
By AntheiaW

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In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 6

90 5 1
By AntheiaW

*STILL Christian's Pov*

-Natasha: Oh my God, I'm so sorry to interrupt.. the doors wasn't fully closed and I decided to come in.. I guess I didn't close the doors good when I left with Derek, I didn't know you were busy.

I came back because when I was in the car I realized I forgot my handbag. I'll just take it and leave.

*She says as she rushes to take her handbag and walk back to the door.

-Natasha: I'll make sure it's close this time, good night.

-Christian: Natasha wait a second please, Darla get out now.

*I tell Darla a little pissed. Her face turns serious and she gets off me, she glare at Natasha and start to walk away.

-Natasha: No, it's ok.. I will just leave, don't worry. Again I'm sorry to have bother you.

*She say as she start to walk out the door.

-Christian: Natasha please wait.

*I stand up and make my way to Natasha. How do I explain myself to her without it sounding strange and weird, she'll think that I don't have to explain myself to her cause she's nothing to me. That's what she would think anyway, if only she knew that she means the world to me. She's my everything.
I noticed her face when she saw Darla on my lap, she was disappointed.

-Natasha: I'm sorry Christian but is this something about work? Could you just tell me tomorrow?

-Christian: Uhmm..

*Shit, what can I say?

-Christian: I wanted to remind you that Derek will be picking you up at 7:30 am and also about the driving lessons offer.

*I'm so stupid, what a lame excuse to keep her here and not explain what happened. But how do I start to explain it? For what reason she'll ask me for sure, do I have an excuse to that? if she says that?

*No I don't, not other than she's my mate but she doesn't know that, I really need to tell her soon.
I'm dying to kiss her, hug her, touch her, have her in my bed living here with me, having kids. But I have to make sure she loves me first or at least like me a lot.

-Natasha: Oh, I won't forget I promise.. don't worry about that and about the other thing, I think I'll pass on it anyway. I have a lot of things to do at home on the weekends, I don't think I will have time.. but thanks anyway. Have a good night, see you tomorrow.

*She say then run off. I was about to follow her when Darla grabs my hand and come stand in front of me.

-Darla: Wait, she works here? I thought she was coming here these days because of some business or bringing things for someone else. She will be here everyday? Alone with you?

Dont you have to go to the company or do any other things in the pack? And what is that driving offer you were talking about?

WAIT. Do you like her? Is that why...??? She's a human Christian you can't.. iiiwww.


*I scream at her, Darla looks at me with shock and finally leaves. Right now I didn't care if she was alright or not, I was beyond pissed. I just blew my chance to see Natasha on the weekends. I have to come up with something and quick.

*I was almost sure that she was gonna say yes but she changed her mind when she saw me with Darla. But if it affected her, does that mean she's interested in me?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Natasha's Pov*

*I'm on my bed, thinking about what Nati and Annette said. When I got home, I told them everything and they said that I should have accepted his offer.. that even if he's engaged, it's just a normal and simple driving lesson.. that I shouldn't have said no unless I was attracted to him but of course I denied it.

*Nati's exact reaction was... slapping me in the head saying 'are you stupid or what? A free driving lesson is better than to pay for one. BRUTA hermana mia'. (Stupid sister of mine).

*I of course hit her back and that resulted in us fighting and mom getting mad and throwing things at us for fighting, we stopped fighting and run away from my mom.

*In a latin house it doesn't matter how old you are if mami has to give you a pela (ass whooping, hit) she will, she doesn't like it when we fight. After an hour we were talking again like nothing happend. Then I called Annette and told her too.

*I was thinking about accepting his offer, but when I saw him with her I realized that I shouldn't be spending time alone with an engaged man who I'm crushing on.
I shouldn't be even thinking about him, look at him the way I do or in any other way for that matter.
On top of it all, he's my boss too.

*We should only have a professional relationship.. nothing else. Maybe I'm looking to much into this. I have to make up my mind about this.


-Nati: Natasha your driver is here.

*I heard Nati scream scream from the kitchen, she was making us breakfast. We always take turns on doing things in the house.
I rush to the kitchen, take my breakfast plus my sandwiches an orange and leave.

*Today is our fathers death anniversary, later we are going to his grave then to the church and pray. I always spend the day just thinking and remembering about him but Nati, Nati goes out and get drunk everyone cope with there pain there own way.

*I was in the office lost in my thoughts thinking about my father, and our memories together.. another year has passed and it still feels odd.

*I miss him everyday but the day he died makes me miss him even more, this day is an constant reminder that we lost him. I don't cry so much anymore but it still makes me sad, especially on this day.

*As I was thinking and moping, Christian was saying something but I didn't pay much attention to him. He wave his hand in front of my face, bringing me back to reality.

-Me: I'm sorry, what did you say?

-Christian: Are you ok? You look sad.

*Christian ask me with an concerned look, I just smile.

-Natasha: I'm fine, don't worry, I tend to get lost in my thoughts sometimes. What were you saying?

