turn around to see a man in a lab coat with a clipboard in his hands.


"We will have to ask you to take extra caution with the Indominus. He is very unstable at the moment. But we also recommend for you not to check on him today," I look at him incredulously.

"Did something happen?" I ask suspiciously.

"Two of the scientists when inside to take some blood samples but he wouldn't cooperate. So then they shot him tranquilizers but did no effect, only making him angry and injure one of them," I stare at him wide-eyed.

"Why didn't you call me?" I was so pissed but kept my professional composure.

"We thought your help wouldn't be needed," He answered in a somehow guilty-but-not-really tone.

"Of course you would need me. Because from what I've seen he is the calmest with me. Now if you will excuse me, I need to check on him," With that, I walked past him to the door to the enclosure.

I entered the enclosure with caution, looking around of any sign of Levi. Even if he acts like a lost puppy around me, he is still a predator, a perfectly designed one. This is one of the times I feel happy that he is still very small compared to what he is supposed to be. I would be, most likely, scared shitless if he were to be on his full size.

"Levi. Levi, it's me," I speak rather than shout as it can make him more agitated. Why the hell did they do this to him? He is just a few days old and should not be scared or upset like this.

I hear a bush next to me make some noise. Wait. Bushes don't make noises. I walked closer and saw a bit of white.

"Come here boy; I'm not going to hurt you," I stretched my hand for him to be able to smell me. I stepped closer to him very slowly, not wanting to scare him anymore. He started to hiss loudly, basically saying 'get away,' so I stopped on my tracks but kept my arm stretched.

Before I could even say or process anything, Levi jumped out of the bush and bit my forearm. It hurt so much I screamed but covered my mouth with my other hand not to alert the scientists who may want to drug him again.

I think he must have been still in his scared trance because as soon as I screamed he let go of my arm and began to whine. I clutched my arm to try and stop the bleeding. His teeth sunk kind of deep, making lots of blood flow down to my hand onto the dirt.

"Fuck," I cried, my knees giving up and making me fall to the ground. Levi began to whine louder but still not approaching me, afraid that I might be scared of him. I can't say I'm not scared, but it's not his fault. I forced him to do something he wasn't able to, and as a defense, he bit me.

I've been bitten some times by different reptiles; snakes, lizards, even baby alligators. But I must say, this is the most painful of them all. I had to get out of here without having the people inside seeing me, or they will hurt Levi.

I tried standing up but it was too painful, making my brain distracted with my arm from my legs. My eyes closed as I let painful tears leave them, but snapped open when I felt something wet on my arm that wasn't blood.

I saw Levi licking the blood that dripped from my arm, still whining loudly. He cleaned my hand and moved to the wound itself. The first thought that came to my mind was that it was going to hurt, but to my surprise, it didn't.

His tongue licked the teeth would, cleaning the blood, but didn't sting one bit; if so it made it less painful. Once he was finished my face had dried tears, and my arm had a combination of leftover blood and saliva.

"It's okay boy, no need to cry. It wasn't your fault," I patted his head with my uninjured arm, getting small reptilian purrs as a response. "See, you cleaned me, and I'm no longer in pain," I showed him my arm in assurance. I examined the injury and compared it to my previous ones. I would have to stay with either lot of gauze and bandages or a cast for at least a week.

"You may not understand what I'm saying, but the bite might have injured my arm internally. So I will have to recover for a while. And according to the contract I had to sign so I could work here said that if I were to have any injury; severe in this case, I can't work until the doctor says so. Because I've had many injuries like this I'll most likely see you only next week," Levi does not surprise me anymore as he stopped purring and whined again, now licking my face gently.

"It's okay boy. I may not be able to play with you, but I can still see you through that glass wall over there," I pointed to the cabin in the wall scientists would go there and watch Levi's behavior.

He stepped away from me with his head hanging low before he stepped close again and laid down, placing his head on my lap. It was a way of him saying to me to stay a little longer.

"I'll be back as soon as I can baby boy. Don't you worry."


New chapter yay!

I wanted to ask you if I'm going too fast and if you guys want me to slow down, or if it's okay like this.

Wow, Levi bit poor Isabella. Sorry if you are sensitive to blood because of the picture on the top.

So yeah, hope I'm wrong and just saying dumb stuff like fake news.

Thank you for all the votes and reads, I really appreciate it.

Please don't forget to vote and comment on what you thought, and 'see' you next chapter.

Nov 29, 2018

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