*He looks at me not convinced of what I told him.

-Christian: If you have a problem and you need the day off I would understand, just tell me.. also, maybe I can help you with it too.. whatever it is.

-Me: I assure you that it's not a big deal.

*He was about to say something when I speak again.

-Me: I promise.. I'm good. It's nothing that serious that I should go home.

*He still doesn't look convinced but decide to let it go and nods at me giving me a quick smile. And so we kept working.

*It was finally noon, time to eat. I did eat some things while i was working, but as I said before.. I'm always hungry. Unless I'm sick, that's the only time I don't feel like eating.. just sleep.

*We were eating at the dinning table, Christian and Andres were talking, I was quiet and looking at them. Christian kept looking my way a few times, and I throw some glances at him when he wasn't looking.. Andres noticed it and he just smiled at me. I smile back at him and finish my food.


-Andres: Natasha ure awfully quiet today, is there something going on with you? I don't know you so well but from my experiences with you, I know ure a chatty person.. ure not this quiet normally. You even said so ure self.

*He says looking at me confused and Christian was again looking at me with worried eyes.

-Natasha: No, nothing is going, it's just that today isn't my favorite day at all and I don't feel like talking. But I'm ok I assure you both, thanks for the concern.. now if you'll excuse me I'll go back to the office.
If that's ok with you Christian.

*I say as I stand up, they both nod and I leave. Normally I get 1 hour break, but I rather go back to work now so I keep my mind and myself busy to not think.
It's been only 25 minutes since we went to eat. It just sucks, everyday sucks without dad but today sucks even more.

*After a few minutes alone Christian comes in the office, he sits down and look at me intently. He looked like he was battling with himself to do or say something.

-Christian: Natasha I really don't wanna intrude in ure private life, you seem like you don't wanna say anything or talk to anyone, you look off today. Is something going on?

If you still don't wanna talk to me I'll understand and won't bother you anymore with this. Just know I'll be more than happy to hear you out, my ears are ready to listen to you.

-Me: I'm sorry I know I'm not focused today and It's no excuse but it's just that today isn't a very happy day for me.

Today is my father's 5th year death anniversary. I can't help it but feel extra sad today. Today 5 years ago we lost him and it still hurts you know. Everyday I feel sad about it, but on this particular day I feel more down.

But again it's no excuse, I'm sorry I'm not focusing. I'll be more attend now. I swear.

*He looks at me with sad eyes, I could even almost see affection in his eyes. Again I must be Imagining things, it can't be.

-Christian: I'm really sorry to hear that and you don't have to apologize, I understand how you feel.. I know that pain myself.
My parents died almost 12 years ago, I was just turning 17 at the time.

Can you imagine an 17 year old boy with all these responsibilities who has just lost both his parents.

I had people helping me and who was also there for me but it still wasn't the same without them. So I understand what you feel because it still hurts me very much too.

*His face was so sad that I wanted to give him a hug so bad right now but that would be so inappropriate. Instead I just approach my hand to his hand that's on the desk and put it on his giving him a small and sad smile.
When my skin touched his I felt the sparks again, he looks at me then at our hands.. he closes his eyes and breath heavily.

-Me: I'm so sorry to hear that, it's awful enough to loose one parent.. but to loose both of them? I can't imagine.

And here I am moping around when I still got my mom, but you.. you lost both of them and at that age, that's so horrible.

*He looks into my eyes and smile at me.

-Christian: It's ok, we all grieve some day, and it all is the same pain, doesn't matter if we lost one parent or both.
All grieves are pain and losing someone you love is indeed horrible.

*I smile and look into his beautiful eyes, I always get lost in them.
I wanted to ask him more about his parents but maybe it isn't the right time to ask that or maybe I just shouldn't.

-Christian: Do you like watching movies?

*Well that was a sudden question, maybe he wanted to change the subject.
Thank God I didn't ask about his parents, that would have been awkward seeing that he clearly didn't wanna talk more about it since he changed the conversation.
I laugh a little at his question, if only he knew.. well he's about to know.

-Me: Well I actually love to watch movies, I even go to the movie theater every once a week after school. Sometimes alone and sometimes with Nati or friends.

*He smiles and clap his hands together.

-Christian: Good, then what do you think about going today? With me?

-Me: I don't know if that's a good idea.

-Christian: Why not?

-Me: For starters ure eng-

*I couldn't finish what I was saying because the office phone started to ring and I rushed to take it.
We kept being busy till it was 5pm. It was my time to leave.

-Me: So, I thought about ure driving offer and if ure ok with it I'll accept. That's of course if you still want to, maybe you dont want to anymore becau-

-Christian: YES. Of course.

*He says suddenly with a big smile on his face. It surprised me that he got so happy about this. Oh but that smile is to die for.


Me: Well truth is.. I changed my mind because when I got home I talked about it with my sister and she said that I should accept, because we shouldn't always reject opportunities and chances like this, especially if there for free.

-Christian: I like your sister's style, she's straight-forward and to the point.

*He laughs, it was the most beautiful sound ever. I swear I heard the angels singing in harmony.. like an Aaaaaaaahhhhh And them coming down from the sky with there harps sounding a beautiful melodic sound and some of them throwing flowers around me with the sun shinning on us brightly. YUP, that's how I felt.

*Today was Thursday so there was only 1 day left for the weekend to come.
Derek came for me and we left.
Christian and I didn't mention the movie thing again.


*It's been a week now since I started working for Christian, Oh and how right Christian was, I was already feeling tired of all the work we do. I have no idea how he could do all of that alone before.

*In 2 days it's our 24th birthday, we weren't planning on doing anything special but mom insisted on "making dinner and invite some family and friends over".
That in my mom's vocabulary is a party. She'll buy drinks, make food, put music on, decorate the house and have lots of people coming over.

*My dear mother told me, TOLD ME, not suggest.. to invite Christian and Andres too. She said it's for thanking them that they didn't sue us. I told her I'll do it, I'll tell them later when we are less busy.

*Of course over the weekend I went to the village and started my driving lessons with Christian. The more time I spend with him, the bigger my crush on him got.
He also kept trying a few times to invite me out, but every time he start saying something someone or something interrupted him.

*I'm currently at work now. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and on my way back to Christian's office I see Darla. I decided to not acknowledge her and keep walking by.

-Darla: Hey wait.

*I didn't mind her and kept walking.

-Darla: Hey anorexic bitch, I'm talking to you.

*She says as she gets in front of me.

-Me: The name is Natasha if you don't remember, but what else can I expect from a brainless bimbo like you.
I would tell you to use the little brain you have and try to remember it, but I guess that's to much for you.

I'm afraid that if you think to much it might sprain your little brain honey.
And for a stupid person like you to remember a name.. well thats to much thinking.

*Her face turns as red as a tomato and I swear I could almost see smoke coming out of her ears, I give her a fake smirk and wink at her as I walk pass her.

-Darla: Listen Natasha.

*She say my name as if it's the most disgusting thing ever. I turn and look at her.

-Darla: I didn't come to fight, I just wanted to tell you something and be clear about some things. Chr-

*I didn't have time for this, I just raise an eyebrow, give her a fake half smile as I turn around and keep walking ignoring her.

-Darla: I'm not done talking to you.

-Me: But I am, adios perrita.

*I say as I kept walking, not turning around, and putting a hand in the air waving goodbye. I was getting closer to the office doors when a girl approach me laughing.
She looks to be in her early twenties. I just look at her not knowing what was going on.

-Girl: I like you already girl.. she deserved that, she's such a bitch to everyone. Hi, my name is Melody.

-Me: Oh hi Melody, my name is Natasha.

-Melody: I know who you are, your Alp-.. your Christian's ma-.. your Christian's secretary.

-Me: Yeah something like that.

*I say smiling at her, she was gonna say something else but got a little nervous and change it. I just shrug it off.
I couldn't stop looking at her because I noticed she looks a lot like Andres.

-Me: I'm sorry to ask and I don't mean to intrude in ure personal life or anything but are you in any case related to Andres? I guess you know who Andres is.. you look a lot like him.

-Melody: Yes, he's my older brother, But I'm prettier than him obviously.

*We both start giggling at her comment.

-Melody: Look don't worry about Darla so much, she's just mad and more bitchy than usual because Christian broke up with her, he also call the engagement off you know.

It was good that you put her in her place, she always thinks she can do or say whatever she wants to anyone.

Not to me tho, if she does Andres would put her in her place. I'm his baby girl, he adores me.. I'm the youngest so I'm la consentida de la casa. (The darling of the house).

*I smile at her and I also smile because Christian is single now. I tried to not be to obvious about my excitement. Did he really broke off there engagement? Well there's one way to find out. Melody seems like a chatty person, I'll ask her.

-Me: Really? Did he really broke up with her? When was that? And why? Uhmm.. I'm not into gossip or anything but it intrigues me, weren't they happy? Doesn't he love her?

-Melody: Well, between you and me... he was only settling down with her because he wanted to start a family, maybe he likes her a little, but he does not love her. That's a fact.
Do you like Christian?
Oh You like him don't you?

*She took me by surprise with that question I look at her nervous.

-Me: NO, he's my boss, how could I?

-Melody: Yes you do.

*She says happy and smiles at me.

-Me: I.. I..

-Melody: Cat ate your tongue? Relax, it's ok I understand.. he's hot as f#ck girl.

*She looks around us.

-Melody: Let's hope my boyfriend doesn't find out that I said that.

*She laughs and winks at me, I smile back a little embarased. Then she told me what happened between them and when.

-Me: So are you saying that he broke up with her the same day me and my family came here for the first time?

*She smiles brightly and nods.

-Melody: Yes girl, it was because of you.

*I look at her surprised and she looks at me wide eyed when she realizes what she just said.

-Me: Because of me?

*I say more to myself than to her.

3369 words.

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